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Five years of General's jihad
Oct 13, 2004

Five years of General's jihad

President Pervez Musharraf wrested power from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless coup on October 12, 1999. In the five years since then, Pakistan has found itself increasingly enmeshed in sectarian violence, economic disaster, political collapse and diplomatic isolation.

Five years of GST: Implications for India’s fiscal federalism
Jul 18, 2022

Five years of GST: Implications for India’s fiscal federalism

The GST regime over the last five years has showcased the cracks emerging in federal cooperation.

Five years of sinification of Islam in China
Oct 18, 2023

Five years of sinification of Islam in China

Over the course of five years, Beijing has curbed religious freedom under the pretext of “reorienting” Muslims of China towards core socialist val

Five-point someone
May 26, 2014

Five-point someone

For Modi, Nawaz Sharif's willingness to show up at the launch of his government is a political bonus. If Modi is luckier than Manmohan Singh and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, he might make some sustainable progress with Pakistan.

Fix the economy, don't target big business
May 19, 2014

Fix the economy, don't target big business

The new undercurrent is targeting the notion of big business itself. India is angry, and rightfully so. But is there any problem being solved by targeting large corporates for accumulating wealth? It is not solving the investment drought or the fiscal deficit. It is also not solving the critical challenge of making Indian MSMEs globally competitive, or of creating jobs for the 12 million youth entering the workforce every year.

Fixing Cyber Vulnerabilities: An Agenda for the Quad
Feb 16, 2024

Fixing Cyber Vulnerabilities: An Agenda for the Quad

The COVID-19 pandemic sparked rapid digitalisation worldwide, with work-from-home interactions, online payments, and online consultations for various services becoming acceptable practices. While this shift in the manner and nature of work brought enormous benefits, crucially in terms of access, it has also increased the kind of cyber security threats that countries face, with vulnerabilities felt particularly in the health and financial sectors.

Fixing man-made disasters in Indian metro cities
Feb 18, 2019

Fixing man-made disasters in Indian metro cities

India’s metros are building an unenviable reputation for themselves through a series of man-made disasters.

Flailing giant state of Nigeria: Reassessing problems of human security
Nov 23, 2021

Flailing giant state of Nigeria: Reassessing problems of human security

Nigeria is at the risk of becoming a failed state as it faces multiple challenges such as terrorism, secessionist movements, political violence, and w

Flawed education system in Kashmir
Mar 20, 2023

Flawed education system in Kashmir

The declining education system needs to be tackled with targeted measures to economically and ideologically transform the Valley

Flight of foreign portfolio investments: Perilous to government plans
Sep 10, 2019

Flight of foreign portfolio investments: Perilous to government plans

Despite recent waivers, continuing the withdrawal of FPIs from the Indian economy highlights the perils of an uninsulated capital market in India.

Floods in Pakistan- An Assessment
Aug 13, 2010

Floods in Pakistan- An Assessment

The devastating floods in Pakistan have not only destroyed lives and property across the country but also seriously undermined the civilian government's reputation among the people.

Flow with the times: The Farakka water treaty
Oct 23, 2021

Flow with the times: The Farakka water treaty

For Bangladesh and India, the imminent expiry of the deal presents opportunities for exploring the appropriate mechanisms for governing flows in river basins

FM surprises the poor, unorganised
Mar 03, 2015

FM surprises the poor, unorganised

The Union Finance Minister surprised many with his social sector-centric budget. No one expected the Modi government to go for enhancing the MNREGA by Rs 5000 crore or to have a huge kitty of subsidies ($37 billion) aimed at the poor. There seems to be a vision towards giving India a universal social security system for all and especially the poor.

FM walks the talk, honestly and judiciously, but very diffidently
Feb 02, 2018

FM walks the talk, honestly and judiciously, but very diffidently

ore reassurance comes from the fiscal deficit target for 2018-19 set at 3.3 per cent of GDP.

FM's efforts to invigorate small industries
Mar 27, 2015

FM's efforts to invigorate small industries

In the Union Budget this year, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley seems to have tried his best to address the numerous issues being faced by the micro, small and medium enterprises and to invigorate them. For this industry, the way forward is through a reformist social programme which will aid the weak and inefficient enterprises.

