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For a Quad strategy
Nov 26, 2019

For a Quad strategy

‘Indo-Pacific’ is being used loosely to mean different things to different nations

For a strong and powerful India
Nov 17, 2015

For a strong and powerful India

India is now being recognized as the fastest growing country in Asia. Even PM Modi recently said that Indian economy is doing much better now. But India's soft underbelly should not be forgotten -- India has the highest number of malnourished children under- five years of age in the world.

For a ‘win-win’ situation in health, India and China don’t need a ‘Medicine God’
Jul 27, 2018

For a ‘win-win’ situation in health, India and China don’t need a ‘Medicine God’

More research is needed to understand the barriers that Indian companies are facing in China.

For all our sakes, building digital trust had better be the technology trend of the 2020s
Dec 30, 2020

For all our sakes, building digital trust had better be the technology trend of the 2020s

The defining aspect of technology and innovation in the 2020s isn’t an algorithm or an invention, it’s a choice.

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia
Jan 08, 2013

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia

India's smaller neighbours are not as concerned about the reach, if any, of outside powers in the region. In this sense, the neighbourhood?s concerns about India are distinct from India's own concerns.

For Beijing and New Delhi, 2020 was the point of no return
Dec 29, 2020

For Beijing and New Delhi, 2020 was the point of no return

Indian foreign policy has been at the front and centre of challenging China’s global designs. New Delhi was the first country to warn the world of the dangers of China’s BRI at a time when almost every other country was willing to buy into Beijing’s narrative.

For BIMSTEC to work, fix BBIN first
Aug 30, 2018

For BIMSTEC to work, fix BBIN first

As Prime Minister Modi prepares to signal India’s leadership role in Kathmandu, an analysis of India’s role in the MVA process will prove instruct

For child trafficking victims, rehabilitation, and not just rescue, is critical
Jul 27, 2015

For child trafficking victims, rehabilitation, and not just rescue, is critical

In the case of trafficked children in India, excesses or oversights are commonplace. Gaping holes in the existing system of home enquiry lead to inaccurate assignations on the part of courts and concerned agencies.

For China, pullback Is ‘Done’. Will India raise diplomatic costs?
Aug 01, 2020

For China, pullback Is ‘Done’. Will India raise diplomatic costs?

In China’s view, disengagement is a done thing; if New Delhi thinks otherwise, the onus is on it to do what it can.

For China, the challenge has just begun in Afghanistan
Sep 14, 2021

For China, the challenge has just begun in Afghanistan

Conflict resolution and political problem-solving in other countries are not traits that Chinese diplomats excel at. It remains to be seen how China walks this tightrope in Afghanistan, which remains a fractured crucible of contradictory ethnic and political interests

For economic progress, learn from the Chinese
Jul 16, 2019

For economic progress, learn from the Chinese

Deep social change is at the heart of economic progress.

For Europe, all publicity is not good publicity
Nov 15, 2022

For Europe, all publicity is not good publicity

The EU and its officials should not alienate the world at a time when it is in need of partners in the midst of the Ukraine crisis

For India, a Complicated SCO Summit
Sep 20, 2022

For India, a Complicated SCO Summit

Across the SCO there is conflict at various levels that complicates India’s engagement, from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to simmering Sino-Indian tensions.

For Kashmiris, the curse of sisyphus may be no curse at all
Nov 05, 2018

For Kashmiris, the curse of sisyphus may be no curse at all

If Kashmiris derive purpose from the process of defiance, with only secondary concern for the outcome of this approach, then the ‘gods’ in Delhi may be condemned to watch in eternity the purposeful repetition of their struggle.

For Love of Democracy, West Prefers Islamisation In Syria
Oct 15, 2011

For Love of Democracy, West Prefers Islamisation In Syria

The luxury bus leaves downtown Cam hotel to Qassion mountains for a panoramic view of the world's oldest, continuously inhabited city, Damascus. The picture has to be sketched because outside Syria everyone is counting on the level of chaos we did not see.

For multinational corporations, there is a call to rise for the greater good
Nov 30, 2021

For multinational corporations, there is a call to rise for the greater good

Global corporations can proactively work towards sustainable and ethical development, particularly in the post-pandemic recovery

For Pakistan, China is the new America
Feb 20, 2019

For Pakistan, China is the new America

Pakistan is now deeply in hock to China. From weapon systems to economic bailouts, to diplomatic support in various international fora, China is Pakis

For peace in Afghanistan, listen to Afghans
Jul 06, 2017

For peace in Afghanistan, listen to Afghans

Afghanistan's message is clear: the Afghan government and people want peace and they seek to achieve that peace through direct talks with the authorit

For power-starved J&K, is transfer of hydro power projects from NHPC to State a solution?
Aug 17, 2018

For power-starved J&K, is transfer of hydro power projects from NHPC to State a solution?

