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1635 results found

Indonesia assumes the chairmanship of ASEAN
Feb 13, 2023

Indonesia assumes the chairmanship of ASEAN

Multiple challenges confront Indonesia as it takes over as the chair of ASEAN in 2023

Interaction on the North-East' the Problems and the Options
Nov 18, 2004

Interaction on the North-East' the Problems and the Options

India's North-East remains a challenge for the policy makers. Keeping together this diverse region, which is home to more than 250 tribes, speaking more than 190 languages and dialects, and addressing the long drawn conflicts to preserve ethnic identities and over land and other resources is an arduous task. Recent months have witnessed a lot of debate on the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) introduced by the Central Government to counter

Investing in Adolescent Health: Harnessing India’s Demographic Dividend
Jul 29, 2020

Investing in Adolescent Health: Harnessing India’s Demographic Dividend

Adolescents comprise a significant proportion of India’s population. Despite improvements in various outcomes, this demographic continues to face serious challenges to their health and well-being, including high levels of teenage pregnancies, low rates of antenatal care checkups for adolescent pregnancies, and lack of safe menstrual practices among adolescent girls. Investing in adolescent health should therefore be a policy priority. This repo

Investing in human capital and sustainable growth: A symbiotic paradigm
Aug 16, 2023

Investing in human capital and sustainable growth: A symbiotic paradigm

By addressing challenges related to education, healthcare, and gender inequality, India can harness its human potential to drive economic progress and

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict

Both Iran and Pakistan have their hands full with regional conflicts. Neither would want to escalate it beyond a point as their resources are already

Iran opportunity
Jun 16, 2015

Iran opportunity

Iran is critical for stabilising India's northwestern marches, providing access to Central Asia and in meeting India's future energy needs. The pursuit of these separate but significant interests in the West Asia is bound to produce multiple contradictions. Managing them will be a great challenge for Indian diplomacy.

Iran votes for reform
May 23, 2017

Iran votes for reform

But President Rouhani’s challenges, domestically and with the US and Arab neighbours, are just beginning.

Iran, Israel, and West Asia are on the brink again
Apr 15, 2024

Iran, Israel, and West Asia are on the brink again

The recent missile attacks by Iran on Israel present a bleak outlook for security in the Middle East in the coming days

Iranian voters' hope on Rouhani
Jul 01, 2013

Iranian voters' hope on Rouhani

In voting for a moderate President, Iranians have demonstrated their desire to overcome continued political isolation, marked by significant economic deterioration and disappearing democratic accountability. Can Mr. Rouhani overcome challenges and deliver?

Is China challenging India’s West Asia success story?
Aug 25, 2023

Is China challenging India’s West Asia success story?

While India’s diplomatic and political outreach with West Asia has been a success story over the past decade, the geopolitics of technology has the potential to offer a challenge.

Is China practising new form of imperialism in Africa?
Feb 10, 2015

Is China practising new form of imperialism in Africa?

Many see China to be practicing a new form of imperialism in Africa as it imports primary goods from Africa and exports manufacturing goods to Africa, without transferring skills to the continent. And China-Africa ties are not free from challenges. There is also immense potential.

Is China resuming nuclear testing?
Jan 10, 2024

Is China resuming nuclear testing?

With China potentially overturning the moratorium on nuclear testing, India must augment its military strength in the nuclear and missile domains to t

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security
Dec 15, 2020

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security

The Taliban today undoubtedly has a stronger hold over how the US militarily plans to withdraw from the conflict in Afghanistan. This raises questions about the continuing challenges to security in South Asia—in particular, the influence of IS Khorasan (IS-K), the group’s Afghanistan avatar, and its rise both as an ISIS-aligned entity and a big-tent brand for various jihadist groups in the country. As the ‘Khorasan’ project of ISIS gets m

Is the American dream over?
Aug 08, 2011

Is the American dream over?

If Barack Obama can match his oratorical skills with decisive action and emulate Roosevelt's bold economic measures and the Star Wars programme of Ronald Reagan, America can well embark on the path to economic recovery at home and overcome the strategic challenges that threaten its once pre-eminent global position.

Is turbulent the new normal in Sino-Indian relations?
Mar 02, 2024

Is turbulent the new normal in Sino-Indian relations?

On India’s part, it has stood up to the China challenge on several fronts.

Islamist agitation and sculpture politics in Bangladesh
Dec 21, 2020

Islamist agitation and sculpture politics in Bangladesh

The Islamists have condemned all statues and sculptural exhibits as “un-Islamic,” though their stand has been challenged by many.

