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For all our sakes, building digital trust had better be the technology trend of the 2020s
Dec 30, 2020

For all our sakes, building digital trust had better be the technology trend of the 2020s

The defining aspect of technology and innovation in the 2020s isn’t an algorithm or an invention, it’s a choice.

For child trafficking victims, rehabilitation, and not just rescue, is critical
Jul 27, 2015

For child trafficking victims, rehabilitation, and not just rescue, is critical

In the case of trafficked children in India, excesses or oversights are commonplace. Gaping holes in the existing system of home enquiry lead to inaccurate assignations on the part of courts and concerned agencies.

For China, pullback Is ‘Done’. Will India raise diplomatic costs?
Aug 01, 2020

For China, pullback Is ‘Done’. Will India raise diplomatic costs?

In China’s view, disengagement is a done thing; if New Delhi thinks otherwise, the onus is on it to do what it can.

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?
Mar 16, 2024

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?

Trends in consumption growth in the last two decades suggest that IEA’s expectation of a decline in demand for petrol in India on account of growth

Foreign fighters in Ukraine – A definitional dilemma
Mar 12, 2022

Foreign fighters in Ukraine – A definitional dilemma

As foreign fighters pour into Ukraine to assist it, questions are raised about what would become of these volunteers as the definition of “foreign f

Fostering India’s demographic dividend by upskilling
Jul 19, 2023

Fostering India’s demographic dividend by upskilling

Skilling India’s youth is a daunting task but by fixing some of the leakages in the pipeline, we can perhaps maximise our demographic dividend

Four Years of a Military Despot
Oct 14, 2003

Four Years of a Military Despot

I have no problem with military officers running a nation as long as they are out of uniform and have won the mandate to do so. But when a military officer ousts a legitimate civilian government, refuses to shed his uniform and abuses the basic democratic right of franchise, there is a reason for the civilized world to be alarmed and ashamed. Such men are a blot on the democratic, civilized world.

Fractured multilateralism and the search for COVID19 vaccine
Jun 27, 2020

Fractured multilateralism and the search for COVID19 vaccine

The EU’s push for multilateralism on developing a vaccine against COVID-19 comes amidst fraying international relations

Fragile politics: A necessary and sufficient condition for reforms
Jul 24, 2021

Fragile politics: A necessary and sufficient condition for reforms

India’s polity seems to accept big-bang economic reforms only under two co-existing circumstances: Political instability and an economic crisis.

Frailty in the concrete jungle: Why are the urban poor more vulnerable to multimorbidities?
Jun 26, 2023

Frailty in the concrete jungle: Why are the urban poor more vulnerable to multimorbidities?

Low-income groups are more susceptible to multimorbidities due to unequal access to healthcare in urban areas

France-India-UAE Trilateral: India’s Minilateral Engagements Ticks Up
Feb 16, 2023

France-India-UAE Trilateral: India’s Minilateral Engagements Ticks Up

The trilateral partnership has the potential to emerge as an action-oriented minilateral in the broader Indo-Pacific.

FRDI Bill ensures safety of depositors, but must provide the shield of transparency
Dec 27, 2017

FRDI Bill ensures safety of depositors, but must provide the shield of transparency

The FRDI Bill creates a process, with early-warning systems in place to alert regulators and the government about the risk on financial institutions,

Free speech, privacy and E-surveillance in the digital age
Feb 26, 2014

Free speech, privacy and E-surveillance in the digital age

In this digital age, how free speech is dealt with in a multipolar world, and the emergence of the new and complex forms of censorship were discussed in a talk on "Rethinking Media Freedom in the Digital Age" at the Observer Research Foundation.

Freeing of Textile Trade
Dec 28, 2004

Freeing of Textile Trade

The quotas in textiles, enforced under the Multi Fibre Agreement (MFA) which was signed in 1994, are going to be lifted on December 31, 2004 and the trade in textiles would come under the WTO directly. It means that all forms of protectionism applied to textile industries the world over, would have to go.

From 'clash of civilisations' to 'clashes within civilisations'
Aug 09, 2014

From 'clash of civilisations' to 'clashes within civilisations'

If the ISIS is not brought under control, the chances are that it could spread to Pakistan, especially Waziristan, a tribal region which plays host to most terror outfits. This could in turn affect India by means of border infiltrations.

From Army to Army: BTS steps up to military conscription
Nov 04, 2022

From Army to Army: BTS steps up to military conscription

BTS announcing the start of their conscription provides a crucial precedent for South Korean compulsory military service

From Buyer to Builder: The Indian Navy’s Rocky Road to Self-Reliance
Sep 10, 2020

From Buyer to Builder: The Indian Navy’s Rocky Road to Self-Reliance

This paper evaluates deficiencies in India’s naval shipbuilding programme, and identifies factors that adversely impact naval warship construction in the country. It argues that despite considerable effort, India’s shipbuilding endeavours continue to suffer from systemic deficits that cannot be addressed through ad hoc policy interventions and short-term solutions. Through an assessment of strengths and weaknesses of India’s defence shipyar

