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Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Goes to Russia
Nov 12, 2022

Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar Goes to Russia

New Delhi’s relations with Moscow continue to be good, but the long-term prognosis is complicated, especially by China.

India–UAE CEPA: कैसे अपनाया जाए एक समग्र दृष्टिकोण!
Jul 31, 2023

India–UAE CEPA: कैसे अपनाया जाए एक समग्र दृष्टिकोण!

यूएई और भारत सीईपीए मंच का अधिकतम लाभ उठाने के लिए, भारत औ�

India–UAE CEPA: भारत के मुक्त व्यापार समझौतों का भविष्य क्या होगा?
Jul 31, 2023

India–UAE CEPA: भारत के मुक्त व्यापार समझौतों का भविष्य क्या होगा?

भारत और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात का व्यापक आर्थिक भागीदारी समझ

India’s Agnipath Scheme and the Impact on Ties with Nepal
Aug 17, 2023

India’s Agnipath Scheme and the Impact on Ties with Nepal

The Gorkhas, a Nepali military community, have long been recruited by the Indian Army into its Gorkha regiments. Gorkha youth are keen to join the Indian Army since its perks and payments are superior to those of the Nepali Army. However, India's new short-term military enlistment scheme, Agnipath, could alter this association. This brief discusses the impacts of the Agnipath scheme on military labour migration from Nepal to India, and on

India’s balancing act amid Russia-China ties
Dec 12, 2019

India’s balancing act amid Russia-China ties

Russian enmity with China had global consequences; so does their close friendship today. Both scenarios have an impact on India. Russia has been a long-time friend of India; it not only provided India arms to maintain formidable military profile, but also gave invaluable political support on a variety of regional issues. Transfer of military technology has been a key part of the Russian-Chinese relationship, both old & new.

India’s balancing act between Russia and the US amidst growing tensions
Feb 10, 2022

India’s balancing act between Russia and the US amidst growing tensions

India’s recent abstention at the UNSC indicates that it will continue to maintain favourable relations with both the countries whilst prioritising i

India’s balancing partnerships in Eurasia
Feb 27, 2019

India’s balancing partnerships in Eurasia

An interview of ORF President to the Institut Montaigne on India’s foreign policy choices, in particular relations with China, Russia and the Europe

India’s development partnership with Nepal: The paradigm shift and future prospects
Jul 15, 2019

India’s development partnership with Nepal: The paradigm shift and future prospects

While development cooperation has a crucial role in shaping political relations between countries, political relations should not undermine the effect

India’s engagements with Central Europe: Historical links, shared values and global objectives
Dec 09, 2018

India’s engagements with Central Europe: Historical links, shared values and global objectives

Modern-day India deals with the independent Czech and Slovak republics, where bilateral relations are friendly, genuine and positive. The leaders buil

India’s foreign intelligence and a need for narrative management
May 18, 2024

India’s foreign intelligence and a need for narrative management

As India’s international stature grows, its intelligence agencies will come under greater scrutiny. The R&AW should institute a PR mechanism to

India’s future choices as the Sino-Indian crisis escalates
Sep 25, 2020

India’s future choices as the Sino-Indian crisis escalates

The Sino-India bilateral relationship has been premised on an understanding that the two nations can move forward on other areas of engagement as the border remains “hot” with military activity. Chinese actions are producing the opposite effect of what was intended, and India is now willing to adopt policies with a strong anti-China orientation.

India’s Lines of Credit, Development Cooperation, and G20 Presidency: A Primer
Aug 17, 2023

India’s Lines of Credit, Development Cooperation, and G20 Presidency: A Primer

Lines of Credit (LOCs) are a widely used instrument in development cooperation, including for India. The projects funded by India’s LOCs attempt to achieve a trinity of objectives: economic benefits; effective project management and completion; and nurturing and enhancing diplomatic relationship and strategic interests with the partner countries. This brief explains how India’s LOCs function, and contextualises the performance of the

India’s major power gambit
Oct 04, 2019

India’s major power gambit

Global trends are evolving rapidly and major powers are re-defining their ties with each other to match their contemporary requirements. In light of these trends, New Delhi will also have to be diplomatically nimble as it seeks to engage major powers more substantively.

India’s Maritime Agenda Pivots to Western Indian Ocean
Aug 16, 2023

India’s Maritime Agenda Pivots to Western Indian Ocean

The Western Indian Ocean Region (WIOR) is linked to India in several ways, yet it remains conspicuous in its absence from India’s foreign policy discourse. This lack of attention is now beginning to reverse as external players stake their geopolitical claims in the region. India has responded by reorienting its own nautical outlook towards WIOR and building friendly relationships with African countries that straddle the region. This bri

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group
May 17, 2016

India’s Membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group

India seeks to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group with the objective of playing a more proactive role in the nuclear non-proliferation realm. Political issues remain, however, particularly with regard to its status outside the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This brings to fore questions on the relationship between the Treaty and the Group with regard to their scope, mandate and membership. An assessment of prospective benefits