FMs' meet enhances warmth with India
Oct 03, 2014

FMs' meet enhances warmth with India

India-Bangladesh relations got a major boost following the meeting between India's External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Bangladesh's Foreign Minister Abul Hasan Mohammad Ali this week.

Focus beyond fighters
Oct 09, 2019

Focus beyond fighters

In the absence of combat mass, technology has to do the heavy lifting. For the last twenty years, the IAF has seen combat aircraft numbers rapidly dwi

Focus beyond school ‘detention’ policy
Jul 21, 2018

Focus beyond school ‘detention’ policy

The implications of States having different policies with regard to detaining students goes against the principle of having a uniform elementary educa

Focus of climate finance needs to change
Oct 18, 2019

Focus of climate finance needs to change

For poorer countries, funds for ‘adaptation’ make more sense than ‘mitigation’. A retreat from climate hotspots is to be explored

Focus on bus transport system
Jan 15, 2019

Focus on bus transport system

The ‘BEST’ principle adopted by successful global cities can provide a solution to perils of India’s urban transportation.

Focus on industrialisation to tackle rural poverty
Apr 04, 2012

Focus on industrialisation to tackle rural poverty

Why have the north-eastern States remained poor? This has to be looked into carefully. It has to do with inadequacy or inefficacy of development programmes for income generation. Why have some states like Bihar, UP and Chhattisgarh also not done well?

Focus on Navy's structural reforms
Mar 04, 2014

Focus on Navy's structural reforms

Neither Admiral Joshi nor Sinha, or for that matter the PM, RM and the President are culpable for the accident, whose causes are yet to be determined. They may share constructive responsibility, though, whether it requires their resignation is another matter.

Focus on pilots selection, training
Mar 30, 2015

Focus on pilots selection, training

Given that pilot training is solely based on an individual's ability to afford it, and his selection by airlines dependent not just on an assessment of his capabilities but also the question of supply and demand, we can be fairly certain that unless this aspect is given due consideration, incidents like that of Germanwings will continue to plague us.

Focus on the peace pipeline
Sep 08, 2004

Focus on the peace pipeline

AS THE Foreign Ministers of India and Pakistan hold their first structured political dialogue in four decades, the question of building trans-border natural gas pipelines is likely to figure prominently in the bilateral agenda.

Fog of War: A first glimpse of wartime information operations
Mar 01, 2019

Fog of War: A first glimpse of wartime information operations

Information operations have long been Pakistan’s preferred tool to execute and supplement its hybrid warfare in Jammu and Kashmir.

Food safety during the pandemic—a matter of concern and opportunity to make it better
Jun 07, 2021

Food safety during the pandemic—a matter of concern and opportunity to make it better

On World Food Safety Day, we look at how COVID-19 has highlighted the growing concerns around food safety

Food safety in China: Current issues and policy responses
Jun 26, 2024

Food safety in China: Current issues and policy responses

Despite the Chinese government's ongoing efforts to enhance food safety regulations, the growing occurrence of food safety scandals highlights the nee

Food security in Afghanistan
Jan 24, 2022

Food security in Afghanistan

With food insecurity on the rise, largely due to the pandemic, drought, and conflict, Afghanistan is facing one of the worst humanitarian crises

Food security in China and its role in pushing the G20 Agenda
May 10, 2023

Food security in China and its role in pushing the G20 Agenda

Though China has significantly reduced the rate of malnutrition, the country still faces challenges in ensuring food security

Food security in West Bengal: Inter-state portability and digitisation
Sep 20, 2019

Food security in West Bengal: Inter-state portability and digitisation

In states such as West Bengal, the purpose of holding a ration card is still of utmost importance for procurement decisions. The low level of digitisa

Food Security Schemes Need To Focus On Diet Diversification
Dec 08, 2023

Food Security Schemes Need To Focus On Diet Diversification

India's nutrition levels have been a matter of concern. Policymakers have to shift their approach to find a long-term solution for the problem

Foods of the future: Ecological promises and ethical challenges of synthetic meat
Nov 08, 2023

Foods of the future: Ecological promises and ethical challenges of synthetic meat

As the world seeks eco-friendly and ethically sound nutrition alternatives, synthetic meat takes centre stage, but like all innovations, it comes with

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India
Nov 12, 2018

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India

India will not politically prefer Russia to the US — rather it must learn to work with both. In the Indo-Pacific, India’s equities lie with Washin