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The DPJ and the Parliamentary Stalemate in Japan
Feb 09, 2011

The DPJ and the Parliamentary Stalemate in Japan

The Democratic Party of Japan ( DPJ ) has been in power for about a year and a half. Despite scoring a landslide victory in the House of Representatives election in August 2009, the ruling party has failed to cash in on this great opportunity.

The dragon in the room
Dec 21, 2012

The dragon in the room

India has indeed sounded the trumpet of defence diplomacy as part of its engagement with the ASEAN over the last two decades. If Delhi does not help promote a stable balance of power in Southeast Asia now, India's own security challenges in the future could get a lot more daunting.

The dragon in the room
Jun 22, 2021

The dragon in the room

It took a long time for the West to recognize the need for an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative and that it has already stolen a march on it in this domain

The drift to a national security state
Aug 03, 2013

The drift to a national security state

Ensuring national security is an important attribute of a modern nation-state. But as the erstwhile Soviet Union realised, the threats to the state these days do not come from orthodox sources. And looking at India with its nuclear weapons and huge armies, it is even more difficult to believe that any combination of external and internal threats can actually pose an existential challenge to the nation.

The dynamics of self-reliant India
Jul 04, 2020

The dynamics of self-reliant India

Both — Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Make in India — are great ideas, and are misinterpreted in due to vested interests, or due to lack of communication and lack of understanding among the public.

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity
Oct 15, 2005

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity

Fifty-six years after the ceasefire line was drawn between the Indian and Pakistan occupied Kashmir, the underlying seismic fault lines have made a mockery of this line. This map delineation, which was renamed as Line of Control after the 1971 Indo Pak war, has gone out of control, at least temporarily, by the fury of the nature when the earthquake struck this area on 8 October.

The easter bombings in Sri Lanka foreshadow a regional challenge
Apr 24, 2019

The easter bombings in Sri Lanka foreshadow a regional challenge

The shocking Easter Day terror attacks in Sri Lanka underscore a regional problem.

The Eastern Situation in Sri Lanka
Jun 30, 2004

The Eastern Situation in Sri Lanka

The situation in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka is getting messier by the moment with twists and turns in the script has made it that much more difficult for all the actors in the ¿peace process¿.

The economics of the Taliban takeover
Sep 10, 2021

The economics of the Taliban takeover

Taliban 2.0 are working towards ensuring that they are not dependent on external sources of revenue

The effectiveness of deradicalisation programmes
Apr 10, 2020

The effectiveness of deradicalisation programmes

Prevention must mean more than the detection of people at risk of radicalised behaviour, it should rely on the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

The election imbroglio: Pakistan’s general elections and the way forward
Feb 13, 2024

The election imbroglio: Pakistan’s general elections and the way forward

The 2024 Pakistani elections is a significant indicator of the increasing vulnerability of the military in the nation's political landscape and the po

The emergence of the New Development Bank
Jul 25, 2014

The emergence of the New Development Bank

The BRICS' National Development Bank is not trying to replace the IMF-World Bank. It will play a complementary role, catering to the needs of developing countries.

The emergent transatlantic consensus against China
Jun 20, 2020

The emergent transatlantic consensus against China

Chinese advocacy for economic interdependence, owing to its centrality in global supply chains, could be met with a renewed transatlantic consensus ce

The emerging markets conundrum
Feb 17, 2014

The emerging markets conundrum

As the EMEs grow and mature, they can no longer rely on export-driven, credit-fuelled growth and must look inward to initiate deep seated structural reforms and modify their path to economic prosperity. There is a need for effective governance and strong leadership to restore the lost pride of emerging markets.

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision
Jun 07, 2024

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision

Does the withdrawal of the US  troops from Niger mark the end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision?

The enduring challenges in mobilising green finance
Nov 02, 2021

The enduring challenges in mobilising green finance

The financial products conceptualised so far are not yet catering to the needs of the poor affected by climate change, especially at the critical inte

The Enduring Challenges to Democratic Transition in Myanmar
Aug 14, 2023

The Enduring Challenges to Democratic Transition in Myanmar

After days of disputing the 2020 election results and claiming widespread fraud in the polls that gave the National League for Democracy a second term, Myanmar’s military, the Tatmadaw, staged a coup on 1 February 2021. The coup supposedly ended a decade of inadequate democratic reforms in Myanmar, which came after almost five decades of oppressive military rule. Ironically enough, the military regime itself had set the course of reforms post-2

The Energy Challenge
Sep 21, 2011

The Energy Challenge

First let me say how pleased I am to be here. The Observer Research Foundation has a strong track record of building partnerships between business and policy makers, and generating innovative thinking on how to tackle the major challenges of our times.

The EU-US Summit: Where trade is messier than geopolitics
Oct 28, 2023

The EU-US Summit: Where trade is messier than geopolitics

With elections due in 2024 in both the EU and the US, stabilising the relationship and easing lingering tensions before potential changes in leadershi

The European Union as a security actor: View from India
Jan 15, 2015

The European Union as a security actor: View from India

What is a security actor and how is it different from being a great or major power? In many ways, this question is central to understanding the lack of appreciation of the European Union as an actor in the security arena in India and certainly in some other parts of Asia.

The European Union, CAI, and the abyss
Jan 02, 2021

The European Union, CAI, and the abyss

The CAI — despite Ursula von der Leyen’s claim that it will help the EU defend multilateralism — is not multilateral at all. It is a bilateral d

The evidence on Syria is thin
Sep 03, 2013

The evidence on Syria is thin

Like about the Loch Ness Monster, we have only heard that the West has proof of the Assad regime using chemical weapons. But we've seen no credible testimony. For all one knows, it may have been the rebels' doing to instigate a US military response.

