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Ganga: Why generous flows of funds have failed so far
Feb 15, 2018

Ganga: Why generous flows of funds have failed so far

A plan to clean Ganga needs to shift focus from centralised large capital expenditure projects, to a decentralised process that undertakes cleaning-up from upstream to downwards, progressing through each watershed before entering the major trunk channel.

Gantz’s visit to India: Israel’s hand in building the Asian leading power
Jun 11, 2022

Gantz’s visit to India: Israel’s hand in building the Asian leading power

Israel can leverage the current geopolitical situation in bolstering the economic, strategic, defence, and cultural ties with India.

Gaoxin-6: Attempting to fill capability gap in Chinese Navy
Jul 20, 2015

Gaoxin-6: Attempting to fill capability gap in Chinese Navy

As China continues to expand its presence in international waters, it is developing capabilities to counter foreign submarines which, otherwise, may pose challenge to its ambitions. This is where the recently launched Gaoxin-6 becomes important for Beijing.

Gap, it is empowering women to shatter the glass ceiling
Nov 03, 2016

Gap, it is empowering women to shatter the glass ceiling

Some of key national imperatives to propel India into next wave of growth include creating employment opportunities for segments such as women workfor

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people
Mar 16, 2022

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people

It is high time to dispel the notion that social assistance breeds welfare dependency, as evidence suggests otherwise.

Gaza's healthcare collapse: A global failure to uphold the International Humanitarian Law
May 20, 2024

Gaza's healthcare collapse: A global failure to uphold the International Humanitarian Law

The Gaza crisis serves as a glaring testament to the shortcomings of international mechanisms tasked with upholding human rights and dignity

GDP growth a ray of hope, but agriculture still a big worry
Dec 05, 2017

GDP growth a ray of hope, but agriculture still a big worry

Growth in agriculture has registered a slowdown at 1.7 per cent, which means there will be problems in the rural areas.

Gearing up for space wars: on America's plans to build space weapons
Jul 02, 2018

Gearing up for space wars: on America's plans to build space weapons

The implications of the American plans for a space weapons corps are still unclear

Gender lens for climate finance: A smart approach to sustainability in the Indo-Pacific
Mar 07, 2024

Gender lens for climate finance: A smart approach to sustainability in the Indo-Pacific

It is imperative to integrate climate financing with a gendered approach in the Indo-Pacific region to tackle climate change in an effective manner

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia
Jun 29, 2012

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia

The geo-strategic uncertainties that prevail in Asia will drive India and Japan increasingly in the direction of jointly addressing the need for maintaining the prevailing balance of power in the continent, according to scholars from India and Japan.

Geo-technology: 5G and who builds the digital future, builds all of the future
Nov 02, 2020

Geo-technology: 5G and who builds the digital future, builds all of the future

Technology has been a fulcrum point for Trump’s disruption of the status-quos with China, with 5G leading the way

Georgian Dream Party has blown up Tbilisi’s track to Europe
May 29, 2024

Georgian Dream Party has blown up Tbilisi’s track to Europe

The Foreign Agents Law has to be looked at beyond the Russia factor; understanding the political dynamics and the role of NGOs in modern-day Georgia r

Germany’s National Security Strategy: Where the devil is in the lack of detail
Jun 19, 2023

Germany’s National Security Strategy: Where the devil is in the lack of detail

While Germany’s National Security Strategy is a welcome step, it remains ambiguous on a few crucial fronts

Getting India to talk with a gun to its head will not work now
Oct 13, 2014

Getting India to talk with a gun to its head will not work now

Pakistan's present actions of ratcheting up tensions not only on the Line of Control but also along the International Border, while obviously making an attempt to regain the initiative, is actually unlikely to pay any dividend for a number of reasons.

Giants of Asia in Silicon Valley
Sep 30, 2015

Giants of Asia in Silicon Valley

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping have just made back to back visits to the United States. In keeping with the times, both began their tours from that Mecca of our age - Silicon Valley.

Gilani's Visit to China: Further Consolidation of Ties?
May 21, 2011

Gilani's Visit to China: Further Consolidation of Ties?

The Chinese objectives are in perfect congruence with those of Pakistan in Afghanistan. Pakistan is also mindful of the fact that an enhanced Chinese presence will keep India away (at least Pakistan is hopeful of), thereby ensuring Pakistan the strategic depth that it has been seeking to achieve in Afghanistan.

Gillani's Lost Chance
May 10, 2011

Gillani's Lost Chance

Prime Minister Yousuf Reza Gillani lost a sliver of a chance in Pakistan's supreme legislative body National Assembly (on May 9) to steer his embattled country away from the perpetual dilemma of being stuck at the crossroads of destiny.

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert
Mar 10, 2018

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert

Peaceful relations with Pakistan is a prerequisite to India’s domestic stability and its quest for great power status.

Globalisation: The story of increasing Indian billionaires and poor
Jul 06, 2013

Globalisation: The story of increasing Indian billionaires and poor

The recent violent actions of the Maoists have made big news. It will not be easy to resolve this problem because these are the people who have been deprived of their land and development, and they form the core of the movement. Only better distribution of the growth story can bring peace to these people

Globalism, radicalism, populism on Raisina Hill
Feb 16, 2017

Globalism, radicalism, populism on Raisina Hill

The keynote speeches by three world leaders at the Raisina Dialogue stood out for their pronouncements on globalisation.

