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To stay in the reckoning, Rahul has a lot to do
May 24, 2019

To stay in the reckoning, Rahul has a lot to do

In a grim, status quoist scenario, Rahul Gandhi has a task to keep himself in the reckoning.

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’
May 20, 2024

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’

In recent years, India has become a hot investment destination for Chinese companies. While Chinese investments in India have come under greater scrutiny following the 2020 Galwan incident, this has done little to reverse Chinese enterprises’ strong appetite for the Indian market. At the same time, Beijing is increasingly concerned that in their rush to capitalise on the Indian market, Chinese companies are embracing the ‘Make in India’ pol

To talk now is wrong
Feb 22, 2010

To talk now is wrong

Pakistan has shown inadequate political will to act against the Mumbai conspirators and has found tactical refuge in legal niceties to take minimum action

Tokenism For Muslims Now Counter Productive
Jul 15, 2011

Tokenism For Muslims Now Counter Productive

Talking about how minority tokenism is hurting the real cause, Saeed Naqvi says a non Muslim with a secular image in the Ministry of Minority Affairs would be able to chart out an agenda for minorities which is free of the odour of tokenism, which would really enthuse the community, not bluff it.

Tokyo summit consolidates India-Japan partnership
Nov 01, 2018

Tokyo summit consolidates India-Japan partnership

At the bilateral level, both leaders have discussed a wide array of issues, including defence cooperation, connectivity programmes and Japan’s deepe

Tokyo's defence
Jan 02, 2014

Tokyo's defence

India, which hosts Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations later this month, must come to terms, like the rest of the region, with Tokyo's determination to shape the Asian security order. After he returned to power a year ago, Abe has set about transforming Japan's military strategy.

Too many reds have left the skies in the red
Dec 22, 2014

Too many reds have left the skies in the red

The turbulent history of the civil aviation sector and the threat of a bumpy future given its current situation are not good for the economy or the image of India as a rising economic power through private entrepreneurship.

Torture is not the answer to terrorism
Dec 24, 2014

Torture is not the answer to terrorism

A detailed report by the US Senate Intelligence Committee recently has told us once again that torture doesn?t work. India should aspire to become a civilised democracy by putting an immediate legislative ban on torture. It will give our security organisations incentive to develop the interrogation and forensic skills, which are far more efficacious in countering terrorism.

Tough decisions ahead for the new Defence Minister
Jun 10, 2019

Tough decisions ahead for the new Defence Minister

Having no easy routes to sorting out the Indian defence mire, the MoD needs to take corrective measures towards military planning and readiness.

Tough India more likely under Modi
Apr 05, 2014

Tough India more likely under Modi

Narendra Modi's view of foreign affairs is likely to be shaped by the outlook of his contacts in the world of commerce. This is not a bad thing, because, the key to any "tough" or decisive policy rests on the state of the Indian economy. But toughness as policy is fraught with all manner of danger, like Nehru's "tough" policy with China in 1962.

Tough task ahead for Otunbayeva Govt in Kyrgyzstan
Jul 14, 2010

Tough task ahead for Otunbayeva Govt in Kyrgyzstan

Hit by violent ethnic clashes, the Otunbayeva government faces a tough challenge to bring Kyrgyzstan out of the present crisis. One of the main challenges would be to conduct an impartial probe into the violence and punish the guilty to regain the confidence of the minorities.

Towards a holistic digital health ecosystem in India
May 24, 2023

Towards a holistic digital health ecosystem in India

In an effort to facilitate the digitisation of the country’s healthcare systems, India released a National Digital Health Blueprint in January 2020, which provides a detailed framework for a “Federated National Health Information System.” This brief makes a case for expanding the scope of the blueprint to include digital therapeutics, digital diagnostics, and telemedicine. It proposes a “National Digital Health Blueprint 2.0,” with dive

Towards a larger Indian shipping industry
Mar 24, 2020

Towards a larger Indian shipping industry

Myopic policies have robbed Indian shipping companies of a level playing field to transport the country’s EXIM cargoes and caused losses to the econ