The enlarged footprint of projects in J&K, with one third of its installed capacity being in J&K has earned the NHPC the local sobriquet of th

For the region to flourish, all our communities must be at peace
Feb 12, 2018

For the region to flourish, all our communities must be at peace

In this crowded region of South Asia, we must find sufficient space to swim together, or we are doomed to sink separately.

Forcing China’s hand?
Apr 12, 2019

Forcing China’s hand?

The U.S. initiative to have Masood Azhar blacklisted at the UN Security Council marks a new turn

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?
Mar 16, 2024

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?

Trends in consumption growth in the last two decades suggest that IEA’s expectation of a decline in demand for petrol in India on account of growth

Foreign fighters in Ukraine – A definitional dilemma
Mar 12, 2022

Foreign fighters in Ukraine – A definitional dilemma

As foreign fighters pour into Ukraine to assist it, questions are raised about what would become of these volunteers as the definition of “foreign f

Foreign Fighters in Ukraine: The Indian Position
Aug 14, 2023

Foreign Fighters in Ukraine: The Indian Position

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to a full-fledged international armed conflict, and the Ukrainian president has issued a call to people across the world to join the country’s battle through the International Legion of Territorial Defence (ILTD). At the time of writing, 500 Indians have submitted applications to join the ILTD, and one is already in the force. This brief contextualises the rise of Indians fighting ‘foreign’ war

Foreign policy & federalism
Jan 23, 2014

Foreign policy & federalism

It is absolutely necessary that the central government must consult the state concerned, take care of its grievances, and take it on board while making a decision. At the same time an effective foreign policy requires that the Centre will be in a position to draw the line and assert that the national interest must trump any other interest.

Foreign policy and BRICS: A look at Russia
Feb 01, 2013

Foreign policy and BRICS: A look at Russia

Russia saw BRICS as an anti-Western grouping and it can be said that this Russian BRICS-view still persists. The main problem with this position is that BRICS was not crafted to be a foreign policy vehicle.

Foreign policy cannot be so chaotic
Mar 27, 2012

Foreign policy cannot be so chaotic

There is no doubt that federalism and the increasing role of states in foreign policy is a reality and not something detrimental. It is important, however, to deal with this reality in a mature and pro-active manner.

Foreign policy challenges five years later
Jun 11, 2019

Foreign policy challenges five years later

In an unpredictable global environment, India needs to shape a domestic consensus in matters of Indian foreign policy.

Foreign Policy Contestation and Indian Democracy
Apr 26, 2024

Foreign Policy Contestation and Indian Democracy

As a rising India engages the world with confidence in an increasingly challenging environment, informed contestations on foreign policy should be the norm.

Foreign policy issues in US presidential campaign 2012:  An assessment
Jul 19, 2012

Foreign policy issues in US presidential campaign 2012: An assessment

As President Barack Obama reaches the twilight of his first term, he has to enter the grind yet again, go all out to try and convince the voters that he deserves another term.

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries
Jun 11, 2015

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries

As the US Presidential elections unfold, Republican candidates would be thoroughly tested on their merit of thinking creatively on issue-based solutions to global challenges and exploring facets of diplomacy and non-military aspects of foreign policies in contrast to the focus on military interventionism and a hawkish vision of American policies abroad.

Foreign policy shift unlikely under new Government
May 13, 2014

Foreign policy shift unlikely under new Government

Delhi appears set for a regime change, probably by the BJP-led coalition. However, there is unlikely to be any major change in Indian Foreign Policy. There might be more rhetoric, but not much in substance and action. In all probability, it will be a foreign policy which is realist and pragmatic.

Foreign policy: Regional issues and national concerns
Mar 22, 2013

Foreign policy: Regional issues and national concerns

In not agreeing to have a parliamentary resolution against Sri Lanka, the Parliament has demonstrated where politics ends and policy-making on a sensitive area as external affairs and neighbourhood relations begin.

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka
Mar 06, 2004

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka

The most recent Tokyo Conference on the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka was held at Washington D.C., on February 17, 2004, as a follow-up meet to discuss the international community¿s support for Sri Lanka¿s peace process.