Going beyond third-party liability to regulate content: Examples from Germany and Singapore
Oct 08, 2020

Going beyond third-party liability to regulate content: Examples from Germany and Singapore

Given the complexities and the possible excess of making the Internet (more) fragmented, should we consider doing more than just demanding liability f

GoI’s conflicting goals — electricity for all, renewable energy targets and a ₹100 trillion infrastructure pipeline
Feb 04, 2020

GoI’s conflicting goals — electricity for all, renewable energy targets and a ₹100 trillion infrastructure pipeline

Lopsided allocation of funds could easily lead to the government missing its target for renewable energy capacity, with huge costs to the environment.

Golden jubilee and beyond: India–Bangladesh relations
Mar 25, 2021

Golden jubilee and beyond: India–Bangladesh relations

The national anthems of the two countries were written by Rabindranath Tagore, the great Bengali poet.

Governance, Citizens and New Civil Society in Contemporary Urban India: Lessons from Mumbai
Jun 20, 2013

Governance, Citizens and New Civil Society in Contemporary Urban India: Lessons from Mumbai

The 2011 anti-corruption movement in India—characterised by a huge trust deficit in the political class—was the culmination of several such localised movements that marked the birth of a new civil society in contemporary urban India. This paper studies the profusion of middle-class-led associations in Mumbai fighting for good governance, and their increased political mobilisation in the city. It argues that a new civil society bypasses electe

Govt, corporates and civil society should work together to fight human trafficking
Jan 06, 2014

Govt, corporates and civil society should work together to fight human trafficking

There is a need for a multi-pronged attack on human trafficking involving the government, corporate bodies and the civil society, it was observed at a panel discussion on the "Role 'India Inc' in Combating Human Trafficking" at ORF.

Greater Indian Visibility in its Neighbourhood
Nov 08, 2004

Greater Indian Visibility in its Neighbourhood

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Government headed by Mr. A. B. Vajpayee had made India increasingly invisible in its neighbourhood. It was content to play second fiddle to the US in Nepal and Sri Lanka, let Norway, the European Union and Japan play a more active role in Sri Lanka, maintained a silence on the growing confrontation between President Abdul Gayoom of the Maldives and the pro-democracy activists

Greek crisis a threat to EU sustainability, says expert
Aug 20, 2015

Greek crisis a threat to EU sustainability, says expert

In the face of the Greece crisis, the fundamental problem that needs to addressed is whether the European Union was sustainable, as very soon Spain would also be faced with a financial crisis similar to Greece. A total re-writing of the books and balance sheet of the European economy is required as it was done in 1945, according to Dr. S. Narayan.

Green taxonomies: A tool with underutilised potential
Feb 21, 2024

Green taxonomies: A tool with underutilised potential

Countries are increasingly adopting green taxonomies to foster a sustainable finance market to attract international investors

Grid scale battery energy storage systems: Will they meet expectations?
Dec 29, 2021

Grid scale battery energy storage systems: Will they meet expectations?

The cost of energy storage systems might be a difficult barrier for poor countries to overcome.

GSAT-7: India's first dedicated military satellite
Aug 30, 2013

GSAT-7: India's first dedicated military satellite

The 2625 kg GSAT-7, developed at a cost of INR 185 crores, will be India's first dedicated satellite for maritime communications, providing UHF, S-band, C-band, and Ku band relay capacity over the Indian landmass and surrounding seas.

GSLV Mk III: The Indian military and civilian enterprise deserve more
Nov 23, 2022

GSLV Mk III: The Indian military and civilian enterprise deserve more

The entry of commercial enterprises or other state-owned enterprises can help augment the capacities of Indian space launch vehicle technology

Gulf Cooperation Council: Could be a 'Game Changer' for India
Jun 02, 2015

Gulf Cooperation Council: Could be a 'Game Changer' for India

While India's economic presence in the Gulf region has transformed from merely an exchanges between merchants and human capital, as a geopolitical player, India's role has remained subdued.

Hamas-Israel war's global energy impact will depend on whether the conflict theatre widens
Oct 13, 2023

Hamas-Israel war's global energy impact will depend on whether the conflict theatre widens

Even if there’s a ground invasion by Israel into Gaza and an extended conflict, the impact on energy prices and the resultant OPEC response would depend on the scale and reach that the conflict takes. If it remains localised without affecting major oil producers or transit routes, prices may see limited immediate change, prompting OPEC to maintain current production levels

Haqqani network: A dilemma for US
Aug 16, 2012

Haqqani network: A dilemma for US

The Haqqani Act of the US Congress, and last week's decision in the US Senate to delay the confirmation of a new US ambassador to Kabul, are now adding to the pressure on the State Department. The next few weeks are likely to see intense parleys between Washington and Rawalpindi to find a way to delay.

Hardly any Water in Wikileaks Revelations
Mar 28, 2011

Hardly any Water in Wikileaks Revelations

Professional diplomats will find little that is new or startling in the Wikileaks cables. For them the quality and content of reporting in the leaked cables is quite standard fare. Transmitting to Headquarters information gleaned from contacts, assessing its worth,

Harnessing New Opportunities in a World of Declining Multilateralism: What India Can Do for Itself and Others
Jan 26, 2022

Harnessing New Opportunities in a World of Declining Multilateralism: What India Can Do for Itself and Others

Amidst all the handwringing, it is often forgotten that the crisis of multilateralism could offer new opportunities that India should harness