Towards a malnutrition-free India: Best practices and innovations from POSHAN Abhiyaan
Mar 13, 2020

Towards a malnutrition-free India: Best practices and innovations from POSHAN Abhiyaan

While India’s malnutrition rates have dropped dramatically, the country is still home to the largest number of stunted and wasted children in the world. Owing to the cultural and geographical variance across states, combatting malnutrition requires a granular approach. POSHAN Abhiyaan, the government’s national nutrition mission launched in 2017, aims to provide a convergence mechanism for the country’s response to malnutrition. This specia

Towards a more meaningful Indo–US energy partnership
Oct 10, 2019

Towards a more meaningful Indo–US energy partnership

Given the United States’ profile of being a major player as a producer, lead technologist and now one of the prominent suppliers of energy, the enha

Towards a multipolar world?
Nov 17, 2003

Towards a multipolar world?

A number of important treaties of immense strategic significance have been signed during Prime Minister Vajpayee's first ever visit to Tajikistan on November 14. The agreements signed were related to setting up a Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism, a bilateral extradition treaty and military ties.

Towards a new deal for Indian farmers
Oct 09, 2020

Towards a new deal for Indian farmers

When the stimulus package was announced in May 2020, many raised questions on the immediate viability of the measures in the current economic scenario.

Towards an inclusive digital economy in Africa
Jul 04, 2019

Towards an inclusive digital economy in Africa

There is an urgent need to deploy radical and concerted efforts to address the deeper cultural stereotypes that women face in accessing, using and par

Towards an Inclusive National Policy on Menstrual Health and Hygiene
Nov 29, 2023

Towards an Inclusive National Policy on Menstrual Health and Hygiene

In April 2023, the Supreme Court of India advocated for the government to establish a "uniform national policy" on menstrual health and hygiene (MHH), spotlighting the need for comprehensive measures on a significant public health issue. This brief traces India's path to promoting MHH, highlighting key policy initiatives and their impact on period product usage. Using secondary data from the National Family Health Survey-5, this brief introduces

Towards building a multi-dimensional India-Japan partnership
Mar 11, 2009

Towards building a multi-dimensional India-Japan partnership

Text of the keynote address delivered by Prof. K. V. Kesavan in the symposium Changing Perception of Japan in South Asia in the New Asian Era: State of Japanese Studies in India and other SAARC Countries

Towards greater synergy in space policy
Feb 18, 2015

Towards greater synergy in space policy

It appears that the Modi government is beginning to recognise the need for greater synchronisation between the different arms of the government and appreciate the need for better space utilisation in the realm of foreign policy and national security. This new approach needs to be strengthened and sustained for India to tap its full potential in outer space.

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour
Aug 14, 2023

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour

Goal seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) commits the international community to providing access to clean cooking fuels and technologies to all by 2030. Progress has been slow, however, and in about 40 of the UN’s 189 member countries for which data is available, more that 80 percent of the populations continue to lack such access. Using case studies, this brief analyses the role of a country’s policies, i

Towards Zero Deaths: Imperatives for Safer Indian Railways
Jan 21, 2021

Towards Zero Deaths: Imperatives for Safer Indian Railways

In 2019, the Indian Railways (IR) recorded zero fatalities from accidents caused by operational errors. However, many people continue to meet with train-related mishaps that are beyond the IR’s control; many of these accidents result in death. The IR’s experience in preventing deaths in accidents caused by operational errors (technically called “consequential accidents”) offers lessons on minimising all railways-related fatalities. This p

TPP -- FDI booster or Corporations handcuffing Governments?
Dec 11, 2015

TPP -- FDI booster or Corporations handcuffing Governments?

A common thread that runs through TPP, TTIP and CETA deals is the Investor-state dispute settlement system (ISDS), an opaque supranational court that decides disputes, bypassing the domestic courts and national laws. Now, the fear is that these trade deals might just end up producing managed rather than free trade.