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil
Apr 04, 2023

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil

Global energy markets have battled continuous uncertainty over the past three years, disrupted first by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. India has been adept at navigating both these disruptions, using economic diplomacy to position itself favourably in the geopolitics of oil. New Delhi’s delicate balancing of its political relationship with both Washington DC and Moscow has been accompanied

India’s Nuclear Revolution, 25 Years after Pokhran
May 12, 2023

India’s Nuclear Revolution, 25 Years after Pokhran

On Pakistan, India should be more willing to use conventional military options and call out Pakistan’s nuclear bluff

India’s Place in Australia’s National Defense Strategy 2024
Apr 24, 2024

India’s Place in Australia’s National Defense Strategy 2024

The pace of growth in the Australia-India strategic relationship is quite impressive, but New Delhi’s hesitance on hard security issues may hamper further developments.

India’s South China Sea policy has not changed. Now, as before, there’s no appetite to challenge China
Sep 16, 2019

India’s South China Sea policy has not changed. Now, as before, there’s no appetite to challenge China

India’s back-to-back moves to boost relations with Japan and Russia, particularly in security matters, appear to indicate it wants a bigger naval role in the contested South China Sea to counter a rising China. The reality is far different

India’s Uganda outreach requires a careful balancing act
Mar 12, 2024

India’s Uganda outreach requires a careful balancing act

India’s renewed relationship with Uganda presents a test cast for Indian diplomacy

Indo-Iranian cooperation in Afghanistan faces challenges
May 08, 2013

Indo-Iranian cooperation in Afghanistan faces challenges

Iran's standoff with neighbouring and Western nations does pose a problem for India which has to balance its relations with Iran against its interest in deepening relations with the US. Collaborating with US initiatives in Afghanistan that exclude Iran might persuade the latter to remove the preferential treatment given to India at Chabahar.

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor
May 28, 2009

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor

There is a fundamental transformation in the Japanese assessment of India's role in the shaping of new Asian security architecture. There has been a perceptible change in the nature of the bilateral partnership since the turn of the century. Rather than being centred on economic interactions. Indo-Japanese ties today cover a far wider spectrum of subjects...

Indo-Pak Economic Ties: Ground Realities
Nov 26, 2004

Indo-Pak Economic Ties: Ground Realities

Analyses and discussions in matters relating to Indo-Pakistan economic relations continue to be marked by considerable wishful-thinking, superficial analysis and illusions. This article, in the form of questions and answers, tries to project the problem in its proper perspective.

Indo-Pak Mirage or Reality?
May 24, 2005

Indo-Pak Mirage or Reality?

Since January, 2004, there has been a wind of change in Indo-Pak relations for which credit has to be equally shared by Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, the former Prime Minister, and Dr.Manmohan Singh, the present. Rhetoric has given place to seeming reason and confrontation to conviviality.

Indo-Pak ties: Increasing people-to-people contact is the way forward
Feb 12, 2013

Indo-Pak ties: Increasing people-to-people contact is the way forward

A desire to find a solution to the conflict that plagues both India and Pakistan was the common thread that run through the discussion at ORF on the bilateral relations and the way forward between Indian experts and retired military officials from Pakistan.

Indo-Pak ties: Time for bolder steps
Aug 29, 2011

Indo-Pak ties: Time for bolder steps

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's initiatives at Sharm-el-Sheikh (Egypt), Thimpu and Chandigarh to improve relations with Pakistan, viewed with much skepticism at the time, were far-sighted. It is time now for even bolder steps.

Indo-Pak: Time right for serious business
Apr 04, 2012

Indo-Pak: Time right for serious business

Though domestic politics will continue to pose challenges to Dr Manmohan Singh's image, his firm commitment to Indo-Pak engagement has put both countries on course for at least a manageable relationship, if not a cordial one, based on mutual interests rather than vicissitudes and emotions.

Indus Water Treaty: Beyond the rhetoric
Mar 30, 2019

Indus Water Treaty: Beyond the rhetoric

Other than being held responsible for causing further bitterness in relations between the two nations, India will not gain anything for now by abrogat

Investigating the ecological decline in the Sundarbans
Jun 11, 2024

Investigating the ecological decline in the Sundarbans

Despite efforts by New Delhi and Dhaka to conserve the Sundarbans, institutional safeguards do not effectively translate into on-the-ground protection

Iran nuclear talks on the verge of collapse
Jun 21, 2022

Iran nuclear talks on the verge of collapse

What will be the future of the Iran–US relationship and Iran's position on the international stage if Iran's nuclear talks reach an impasse?

Iran's nuclear issue: A breakthrough in sight?
Oct 01, 2014

Iran's nuclear issue: A breakthrough in sight?

A significant thaw is happening in the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Once Saudi Arabia decides to mend its ties with Iran, the US should hardly have any reason to go on punishing Iran. In this scenario, it seems the resolution of Iran's nuclear negotiations is not far off.

