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1906 results found

Energy price spikes: Intermittency of renewables and the call on firm capacity
Oct 12, 2021

Energy price spikes: Intermittency of renewables and the call on firm capacity

A sudden rise in demand of natural gas and coal due to seasonal change begs the question, why does the market continue to embrace coal and gas—fuels

Energy transition under fiscal and institutional stress
May 20, 2023

Energy transition under fiscal and institutional stress

India has to see through its energy transition commitments while dealing with fiscal constraints and institutional challenges

Engage  And  Resist  China
Aug 11, 2010

Engage And Resist China

Formulating a policy towards China that finds the right balance between engagement and resistance is not easy. We are obliged to engage with China as it is fast on the road to becoming the world's number two power.

Enhancing urban youth participation in Indian democracy: Significance and pathways
Jul 04, 2023

Enhancing urban youth participation in Indian democracy: Significance and pathways

India must unleash its youth power to strengthen its core democratic principles by prioritising their enhanced participation in politics and democracy

Environmental effects of Chinese projects in Myanmar
Apr 15, 2020

Environmental effects of Chinese projects in Myanmar

Since 2010, China has been casting its eyes on Myanmar’s rich natural resources for commercial exploitation.

Erdogan wants the world stage, from the Kurds to Kashmir
Oct 11, 2019

Erdogan wants the world stage, from the Kurds to Kashmir

For him, Turkey is the Islamic power awaiting its due, and while it does not have the oil dollars backing its fragile economy, it is still working hard to create its own narratives and influence zones across the region.

EU-India FTA: Can it be revived?
Apr 29, 2014

EU-India FTA: Can it be revived?

It is quite likely that whoever ascends to power in New Delhi will primarily be focused on domestic politics, and the question of an FTA with Europe will receive less attention than in the past. Additionally, unless the remaining key issues are resolved through some give and take by both sides, the BTIA negotiations may remain stalled in the foreseeable future.

Europe, Russia and attitudes towards the ‘New Cold War’ between US and China
Jun 09, 2020

Europe, Russia and attitudes towards the ‘New Cold War’ between US and China

In the near future we will be able to observe a certain convergence of the diplomatic positions of Europe and Russia regarding the central problems of

European Parliamentary elections 2019 — Challenging the status quo
Jun 11, 2019

European Parliamentary elections 2019 — Challenging the status quo

It was an erratic poll for populists and right-wing nationalists alike, but they extended their power in Europe’s capital nations.

Europe’s changing energy landscape
Sep 01, 2022

Europe’s changing energy landscape

Europe has been overly dependent on Russia for its energy needs. The REPowerEU strategy is likely to change that.

Even after 20 years, Decentralisation still remains a challenge
May 04, 2013

Even after 20 years, Decentralisation still remains a challenge

Mere constitutional creation of new political space would not become the answer to the growing demands for inclusion and participation in the countryside. For substantive democracy to become a reality, Centre and States need to show willingness to share powers (3Fs).

Expanding Chinese cyber-espionage threat against India
Apr 18, 2022

Expanding Chinese cyber-espionage threat against India

Adequate measures need to be adopted to strengthen India’s cyber defence as it has become increasingly susceptible to Chinese cyber attacks

Explaining the Rise of Minilaterals in the Indo-Pacific
Sep 16, 2021

Explaining the Rise of Minilaterals in the Indo-Pacific

Heightening great-power rivalry has impeded consensus-making in multilateral institutions. This has given rise, in recent years, to minilaterals especially in the Indo-Pacific. Even as there are criticisms that minilaterals are too informal and lacking in structures that are required for focused debates, China’s belligerence has galvanised support for, and focus within minilateral groupings in the region. Over the past year, the fallout of the

Exploring new drivers in India-Russia cooperation
Oct 24, 2017

Exploring new drivers in India-Russia cooperation

The 70th anniversary of Russia-India relations is an opportune time to make a comprehensive assessment of the current state of their cooperation, keeping in mind the long history of friendship between the two countries. In the last few years, India and Russia have been struggling to retain the legacy of their long-term relationship while moving beyond the traditional spheres of cooperation to reach new heights. To expand their bilateral agenda,

Exploring Prospects for Digital Europe in the Age of the US-China Technology Race
Mar 03, 2021

