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Security compromised
Nov 07, 2019

Security compromised

India’s claims to being a legitimate power in cyberspace have come under doubt following two recent revelations

Security in India's Neighborhood: The View from Washington
Mar 14, 2005

Security in India's Neighborhood: The View from Washington

In a talk jointly organized by ORF ORF Chennai and Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Madras on March 14, 2005, at the University of Madras, ORF Chennai,

Sedentary Behaviour and COVID-19 Risk
Aug 11, 2023

Sedentary Behaviour and COVID-19 Risk

India's second COVID-19 wave was marked by a daily surge in incident cases and a high prevalence of severe forms of the novel coronavirus. COVID-19–related studies on Indian populations have focused on aspects like seroprevalence, estimating the peak of infections, and vaccine efficacy. However, other lifestyle factors, such as activity levels, are of significance and can broaden our understanding of COVID-19. Across the world, the pandemic lif

Seeking a managed exit
Sep 24, 2018

Seeking a managed exit

A year after U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his new Afghanistan policy, the stalemate continues

Seeking nuclear legitimacy
Jul 11, 2014

Seeking nuclear legitimacy

The sanctity of "NPT-signatory" is laughable because that is a crude way of assessing a country's nuclear non-proliferation record. China has signed the NPT but has flouted every single idea behind the treaty. On the other hand, while India is not a signatory, it has upheld all the principles.

Seeking the next frontier
Apr 01, 2019

Seeking the next frontier

India’s successful ASAT test is a technology marker.

Self-help group women as COVID-19 warriors
Apr 27, 2020

Self-help group women as COVID-19 warriors

The work of the SHG members has not only helped in meeting the increased demand for medical provisions, but has also provided the members themselves w

Selling Arms for buying Peace
Sep 27, 2004

Selling Arms for buying Peace

Pakistan¿s port city of Karachi has been buzzing with military activity beginning September 2004. There have been two important events: first the inauguration by President Musharraf of the third IDEAS-2004 defence exhibition at the Expo Centre, Karachi.

Selling Arms for buying Peace
Sep 27, 2004

Selling Arms for buying Peace

Pakistan¿s port city of Karachi has been buzzing with military activity beginning September 2004. There have been two important events: first the inauguration by President Musharraf of the third IDEAS-2004 defence exhibition at the Expo Centre, Karachi.

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) gears up to double its production by 2025
Sep 25, 2021

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) gears up to double its production by 2025

It is yet to be seen how successful SMIC will be in competing with more advanced manufacturers like those in Taiwan and Samsung

Seminar on Employment and Growth
Aug 17, 2004

Seminar on Employment and Growth

Appropriately designed strategies could promote growth with employment, Mr AB Bardhan, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India, said, while speaking at a seminar on "Employment and Growth",

Senegal's defining democratic moment
Jul 15, 2023

Senegal's defining democratic moment

Senegal’s President’s decision not to seek reelection for a third time is a reason to cheer and an inspiration to move towards democracy for the r

Senior citizens, cities and city planning
May 22, 2019

Senior citizens, cities and city planning

Cities have not adopted land use, zoning and fiscal policies that encourage and support development tailored to meet the housing and healthcare needs

Separate ministries inhibit a coherent energy policy
Feb 11, 2014

Separate ministries inhibit a coherent energy policy

India having separate ministries for each segment of the energy is inhibiting development of a coherent energy policy, according to experts.

Separation anxieties: US, China and tech interdependence
Apr 09, 2020

Separation anxieties: US, China and tech interdependence

In the near future, we will likely see the United States supplement domestic mechanisms to decouple from China — with systematic escalation — at k

Servicing India-ASEAN trade
Nov 05, 2014

Servicing India-ASEAN trade

Against the backdrop of near failure of the World Trade Organisation's Doha Round, the FTAs with Asean in goods as well as in services and investment is expected to further help the integration of the Indian economy into the global economy. The pact with Asean also presents India with an opportunity to revive its own GDP growth.

Serving the purpose: Diplomacy versus war in latest US–Russia talks
Jan 18, 2022

Serving the purpose: Diplomacy versus war in latest US–Russia talks

Diverging takes on Ukraine and security measures in the region show that diplomacy is the best way forward for the two powers

Setting a robust G20 agenda
Jan 24, 2023

Setting a robust G20 agenda

By developing agendas, action-oriented plans, and decisions through collaborative efforts, India could lead the G20 agenda in a unique way

Sex Appeal Declines in Indo-Pak Talks
Jul 17, 2010

Sex Appeal Declines in Indo-Pak Talks

The day after External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna left for Islamabad, front-page headlines in mainstream English language dailies had set their preferred theme: "Krishna to nail Pak using Headley: In Islamabad Foreign Minister says he will harp on Headley revelation of ISI links to 26/11".

Seychelles’ calibrated approach towards maritime dependency
Jun 07, 2024

Seychelles’ calibrated approach towards maritime dependency

Given its location and its capabilities, Seychelles is well-placed to mitigate sea-borne challenges by cooperating with major players.

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls
Sep 09, 2018

Shadow of India, Hasina government’s corruption, repression of BNP looms over Bangladesh polls

Allegations against Hasina’s government include authoritarian governance, hounding of the opposition and rampant corruption. These issues and the India factor will dominate the electoral campaign.

