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Why The New York Times is wrong
Jul 08, 2014

Why The New York Times is wrong

The allegation of Indian expansion of its uranium enrichment facilities is based on a report released by IHS Jane's, which has already been dismissed by both the US and the Indian governments as speculative. Indeed, the IHS Jane's report merely identifies a "possible" new uranium hexafluoride plant.

Why the outcome of Sheikh Hasina's visit will be closely scrutinised in Bangladesh
Apr 10, 2017

Why the outcome of Sheikh Hasina's visit will be closely scrutinised in Bangladesh

The non-signing of the Teesta agreement has become a point of embarrassment for her government. The treaty was supposed to be signed during former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Bangladesh in 2011 but it was suspended at the last minute due to objection by the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

Why the protests over Tipu Sultan are so misplaced
Nov 13, 2015

Why the protests over Tipu Sultan are so misplaced

The best way to understand what the Tipu Sultan controversy is all about is to see who is at the forefront of the protests against the observance of his birth anniversary ? the Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Why the uproar over centre's 'snooping order' is just laughable
Dec 24, 2018

Why the uproar over centre's 'snooping order' is just laughable

Unless you are a terrorist, you can rest assured that the agencies have no time or use for snooping into your computers or mobile phones.

Why the US will stay on in Iraq
Oct 15, 2003

Why the US will stay on in Iraq

The United States presence in Iraq is going to continue in one way or another, with or without assistance from allies. The reason this assumption can be made forcefully is because of the arguments made before the war and the expectations that arose after victory was declared.

Why the world is starting to panic over climate
Jul 23, 2021

Why the world is starting to panic over climate

The world community cannot hope to get a grip on this situation without finding a way of putting a price on carbon.

Why this new year will tell us if it's time for a new world order
Jan 01, 2019

Why this new year will tell us if it's time for a new world order

2019 will be the year when social scientists from across the world will be able to test their hypotheses on predicting new world orders.

Why Turkey’s joining BRICS should be welcomed
Aug 13, 2018

Why Turkey’s joining BRICS should be welcomed

There are no rules of entry to the BRICS.

Why US needs a more measured approach to the nuclear question
Apr 08, 2013

Why US needs a more measured approach to the nuclear question

The deepening crisis in the Korean Peninsula and the stalled nuclear talks with Iran together are a powerful reminder to the US that its non-proliferation policies are not working in Asia. Both Bush's muscular approaches and Obama's coercive diplomacy have failed.

Why US needs India's Air Force
Nov 29, 2011

Why US needs India's Air Force

The Indian Air Force faces threats in its Northeastern sector similar to those facing the United States in the Western Pacific. So, it would benefit both to share data on a more regular basis and plan joint responses to any problems.

Why US-China trade war won’t work
Jul 16, 2018

Why US-China trade war won’t work

It is increasingly becoming clear that the battle is less about the trade deficit and more about America’s intention of preserving its global primacy.

Why we need a special law to curb mob lynching
Jul 31, 2018

Why we need a special law to curb mob lynching

The SC/ST Act of 1989 lists 22 offences relating to various patterns or behaviours inflicting criminal offences and breaking the self-respect and este

Why Yakub Memon should not be hanged
Jul 17, 2015

Why Yakub Memon should not be hanged

Yakub Memon is not innocent, but he does not deserve death penalty. He was aware of the conspiracy and even aided it, but he was not the main player. More important was his behaviour subsequent to his escape from India and his role in exposing the Pakistani hand in the blasts.

Why ‘One Nation, One Poll’ needs greater consensus
Jun 27, 2019

Why ‘One Nation, One Poll’ needs greater consensus

The Modi government appears determined to get the ball rolling on the controversial idea.

Widening communal fault lines pose challenge to Modi govt
Aug 21, 2014

Widening communal fault lines pose challenge to Modi govt

Compared to an average 100,000 incidents annually in the 1980s and 1990s, India witnessed only 72,126 communal riots in 2013. Thus, overall there has been a drastic reduction in communal riots. Yet, these macro statistics do not reveal the changing nature of communal violence and their intensities.