Tracing the Strategic Dimensions of India-Russia Relations
Jun 11, 2023

Tracing the Strategic Dimensions of India-Russia Relations

India-Russia relations have gone through a number of phases since their formal establishment in April 1947. Despite repeated projections of its decline following the end of the Cold War, India and Russia’s strategic partnership has persisted, and indeed in some areas has deepened. This brief argues that this could only mean that there is plausible geopolitical logic for both countries to persevere in strengthening their ties. It gives a histori

Tracking Hunger and Nutrition SDG Targets: Gaps, Challenges and Possibilities
May 23, 2023

Tracking Hunger and Nutrition SDG Targets: Gaps, Challenges and Possibilities

The cornerstone of any Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) programme, especially for global targets such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and its successor, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is quality, comprehensive and real-time data. Without such data, M&E processes and operations are neither reliable nor relevant. This rule applies, for example, to targets related to nutrition and hunger-without effective nutrition monit

Tracking India’s Infrastructure Development Near the Line of Actual Control
Oct 17, 2023

Tracking India’s Infrastructure Development Near the Line of Actual Control

The pace of Indian infrastructure building along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) bordering China has historically been slow due to financial and doctrinal constraints, but has accelerated in the past 20 years. Construction has become more efficient owing to bureaucratic changes and the infusion of greater financial resources. This paper attributes these changes to strategic compulsions brought about by Chinese actions—both diplomatic and on-th

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties
Aug 29, 2011

Trade between India-Pak border areas offers hope for future bilateral ties

Indian and Pakistani governments have realised the necessity of better connecting provinces on both sides of the border as a possible means of improving broader relations between the two nations.

Trade can bind India, China together
Jul 24, 2007

Trade can bind India, China together

Speaking on India-China relations Dr Yiwei Wang gave a Chinese perception of this relationship. The basic theme was that there was need to look at three T's (Trade, Tibet and Territory) to improve the bilateral relations.

Trade issues hot up between New Delhi and Washington
Feb 24, 2014

Trade issues hot up between New Delhi and Washington

With both India and the US having differing domestic and national priorities, these countries are bound to compete and conflict on trade issues. But these must not be allowed to overshadow the larger gains that bilateral trade has brought to each country.

Trade with Bangladesh: Opportunities for North East
Jun 15, 2012

Trade with Bangladesh: Opportunities for North East

India?s improved relations with Bangladesh have brought new opportunities for economic development in the North East region. To maximise the benefits, there is need for identifying the factors and the issues that might hinder the growth of economic ties.

Trading accusations over the Haj pilgrims' tragedy
Oct 13, 2015

Trading accusations over the Haj pilgrims' tragedy

The Saudi monarchy is facing challenges on many fronts but will brazen it out, fully confident of the unstinted support of its powerful patrons in Washington. Some changes, however, may occur in the Saudi government as a sop to the growing clamour for accountability.

Trading for peace
Apr 29, 2011

Trading for peace

For starters, trade talks between the two countries resumed after a hiatus of nearly three years. The talks were suspended following the Mumbai attacks. But the thaw emanating from the latest bout of 'cricket diplomacy' has paved the way for cooperation in the sphere of trade.

Traditional aid has no future
Nov 18, 2013

Traditional aid has no future

By using the markets, developed countries still have a lot to offer the international community, particularly the developing world. However, this would involve a fundamental recast of traditional aid into a wider framework.

Transatlantic Security Divide in Munich
Mar 02, 2004

Transatlantic Security Divide in Munich

Three main issues were discussed in the 40th Munich Conference on Security Policy held on 6-8 February 2004: prospects of transatlantic relations, future of NATO, and future developments in the Middle East. As usual, several Defence and Foreign Ministers, representatives of think tanks, academia, media and the defence industry attended the conference.

Transformative elections bring post-identity politics
Apr 23, 2014

Transformative elections bring post-identity politics

The 2014 general elections are all about the economy, jobs, good governance and rising aspirations. Survey after survey conclusively agree that for most voters what matters is stable employment, steady income, corruption free governance and a decisive leadership.