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South Korea need to be tough and open to North
Apr 22, 2013

South Korea need to be tough and open to North

South Korea has to be realistic in its approach to North Korea, according to a Korean scholar. He says South Korea still has time to negotiate as North Korea is still far from possessing "tactically meaningful nuclear devices".

South Korea on a FTA spree
Aug 01, 2011

South Korea on a FTA spree

The recent South Korea-EU FTA (or the KOREU FTA) is more of a steal for the Koreans than the Europeans. While it will have a 0.08 per cent impact on the European economy, it will have a 0.84 per cent impact on the Korean economy.

South Korea shifts focus to Africa
Jun 14, 2024

South Korea shifts focus to Africa

While South Korea seeks to expand its presence in Africa, its pointed policies may risk it being labelled with the “neo-colonial” tag

South Korea's 'Act West' policy to match India's 'Act East'
May 30, 2015

South Korea's 'Act West' policy to match India's 'Act East'

The combination of Indian demography, Korean technology, its value for money aspects, and the government support has made Korean companies in India quite successful, according to the Consul-General of the Republic of Korea in Chennai, Mr. Kim Kyungsoo.

South-South cooperation for maternal health: Advancing India's role
Apr 05, 2024

South-South cooperation for maternal health: Advancing India's role

With India’s assumption as the voice of the Global South, its progress in the maternal mortality ratio and maternal and child health can serve as a

South-South cooperation: Old order with new challenges
Nov 04, 2015

South-South cooperation: Old order with new challenges

Beyond 2015, South-South cooperation will have to increase and continue to support developing countries, with a special emphasis on poor and low-income countries in Asia and Africa facing sustainable development challenges.

Southeast Asia’s choices: Economic, political, and geopolitical integration face complications
Dec 14, 2021

Southeast Asia’s choices: Economic, political, and geopolitical integration face complications

In light of the new developments in the Indo-Pacific region, heightened economic and political integration comes with multiple hurdles that will, in t

Sovereign Credit Ratings: A critique
Jun 17, 2024

Sovereign Credit Ratings: A critique

To address the challenges posed by existing credit rating agencies and their biases against the Global South, particularly India, several operational

Sovereignty in a ‘Datafied’ World
Oct 18, 2021

Sovereignty in a ‘Datafied’ World

Global data governance is at a crossroads—intensely contested by nations and industry players seeking to shape rules of the road to benefit their strategic interests. India has placed itself at the heart of the battle, its foreign policy vision fuelled by the principle of ‘data sovereignty’—a broad notion that supports the assertion of sovereign writ over data generated by citizens within a country’s physical boundaries. While this visi

Sovereignty Vs. Sovereign Rights: De-escalating Tensions in the South China Sea
Aug 14, 2023

Sovereignty Vs. Sovereign Rights: De-escalating Tensions in the South China Sea

Competing maritime territorial claims in the South China Sea resulting in frequent provocations and standoffs are well-documented. China’s increasingly assertive stance over its claims has led to increased militarisation of the region, making it a potential flashpoint. To better understand the complex SCS question vis-a-vis the extent of, and jurisdiction over this maritime space, this brief explores the distinction between the principl

Space Based Solar Power: Time to Put it on the New US-India S&T Endowment Fund?
Apr 02, 2011

Space Based Solar Power: Time to Put it on the New US-India S&T Endowment Fund?

With the Japanese crisis triggering worldwide re-thinking on the feasibility of pursuing nuclear energy to meet growing global energy demands, it is time that India, US and others looked at the option of Space Based Solar Power (SBSP).

Space code debate and the right to self defence under Article 51
Jul 31, 2013

Space code debate and the right to self defence under Article 51

As efforts to develop an ICoC accelerate, states need to come up with constructive ways of debating this issue. We cannot let this issue become a stumbling block that impedes progress on the code as a whole, particularly when the immediate impact of the offending language is arguably neutral.

Space Code of Conduct: A Japanese perspective
Jul 25, 2012

Space Code of Conduct: A Japanese perspective

The Japanese perspective on the Space Code is based on its diplomatic and technological concerns, not on its military and security needs. Since MoD is not engaged in the process of decision-making for the Code, it would be difficult to assume that Japan would commit to the Code for security purposes.

Space Code of Conduct: An Australian perspective
Jul 24, 2012

Space Code of Conduct: An Australian perspective

Australia has announced that it supports the Space Code of Conduct initiative sponsored by the European Union. A question that might well be asked is why should Australia care about such matters?

Space Code: A potential area for US-India cooperation
Jan 19, 2012

Space Code: A potential area for US-India cooperation

Space debris, traffic management and orbital frequency being issues that concern both India and the US, this ideally should be on the agenda in future US-India endeavours. It might be good for both the countries if they can engage in shaping this debate that would give them ownership of the issue.

Space Code: Why US analysts were wrong
Jan 24, 2012

Space Code: Why US analysts were wrong

Precisely because India has an interest in the normative process and institutionalising a space code, it is important for New Delhi to sit on the high table as an active party shaping the debate.

Space Fence solution: International collaboration
Sep 25, 2013

Space Fence solution: International collaboration

With the U.S. having shut down one of its major Space situational awareness networks, major Spacefaring powers need to make it a priority to contemplate possible solutions to track satellites and orbital debris on a continued basis.