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China
Jul 27, 2013

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China

Settling territorial disputes and balancing multilateral relationships are the twin challenges before India and China, opined speakers at the ORF seminar on 'Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China' held in Kolkata on July 27, 2013.

It's time to open the doors of our borders
May 09, 2012

It's time to open the doors of our borders

While people in Pakistan have grave doubts whether the sectarian violence will end by engaging in symbolic visits like the one undertaken President Asif Ali Zardari, what is really clear is that the country is involved in a difficult battle to save its soul. This has become a major existential challenge.

Japan and ASEAN: Changing Security Dynamics
Jul 23, 2023

Japan and ASEAN: Changing Security Dynamics

Southeast Asia has been one of the key components of Japan's foreign policy in the post-Cold War period. It is one region where Japan's diplomacy has accomplished considerable success in coming to terms with the challenges posed by the legacies of the Second World War. Successive Japanese governments since 1952 have always maintained that the stability and security of ASEAN countries are closely tied to Japan's security and prosperity.

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy
Feb 22, 2014

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy

The challenges that Japan and India face are largely complementary and thus hold promise for enhancing ties. A robust India-Japan partnership will support and promote India's increasingly assertive and strong role as well as Japan's leading position in the east Asian region.

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis
Jun 22, 2022

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis

As regional threats ratchet up, Japan is posturing itself to counter the set of challenges posed by China.

Japan’s Role in the Cambodian Peace Settlement
Jul 22, 2023

Japan’s Role in the Cambodian Peace Settlement

A detailed study of Japan's role in the peace settlement of the Cambodian issue is important as it was one of the earliest political efforts made by Tokyo in a region which had been known for its antipathy to Japan due to the strong historical memories of the Second World War. Southeast Asia posed one of the most serious challenges to Japan's post-war diplomacy which had to wrestle not only with the bitter legacies of the war, but also with the r

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period
Oct 09, 2010

Japan’s Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific during the post-Cold War Period

Despite domestic political changes, the alliance with the US continues to be the cornerstone of Japan's security policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Although Japan has taken some siginificant steps in the direction of normal statehood, the domestic constituency in favour of full strategic autonomy is still very weak. Japan's dilemma between its growing security concerns and the limitations laid by its Constitution will continue to be a major chall

Jurisdiction on the internet: How to move beyond the legal arms race
Oct 14, 2016

Jurisdiction on the internet: How to move beyond the legal arms race

Jurisdiction of Internet governance directly impacts other policy challenges such as developing global digital economies, providing legal aide, among

Kashmir blackout: Counterterrorism and an increasingly challenging role of the internet
Sep 04, 2019

Kashmir blackout: Counterterrorism and an increasingly challenging role of the internet

The security challenges posed by the online sphere today are not new, nor is India in Kashmir the only state facing questions on the use of the intern

Kerry’s visit to China, climate change, and India’s energy choices
Aug 26, 2023

Kerry’s visit to China, climate change, and India’s energy choices

In the face of worsening climate challenges and limited green finance, the high cost of renewable energy and large land footprint make nuclear power a

Key trends from the European Parliament Elections 2024
Jun 17, 2024

Key trends from the European Parliament Elections 2024

Despite the war in Europe, economic challenges, global trade tensions, and farmer protests, the 2024 election saw the centre retain control in the Eur

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework
Apr 09, 2024

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework

In the biomedical field, laboratories must ensure biosafety while managing pathogens and microorganisms in order to protect personnel and the broader community against potential leaks and lab-acquired infections. Global standards provide a roadmap for the biosafety of laboratories, underscoring the importance of their design and equipment, personnel training, waste management, and communication in preventing potential biohazards from breaching co

Lessons from 30 years of women’s reservation in panchayats
Dec 07, 2023

Lessons from 30 years of women’s reservation in panchayats

Women representatives have played a critical role in redefining local priorities, but proper measures need to be adopted to address the existing chall

Lessons from transboundary waste trade: Why India should focus on the judicious use of its own waste
Aug 23, 2018

Lessons from transboundary waste trade: Why India should focus on the judicious use of its own waste

This paper examines two types of waste on which India can explore transboundary waste-trade opportunities and challenges: farm-produce waste and municipal solid waste. Using lessons learnt from trade between other countries, the paper argues that while India can augment its economy through increased waste exports or imports, certain conditions must be met for India to benefit from sustained international waste trade practices. The paper recommend

Let's accept it, China has risen
Jun 12, 2014

Let's accept it, China has risen

The visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to India this week, so early in the Modi innings, is a good sign as both leaderships seem anxious to be able to better deal with the many challenges ahead. Clearly, China is challenging other major powers for a role in India at a time when its economy needs to grow at 10 per cent to recover from three years of economic slowdown.