Exploring Prospects for Digital Europe in the Age of the US-China Technology Race

In today’s digital economy, the United States (US) remains a market leader in many digital technologies; meanwhile, China is fast catching up. In Europe, foreign technology companies have a strong presence, often creating dependencies that can undermine digital sovereignty. Digitisation, therefore, is high on the European Union’s (EU) political agenda. This paper analyses recent key policy responses by the EU, and finds that the union

Exploring the prospects for higher education
May 19, 2021

Exploring the prospects for higher education

Only by combining both AI and communities will higher education be relevant and prepare students for the adventures of the fourth industrial revolutio

Exports and e-commerce in India
Oct 24, 2017

Exports and e-commerce in India

This paper attempts to make a contribution in the context of the recent push in making India an e-empowered economy for promoting exports. The study stems from the premise that exports respond significantly to the costs associated with breaking into foreign markets and sustaining in those markets, whereas e-commerce offers a ready platform to minimise such costs. The empirical exercise focuses on export decision and export intensity, after adjust

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance
Jun 05, 2013

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

Vietnam's self-assured pursuit of a complex balance of power strategy could be a model for other medium powers in Asia who are deeply concerned about the rise of China, want Washington to balance Beijing, but are reluctant to become formal military allies of the United States.

Failure divides Pakistan
Sep 28, 2005

Failure divides Pakistan

Pakistan President, General Pervez Musharraf, has never been as much under the threat of elimination through a coup or a bullet as he is today. There is no doubt that he faces extreme danger from some of the vicious terrorist and extremist groups, most of whom he had helped grow powerful in today's Pakistan.

FATF: Grey areas in foreign policy and economy catch up with Turkey
Oct 25, 2021

FATF: Grey areas in foreign policy and economy catch up with Turkey

How will Erdogan manage his aspiration for Turkey to be a global Islamic power, whilst maintaining economic and political steam at home remains to be

Fear of Persia: Saudis call for a Gulf Arab Union
May 16, 2012

Fear of Persia: Saudis call for a Gulf Arab Union

As Delhi focuses on managing Washington's pressure to reduce oil imports from Iran and avoid the imposition of unilateral U.S. economic sanctions on India, it could easily miss the unfolding power play in the Gulf between Tehran and Riyadh.

Femtechs: The great disruptors in the women’s healthcare space?
Jul 18, 2023

Femtechs: The great disruptors in the women’s healthcare space?

Femtech would prove to be a crucial tool in helping women access healthcare and empower them

Finally, Modi goes to Russia
Jul 07, 2015

Finally, Modi goes to Russia

Indian PM Narendra Modi this week makes his maiden visit as Prime Minister to Russia, one of India's closest strategic partners. This seeming delay in travelling to Russia may surprise some, given that the Prime Minister has travelled to almost all the major powers as well as most of India's immediate neighbourhood.

Financial Inclusion of Women: Current Evidence from India
Aug 17, 2023

Financial Inclusion of Women: Current Evidence from India

Financial inclusion is critical to achieving the economic empowerment of women—one of the targets under the fifth Sustainable Development Goal on gender equality. In India, one in every five women lack access to a bank account. Although the country’s programmes promoting financial inclusion have increased the percentage of women having access to a bank account, wide gaps remain in account use, and access to savings and credit. Women c

Firebrand cleric scores above Iran-backed militias in the recent elections in Iraq
Oct 21, 2021

Firebrand cleric scores above Iran-backed militias in the recent elections in Iraq

Iraq witnessed a new political force stepping into power as Muqtada al-Sadr’s bloc emerged victorious in the recent elections

Five years of General's jihad
Oct 13, 2004

Five years of General's jihad

President Pervez Musharraf wrested power from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless coup on October 12, 1999. In the five years since then, Pakistan has found itself increasingly enmeshed in sectarian violence, economic disaster, political collapse and diplomatic isolation.

Flux and Flexibility
Dec 29, 2003

Flux and Flexibility

With the SAARC summit only days away, the focus should be as much on re-positioning India, both in the regional and emerging global context, as on terrorism and security. Prime Minister Vajpayee set the mood a fortnight ago by referring to a 'common currency' for, and hydro-power cooperation among member-nations.

