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The Muslim factor in general elections
Apr 20, 2019

The Muslim factor in general elections

There are many factors making the 2019 general elections a bit tricky, open and unpredictable. Muslim voting pattern is one such factor.

The muted magic of ‘Mutti’ Merkel’s chancellorship
Sep 20, 2021

The muted magic of ‘Mutti’ Merkel’s chancellorship

A lookback at Angela Merkel’s 16-year leadership of Germany

The mystery behind claims of India-China clash at Naku La, Sikkim
Jan 27, 2021

The mystery behind claims of India-China clash at Naku La, Sikkim

There is a mystery of sorts over the claim that India and China clashed at Naku La in northern Sikkim on 20 January.

The M‒Pesa phenomenon: Disruptions and innovations
Oct 10, 2019

The M‒Pesa phenomenon: Disruptions and innovations

As the M‒Pesa phenomenon integrates itself into the economies of East and Central Africa, the region should prepare for both benefits and disruption

The NaMo wave yet to translate into effective governance
Jul 01, 2014

The NaMo wave yet to translate into effective governance

In government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi needs to disrupt the lethargy of the Lutyens communication machinery by introducing some of his young campaign team into the mix. He needs to reinvent and revitalise #NaMo in his new role as PM.

The Nathu La Pass in India-China Ties
Jun 01, 2015

The Nathu La Pass in India-China Ties

The growing interdependency of India and China through border trade may lead to de-securitization and demilitarization in the border areas with significant implications in these areas.

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission: Drawing Lessons from the First Ten Years
Jul 23, 2021

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission: Drawing Lessons from the First Ten Years

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission was launched in June 2011 to create institutional platforms for the rural poor, enabling them to increase household incomes through livelihood support and access to financial services. This brief evaluates the achievements of the programme in its first 10 years. It finds that the Mission has met with some successes in improving the lives of rural women, who are the backbone of the programme, and consequently

The National Water Scene
Feb 20, 2007

The National Water Scene

With the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal announcing its final award, water, in general, and inter-State river water issues, in particular, are once again in the national focus. There are varying concerns about the socio-political fallout of the Tribunal award in the riparian States, with Karnataka and Kerala expressing unhappiness to differing degrees, and Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, respectively, expressing 'relief' and 'satisfaction'.

The need for internet speed
May 14, 2014

The need for internet speed

Both the spread and speed of the internet in India will have a direct impact on India's economy. India's e-government schemes will find faster delivery of services. Sectors like e-commerce will be able to grow. And India's IT and ITES sectors will also remain in the race to be a sure avenue for employment and income generation.

The new  World Economic Outlook
Jul 17, 2013

The new World Economic Outlook

India is not alone in facing slow growth because all the other BRICS countries too are facing slower growth and this slow growth would knock off half a percentage from US growth rate as well. The US is not going to grow over 2 percent this year, according to IMF.

The New Australia-China dynamic
Mar 03, 2023

The New Australia-China dynamic

Australia’s reformed policy towards China is not a turn to China; it’s a return to normality

The new bipolarity: Myth or reality?
May 31, 2018

The new bipolarity: Myth or reality?

There are growing tensions between countries traditionally considered partners. For those who love binaries — is this the new bipolarity?

The new crisis of finance
Dec 13, 2017

The new crisis of finance

The failure of global finance to create a bridge between savings that earn low returns in the global north and the projects that would create much-needed infrastructure in the global south has caused a crisis that needs the attention of global regulators. Among the multiple causes of this crisis is the stringent regulatory response to the 2008 financial crisis, including new lending norms for banks; the tardy response of institutional investors t

The new cyber axis
Mar 18, 2013

The new cyber axis

Without a strong internal capability, New Delhi will be unable to influence the international debates on regulating cyberspace at the UN General Assembly and the International Telecommunications Union. Even more important is India's bilateral engagement with both the US and China on cyber security issues.

The New Economy of Climate Change
Apr 29, 2016

The New Economy of Climate Change

Climate change presents significant risks to long-term economic growth and socioeconomic development in developing economies. Thus the response to climate change necessitates major revisions around how economies are structured and how they function. The Observer Research Foundation organised a symposium on the subject, “The New Economy of Climate Change”, on 15 March 2016. This Special Report builds on the key themes presented by the panellis

The New Face of al-Qaeda in Pakistan
Oct 08, 2004

The New Face of al-Qaeda in Pakistan

The September 26 death of Amjad Farooqi, Pakistan's most wanted terrorist, reveals the new face of terrorism taking shape in the backwoods of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Killed after a five-hour gun battle with security forces in Sindh, Pakistan, Farooqi had a bounty of Rs 20 million (436,205 USD) on his head.

The new fix list for China
Apr 16, 2014

The new fix list for China

The Chinese economy's has been facing serious structural problems for some time now. Premier Li knows it, and he is making sure that the legislators attending the parliament session also get the message and pass it on.

