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1906 results found

Germany takes view of the Indo-Pacific
Oct 01, 2020

Germany takes view of the Indo-Pacific

Germany is the second EU country to have an Indo-Pacific policy after France — which views itself as an Indian Ocean country. Germany seeks to be pa

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert
Mar 10, 2018

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert

Peaceful relations with Pakistan is a prerequisite to India’s domestic stability and its quest for great power status.

Global Approaches to Vehicle Electrification and Their Lessons for India
Mar 21, 2023

Global Approaches to Vehicle Electrification and Their Lessons for India

Emissions from fossil fuel-powered motor vehicles adversely affect air quality and contribute to global warming. The manufacture and use of electric vehicles (EVs) is among the ways by which this challenge can be mitigated. This brief evaluates the best practices adopted by countries in the forefront of EV adoption, and outlines the lessons India can draw from them to inform its own EVs strategy. It finds that in addition to strengthening

Global challenges too big for G20 Buenos Aires Summit to address
Nov 29, 2018

Global challenges too big for G20 Buenos Aires Summit to address

It will, however, be an important platform to underscore the commitment of major powers for global economic stability

Going Nuclear
Jul 20, 2004

Going Nuclear

The Power sector reforms in the country have presented the next strategic challenge that could redefine global interest in India. The country has set an ambitious target of producing 20,000 MW of Nuclear power by 2020 i.e. around 1000 MW of additional nuclear capacity per year for the next 17 years.

Good script, now act on it
May 21, 2013

Good script, now act on it

Pakistan's first transfer of power between elected governments is indeed a milestone, but how strong a precedent it will set is very much dependent on the performance of Nawaz Sharif and the PML-N. Confidence in civilian institutions, high voter turnout aside, remains dreadfully low.

Greece poll: A wake-up call to established parties
Mar 16, 2015

Greece poll: A wake-up call to established parties

The coming to power of a Left-leaning Syriza government in Greece is not because people supported their ideology but they wanted to protest against the economic stagnation caused by austerity programme, says Ramon Perez-Maura, Assistant Editor of leading Spanish daily, ABC.

Growing differences on the future of nuclear energy in Japan
Jun 21, 2012

Growing differences on the future of nuclear energy in Japan

As the debate on restarting two nuclear reactors in Oi is hotting up in Japan, the Noda government needs to both give the newly announced nuclear regulatory body time to create the promised new regulations while also ensuring the people and industry do not suffer due to power shortage.

GSLV Mk III: भारतीय सैन्य और नागरिक उद्यम पर अधिक ध्यान देना बेहद ज़रूरी है
Dec 28, 2022

GSLV Mk III: भारतीय सैन्य और नागरिक उद्यम पर अधिक ध्यान देना बेहद ज़रूरी है

वाणिज्यिक उद्यमों या अन्य सरकारी स्वामित्व वाले उद्यमो�

Harnessing nutritional resilience for food security and gender equality
Mar 07, 2024

Harnessing nutritional resilience for food security and gender equality

Gender empowerment and food security are deeply interconnected, with profound implications for achieving sustainable development goals

Have youth started deserting BJP?
Oct 06, 2017

Have youth started deserting BJP?

When the BJP-led NDA government had come to power in 2014, it enjoyed the support of the young voters.

Having tested its ASAT capability, India should help shape global space norms
Mar 29, 2019

Having tested its ASAT capability, India should help shape global space norms

Having crossed the rubicon, it can join the conversations along with other established space powers to ensure that space remains weapons-free.

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?
Jan 16, 2023

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?

A period of instability continues to loom large over Nepal as, despite the overwhelming support garnered by PM Prachanda, it won’t translate into re

Hitting the sweet spot of demographic dividend
Mar 07, 2024

Hitting the sweet spot of demographic dividend

Fostering women's participation in the workforce is a cornerstone towards achieving not only a more equitable world but also promoting economic effici

home and the world indias dpi proposition
Nov 09, 2023

home and the world indias dpi proposition

India’s digital public infrastructure (DPI) model is a key offering to the world and is being considered, adopted or adapted by nations at varying s

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India
Oct 08, 2020

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India

China has enacted a National Security Law for the special administrative region of Hong Kong. The provisions of the law can be used to curb peaceful dissent and enhance Beijing’s control over the region. It has the potential to not only change Hong Kong’s legal and political autonomy, but also alter its status as a global financial centre. This paper offers an overview of the national security law and its implications for the ‘one country,

Honour the forgotten Army
Feb 01, 2019

Honour the forgotten Army

It’s ironical that the military is treated as an appendage by those very institutions that ascended to power post-Independence after collaborating with the British

Houthi attacks on shipping highlight a drone dilemma
Dec 29, 2023

Houthi attacks on shipping highlight a drone dilemma

The only realistic option for India and other Indian Ocean powers might well be to work alongside more able and willing partners

How China is expanding its military capabilities across the globe
Jun 26, 2017

How China is expanding its military capabilities across the globe

The country is merely following in the footsteps of other major global powers that have established military bases abroad to secure their interests.

How Delhi and Paris became friends
Aug 27, 2019

How Delhi and Paris became friends

India and France have a shared interest in developing a coalition of middle powers committed to multipolarity

How economic reforms influenced India’s foreign policy conversations
Jul 24, 2021

How economic reforms influenced India’s foreign policy conversations

The reforms generated rapid economic growth and transformed the way India engaged with the world.

How India has actually done a great job in dealing with the Dragon
Nov 02, 2017

How India has actually done a great job in dealing with the Dragon

Despite the power differential, India successfully raised the cost of China’s land grab activities at Doklam, a feat that even the U.S. has struggled to accomplish in East Asia. While China was relentless in the pursuit of its goals, and had the resources to spend, India managed to call its bluff, and simultaneously allayed Bhutan’s concerns.