Fog of War: A first glimpse of wartime information operations
Mar 01, 2019

Fog of War: A first glimpse of wartime information operations

Information operations have long been Pakistan’s preferred tool to execute and supplement its hybrid warfare in Jammu and Kashmir.

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia
Jan 08, 2013

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia

India's smaller neighbours are not as concerned about the reach, if any, of outside powers in the region. In this sense, the neighbourhood?s concerns about India are distinct from India's own concerns.

Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi
Feb 08, 2013

Forget Gwadar, China has Karachi

Someday, Gwadar port in Pakistan might well emerge as a full-fledged Chinese naval facility. For now, Karachi already serves as a major facility for the projection of Chinese naval power into the Indian Ocean.

Formulating open-space policies for India’s cities: The case of Mumbai
Apr 22, 2020

Formulating open-space policies for India’s cities: The case of Mumbai

Over the past decade, Mumbai’s civil society has raised concerns over the way in which the municipal corporation appears to be prioritising rapid development at the cost of the city’s public space. Indeed, the city has lost significant areas of its open spaces owing to various reasons, among them archaic policies, unrealistic goals, and the labyrinthine division of power and jurisdiction between the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation and othe

France’s West Asia Moment
Feb 15, 2023

France’s West Asia Moment

France is stepping up its strategic role, providing an alternative for countries seeking security guarantees from a powerful, nuclear, Western militar

From a good start, China ended up with a difficult year
Dec 26, 2018

From a good start, China ended up with a difficult year

China remains a superpower in the making but its journey has now become profoundly more difficult

From Buyer to Builder: The Indian Navy’s Rocky Road to Self-Reliance
Sep 10, 2020

From Buyer to Builder: The Indian Navy’s Rocky Road to Self-Reliance

This paper evaluates deficiencies in India’s naval shipbuilding programme, and identifies factors that adversely impact naval warship construction in the country. It argues that despite considerable effort, India’s shipbuilding endeavours continue to suffer from systemic deficits that cannot be addressed through ad hoc policy interventions and short-term solutions. Through an assessment of strengths and weaknesses of India’s defence shipyar

From the Root to the STEM: Can tech solve India’s tech talent problem?
Apr 27, 2023

From the Root to the STEM: Can tech solve India’s tech talent problem?

The tech industry in India has a major gender imbalance. Can AI be leveraged to mitigate this issue?

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?
Feb 19, 2020

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?

After President Donald Trump’s 2017 visit to Asia, the Indo-Pacific region assumed greater significance in the United States’ foreign policy calculus, as articulated in the ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy Report’ released by the US Department of Defence. On 31 December 2018, Trump passed the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act (ARIA), which authorises US$1.5 billion in spending for a range of US programmes in East Asia and Southeast Asia to “develop

Future of coal: Financial consequences
Oct 12, 2020

Future of coal: Financial consequences

The coal sector as a whole faces the problem of stranded asset on account of competition from renewable ― and policies changing globally ― away fr

G-20 a premier forum to discuss world economic issues: Korea
Jun 27, 2012

G-20 a premier forum to discuss world economic issues: Korea

G-20 is an important forum to ensure world economic stability in a world of changing power dynamics and it is imperative that member states use it so, says First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea Ahn Ho-Young.

G20: Prospects for climate cooperation
Sep 22, 2023

G20: Prospects for climate cooperation

The real challenge is to translate the call for climate cooperation iterated at the G20 Summit in New Delhi into deeds given the divergent development

GDP slump is bad news, but worse tidings are elsewhere
Sep 22, 2020

GDP slump is bad news, but worse tidings are elsewhere

If we look beyond the headline — 23.9% GDP slump — the first quarter estimates underline other crucial trends.

Gender issues amid a high GDP growth
Jan 01, 2019

Gender issues amid a high GDP growth

Women have been dropping off from the labour force which is a poor indicator of a country’s progress no matter what the GDP growth indicates.

Geo-economics key to counter China in the Indian Ocean
Sep 30, 2015

Geo-economics key to counter China in the Indian Ocean

Although neither India nor China envisions participating in decisive naval battles given the interdependent nature of the world order, naval suasion continues in the Indian Ocean. The underlying strength for control of the Indian Ocean, however, is not geopolitical but economic power.