Iraq Policy of the United States: Dimensions of Failure
Jan 25, 2007

Iraq Policy of the United States: Dimensions of Failure

The invasion and occupation of Iraq in March-April 2003 by a 'Coalition of the Willing' led by the United States was the second part of the response to the outrage conducted by a non-state actor on September 11, 2001. This was perceived in Washington as a gift from history, an opportunity to reshape a region of crucial relevance to the politics and economics of the western world. The impulse for drastic action was greater because notwithstanding

Is India expecting too much from its strategic partnership with Vietnam?
Dec 14, 2018

Is India expecting too much from its strategic partnership with Vietnam?

Despite growing strategic convergence, New Delhi should also be mindful of some of the limitations in the relationship.

Is India firmly aligned with the US now?
Jan 30, 2015

Is India firmly aligned with the US now?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, within eight months of coming to power, has gone about strengthening India's relations with Japan, Australia and the US, in what seems to be a well laid out plan with a clear agenda.

Is Pakistan serious about talks with India?
Feb 22, 2023

Is Pakistan serious about talks with India?

Pakistan's persistent anti-India stance and unreliable dialogue offers from the civilian leadership in Islamabad have rendered the relationship insign

Is South Korea ready to take a strategic bet on India? Taking the tech step
Apr 05, 2023

Is South Korea ready to take a strategic bet on India? Taking the tech step

As India and South Korea celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations, we look into potential sectors that could help strengthen these ties

Is Sri Lanka transitioning from an economic crisis to recovery?
May 19, 2023

Is Sri Lanka transitioning from an economic crisis to recovery?

Sri Lanka is emerging from its crippling economic crisis through stabilisation efforts of the Wickremasinghe government and Indian aid

Israel, Iran, and shadowboxing for deterrence
Apr 20, 2024

Israel, Iran, and shadowboxing for deterrence

The chase for strategic one-upmanship by Iran and Israel could lead to an expanded regional war with global, long-term ramifications

Israel’s normalisation with UAE and Bahrain: A prognosis for the region
Oct 01, 2020

Israel’s normalisation with UAE and Bahrain: A prognosis for the region

Discreet relations already existed between all three countries and the ceremony in the White House merely marked the consummation of the surreptitious

Italy and the EU: Brussels must start thinking outside the box
Jun 06, 2018

Italy and the EU: Brussels must start thinking outside the box

What the relations will be between the EU and one of its founding members will unravel in the coming days. It is high time that Brussels starts thinki

Italy’s BRIexit: Not All Roads Lead to Beijing
Jun 13, 2024

Italy’s BRIexit: Not All Roads Lead to Beijing

Almost 150 countries have joined China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—a project central to Beijing’s global prestige as well as President Xi Jinping’s persona and legacy. Italy, which joined in 2019, was the only G7 and major European Union country to join the BRI. Less than five years later, in December 2023, Italy formally exited the BRI, making it the first country to do so. This paper contextualises the drivers behind Italy

Jaishankar’s Moscow visit: जयशंकर की रूस यात्रा पर क्‍यों है US की नज़र, क्‍या जंग रोकने की होगी पहल!
Jul 19, 2023

Jaishankar’s Moscow visit: जयशंकर की रूस यात्रा पर क्‍यों है US की नज़र, क्‍या जंग रोकने की होगी पहल!

S Jaishankar visit to Moscow ऐसे में सवाल उठता है कि क्‍या वाकई भारतीय विदेश मंत्री की इस यात्रा में जंग खत्‍म करने की पहल हो सकती है. अमेरिका व पश्चिमी देश भारत से इस तरह की उम्‍मीद क्‍यों कर �

Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh elections: Diverging perceptions of India and the US
Oct 04, 2023

Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh elections: Diverging perceptions of India and the US

The return of Jamaat-e-Islami to Bangladesh’s political scene can be seen as a result of the US’s effort to steer democracy but it is likely to af

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call
Dec 08, 2004

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call

In an article of November 22, 2004, on India-Pakistan relations (, I had written as follows:

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?
Oct 09, 2014

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?

The forthcoming APEC annual summit, to be held in Beijing in November, provides an opportunity for both Shinzo Abe and Xi Jingping to meet for the first time and perhaps move in the direction of working out at least a limited "detente" in their relations.

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals
Feb 01, 2014

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals

Japan's engagement with SE Asia focuses through expanding economic ties, cooperation on maritime issues and building close diplomatic relations through Abe's travel diplomacy. This is Japan's 'pivot' to SE Asia and it is here to stay given its strategic rivalry with China.

Japan-Australia strengthening their security cooperation
Dec 05, 2022

Japan-Australia strengthening their security cooperation

The recently revised joint declaration between Japan and Australia seeks to further boost their relations

Japanese PM's successful visit to India
Jan 02, 2012

Japanese PM's successful visit to India

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's recent visit to India marks one more significant thrust to further strengthening Japan-India relations in areas like economic aid, trade and investment and clarifying their position in areas where a full meeting of minds has still not been achieved.

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis
Jun 22, 2022

Japan’s China conundrum amidst the Ukraine crisis

As regional threats ratchet up, Japan is posturing itself to counter the set of challenges posed by China.