How India’s 13-A reference applies to the whole of Sri Lanka
Sep 14, 2022

How India’s 13-A reference applies to the whole of Sri Lanka

Over the past three decades, since 13-A came into force, there has been no inclination in the non-Tamil areas for provincial autonomy. Power devolutio

How Rahul Gandhi may get to pick Congress PM one day even if he resigns as party boss
Jun 03, 2019

How Rahul Gandhi may get to pick Congress PM one day even if he resigns as party boss

The Congress has had a chequered history in maintaining cordial relations between its organisational and parliamentary wings, with the dual power centres often leading to confrontation.

How the dominant man subjugates other men, women and society
Nov 02, 2016

How the dominant man subjugates other men, women and society

Call for public discussions over how certain types of behavior associated with dominance and power create inequalities within and between man and woman

How we can save the nation's farmers
Jul 10, 2015

How we can save the nation's farmers

India got a reality check recently when newspapers splashed the shocking conclusions of the first Socio-Economic and Caste Census since 1934. The message from the numbers is obvious: India has to resolve some very basic issues within before it can aspire to be any kind of power, regional or global.

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure
May 14, 2019

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure

There is a deeper politics at play here, a politics of negotiation and a transaction of international power games that is diluting the dangers of Paki

Impact of gender reservation in Indian Urban Local Bodies
Oct 02, 2021

Impact of gender reservation in Indian Urban Local Bodies

There is a need to move beyond empowerment towards improving the ability of urban women to join and remain in the workforce

Implications of the INF pullout
Mar 08, 2019

Implications of the INF pullout

Although the INF treaty may seem outdated in essence, it was crucial in making the two powers — the US and Russia — accountable. The demise of the

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?
Jun 06, 2022

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?

India's increasing use of imported coal undermines the country's strategy of being "self-reliant" in the energy security sector.

Imran in his labyrinth
Mar 16, 2022

Imran in his labyrinth

Chaos ensues in Pakistan as Imran Khan’s power is being challenged with a No Confidence Motion.

In a pluralist Asia-centric world order, Russia has a crucial role to play
Oct 04, 2018

In a pluralist Asia-centric world order, Russia has a crucial role to play

As Russia repositions itself as an Asian power, it has a unique role to play in the region.

In Defence of the ‘Indo-Pacific’ Concept
Sep 21, 2021

In Defence of the ‘Indo-Pacific’ Concept

This brief examines the evolution of the ‘Indo-Pacific’ concept in the context of the dynamic role of “regions” in international relations. It argues that the conception of these theatres is a consequence of power relations; that as power dynamics change, so does the conceptualisation of regions. This would also explain why the boundaries of regions can be arbitrary—why, for instance, the Asia-Pacific stops at Myanmar and does not inclu

In Nepal, men are more equal than women
Jul 03, 2023

In Nepal, men are more equal than women

The citizenship amendment act paves the way for thousands of stateless Nepalis to become citizens, but women continue to be considered second-class ci

In pursuit of global labour mobility
Apr 29, 2021

In pursuit of global labour mobility

India needs to rethink its approach towards engaging in debates on the future of global labour mobility.

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region
Dec 08, 2017

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region

The Pakistan army has commenced openly supporting internal religious and fundamentalist groups. If these parties rise to power, Pakistan’s internal

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy
Nov 24, 2011

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy

The politics of Centre-State relations has been a powerful force in shaping India's foreign policy. India's rapid economic growth has furthermore given a new found influence to regional parties, leading to their disproportionate influence over the formulation of foreign policy.

India and a Stable Indo-Pacific: Managing Maritime Security Challenges in the Bay of Bengal
Mar 27, 2024

India and a Stable Indo-Pacific: Managing Maritime Security Challenges in the Bay of Bengal

India has the longest coastline in the Bay of Bengal, making it critical for the country to manage maritime security challenges in this space. However, given the transnational nature of most maritime threats, India must cooperate with other Bay littorals and the major powers to address these issues. The Bay of Bengal is a vital part of the Indo-Pacific geostrategic construct, and a secure Bay is fundamental to a stable Indo-Pacific. By addressing

India and China caught in vicious cycle to secure the Himalayan heights
Feb 10, 2023

India and China caught in vicious cycle to secure the Himalayan heights

They can keep trying to match each other’s capabilities but that will only increase chances of war.

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia
Feb 17, 2020

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, India established official ties with the five former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan; so did China. In recent years, both India and China have come up with different strategies to strengthen their respective ties with these resource-rich economies, collectively called the Central Asian Republics (CARs). China’s strategy is the ambitious Belt and Roa

India and China share common responsibilities to ensure peace, says CPC delegation
Aug 04, 2010

India and China share common responsibilities to ensure peace, says CPC delegation

As two great civilizations and influential Asian powers, India and China share common responsibilities to ensure peace and stability in the region and the world at large.

India and China: Is Maldives balancing or tilting?
May 07, 2020

India and China: Is Maldives balancing or tilting?

The structure of the international system and balance of power tend to limit the foreign policy choices of smaller states. But we are now living in a

India and France partner for expedition to Venus
Oct 08, 2020

India and France partner for expedition to Venus

India has long valued France’s partnership on issues ranging from defense and space exploration to civil nuclear power generation.

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period
Mar 06, 2010

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period

Indo-Japanese relations have witnessed a paradigm shift since 2000 when both countries launched a global partnership in order to address a range of issues affecting regional and global peace and prosperity. Systematic efforts made by the leaders of both countries since then have strengthened their partnership. Until very recently, their interactions were mainly limited to economic issues, but today they cover a wide spectrum of subjects including