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Military expansion among ASEAN members
Aug 23, 2023

Military expansion among ASEAN members

The changing world order and the growing Chinese aggression in the SCS have compelled the ASEAN countries to increase their military expenditures

Minding the labour market gaps: Fiscal measures and beyond
Oct 30, 2020

Minding the labour market gaps: Fiscal measures and beyond

Governments need to use expansionary fiscal policies to diminish the huge loss in consumption demand due to the sharp rise in global unemployment.

Mired in a power tussle
Jan 09, 2015

Mired in a power tussle

The Himalayan nation is far from resolving its governance woes more than five years after the democratisation and a change of elected government. If charges of corruption against government functionaries were not enough,

Modelling Decarbonisation Pathways for the Indian Economy
Nov 09, 2021

Modelling Decarbonisation Pathways for the Indian Economy

This brief explores four scenarios of climate action for India using a systems dynamics model called the Energy Policy Simulator for India. It investigates policy trade-offs and co-benefits and estimates the costs of climate action. It finds that deep decarbonisation in the Indian economy is possible while also boosting jobs and GDP and avoiding millions of premature deaths due to harmful air pollution. The low-carbon transition will require mass

Modern Geopolitics: A Race Through Chaos to Stability
Jul 27, 2021

Modern Geopolitics: A Race Through Chaos to Stability

The evolving contours of modern geopolitics is still in a state of flux, and there is wisdom in accepting the notion that the end result is perhaps indeterminable. The age of disruption is here, countries that thrive on disorder may do well in the short term, while nations who invest in stability may well define the future of globalisation and, indeed, the new world order

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy
Nov 30, 2015

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy

India has always been shy of adding a religious tint to its foreign policy. In the last decade, however, the aspiring global power began engaging in what has come to be called 'Buddhist diplomacy' in its outreach to countries in the South, East and Southeast Asia. 􀀫e prime minister is diligently pursuing India's 'Buddhist agenda' and taking it beyond its borders, emphasising the Indian and Hindu links with Buddhism. Concurrently, another Asian

Modi courts Trump with flying colors
Jun 28, 2017

Modi courts Trump with flying colors

Once again, Modi proves his skeptics wrong.

Modi factor in Indian politics
Jun 28, 2013

Modi factor in Indian politics

The Modi factor disturbed the Congress party also to some extent. Though Jairam Ramesh had called Modi as "India's first authentic fascist", his description that Modi might prove a challenge to the Congress in 2014 did not go well with a Congress veteran who went to the extent of saying that if Ramesh felt so, he might as well resign and join Modi.

Modi has a big hand in Obama’s success on the India front
Jan 21, 2017

Modi has a big hand in Obama’s success on the India front

Silencing both critics and skeptics, Modi had categorically stated that “relations between the two countries cannot be determined or be even remotely influenced by incidents related to individuals.”

Modi in Cairo: Pulling India–Egypt ties out of a deep freeze
Jun 27, 2023

Modi in Cairo: Pulling India–Egypt ties out of a deep freeze

Modi’s visit to Egypt offers a strong platform to build a relationship in the changing world order

Modi must moderate the Sangh
Dec 18, 2014

Modi must moderate the Sangh

Narendra Modi came to power with an unexceptional agenda: push economic growth; transform the infrastructure; bring about a social transformation. But this agenda appears to be in danger of being drowned out by a cacophony of voices from Hindutva organisations.

Modi shines on world stage, labours at home
Apr 30, 2015

Modi shines on world stage, labours at home

The Government's honeymoon is perhaps already over and realistically it has another 6 to 12 months to start putting flesh on the bare-bone schemes and ideas announced this past year. If these do not eventuate, one may well witness emptier stadiums abroad and hear shriller voices at home.

Modi's critical moment: What can India learn from Brazil?
Dec 09, 2014

Modi's critical moment: What can India learn from Brazil?

Under Modi, India must find the right balance between a strong national leadership, popular expectations for change and an optimistic vision of progress. Change can certainly be achieved, but Indians need more than just the will of a strong leader.

Modi's energy literacy tested by challenges of introducing 'rainbow vision'
Jun 24, 2014

Modi's energy literacy tested by challenges of introducing 'rainbow vision'

India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi faces a tough challenge in balancing cost-optimisation for ordinary people while mitigating environmental risks, meeting the needs of stakeholders and interest groups from energy companies to activists to regular folk who rest their hopes on his electoral promises of cheaper, cleaner and safer power.

Modi's regionalism
Nov 26, 2014

Modi's regionalism

To improve South Asian regional cooperation, Modi has three options. The first is to focus on a two-speed Saarc. The second is to build on transregional institutions like the BIMSTEC. However, it is the third way -- unilateral action -- that offers Modi the greatest opportunity. For example, Modi has already proposed to build a Saarc satellite for use by its neighbours.