From China tilt to a balancing with Beijing and Delhi
Jun 26, 2024

From China tilt to a balancing with Beijing and Delhi

With Male facing increasing domestic and foreign policy challenges, Mohamed Muizzu is possibly aiming at a reconciliation with India

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power
May 22, 2023

From Kargil to Balakot: The continuing challenges to India’s modern air power

Most leading air forces around the world were quick to learn from the experiences of the US Air Force between the Vietnam War in the 1960s and the Gulf War three decades later. This resulted in the widespread adoption by these forces of Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) beginning in the mid-1990s. Only a few of these air arms, however, have matched the overall effectiveness of US air power, which combines aircraft survivability with weapon range,

From multilaterals to multinationals: Provision of global public goods
Dec 19, 2018

From multilaterals to multinationals: Provision of global public goods

The debate on the extent of private participation covers not only public goods within a country but also global goods that transcend boundaries: c

From Pokhran-II to 'Make in India': India’s economic dimensions and defence capabilities
May 12, 2023

From Pokhran-II to 'Make in India': India’s economic dimensions and defence capabilities

As India modernises its defence capabilities and becomes self-reliant in defence manufacturing, it will become a key player in the global defence indu

From pragmatism to failed influence—Shifting Eastern Europe-China relations
Mar 27, 2023

From pragmatism to failed influence—Shifting Eastern Europe-China relations

Questions on values, interests, and security have started a rethink in their approach towards China

From Risk to Resilience: Climate Vulnerability Assessments in India
Aug 22, 2023

From Risk to Resilience: Climate Vulnerability Assessments in India

Climate adaptation has been at the forefront of UN climate negotiations over the past decade, given the increasing frequency of extreme weather events at the global, national, and sub-national levels. Climate vulnerability and risk assessments (VRA) are essential for adaptation planning, as they help identify areas, populations, and systems that are most at-risk from the impacts of climate change. They can also be used as a tool to develop adapta

From the Indus to the Nile - endless strife
Jul 11, 2013

From the Indus to the Nile - endless strife

In the 21st century, ideas and thoughts travel across the globe with considerable speed. And, areas inhabited by those whose ancestors belonged to ancient civilisations like our own are engaged in battles that are ideological and sectarian. Essentially, these are about dominance and reversion to a way of life pitted against those who want the systems changed.

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade
Jan 04, 2021

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade

Indian foreign policy will have to respond to the meta-trends by crafting an approach that is more than just the sum of its bilateral and multilateral

From War Zone to China’s Poster Child, to Economic Despair: Angola’s 40-Year Journey
Jan 28, 2021

From War Zone to China’s Poster Child, to Economic Despair: Angola’s 40-Year Journey

Angola is rich in natural wealth, with massive petroleum and diamond deposits across its territory. Most of its people, however, continue to live in poverty. Since its independence in 1975, Angola has had a tumultuous journey: from being a war zone, to becoming a poster child for Chinese engagement in the continent, and since 2015, declining to its current state where the challenges are so massive—negative growth rates, high external debt, risi

Fulfilling the SDG on Zero Hunger: A Progress Report on BIMSTEC Nations
Nov 02, 2020

Fulfilling the SDG on Zero Hunger: A Progress Report on BIMSTEC Nations

The countries of BIMSTEC, or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, are working to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into action plans to ensure access to adequate and nutritious food. They are transforming their food systems based on their priorities and capacities to fulfill, in particular, the 2030 SDG Goal 2 that aims to “end hunger, achieve food security, and promote sustainable

Futile to expect India to sign NPT, says former Japanese diplomat
Feb 16, 2010

Futile to expect India to sign NPT, says former Japanese diplomat

Amb. Hiroshi Hirabayashi, former Japan's Ambassador to India and currently President, The Japan-India Association, was in ORF for an interactive session

G20 countries must come together to fight famine and save millions of lives
Jul 01, 2017

G20 countries must come together to fight famine and save millions of lives

As the German G20 presidency aims to put in place a stable environment for investment in Africa, the spectre of famine is haunting millions of people in Africa and the Arab peninsula.

G20 Summit 2019: Will it be just another gathering of world leaders?
Jun 24, 2019

G20 Summit 2019: Will it be just another gathering of world leaders?

The G20 has gradually transformed itself from a forum for economic crisis management — through international cooperation and discussion on specific

G20 Turkey Summit: Towards resilience, recovery and sustainability
Nov 10, 2015

G20 Turkey Summit: Towards resilience, recovery and sustainability

The G20 Summit at Antalya in Turkey is expected to focus extensively on infrastructure investment on one hand and climate and energy policy on the other. The latter seems quite natural, ahead of the Conference of Parties in Paris in December.

G20, still is a rich countries' club
Jul 21, 2017

G20, still is a rich countries' club

The real reform of the international financial architecture can only be completed when Emerging Economies or the other half of the G20 are fully repre

Games delay India's aspiration of building sustainable cities
Jul 17, 2010

Games delay India's aspiration of building sustainable cities

The Commonwealth Games was planned to showcase a modern India. But it has actually set back India's urban modernisation plans through disproportionate focus.