Leveraging emerging technologies to combat desertification and land degradation
Jun 04, 2024

Leveraging emerging technologies to combat desertification and land degradation

Although India has made a commendable effort to meet its Bonn Challenge commitments, adopting technology solutions would help substantiate it.

Leveraging South-South Cooperation to Finance the SDGs
Mar 10, 2023

Leveraging South-South Cooperation to Finance the SDGs

Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Global South is being threatened by the mounting challenges facing developing countries due to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war, and receding aid from traditional donor countries. As the achievement of the SDGs remains more relevant than ever, this brief proposes the creation of a Global South Development Assistance Committee (D

Leveraging the Global Macroeconomic Environment for Recovery and Growth: Opportunities for G20 Under India’s Presidency
Aug 04, 2022

Leveraging the Global Macroeconomic Environment for Recovery and Growth: Opportunities for G20 Under India’s Presidency

The global macroeconomy has undergone unprecedented change in recent years, particularly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the G20 had an effective coordinating role in steering the global economy through the 2008 global financial crisis, its role in engineering an inclusive and sustainable recovery from the pandemic has been more mixed. Incomes in the advanced G20 economies are on track to return to pre-pandemic levels by end-2022 but have

Limits to efficiency: Rethinking current perspectives on climate action
Sep 19, 2018

Limits to efficiency: Rethinking current perspectives on climate action

Climate change and economic development are emotive subjects that are closely related: yet one is caused by the other. People’s lives are increasingly getting affected by the negative side-effects of climate change, particularly in developing countries which, at the same time, face enormous challenges to their aspirations for economic growth. Leading scientists agree that global warming is a reality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are requir

Lloyd Austin’s nomination serves Biden’s political calculations
Dec 24, 2020

Lloyd Austin’s nomination serves Biden’s political calculations

With his nominee for Secretary of Defence, Biden is seeking to manage inter- and intra-party challenges on Capitol Hill, counter the Republican narrat

Look beyond politics on N-issue
Nov 21, 2018

Look beyond politics on N-issue

Nuclear weapons cannot be a panacea for tackling security challenges to India’s sovereignty

Looking beyond the land boundary deal
Jun 08, 2015

Looking beyond the land boundary deal

Modi's visit to Dhaka has been a forward-looking step, in the effort to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. However, there has been little focus on the common challenges that the neighbours face. Unless these are addressed, future cooperation between the two will not be effective enough.

Looking for balance in power
Dec 15, 2017

Looking for balance in power

The Russia-India-China trilateral meet is New Delhi’s attempt to overcome challenges in ties with Moscow and Beijing

Low FDI inflow may affect infrastructure sector
Apr 16, 2011

Low FDI inflow may affect infrastructure sector

If India is to sustain a high growth rate, there will have to be more foreign investment in infrastructure and manufacturing. So, it is going to be a challenge for the government to make investments in areas that are important for us more attractive to foreigners.

Made in China 2025
Mar 20, 2018

Made in China 2025

Now, the Chinese are facing a larger geopolitical push back but they appear confident that they have the means of fighting off the challenge.

Mainstreaming Gender in India-Africa Partnership for Energy Access
Jul 05, 2021

Mainstreaming Gender in India-Africa Partnership for Energy Access

The seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This challenge is acute in the African continent, home to large populations without access to electricity and clean cooking fuel. This brief explores the scope for cooperation between India and Africa in not only achieving SDG 7, but while doing so, also considering the targets set by SDG 5 to

Make China India's natural ally for development
May 13, 2015

Make China India's natural ally for development

The key challenge PM Modi would face in China is to completely debunk the hypothesis, which some people suspect, that a key objective of Modi's 'Act East' policy is to contain China, in covert or overt support with the U.S., Japan and other affected nations. This task is not surely going to be easy.

Making jobs work for India
Jul 23, 2018

Making jobs work for India

India’s job challenges is about more than creating enough jobs.

Maldives' import-reliant economic landscape
Feb 29, 2024

Maldives' import-reliant economic landscape

As Maldives faces a complex economic landscape driven by import dependencies and fiscal policy challenges, strategic policymaking is imperative

Maldives: Will early polls end this drift?
Jun 29, 2012

Maldives: Will early polls end this drift?

Though there is a feeling of political stability now with the Government of President Mohammed Waheed Hassan Manik in Maldives, it has also flagged news issues that could challenge the internals of the uneasy coalition that he has been heading.