Shadow-boxing in West Asia
Apr 16, 2024

Shadow-boxing in West Asia

Iran has indicated that it is willing to call it quits, but will respond strongly if Israel retaliates

Shadows in Khan's network
Mar 30, 2005

Shadows in Khan's network

It is amazing how the US investigating agencies have taken more than a year to figure out that Dr AQ Khan could not have set up his network of nuclear smugglers without the help of a whole lot of people than thought earlier. According to recent news leaks appearing in some major US newspapers, the investigating agencies are reportedly discovering missing links in Khan's network.

Shake-up time for Sri Lanka
Mar 26, 2012

Shake-up time for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka should understand the nuances of diplomatic existence, survival and self-assertion, appreciate them where possible, accept them where needed. India and others may be blamed for Sri Lanka losing the vote but it should rather shake up Colombo to look into what had gone wrong with its foreign policy strategy, instead.

Shaky Hand at Home Mars External Drive
Dec 29, 2010

Shaky Hand at Home Mars External Drive

India enter the New Year with a somewhat strengthened diplomatic hand with more international responsiveness to our concerns. However, 2011 will not produce any major breakthroughs in resolving our outstanding problems.

Shaping a Just Transition to Clean Fuel-Based Energy Sources
May 10, 2023

Shaping a Just Transition to Clean Fuel-Based Energy Sources

The ongoing global energy crisis has highlighted countries’ vulnerabilities to energy shocks due to an overdependence on fossil fuels. Clean energy sources are an ideal option for states looking to hedge against the risks associated with fossil fuels. Moreover, recent technological advances and falling costs have placed renewables at the centre of the global energy landscape. Developing countries are now on the cusp of a histori

Sharad Pawar's Move:  NCP's Growth or Decline?
Jul 17, 2010

Sharad Pawar's Move: NCP's Growth or Decline?

Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar made two intelligent moves this month. The timing is perfect, but the move can go in any direction. It may either mark the decline of the NCP or contribute to spreading of his party beyond Maharashtra.

Shared Cultures and Heritage for Conflict Resolution A South Asian Perspective
Jul 11, 2012

Shared Cultures and Heritage for Conflict Resolution A South Asian Perspective

This is an edited version of the talk given by Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne, a well known historian and archaeologist from Sri Lanka, at ORF on April 9, 2012. Prof Seneviratne, currently Professor of Archaeology at the University of Peradeniya, Colombo, has carried out pioneering research in the field of archaeology and is a widely respected speaker on the subject.

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador
Aug 14, 2015

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador

The shared values that the United States and India hold dear face profound challenges in a number of areas that threaten global security and the international order, according to the US Ambassador to India, Mr. Richard Verma.

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador
Aug 14, 2015

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador

The shared values that the United States and India hold dear face profound challenges in a number of areas that threaten global security and the international order, according to the US Ambassador to India, Mr. Richard Verma.

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea
Sep 26, 2023

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea

India and South Korea stand as important middle powers whose influence in the Indo-Pacific region is expanding in their own ways. At the same time, their bilateral partnership today has even bigger potential to serve as a stabilising factor amid shifting regional geopolitical equations. The current year—the 50th since the two countries established formal diplomatic ties—is an opportune moment for harnessing their converging interests. This br

Sharif at ISI HQ
Jul 12, 2013

Sharif at ISI HQ

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's visit to the ISI HQ at Aabpara, Islamabad, on July 11 has raised eyebrows over its timing and content. Sharif and his ministerial colleagues stayed at the ISI HQ for five hours and were briefed by the chiefs of the Army and the ISI.

Sharif has quite a few challenges: Grare
Jun 14, 2013

Sharif has quite a few challenges: Grare

Talking about the challenges confronting the Nawaz Sharif government in Pakistan and the implications of the political transition on the region, Dr. Frederic Grare said the problems facing his government are huge, which cannot be resolved overnight and need long-term solutions.

Sharif must strike against ISI fast and hard
May 14, 2013

Sharif must strike against ISI fast and hard

The one thing Nawaz Sharief should do on day one is to issue an order placing the ISI under civilian leadership. This will de-fang the Army of the most potent instrument it uses to distort Pakistani democracy.

Sharif's TTP challenge
Oct 01, 2013

Sharif's TTP challenge

Going by the frequency and nature of the TTP attacks, the militant group seems to be playing a larger game aimed at drawing the armed forces deeper into a protracted conflict in the tribal areas with the US withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in mind. For the Nawaz Sharif government, and the military, the options are fast running out.

Sharing trans-boundary resources: Fluid lessons
Jul 18, 2012

Sharing trans-boundary resources: Fluid lessons

Powerful private interests will collude with the most powerful state to safeguard their mutual energy interest or the private sector may actually end up suggesting and implementing a joint framework agreement.

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010
Apr 23, 2015

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010

Dr. Gary LaFree of the University of Maryland says in his studies of the data gathered by his department, he has noticed that in recent years, terrorist attacks have become deadlier with advances in technological knowhow. However, attacks using high technology, radiological, chemical and biological attacks, made up only a meager percentage of the total number of attacks.

Sheikh Hasina's China visit:  An assessment
Jun 19, 2014

Sheikh Hasina's China visit: An assessment

Despite some setbacks, the visit of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to China and her meetings with top leaders were quite successful and fruitful, underlying the fact that China has become a time tested friend.

Sheltering the urban homeless
Nov 28, 2022

Sheltering the urban homeless

The state seems to have failed to undertake adequate measures to deal with the rising issue of homelessness