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The chaos that is counter-terrorism in India
Nov 24, 2018

The chaos that is counter-terrorism in India

Ten years on from 26/11, the NSG continues to face serious logistical and transportation challenges. Simply put, the NSG cannot wait around to execute

The Chicago chance
May 22, 2012

The Chicago chance

If the Obama Administration avoids the temptation of returning to business as usual with Rawalpindi, it has an opportunity to get both Afghanistan and Pakistan right.

The China Big Picture
Oct 15, 2011

The China Big Picture

India needs to take a broad approach to its foreign policy. One of the biggest mistakes Delhi could make would be to see the Indo-Vietnam relationship as simply a means for countering China.

The China challenge
Jun 16, 2020

The China challenge

In the evolving geopolitical dynamic after Covid, India should side with democracies.

The China challenge takes centre stage in Asian polls
Apr 25, 2019

The China challenge takes centre stage in Asian polls

China’s role in reshaping the political milieu in many countries is causing a sense of unease

The China effect? Behind India’s mysterious U-turn at the IMF
Jun 20, 2020

The China effect? Behind India’s mysterious U-turn at the IMF

Previous attempts at building alternate multilateral institutions like the New Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have been hij

The China factor in the global coal market
May 10, 2012

The China factor in the global coal market

The idea of energy security which was hitherto rooted in the supply and price of oil has now been expanded to include concerns over the availability and trade of coal. The key concern is the demand growth from China and its impact on coal price and availability, given the level of concentration in its sources of supply.

The China-India Defense Dialogue
Apr 20, 2015

The China-India Defense Dialogue

China is touting its vision of linking two Indian projects (Mausam and Spice Route) with its One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. China's main goal is to coordinate regional policy so that each country's economic development plan becomes part of a larger regional vision.

The Chinese are coming
Apr 03, 2015

The Chinese are coming

While West Asia is volatile, the Chinese are beginning to get more active in Afghanistan, retain their pre-eminence in Pakistan and strengthen ties with Iran. In fact, Iran is the third leg of China?s policy in our immediate western neighbourhood. The Chinese are obviously making preparations for the time when peace returns to the Arab world, which might leave a stronger Iran.

The Chinese interest in Special Drawing Rights
Apr 26, 2011

The Chinese interest in Special Drawing Rights

The fall in the value of the dollar would be worrying the central bankers in China because the value of their reserves also declines simultaneously. The promotion of the SDR agenda by the Chinese is certainly no coincidence given the position of the dollar today.

The collusive threat: Chinese and Pakistani cooperation in strategic capabilities
Jun 13, 2023

The collusive threat: Chinese and Pakistani cooperation in strategic capabilities

Despite the current economic and political upheaval in Pakistan, the Sino-Pakistani strategic nexus remains stable

The COMCASA question in India-US military relations
Sep 06, 2018

The COMCASA question in India-US military relations

Like the LEMOA, there have been heated debates on COMCASA too.

The complex battlefields of Iraq
Oct 10, 2005

The complex battlefields of Iraq

Yemen is the cradle to the Arabs, Iraq their grave. So goes an Arab proverb. Since March 2003 Iraq has certainly been the grave of a great many Arabs ¿ men, women, and children caught in the crossfire of a conflict wantonly unleashed to sustain a misbegotten thesis.

The complex narratives of ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’
Oct 07, 2019

The complex narratives of ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’

‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’ has made a noisy return, especially after the government’s action on Article 370 and Pakistan’s isolation in the international theatre.

The Congress Crisis: Existential challenge or battle for relevance?
May 29, 2019

The Congress Crisis: Existential challenge or battle for relevance?

The Congress is confronted with an existential crisis that on the one hand threatens to make the country’s oldest party extinct and on the other pro

The Contributions of Smart Cities Mission: A Stocktaking
Nov 17, 2023

The Contributions of Smart Cities Mission: A Stocktaking

The Smart Cities Mission in India, launched in 2015, is a unique experiment undertaken with the aim of improving people’s quality of life in cities. It bypasses traditional institutional approaches and employs innovative methods to achieve its targets. This brief provides an overview of the work initiated under the mission since its inception and explores the gains so far. It documents sectoral reforms and conducts a critical appraisal of the m

The Covid19 emergency in India: An investment case for health like never before
May 10, 2020

The Covid19 emergency in India: An investment case for health like never before

The response to Covid-19 provides us an opportunity for meaningful health reform; India needs to be in the driver’s seat to make low-cost, client-ce

