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The Storm in the Arab Spring
Mar 03, 2012

The Storm in the Arab Spring

Tunisia, Eygpt, Syria?events may seem to be following a pattern but the changing dynamics in West Asia point to far more complex political and strategic games being played: The US role, Saudi phobia, Israeli and Iranian intrigues. Oil. And, to top it all, the Shia-Sunni face-off. Is Turkey being lured in as a possible Joker in the pack? Welcome to another Great Game.

The story beyond uranium
Sep 05, 2014

The story beyond uranium

The real story for strong India-Australia relations lies beyond uranium. With one of the world's strongest mining sectors, Australia can help India exploit its own natural resources in an environmentally sustainable way and thereby address one of the major current constraints on India's economic growth.

The strategic and military-technological significance of Israel
Dec 22, 2023

The strategic and military-technological significance of Israel

The formidable strength of Israel’s military forces is essential not only for the survival of Israel but also for the balance of power in the Middle

The Strategic Rationale for Deeper U.S- Indian Economic Ties
Aug 11, 2015

The Strategic Rationale for Deeper U.S- Indian Economic Ties

Grouped under key issues, the just released publication titled 'The Strategic Rationale for Deeper U.S- Indian Economic Ties' by Dr Ashley Tellis and Dr C. Raja Mohan examines the strategic rationale for expanding U.S-Indian economic integration.

The strongman’s dilemma: on Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Jul 04, 2018

The strongman’s dilemma: on Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

With Erdoğan set to change the nature of the Turkish republic, his political style could exacerbate its problems

The stubborn man and his flying machines
Feb 23, 2012

The stubborn man and his flying machines

Antony has done India a huge favour by absorbing pressure from different lobbies and allowing IAF to select the best possible fighter aircraft.

The Stuck Afghan Turnstile
Sep 13, 2010

The Stuck Afghan Turnstile

Ever since I returned from Kabul, I am frequently asked by friends: when are the Americans leaving? When I say, "I don't know", I am dismissed like someone who has wasted his time in Afghanistan and returned without finding an answer to a universal query.

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?
Oct 07, 2019

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?

For Trump, although bringing American troops stationed in Afghanistan has been one of the most important objectives, the calling off of the talks coul

The Sustainability Thread in India’s Development Partnerships
Oct 04, 2021

The Sustainability Thread in India’s Development Partnerships

This brief analyses the alignment between India’s development partnerships since Independence, and sustainability goals. It conducts the examination using three phases of India’s development partnerships—i.e., Phase 1, 1947-1990; Phase 2, 1991-2008; and Phase 3, post-2008—and finds that the country’s development cooperation agenda has historically incorporated objectives of sustainable growth. This pattern would continue throughout the

The Suu Kyi factor in China's Myanmar policy
Jun 12, 2015

The Suu Kyi factor in China's Myanmar policy

As Myanmar's general elections draws nearer and at a time when China's relations with Myanmar's military-backed government comes under increasing strains in recent months, Beijing seems to be stepping up its multiple-engagement strategy with key political actors to prepare itself for any eventuality post-elections.

The Taiwan question in Indian foreign policy
May 16, 2020

The Taiwan question in Indian foreign policy

Taiwan’s successful handling of the pandemic has led it to draw support from some major global players and some are even recalibrating their Taiwan

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future
Jan 11, 2024

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future

The world will be closely watching the Taiwan election as it will play a crucial role in shaping the power dynamics in Asia

The Taliban turns its attention on India
Nov 28, 2005

The Taliban turns its attention on India

Politicians and diplomats usually move on when an infinitely sad event eventually settles in the private domain. But that should not happen in the case of the tragic death of Maniappan Raman Kutty near Kandahar in Afghanistan last week at the hands of the Taliban.

The Technological Revolution and Its Impact on Gender Relations with a Special Focus on India and Africa
Sep 14, 2023

The Technological Revolution and Its Impact on Gender Relations with a Special Focus on India and Africa

The technology revolution of the 20th century minimised the importance of geographical, economic, social and political barriers and reduced transaction and information costs thus boosting productivity and growth, making governance more transparent and empowering the citizen. It propelled not only democracy, but also the market economy. Its impact on social relations, especially on gender relations, was significant, with the commodification of lab

The Telangana trouble
Aug 14, 2013

The Telangana trouble

With newer forms of identities taking over the older ones and parochialism and regional chauvinism becoming the new lingo of identity in the age of Twitter and Facebook, time is now ripe for a serious debate on reorganisation of States in India. The country can no longer afford to postpone this serious public policy issue.

