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Australia-China relations: The great unravelling
May 24, 2023

Australia-China relations: The great unravelling

Over the last three decades, Australia and China have established mutually beneficial economic ties. However, Australia’s decision to ask for an independent enquiry into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has led to a backlash from China. This brief examines the more important developments since 2015 that persuaded Australia to take measures aimed at protecting both its open economy and its democratic polity against China’s sys

Australia-India relationship has reached new maturity: Report
Feb 03, 2014

Australia-India relationship has reached new maturity: Report

The relationship between Australia and India has reached a new maturity: that was key theme of a major bilateral dialogue convened from Sydney to Canberra to Melbourne, in early 2014.

Australia-Japan-India trilateral sets sights on supply chain resilience
Oct 03, 2020

Australia-Japan-India trilateral sets sights on supply chain resilience

China’s assertive behavior is the glue that holds the Australia-Japan-India trilateral together.

Australia’s new strategy in navigating the ‘India economic challenge’
Aug 31, 2018

Australia’s new strategy in navigating the ‘India economic challenge’

India and Australia are at different levels of development. For the two countries, it provides both opportunity and challenge.

Avoiding a Great Depression
Jul 01, 2015

Avoiding a Great Depression

India need to do more to speed up its own financial sector reforms and make it stronger because the percentage of NPAs has reached a dangerous level of 4.45 per cent and could reach 6 per cent soon. Unless the banking system is strong, India cannot be on a higher trajectory of growth.

Azerbaijan: A key piece in the shifting puzzle of America’s strategic alliances
Jul 11, 2019

Azerbaijan: A key piece in the shifting puzzle of America’s strategic alliances

Trump’s recent letters are unmistakable signs of his administration’s growing embrace of Azerbaijan as a centerpiece of its strategy — from Euro

Balakot air strikes: the end of the madman theory
Mar 05, 2019

Balakot air strikes: the end of the madman theory

If Pakistan thinks they can scare Modi by playing mad, the Balakot air strikes show that he can scare them even more. Pakistan's madman theory has been turned on its head.

Bangladesh elections: Blurred ideologies and lack of idealism
Dec 06, 2018

Bangladesh elections: Blurred ideologies and lack of idealism

Excitement around the elections is intense, but that in no way ignores the issues which have been rearing their heads in these past couple of weeks.

Bangladesh elections: Sheikh Hasina wins a brute majority and loses some democracy
Jan 07, 2019

Bangladesh elections: Sheikh Hasina wins a brute majority and loses some democracy

Its 11th General Elections have in fact left Bangladesh poorer in terms of its democratic processes, diversity and freedoms.

Bangladesh FM calls for Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin Regime
Jul 25, 2013

Bangladesh FM calls for Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin Regime

Delivering the 4th RK Mishra Memorial Lecture, Bangladesh's Foreign Minister, Dr Dipu Moni, called for a Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin Regime, going beyond the boundaries of Bangladesh and India, to address the common realities of our region.

Bangladesh, India ties: A new neighbourhood model
Oct 30, 2019

Bangladesh, India ties: A new neighbourhood model

Sheikh Hasina has guided her country’s policy wisely and adroitly, making Bangladesh the best performing economy in Asia.

Bangladesh: Hefazat and the rise of bigotry
Feb 21, 2019

Bangladesh: Hefazat and the rise of bigotry

The demand for banishing Ahmadiyyas from Islam carries ugly echoes of the past, originating primarily in Pakistan.

Bangladesh: Politics of hartal is back
Feb 06, 2015

Bangladesh: Politics of hartal is back

After a year of comparative stability in 2014, politics of hartal (street agitation) is back in Bangladesh. The country is almost paralysed for almost a month following strings of hartal staged by opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for its campaign to oust Sheikh Hasina led Awami League government.

Bangladesh: The search for a parliamentary opposition
Jan 29, 2019

Bangladesh: The search for a parliamentary opposition

The absence of a strong, credible opposition in Bangladesh’s new parliament will limit the scope for some much-needed debate.

Bangladesh–India ties: Time to seize the opportunities
Mar 25, 2021

Bangladesh–India ties: Time to seize the opportunities

The window of opportunity opened up through the ongoing initiatives must now be seized through win-win follow-up initiatives.

Bangladesh’s economic future: A seven-point agenda
Jan 11, 2024

Bangladesh’s economic future: A seven-point agenda

With Awami League winning the 4th consecutive term, this re-election opens up interesting implications for the country’s economic future

Battlestation Delhi: Responding to the COVID-19 peak
Jun 29, 2020

Battlestation Delhi: Responding to the COVID-19 peak

The Central government, Delhi government and MCD have come together to ramp-up the healthcare delivery capacity for COVID-19 infection control.

BCIM: Can India Be a Driving Force?
Jan 02, 2015

BCIM: Can India Be a Driving Force?

The current Indian government has given clear indicators that it is likely to place regional integration high on its economic diplomacy agenda, be it SAARC, ASEAN or BCIM. The last two are especially important to India's Act East Policy.

Behind Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s threat to quit global bodies
May 21, 2020

Behind Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s threat to quit global bodies

President Rajapaksa has now chosen the local audience and delivered the message/threat personally — from the highest levels of the Sri Lankan state.

Behind the second Modi-Xi informal summit, the Wuhan spirit is fraying
Oct 11, 2019

Behind the second Modi-Xi informal summit, the Wuhan spirit is fraying

The state of the bilateral relationship between India and China has gotten rockier since the two leaders last met.

Beijing and the Dalai Lama: Ice Melting?
Feb 28, 2005

Beijing and the Dalai Lama: Ice Melting?

The 46th Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising of the Year 1959 is round the corner. On March 10, the Dalai Lama will issue yet another Policy Statement to commemorate the occasion.

Bending the arc of history
May 02, 2019

Bending the arc of history

What is important in the UNSC decision is the symbolism of the move – a symbolism that exemplifies India’s coming of age as a global political act

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security
Apr 12, 2019

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security

Against the backdrop of the Pulwama suicide bombing and the Balakot air-strikes, national security has acquired a political salience that it might not have otherwise. This is reflected in the manifestos of both the main national parties, the BJP and the Congress.

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar

The imposition of fresh sanctions on Iran jeopardises the Chabahar project. Not only do sanctions deter countries and companies from doing business wi

Beyond JCPOA — China
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — China

While the US economic sanctions are likely to have implications for China’s investments in Iran, they inadvertently motivate Iran to look out for al

Beyond JCPOA — Economics
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Economics

With the imposition of sanctions on Iran, India is left with two options: either find other avenues of oil imports or risk facing the US sanctions.

Beyond JCPOA — Europe
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Europe

The volatile security situation in the region, a nuclear arms race and a possible war against Iran would directly affect Europe, if only by causing a