The New India Accelerator proposal: Playing to India’s strengths
Nov 02, 2021

The New India Accelerator proposal: Playing to India’s strengths

As part of the decarbonisation experiment, India can offer to lead a globally supported, incremental climate-action plan for the world

The New Land Acquisition Draft: A Critique
Sep 15, 2011

The New Land Acquisition Draft: A Critique

Notwithstanding certain areas of confusions and its share of shortcomings, some of them very serious in nature, the new land acquisition bill is a long overdue and must move quickly with doses of amendments to see the daylight.

The new name of Madhesh province surprises Nepal
Feb 05, 2022

The new name of Madhesh province surprises Nepal

Would granting the name Madhesh Pradesh to Province 2 in Nepal on ethnic lines become a hindrance in the future?

The new Sino-Russian partnership
Jun 12, 2015

The new Sino-Russian partnership

Xi Jinping's foreign policy gives acute emphasis to the development of silk roads. The closer Moscow and Beijing get, the more Russia will have to adjust to China's interests. It is important to understand that while Moscow depends heavily on Beijing, the situation is not true in the reverse.

The new solar system
Mar 28, 2006

The new solar system

The US National Security Strategy of March 2006 is an upgraded version of the 2002 version, which had come about after the September 11, 2001, attacks. The present one seems to be a slight rethink of its predecessor, but the essentials are the same. Introducing the new doctrine, President Bush had declared rather grimly, ¿America is at war.¿

The new world disorder
Mar 28, 2020

The new world disorder

COVID pandemic has exposed the fragility of global society and governance — and pointed to the way forward.

The next level in relationship
Dec 31, 2012

The next level in relationship

India and Russia already have mutual stakes in the hydrocarbon sector. The stage is set for this time-tested friendship to deliver results. They should now extend their integration beyond conventional strategic ties.

The next tango with Paris
Feb 14, 2013

The next tango with Paris

Delhi must indeed prepare for the inevitable emergence of China as a full-fledged naval power in the Indian Ocean in the longer term. In the interim, as India seeks to consolidate its natural advantages in the Indian Ocean, France is a compelling naval partner.

The Niti Aayog Health Index: Beyond absolute numbers
Jul 05, 2019

The Niti Aayog Health Index: Beyond absolute numbers

The Health Index released by the NITI Aayog provides a comprehensive state-wise assessment of the health situation in the country. But, it is imperati

The Nuclear Deal: India cannot be Coerced
Nov 09, 2005

The Nuclear Deal: India cannot be Coerced

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh concerned about the looming energy crisis, is determined to expand the contribution of civilian nuclear power to India¿s energy budget. For this it is necessary to remove the shackles imposed by the United States and its friends on international nuclear transactions.

The Obama visit and its geopolitical context
Feb 09, 2015

The Obama visit and its geopolitical context

If we accept the US to do something for us, we too have to be able to offer a quid pro quo, remembering that in international relations, national interests are supreme, sovereignty is (sometimes) equal but power and reach are not equal.

The Obama visit: A Perspective
Nov 27, 2010

The Obama visit: A Perspective

One of the most awaited and celebrated events of 2010 in India was the State visit of US President Barack Obama from November 6-8. Considerable amount of discussions and debates had taken place both before and during the visit.

The OIC and India: signals of a re-think
Feb 02, 2006

The OIC and India: signals of a re-think

On the eve of his recent visit to India, in an interview to an Indian newspaper, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia remarked that "India should have an observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference similar to that held by Russia." He added it would be "beneficial" if India's entry was proposed "by a nation like Pakistan."

The old but relevant script of the Cuban Missile crisis
Nov 01, 2022

The old but relevant script of the Cuban Missile crisis

With the risks for escalation and miscalculations growing in the Ukraine war, it is time to revisit the sobering lessons of 1962

The Omicron variant: Weighing the severity
Feb 03, 2022

The Omicron variant: Weighing the severity

Have we learnt our lessons from experiences of countries across globe in handling the Omicron variant? Is India prepared enough?

The Only Way to Make Climate Progress
Jan 18, 2024

The Only Way to Make Climate Progress

Green technology and capital is concentrated in rich countries. Here’s how to address the north-south divide.

The outliers who won the PM's post
Apr 16, 2014

The outliers who won the PM's post

If Narendra Modi becomes prime minister, he will join a select band of predecessors who can be called "outliers" - a scientific term used to describe phenomena which are outside the normal experience.

The outsourcing debate in the US elections
Aug 20, 2012

The outsourcing debate in the US elections

In the US presidential election, dominated by domestic issues and with little focus on foreign policy, outsourcing has emerged as a point of discussion. India is one of the top countries to which the US outsource work.

The Pakistani army planning something against India
May 08, 2015

The Pakistani army planning something against India

It is not the first time that the Pakistan army has accused the R&AW of fomenting trouble in Pakistan. India should be cautious of what lies behind this seemingly sudden provocation. The Pakistan army prepares the ground for a major attack against India and its assets by raising the pitch of allegations to whip up public support at home. This has been the case in the past, including the Mumbai attacks of 2008.