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Why India’s coastal security project is still a work in progress
Nov 25, 2016

Why India’s coastal security project is still a work in progress

The eighth anniversary of 26/11, the terror strikes in Mumbai, provides a fit opportunity to review the state of the country’s coastal security

Why India’s new defence budget falls short
Feb 14, 2019

Why India’s new defence budget falls short

The new budget does little to advance the very objectives the country has outlined for itself.

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention
Jul 07, 2018

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention

It is essential that the government goes ahead and tables the NSRA Bill.

Why is Chinese investment in India so low?
Oct 30, 2014

Why is Chinese investment in India so low?

China invested more than USD 100 billion overseas last year alone. Its cumulative investments in Myanmar total USD 14.2 billion. The real question is why Chinese investment in India has lagged so far behind. Political mistrust is certainly a large part of the answer.

Why is environmental accounting essential for India?
Mar 05, 2019

Why is environmental accounting essential for India?

Depletion of natural capital is an irreversible process and steps to assess and combat this are needed urgently.

Why Is India Shy of Playing Geo-strategic Games?
Jul 27, 2011

Why Is India Shy of Playing Geo-strategic Games?

Indian decision-makers appear to live in splendid isolation and do not recognise the importance of meetings like the Pacific Army Chiefs Conference. These meetings have become more institutionalised and are likely to gain greater momentum.

Why is India's West Asia policy ineffective?
Jul 23, 2014

Why is India's West Asia policy ineffective?

Does Indian Foreign Policy towards West Asia have to be as fragmented as the region? Probably not. One could start by enunciating a few guidelines that are minimalist; that we are against religious extremism, toppling established states and condemning disproportionate use of force by Israel.

Why is Karachi burning, again?
Jun 08, 2004

Why is Karachi burning, again?

Karachi is burning, once again. There has been a sudden spurt of violence in the city. Killings, bomb attacks and riots have taken a heavy toll during the past month. Sindh Chief Minister Ali Mohammad Maher has been forced to resign. Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Jamali faces criticism for failing to impose law and order.

Why is Radical Islam spreading in South Asia?
Mar 02, 2010

Why is Radical Islam spreading in South Asia?

The rhetoric and the justifications that Radical Islam employs to create willing suicide bombers must be properly understood if this menace is to be tackled effectively

Why is the Indian counter-insurgency failing repeatedly?
Apr 08, 2014

Why is the Indian counter-insurgency failing repeatedly?

The Indian tendency to muddle through is likely to continue when it comes to counter-insurgency. The distance between the Army and its civilian masters is so gaping that advice, however enriched by experience and reflection, is likely to fall on deaf ears.

Why is the world talking less about Sri Lankan presidential polls this time?
Nov 14, 2019

Why is the world talking less about Sri Lankan presidential polls this time?

There is little or no excitement in global capitals over the Sri Lankan presidential polls this time, unlike during the last three elections of 2005,

Why is US Secretary of Defence Panetta so angry?
Jun 12, 2012

Why is US Secretary of Defence Panetta so angry?

The US, as always, learned the hard way that it was not or need not be all that dependent on Pakistani cooperation and generosity and Pakistan was probably beginning to realise that it had exaggerated its own importance.

Why it is time to invest in Iran
Jul 21, 2015

Why it is time to invest in Iran

The opening of Iran will alter the geopolitics of south-western Asia. Even so, India needs to tread with care. But this should not in any way constrain our initiatives with Iran. We need to move beyond the phase of dithering that has characterised our ties with Tehran for the last decade.

Why Italy should reorient towards the Indo-Pacific and India
Dec 18, 2020

Why Italy should reorient towards the Indo-Pacific and India

As the European Union has recently started to look beyond China, labeling it as a strategic competitor in 2019, new partnerships would be needed and are being codified. Italy too needs to respond fast to this evolving strategic reality by framing its own approach to the Indo-Pacific in general and India in particular.

Why Jordan is so important
Feb 16, 2010

Why Jordan is so important

The strength of Jordan has been its acute awareness of its geographical vulnerabilities

Why Malala did not get the Nobel
Oct 19, 2013

Why Malala did not get the Nobel

Malala's achievement need not be measured in terms of the Nobel Peace Prize she did not get but in the awakening she can continue to create. For this, she and her kind, all over, need more than just periodic rewards.

Why Modi must not go to Pakistan to attend Imran Khan's swearing-in ceremony
Aug 02, 2018

Why Modi must not go to Pakistan to attend Imran Khan's swearing-in ceremony

There is no reason to believe that things will be any different if now Modi goes to Islamabad.

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan
Feb 28, 2019

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan

The wave of terrorist violence that will hit India as a result of de-escalation at this stage is not going to be a tenable proposition.

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan
Mar 05, 2019

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan

The wave of terrorist violence that will hit India as a result of de-escalation is not going to be a tenable proposition for India.

Why Modi's invite to Obama marks a watershed in India-US ties
Nov 24, 2014

Why Modi's invite to Obama marks a watershed in India-US ties

Strong Republican support for India in the US Congress, the new tensions in America's ties with China and Russia, and the unfolding geopolitical flux in Middle East and Asia, make it possible for Modi and Obama to boldly reimagine the bilateral partnership.