Modi's Sri Lanka visit
Mar 27, 2015

Modi's Sri Lanka visit

For a bilateral visit at the highest-level after an undesirable and inexplicable gap of 28 long years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's three-day tour of Sri Lanka was noted as much for what it achieved as for the optics.

Modi's US visit and Indian nuclear conundrum
Sep 26, 2014

Modi's US visit and Indian nuclear conundrum

The question remains as to how the Modi government will choose to address nuclear liability issue, balancing both the supplier and the domestic concerns. Dilution of the Liability Act is not an option, which is an important lesson learnt globally.

Modi-Hasina virtual summit celebrating the bond
Dec 17, 2020

Modi-Hasina virtual summit celebrating the bond

The success of any high-level interaction between India and Bangladesh is always measured in the level of tangibles. The virtual summit will not be an

Moment, Momentum and Motivation: From Voice of the Global South to the Bank of the Global South
Dec 13, 2023

Moment, Momentum and Motivation: From Voice of the Global South to the Bank of the Global South

Today, India is poised at the moment and GDP that China was in in 2007. Does it have the same gumption?

Monitoring India’s Development Partnerships: Recommendations for a Framework of Indicators
Aug 17, 2023

Monitoring India’s Development Partnerships: Recommendations for a Framework of Indicators

Development partnerships between countries are crucial in addressing policy challenges in the developing world. Cooperation between countries in the Global South, in particular—such as those that India engages in, under its Development Partnership Administration (DPA)—is heightening conversations around the demands of sustainability. Yet, India continues to lack an appropriate framework by which to assess its development partnerships

Monkeypox epidemic: Ignoring Africa comes at a price
Jul 18, 2022

Monkeypox epidemic: Ignoring Africa comes at a price

Addressing rather than neglecting the crises in Africa is the only viable option which can help us avoid another epidemic and tackle the ongoing ones.

More innovation required for green bonds
Oct 29, 2018

More innovation required for green bonds

India in the past few years has seen over-subscription of green bonds. This shows that there are high levels of interest in the issuance of green bond

Navigating Contemporary Philippine Foreign Policy Under Marcos Jr.
Jun 20, 2023

Navigating Contemporary Philippine Foreign Policy Under Marcos Jr.

The Philippines continues to be embroiled in the overarching regional dynamics of Southeast Asia influenced by the intensifying power competition between its traditional ally, the United States and its largest immediate neighbour, China. Such geopolitical configurations have put significant pressure on the current administration of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to steer the Philippines through turbulent waters. Thi

Navigating the chrome age: Jobs, growth and public policy
Dec 19, 2018

Navigating the chrome age: Jobs, growth and public policy

The ability to transform disruption into opportunity will be central in determining who will benefit and who will lose.

Nawaz Sharif and India
Jul 17, 2013

Nawaz Sharif and India

Nawaz Sharif's return as the Prime Minister of Pakistan in early June this year marks a signpost from where a more meaningful relationship between India and Pakistan could be forged. The bilateral relationship had of late been mired in mistrust and often meaningless rhetoric. The previous civilian government in Pakistan was paralysed by its own ineptitude. An equally incoherent position in New Delhi has allowed the crucial relationship to drift.

Nepal at a critical juncture
May 16, 2008

Nepal at a critical juncture

Several immediate challenges confront Nepal after the recent Constitutional Assembly elections and yet there are positive signs of Nepal emerging as a vibrant republic. This was the general consensus at a round-table discussion on "Emerging Political Situation in Nepal and Policy Options for India" organised by Observer Research Foundation on May 16, 2008.

Nepal election: नेपाल में संपन्न हुए चुनावों से मिले संकेत?
Jul 28, 2023

Nepal election: नेपाल में संपन्न हुए चुनावों से मिले संकेत?

नेपाल में चुनाव के दौरान ज़्यादातर लोगों ने ये उम्मीद जत�

Nepal upset India did not wholeheartedly support new Constitution
Oct 14, 2015

Nepal upset India did not wholeheartedly support new Constitution

Nepal is upset that India did not whole-heartedly support the adoption of the new Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, according to Mr. Chandra Kumar Ghimire, Consul General of Nepal in Kolkata.

Nepal: Back to turmoil
May 25, 2012

Nepal: Back to turmoil

With all political options shrinking before the nation's leaders, Nepal has landed in a political mess like never before in its recent history.

New Approach Needed To 'Control' Internet Effectively
Jan 27, 2012

New Approach Needed To 'Control' Internet Effectively

With increasing internet usage and acceptability, the threat perception from the medium will also increase. However, unless there is a paradigm shift in approaching the vexed subject of web regulation as different from traditional media, regulatory attempts will remain ineffective.