The COVID19 Pandemic: Why It Won’t Be the Last
May 22, 2023

The COVID19 Pandemic: Why It Won’t Be the Last

In the last two decades, the world has witnessed disease outbreaks that have resulted in massive loss of lives and economic disruptions.[1]  The current pandemic of the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, might still not be the last of the pandemics that the world will suffer in the years to come—as long as human activities that use natural resources beyond their capacities, resulting in the spread of viruses, continue unab

The Covid19 virus could impact the US alliance system
Apr 07, 2020

The Covid19 virus could impact the US alliance system

The big question, deepened by the Covid19 response, is whether NATO has the capacity and will to defend each and every one of its members.

The cow, India's icon: Who'll pay the price?
Jun 05, 2017

The cow, India's icon: Who'll pay the price?

The Centre has chipped in by banning the export of beef and cows, thereby minimising the incentive for cow slaughter.

The Crisis of Food Insecurity in Afghanistan
Dec 08, 2021

The Crisis of Food Insecurity in Afghanistan

Eleven million people in Afghanistan are experiencing food insecurity, and 97 percent of the country’s population are on the brink of universal poverty by mid-2022. Every year, about 250,000 people suffer the devastating impacts of environmental disasters such as floods, droughts, avalanches, landslides, and earthquakes. The circumstances are climacteric, as agriculture is the biggest livelihood provider in the country and influential in its ec

The curious case of India and China
Oct 29, 2013

The curious case of India and China

India and China, the two pillars of the dawning Asian century, are still prisoners to their perceived insecurities and imagined magnificence. They seem condemned to "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity," as one wise man had once remarked. And Mr Manmohan Singh's China visit has added yet another chapter to this narrative.

The curious case of shopping buttons
May 28, 2019

The curious case of shopping buttons

Video streaming applications are said to be a replacement to traditional television. Therefore, it shouldn’t be a surprise that digital streaming ap

The curious case of the PLAN 093-147
Oct 10, 2023

The curious case of the PLAN 093-147

The tragic loss of life aboard a Chinese nuclear attack submarine should be a moment of reflection for the PLAN and other nuclear submarine operating

The danger of China’s maritime aggression amid COVID-19
Apr 11, 2020

The danger of China’s maritime aggression amid COVID-19

Beijing’s behavior, while unsurprising, is only likely to further antagonize its neighbors.

The decline of America
Mar 23, 2010

The decline of America

The decline has gone unnoticed because of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War

The Delhi Blasts: What Next?
Nov 09, 2005

The Delhi Blasts: What Next?

The three synchronised Delhi blasts of October 29,2005, have proved¿¿if further proof was needed¿¿that the motivation and the morale of the pan-Islamic jihadi terrorists belonging to the International Islamic Front (IIF) formed by Osama bin Laden in 1998 continue to remain undamaged, despite the successes scored by our security agencies in neutralising many of their sleeper cells.

The democracy conundrum in Myanmar
Sep 15, 2022

The democracy conundrum in Myanmar

Myanmar's path to a disciplined democratic government is paved with obstacles set by the 2008 Constitution.

The Dilemma of Pay Hikes
Dec 14, 2015

The Dilemma of Pay Hikes

With 23.5 per cent proposed salary hikes, everyone expects that the government will work more efficiently. But the hard performance criteria of the pr

The Disappearing Crafts
Feb 04, 2005

The Disappearing Crafts

Indian designers seem to be gaining in importance both in India and abroad because they are using a lot of embellished textiles in which intricate embroidery, zari, beads and semi precious stones are sown into the fabric. Unlike the western designers who use the cut of the dress or suit as the unique selling point,

The disastrous impact of the pandemic on the child immunisation programme in India
Sep 14, 2021

The disastrous impact of the pandemic on the child immunisation programme in India

Efforts to resume and make up for the setback in mass immunisation for preventable childhood diseases must be ramped up

The doctrine of "national interest"
Nov 05, 2005

The doctrine of "national interest"

In a perceptive essay written some years ago, Joseph Nye had observed that "national interest is a slippery concept used to describe as well as prescribe policy." Decades earlier, the philosopher Gilbert Ryle had cautioned against "systematically misleading expressions" couched in a syntactical form improper to the facts recorded.

The domestic motivations of Beijing's LAC aggression
May 28, 2020

The domestic motivations of Beijing's LAC aggression

Any appearance of weakness in Xi on the world stage could imperil his grip on power within China