Widening income inequalities
May 16, 2014

Widening income inequalities

To correct the trend of agglomeration of wealth, young economist Thomas Picketty has suggested an annual progressive tax on wealth. He also says it will be difficult to implement it because there will always be flight to tax havens. In India, any type of wealth tax would be hardest to implement because a huge amount of wealth is already stashed away abroad.

WikiLeaks exposes divergence in US-Pakistan relations
Dec 17, 2010

WikiLeaks exposes divergence in US-Pakistan relations

Even as newspapers with access to the WikiLeaks exposes have come out with installments of diplomatic cable communication on US's relations with Pakistan, an impression is gaining ground that Washington was indeed struggling to get Islamabad to work to secure American interests in the region.

WikiLeaks puts US on backfoot
Dec 29, 2010

WikiLeaks puts US on backfoot

While the lobbying business in the US has continued to grow and starting salaries have risen to about $300,000 for the well-connected lobbyist, the enforcement of lobbying regulations has been lax. This has led to unethical practices, flouting of lobbying laws.

Wild, Wild West
Jan 04, 2006

Wild, Wild West

Ever since the US declared Iran a member of the ¿Axis of Evil¿, and more so after the Iraq invasion, the question very often asked in many of the essays that appeared in the West was ¿Is Iran next?¿ And now, after a bruising experience in Iraq, the US administration cannot just retreat to the relative safety of the White House and glower at the rest of the world.

Will  BJP draw correct lessons from the electoral setbacks?
Sep 20, 2014

Will BJP draw correct lessons from the electoral setbacks?

Commentators across the country have put their fingers on the issue on which the BJP erred, which resulted in such a setback in the byelections. The people of the country look up to Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a harbinger of peace, progress and development.

Will  Somalia's nightmare end soon?
Nov 17, 2011

Will Somalia's nightmare end soon?

Al-Shabaab's decision to pull out of the capital city of Mogadishu has been viewed widely as a positive development and brings hope to the people of Somalia. Kenya's war against the militant group has also been largely welcomed.

Will Af-Pak peace effort succeed?
Apr 22, 2011

Will Af-Pak peace effort succeed?

Pakistan and Afghanistan have agreed to form a joint commission to collaborate their efforts to reach a political solution to the Taliban insurgency. This was announced during the visit of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Army chief Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani to the Afghanistan capital of Kabul over the weekend.

Will Akhilesh emerge from his father's shadow?
Mar 17, 2012

Will Akhilesh emerge from his father's shadow?

As if the "Savarna-Avarna" (high caste/low caste) divide was not bad enough in Uttar Pradesh and the rest of the country, the Congress has gone and institutionalised the rupture in the "Savarna" fold too, further aggravating the atomising process.

Will America heed the message?
Mar 04, 2004

Will America heed the message?

Diplomacy commenced when the first human societies decided it was better to hear the message than eat the messenger. Messages to rulers are rarely purposeless; their timing and occasion are carefully chosen and the content crafted with care.

Will bringing political parties under RTI improve transparency?
Jun 28, 2013

Will bringing political parties under RTI improve transparency?

Political parties are the only entities which are not subject to any regulation or regulator. The phrase political parties has not been mentioned in India's constitution and post independence, the legislatures have not enacted any regulation or law governing the functioning of political parties.

Will China conduct another ASAT Test?
Jan 15, 2013

Will China conduct another ASAT Test?

Along with space arms race, the China-Russia emphasis has been on placement of weapons in outer space. But the bigger challenge today is ground-based weapons that can target assets in outer space, which has heightened the fears about weaponisation of outer space.

Will China's debt wish topple the world economy?
Mar 06, 2019

Will China's debt wish topple the world economy?

Any ambiguity in China’s economic performance will have a seismic effect on the major financial centres across the globe.