Space should be playground for humanity's dreams, not new battlefield
Oct 10, 2013

Space should be playground for humanity's dreams, not new battlefield

Space, as a true global commons, must be protected for safe, secure and uninterrupted access. India and China, along with other Spacefaring powers, must therefore utilise every opportunity to push for developing norms of responsible behavior, including strengthening measures in the area of active debris removal and on-orbit satellite servicing.

Space technology and global health: A need for global regulatory governance framework
Sep 21, 2023

Space technology and global health: A need for global regulatory governance framework

There is a growing need for global governance of space technology. India, being one of the earliest and most successful spacefaring states, could play

Space, cyber-security  to be included in US-Japan defence guidelines
Oct 17, 2013

Space, cyber-security to be included in US-Japan defence guidelines

The defence and foreign ministers of Japan and the US, meeting under the bilateral consultative committee, have decided to revise the 1997 Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation to make sure that the alliance continues to maintain its credibility and effectiveness in deterring conflict in Asia-Pacific.

Special neighbours, Unique partners
Jun 24, 2012

Special neighbours, Unique partners

Prime Minister Manmohan?s Singh's visit to Myanmar helped launch the construction of an enduring economic and political relationship between the two nations.

Special powers for special needs
Dec 02, 2014

Special powers for special needs

Instead of amending the AFSPA, putting the military in harm's way and then watching it unravel, the political class must have the willpower to send the military back to the barracks and let the civilian Government do its job.

Spectrum, Election and Corruption Conundrum
Jan 15, 2011

Spectrum, Election and Corruption Conundrum

Election funding is the mother of all corruption in India. Without much needed clarity in regulation of election funding or consideration of state provision of election expenses, driving out corruption in public life would be an impossible dream.

Splitting Jihad to Control it or End it?
Jul 30, 2004

Splitting Jihad to Control it or End it?

Ever since the start of the insurgency in Kashmir, the Pakistani intelligence agencies have constantly raised, mutated, emasculated and even extirpated the so-called jihadi groups active in Kashmir. The dependence of the Jihadis active in Kashmir on Pakistan for training, logistics, arms and ammunition and most of all sanctuaries, has been exploited to the hilt by the Pakistani establishment.

Spokespersons at the Inquisitions, Cap in Hand
Dec 24, 2010

Spokespersons at the Inquisitions, Cap in Hand

The Burari session of the Congress, NDA rally, JPC-PAC sparring, onion and scams, are all building up to a lively election season beginning early next year - Tamilnadu, West Bengal, Kerala, Pondicherry, Assam, leading to UP elections in 2012 and the General Elections in 2014.

Sports in Indian cities: Rethinking the use of astroturfs
Nov 07, 2023

Sports in Indian cities: Rethinking the use of astroturfs

The adoption of astroturf in sporting facilities poses a health hazard to humans and aggravates climate issues, thus, urban planning must focus on gre

Spring of hope in the winter of despair: Indian economy as the bright spot in the polycrisis
Aug 14, 2023

Spring of hope in the winter of despair: Indian economy as the bright spot in the polycrisis

India’s resilient economy has rebounded from pandemic-induced negative growth, making it a shining prospect in the gloomy global arena

Spurt in domestic demand needed to fuel growth
Aug 01, 2015

Spurt in domestic demand needed to fuel growth

A spurt in domestic demand can prove to be the most important impetus for growth of the Indian economy in 2015-16. Then India will not have to be reliant entirely on export led growth. China is also following this strategy as its dependence on the global economic forces have gone beyond its control.

Spy Game in Afghanistan
Jun 05, 2015

Spy Game in Afghanistan

The MoU between the espionage agencies of Afghanistan and Pakistan is a case of the latter showing India the finger, never mind that it flies in the face of history and logic

Sri Lanka & the LTTE: Quo Vadis
Sep 27, 2004

Sri Lanka & the LTTE: Quo Vadis

More than two years after the Government of Sri Lanka and the leadership of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) reached an agreement on a ceasefire in their military and para-military operations against each other, with Norway playing the role of a facilitator, and embarked on a process of negotiations in order to find a political solution to the demands of the LTTE for an independent

Sri Lanka 2003: The Continuing Deadlock
Jan 12, 2004

Sri Lanka 2003: The Continuing Deadlock

The continuing deadlock in the peace process and in the political equation between President Chandrika Kumaratunga and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe due to their failure to reach an accord on the ground rules for the smooth functioning of the co-habitation Government marked the political landscape in Sri Lanka during 2003.

Sri Lanka and Afghanistan: A growing partnership
Oct 22, 2019

Sri Lanka and Afghanistan: A growing partnership

As two democracies, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka share many development needs and challenges — this underpin their growing ties.

Sri Lanka and BIMSTEC in 2021
Jan 15, 2021

Sri Lanka and BIMSTEC in 2021

Sri Lanka should use the upcoming summit to move forward with its proposal to ensure that BIMSTEC maintains its momentum.

Sri Lanka and India: From non-traditional threats to security cooperation
Nov 08, 2022

Sri Lanka and India: From non-traditional threats to security cooperation

India is growing wary of the security threats posed by non-traditional sources from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka and the return of geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific
Oct 17, 2020

Sri Lanka and the return of geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific

In South Asia, Sri Lanka — with its geographically unique position in the Indian Ocean, and with a strong BRI partnership established during the pre