New contours in Nepali politics
May 18, 2023

New contours in Nepali politics

The arrival of the new party RSP represents a distinct shift in the Nepali polity, one that is ringing the death knell of traditional parties

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position
Mar 02, 2020

New Delhi’s recent Kashmir policy has hurt its international reputation but not its real position

Externally, New Delhi has inconsistently wavered between attempting to influence the international debate on Kashmir and treating it as a purely domes

New Pak PM's key challenges
Jul 06, 2012

New Pak PM's key challenges

Raja Pervez Ashraf became Pakistan's 25th Prime Minister eight months before the country goes to polls. His predecessor, Yousaf Raza Gilani, was disqualified by the Supreme Court on June 19, 2012 for failing to implement court's directions to investigate corruption charges against President Asif Ali Zardari.

No country left behind: Sub-Saharan Africa in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Jan 29, 2019

No country left behind: Sub-Saharan Africa in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The technologies of the 4IR will increasingly blur the lines between the physical and the digital and exponentially increase the speed and efficiency

No second innings for Imran Khan
Jun 01, 2023

No second innings for Imran Khan

Can Imran Khan make his way back into the centre-stage of Pakistan’s politics?

No solace in this quantum of accountability
Feb 26, 2013

No solace in this quantum of accountability

Deploying the "national security" argument against reform in the intelligence agencies is a fig leaf for defending cronyism, incompetence, inefficiency, and corruption. A proper regulatory mechanism can only strengthen national security, not weaken it. It is time to bring in facts and lessons from global best practices to this debate.

North Africa’s Invisible Partner: India’s political and economic influence in the region
Jun 27, 2023

North Africa’s Invisible Partner: India’s political and economic influence in the region

India can optimise its presence in North Africa by leveraging its unique approach of South-South cooperation to forge mutually beneficial partnerships

North Korean Crisis and China
Dec 06, 2010

North Korean Crisis and China

China has to recognise that North Korean actions are triggering several developments that are not necessarily in the interests of China - like the major debates in Japan on becoming proactive in defending themselves, including the option of nuclearisation. Can a nuclearised East Asia be ruled out in the next decade if Pyongyang continues on the same path?

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance
Dec 24, 2017

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance

India is commonly — and rightly — considered as a reluctant democracy promoter. But while sceptical about the motives behind Western attempts to promote democracy and about the effects of their democracy promotion efforts, India has since the mid-2000s moved warily to involve itself in “democracy assistance”. This article argues that New Delhi has engaged in these activities in the context of a wider shift in strategy, in parallel with t

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!
Oct 04, 2023

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!

वैश्विक स्थिरता के लिए केवल सतत विकास लक्ष्यों (SDGs) को हास�

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!
Oct 04, 2023

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!

वैश्विक स्थिरता के लिए केवल सतत विकास लक्ष्यों (SDGs) को हास�

Of safe bets and best bets
Feb 05, 2011

Of safe bets and best bets

Egypt, because of its huge population and central role in history has traditionally been the heart of "Arab Street" in world affairs. It has always been the cultural capital of the Arab world - Egyptian Arabic is understood throughout the Arab world,

Oil and Violence in Nigeria
Nov 29, 2003

Oil and Violence in Nigeria

A week ago, oil giant Chevron-Texaco's Nigerian unit decided to keep its production of 23,000 barrels a day shut till its oil facilities attacked and damaged by members of the Ijaw tribe are found to be in order. Disruption of oil operations, hostage taking, inter-ethnic clashes are not new for Nigeria¿s oil-rich Niger Delta.

Omicron in the UK
Jan 13, 2022

Omicron in the UK

The management of the Omicron wave has been marked by mixed signals and rising skepticism against the government

Once Again, Concerns Arise About China-Pakistan WMD Nexus
Mar 11, 2024

Once Again, Concerns Arise About China-Pakistan WMD Nexus

Indian customs officials reportedly intercepted a Malta-flagged merchant ship carrying a computer numerical control machine en route from China to Pakistan.

Online shopping: Impact on city planning and infrastructure
Jan 01, 2019

Online shopping: Impact on city planning and infrastructure

Internet shopping has become an effective way of boosting an economy by increasing demand, expanding consumption and promoting employment. It has impr

Open Financial Technologies: Asia’s first neo-banking platform for SMBs and startups
Nov 02, 2020

Open Financial Technologies: Asia’s first neo-banking platform for SMBs and startups

We look for self-starters, we look for people who do not settle, we look for people who have done something of their own before.

Opportunities and Challenges for the Quad’s Working Group on Counterterrorism
Jul 03, 2023

Opportunities and Challenges for the Quad’s Working Group on Counterterrorism

In March 2023, the foreign ministers of India, Japan, Australia, and the US (that form the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad) announced the establishment of a working group on countering terrorism. While the urgency of counterterrorism cooperation may have arguably faded in political debate in recent years, it remains steady in military-to-military cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral levels. In a fast-changing glo