Will demographics change historical mould in US polls
Oct 09, 2015

Will demographics change historical mould in US polls

In the forthcoming US elections, it seems demographics favour the Democrats, if they are able to make sure there is a huge turnout among the youth and people of colour. But one must also remember that the Democrat nominee will in a sense have to run against historical patterns.

Will demonetisation overshadow the Kashmir challenge?
May 24, 2023

Will demonetisation overshadow the Kashmir challenge?

In an announcement that caught the nation by surprise, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered the demonetisation of ₹500 and ₹1,000 notes of the Indian currency in November to arrest ‘black money’, end corruption, and choke terrorist finances. This move represents a policy departure and it has far-reaching implications. As national debate has been hijacked by the possible fallouts of demonetisation, other critical issues have been pushed to

Will Egypt move the Syria way?
Aug 19, 2013

Will Egypt move the Syria way?

Like Syria, both the opposing camps in Egypt do not seem to have any common meeting ground. Also, like Syria, both have enough support and resources to bear losses and continue the conflict. The developing situation, therefore, could not only spiral off into a bloody civil war domestically, but could also polarise the region.

Will Energiewende fail? An examination of Germany’s transition to a low-carbon future
Apr 02, 2018

Will Energiewende fail? An examination of Germany’s transition to a low-carbon future

Germany’s image as the leader in green energy and the creator of “Energiewende” (energy transition) is under siege. According to a recent study, the self-committed goal to reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2020 will likely be missed. This potential shortcoming does not come as a surprise to Germany and has been an intensively discussed issue for many years. Does this mean the end of Germany’s energy transition? This paper anal

Will energy Trump climate?
Sep 20, 2017

Will energy Trump climate?

Nuclear energy does not face the intermittency issues associated with renewable energy.

Will Germany's Bundestag vote for Palestine?
May 01, 2015

Will Germany's Bundestag vote for Palestine?

One way or the other, Germany's Bundestag is about to make history with the upcoming vote on the issue of recognising Palestinian statehood. The Bundestag has a choice to make. It can continue looking backwards in history on this issue and ignore its leading role in securing peace in the Middle East, or it can courageously look forward, maybe even recognising something it owes history.

Will governance issues influence poll outcomes in J&K?
Apr 16, 2019

Will governance issues influence poll outcomes in J&K?

Economic development is held to be synonymous with the provision of infrastructure, especially roads, hospitals and educational institutions. Job crea

Will he dare shed his uniform?
Sep 01, 2004

Will he dare shed his uniform?

Three months from now, President Pervez Musharraf will have to take a decision. He could decide to quit the post of the Chief of Army Staff-a position he has been holding for the past five years, the longest ever for a Pakistani General, perhaps longest ever for a General anywhere in the world during peace time. Or he could decide to stay put.

Will Imran Khan emerge as the king-maker in Pakistan polls?
Apr 13, 2013

Will Imran Khan emerge as the king-maker in Pakistan polls?

Former The Hindu correspondent in Pakistan, Nirupama Subramanian, thinks that PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif has a better chance to head the next government in Pakistan. The thing to be watched is whether he will be able to do so on his own or in coalition with other parties, especially Imran Khan's PTI.

Will India join China's maritime Silk Road?
Feb 19, 2014

Will India join China's maritime Silk Road?

From the Chinese perspective, it was a smart move to invite India to join the maritime Silk Road project. But Delhi is likely to be torn between two competing ideas ? working with China in the maritime domain and the long-standing goal of limiting Beijing's influence in the Indian Ocean.

Will India now finally invite Australia to the Malabar Exercise?
Feb 01, 2020

Will India now finally invite Australia to the Malabar Exercise?

The question of inviting Australia to the exercise, which currently includes India, Japan and the United States, has been controversial.

Will India’s Trump Fears Ease With the New US Asia Reassurance Initiative Act?
Jan 05, 2019

Will India’s Trump Fears Ease With the New US Asia Reassurance Initiative Act?

New Delhi will be hoping that Congress can continue to rein in Trump’s worst instincts.