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave
Dec 26, 2023

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave

As the Indo-Pacific region grows in prominence, all the members of the CSC, which are democracies, will continue to play their cards based on domestic and external benefits.

The exegesis of the COVID19 origin: Did the virus escape a lab?
Apr 18, 2020

The exegesis of the COVID19 origin: Did the virus escape a lab?

The virus “lab origin” narrative is gaining traction in the US.

The expanding universe of biosafety and space
Feb 26, 2024

The expanding universe of biosafety and space

The year 2023 has witnessed significant advancements in space exploration. With these remarkable achievements come evolving guidelines to safeguard Ea

The F-16s and India-Pakistan-USA Relations
Apr 01, 2005

The F-16s and India-Pakistan-USA Relations

Fifteen years ago, the USA had promised to sell F-16s to Pakistan. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, the company manufacturing the aircraft, took the necessary advance for it. Then there were sudden changes in the global and regional strategic environment. The Jehadi war in Afghanistan got over and Pakistan started diverting Jehadism into Jammu and Kashmir. The Cold war also was over.

The face of terror in Bangladesh
Mar 05, 2018

The face of terror in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has witnessed a resurgence in terror activities since 2013, indicating regrouping of the Neo-Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh.

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia
Jan 04, 2018

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia

With the territorial defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, analysts are pondering the kind of organisational form the group would take next. The influence of the so-called Islamic State in South Asia may be minimal, but India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, have all had the shadow of ISIS’ global footprint land on their doorstep. This brief sheds light on how the influence of ISIS spread across South Asia, specifically after 2014, when pro-I

The fallacy of Govt's tobacco taxation
Jul 09, 2014

The fallacy of Govt's tobacco taxation

The skewed tobacco taxation policy, far removed from a reality based understanding of the tobacco consumption and economics, is not helping the government achieve any goals. It is perhaps due to either a strong lobby, or the desire to protect 36 million beedi workers or just bad strategy.

The false debate on India's energy consumption
Nov 10, 2015

The false debate on India's energy consumption

Despite having among the largest coal reserves in the world, India lags far behind in consumption. The average Indian's coal consumption is around 20% that of the US citizen, and 34% of the average OECD citizen.

The faraway neighbour
Jul 17, 2013

The faraway neighbour

Recent developments in Bhutan reflect India's growing foreign policy challenges in the Neighbourhood. They are a reminder that many of the traditional assumptions of India's regional policy are no longer sustainable.

The fate of the European Green Deal
Jun 08, 2024

The fate of the European Green Deal

With the 2024 European Parliament elections taking place from 6-9 June, the fate of the European Green Deal hangs in the balance.

The female face of technology
Mar 08, 2020

The female face of technology

The most critical thing to do is to dream it and do it.

The fiasco that need not have been
Mar 10, 2010

The fiasco that need not have been

What Salman Bashir did was a scaled down version of what Musharraf did at the India Today Conclave a year ago in New Delhi and much more scaled down version of his antics at the Agra Summit. It should have been déjà vu.

The final burial of non-alignment
Nov 17, 2015

The final burial of non-alignment

India, which clung to non-alignment as its international identity since Independence, had little inclination for defence diplomacy. But now New Delhi is slowly moving away from a fastidious avoidance of military partnerships in the past to making security cooperation an important part of India's foreign relations now.

The Fintech Landscape in India and Africa: A Primer
Aug 16, 2023

The Fintech Landscape in India and Africa: A Primer

The adoption of digital payments has risen exponentially over the past decade in many countries including India and those in the African continent. In India, the growth has run parallel to rapid mobile penetration, aided by initiatives like Aadhaar, the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), and IndiaStack, as well as the unintended push factor created by demonetisation in November 2016. This brief discusses the landscape of fintech—‘finan

The flashpoint of South China Sea: Implications for India
Aug 03, 2012

The flashpoint of South China Sea: Implications for India

The age-old Chinese dictum of hiding one's capabilities and strategically biding time for an opportune moment seems to be fast eroding to make way for aggressive posturing by the Chinese especially in the South China Sea.

The foggy trend in Europe
May 19, 2012

The foggy trend in Europe

The return of a Socialist in France since Mitterand's victory in 1981 confirms a trend in Europe which, instead of lifting the mist, is adding to the fog. The other day in the UK, Labour had trounced the Conservatives in local bodies election across the country.

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election
Sep 29, 2020

The foreign policy dimension of the US presidential election

Whoever wins the November election, the structural constraints that affect US foreign policy behaviour will remain. China will remain a key rival, rel

The forgotten history of Indian international relations
Nov 16, 2017

The forgotten history of Indian international relations

What does it mean to speak of an ‘Indian’ approach to international affairs? Indian International Relations (IR) is commonly presented as merely a derivative of ‘western’ disciplinary traditions in Europe and North America. This obscures the vast body of work on political science and international thought that emerged from the beginning of the 20th century amongst South Asian intellectuals, scholars, and activists. This forgotten history

The Four Cs of India’s Green Growth
Jan 26, 2022

The Four Cs of India’s Green Growth

Commitment, co-benefits, cost, and capital are the four Cs of India’s renewable miracle

The four pillars of a safe city
Mar 20, 2013

The four pillars of a safe city

Defining safety in urban spaces as just one of physical protection is self-defeating as it presupposes the existence of only reactive action. The construction of safety in sheer physical terms reduces, and often completely eliminates, the possibility of proactive action.