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats
Dec 18, 2018

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats

The question of tackling global terrorism efficiently and proactively is rendered even more complex by other issues.

The threat and opportunity of data in cyber sphere
Nov 02, 2015

The threat and opportunity of data in cyber sphere

Participants at a panel discussion on "The Changing Face of National Security Work - The Threat and Opportunity of Data" reiterated the importance of striking a balance: between civil liberties and national security, between sovereignty and international cooperation and between individual convenience and protection.

The threat of a revitalised JMB to India’s security
Jun 06, 2019

The threat of a revitalised JMB to India’s security

While India has made efforts domestically — and along with Bangladesh to counter the threat posed by the JMB, in the past — it leaves much to be d

The Three B's of Brahmaputra
Oct 01, 2011

The Three B's of Brahmaputra

The three B's of Brahmaputra, reverberating the essential constituents of this River system, needs to be evaluated to understand the intricacy of the emerging situations.

The Three Theatres of the Arab World
Apr 25, 2011

The Three Theatres of the Arab World

In the short term, it appears Libya will be divided between East and West. The world, including the Arab public and 20 million Muslims in Europe, will see the partitioning of the country for what it is: not to stop the "slaughter" of the innocents but for Libya's light crude for which European refineries are specially geared.

The Tiger and the Stripes
Nov 29, 2003

The Tiger and the Stripes

The ¿injured innocence¿ in Prabhakaran¿s annual ¿Heroes¿ Day¿ address notwithstanding, the first major LTTE reaction to the ¿southern developments¿ following its counter-proposals to the Sri Lankan peace process has been on expected lines. While swearing by the peace process, Prabhakaran has once again hinted at the possibility of the LTTE going on the separatist route, and to war, if left with no other choice.

The time to counter Trojan horses
Dec 30, 2014

The time to counter Trojan horses

The Mehdi Masroor Biswas case has exposed our intelligence preparedness to fight cyber terrorism. Our intelligence agencies were not able to identify the owner of @shamiwitness Twitter account because of a spoofed IP address. Laughable, if it were not a matter of national security.

The tinderbox of North East Asia
Jan 02, 2013

The tinderbox of North East Asia

Given that Pakistan has close ties with North Korea, it may not be difficult to visualise that the North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile technology may well find its way into Pakistan. Such an introduction would seriously affect the delicate strategic balance of South Asia and start another round of arms/ missile race.

The tip of the damaged iceberg
Nov 02, 2018

The tip of the damaged iceberg

India needs governments that uphold the law and recognise that it also applies to them

The Tragedy of Tucson
Jan 21, 2011

The Tragedy of Tucson

While "guns are as American as covered wagons and the infield-fly rule", unless there are sensible gun control measures, the tragedy of Tucson won't be the last of its kind.

The Trans -Atlantic Defence Dilemma
Dec 11, 2003

The Trans -Atlantic Defence Dilemma

More than ever before, the United States needs the continued support of the European Union (EU) in defence and security matters, especially in the war against terrorism. A draft security strategy prepared in June 2003 by Javier Solana, the EU High Representative for the Common Security and Foreign Policy (CFSP) delineated the threats to security in Europe; international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and failed states.

The tricky path to a global climate agreement
Dec 01, 2014

The tricky path to a global climate agreement

In Lima and Paris, the global community must ensure that obsession with the legal nature of the post-Kyoto agreement does not detract from achieving what is eminently possible. The next year will in any case determine whether or not climate multilateralism will work.

The TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: Understanding the Reform Agenda
Nov 26, 2021

The TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: Understanding the Reform Agenda

Past debates on waiving certain sections of the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) have centred on issues such as development and technology transfers. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought more urgency to such discussions, prompting India and South Africa to table a waiver proposal in October 2020. This brief discusses the evolution of the TRIPS Agreement and the link between the a

The trouble with China’s edge in the AI arms race
Aug 14, 2018

The trouble with China’s edge in the AI arms race

China has been making massive investments to create a huge pool of AI experts. The Chinese government wants to overtake the United States and be the global leader in the field by 2030.