Why Modi's water policy is a timely intervention
Nov 02, 2019

Why Modi's water policy is a timely intervention

If the Jal Jeevan Mission succeeds, water will be the Modi administration’s true revolution

Why my fancy degree doesn't help a pig farmer
Aug 02, 2011

Why my fancy degree doesn't help a pig farmer

Technology solutions for illiterate people are exclusively designed by the formally educated and that is a fundamental problem

Why netas love to hate EVMs
May 09, 2017

Why netas love to hate EVMs

These electronic machines have long been punching bags for frustrated political ambitions.

Why New Delhi should not ignore Tehran
Jun 02, 2012

Why New Delhi should not ignore Tehran

Though India has decided to cut down oil from Iran and thereby, for the time being, might have placated the US, it, however, cannot afford to ignore Iran either - for a myriad of reasons.

Why not Parliament oversight on Judges' appointment?
Jul 31, 2014

Why not Parliament oversight on Judges' appointment?

Without having to do away with the collegium per se, the new scheme could involve its choice going to Parliament, through the Executive, for a joint committee of both Houses holding public hearings, the American way, before the President appoints the person.

Why our political parties romanticise poverty
Feb 04, 2019

Why our political parties romanticise poverty

A politics of hand-outs hasn’t removed poverty from India. It has embedded it even more deeply. Narendra Modi was elected to end this politics. He is now following it.

Why postponing the new India-US dialogue matters
Jun 30, 2018

Why postponing the new India-US dialogue matters

New Delhi and Washington need to be mindful of the larger Asian strategic issues that have brought the two closer in the first place.

Why Prime Minister should attend CHOGM
Oct 31, 2013

Why Prime Minister should attend CHOGM

Unlike believed and propagated, for any Indian attempt at influencing the Sri Lankan Government on the ethnic issue to fructify, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh should attend CHOGM-2013, and also take up the issues involved with President Mahinda Rajapaksa on the Summit sidelines.

Why Putin needs to be thanked
Mar 12, 2010

Why Putin needs to be thanked

In the strategic sectors much has been achieved in the last decade. Russia has given us its most advanced aircraft, tanks, rocket launchers, cruise missiles, frigates

Why Railways land monetisation plan has failed?
Oct 09, 2015

Why Railways land monetisation plan has failed?

Indian Railways remains one of the largest owners of land in the country along with the defence services and the port trusts. And yet, India has been unable to either free up the unutilised land for most part, nor has it been able to monetise it adequately.

Why reforms only for petrol pricing?
Nov 09, 2011

Why reforms only for petrol pricing?

National oil companies have raised petrol prices again and, predictably, everyone is up in arms. Didi promises to lead the charge. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister's muted support for price hike notwithstanding.

Why relations with Japan are important
Sep 03, 2014

Why relations with Japan are important

In terms of technology, Japan is way ahead of us and China in many areas. It may be some time before we can expect Japan to export complete weapons systems, but Japanese technologies, be they the fly-by-light aircraft control systems, sonar equipment, or those that go into its own BMD systems, can be very useful.

Why releasing Alam was right
Mar 17, 2015

Why releasing Alam was right

In dealing with separatism, social protest and public anger, what the state requires is a subtle, rather than a heavy hand. What is needed is a refined strategy that combines elements of toughness, with strategies that promote trust and reconciliation.

Why should I vote?
Jan 18, 2012

Why should I vote?

Has Indian democracy failed its people? Maybe it is time for all of us to introspect and answer this question in a genuine manner.

Why Siachen matters to India?
Jun 26, 2014

Why Siachen matters to India?

The Siachen Glacier is strategically positioned between India and Pakistan, in a disputed and un-demarcated region of Kashmir. Nitin Gokhale, journalist and author of 'Beyond NJ 9842: The Siachen Saga' argues why India cannot give up Siachen. He says Indian troops will continue to be deployed in the region despite the difficult weather conditions.

Why sidelining Jammu and Kashmir Police is dangerous
Feb 15, 2020

Why sidelining Jammu and Kashmir Police is dangerous

There is a growing sense in the police bureaucracy that all decisions big or small will be taken from New Delhi or in concurrence with the wishes of p

Why staying indoors is not the solution to women's safety
May 05, 2014

Why staying indoors is not the solution to women's safety

Decades of women right movements have demonstrated that theory and praxis must join hands in order to bring about a sustainable change. Exploring and implementing ideas to make this process participatory with adequate incentives will ensure that half a billion Indians,

Why such a hue and cry over Yasukuni Shrine visits?
Dec 31, 2013

Why such a hue and cry over Yasukuni Shrine visits?

While the visits by political leaders to the Yasukuni Shrine potentially exacerbate regional tensions, it is the right of every country to honour those who have sacrificed their lives for their country. All countries have war memorials where they honour such sacrifices. The Yasukuni Shrine should not be seen as an exception.

Why the CTBT remains an elusive goal
May 23, 2023

Why the CTBT remains an elusive goal

The last multilateral negotiations in the field of nuclear disarmament took place more than 20 years ago, resulting in the long awaited Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The treaty, however, has yet to enter into force. India is often held responsible for such uncertainty, in spite of having withdrawn from the negotiations before it was even concluded; at other times, it is the US which is blamed for failing to ratify the CTBT—giving reason

Why the flip-flop?
Feb 16, 2010

Why the flip-flop?

Pakistan argues that absence of a dialogue allows the terrorists to dictate the agenda, but has Pakistan suppressed these groups?