The truth is out there
May 22, 2012

The truth is out there

Is the R&AW or any other intelligence service infallible? The answer is no. Is the R&AW competent? The answer is yes. Does it need continuous reform and upgrading? Of course, yes.

The Tsunami & the LTTE
Jan 11, 2005

The Tsunami & the LTTE

Sri Lanka has suffered the most human fatalities (30,000 plus) and infrastructure and other property damage after Indonesia in the catastrophic Tsunami disaster of December, 26, 2004.

The Tsunami - Some Security Aspects
Jan 04, 2005

The Tsunami - Some Security Aspects

Some security aspects of the widespread tragedy caused by the Tsunami of December 26, 2004, have not received the attention they deserve.

The Tsunami and After
Jan 04, 2004

The Tsunami and After

According to the Tsunami Laboratory at Novosibirsk in Siberia, there were 796 tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean region during the last century. Of these, only 117 caused human casualties and property damage. In the case of a majority of them, the human casualties and the property damage were near the source of the tsunami only.

The tussle for the Iranian Presidency
May 13, 2005

The tussle for the Iranian Presidency

Iranians take their soccer seriously. Iran's victory over Bahrain last week in the World Cup qualifier resulted in an outburst of rejoicing rarely seen in Teheran. Men and women (some without head scarves) danced on the streets and tore up posters of candidates in the June 17 presidential elections. The police did not interfere. Credible foreign observers have not confirmed reports of police brutality carried by some opposition news channels in t

The tyranny of technology: Time to change old systems to align with new realities
Dec 10, 2015

The tyranny of technology: Time to change old systems to align with new realities

In order to achieve the SDGs, it is time to re-evaluate the global patents regime. India and other developing countries need to explore policies and practices for creating a culture and system that encourages innovation.

The tyranny of the written word
Nov 19, 2011

The tyranny of the written word

Digital technologies have the potential to annihilate the rich sources of oral history. It is time that we stopped looking at digital technology with rose-tinted glasses

The U.S. search for a new role in West Asia
Jul 27, 2022

The U.S. search for a new role in West Asia

Realpolitik may have trumped the Biden administration’s rather vocal positions on principles in the region

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation
Feb 10, 2022

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation

Would India be able to keep up its balancing act between the great powers as tensions soar high on the Ukraine front?

The Ukrainian “Peace Formula” seeks India's support
Feb 13, 2023

The Ukrainian “Peace Formula” seeks India's support

India has the opportunity to play an important mediating role in the Ukrainian crisis and bring the parties closer to peace

The umpire takes all
Jul 30, 2018

The umpire takes all

While the opposition and his coalition partners will keep Imran Khan in check, Pakistan’s Army will call the shots

The UN Charter can reconcile idealism and realism
Jul 07, 2022

The UN Charter can reconcile idealism and realism

The UN member states need to go beyond their narrow national outlook and allow globally agreed principles and values to go hand in hand with their nat

The un-stated major premise
Oct 20, 2005

The un-stated major premise

United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is to be complimented for her candour. Her press conference in Moscow with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov unavoidably focussed on Iran's nuclear plans and Mr. Lavrov said Iran had the right under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) to the nuclear fuel cycle. Dr. Rice said, "this is not a question of rights but whether or not the fuel cycle can be trusted in Iran."

The unfinished business of decentralised urban governance in India
Feb 10, 2020

The unfinished business of decentralised urban governance in India

Until the early 1990s, India’s urban local bodies (ULBs) were under the complete control of the states, having little functional, financial and administrative autonomy. The 74th Amendment Act of 1992 sought to make ULBs self-governing institutions. Many salutary provisions were made in the Act and there have been certain positive outcomes since it came into effect in April 1993. However, many key issues have remained unresolved and at present,

The United Nations Security Council is constituted to further the colonisation project
Jun 02, 2023

The United Nations Security Council is constituted to further the colonisation project

The Global South must unite to transform the UN into a multilateral institution that truly recognises the sovereign equality of all member states

The UPA seems determined to ignore vital defence reforms
Nov 26, 2013

The UPA seems determined to ignore vital defence reforms

In 2011, the government set up a task force to examine the processes and procedures related to national security in India and come up with recommendations to fix the problems and plug any gaps that emerged. The panel, chaired by former Cabinet Secretary Naresh Chandra, submitted its report to the Prime Minister. Now the bureaucratic grapevine suggests that the report may soon meet the fate of other similar endeavours: getting shelved.