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Terror go round
Jun 04, 2015

Terror go round

Local militants of Afghanistan joining the Islamic State's (IS) and violent clashes involving "IS jihadists" in different parts of the country suggest a realignment of loyalties of local militants. Kabul and the region must not be complacent.

Terror has no religion but slow economic growth is ‘Hindu’?
Jun 12, 2019

Terror has no religion but slow economic growth is ‘Hindu’?

The idea of equating a slow GDP growth with Hinduism, and further attributing Hinduism to economic somnolence is being brandished as virtue-signalling

Terror Inc.: Combating state and non-state actors
Sep 27, 2017

Terror Inc.: Combating state and non-state actors

Does non-state terrorism truly exist? Can a terror organisation that is designated as a non-state actor become big without some degree of state involv

Terror networks in Kerala
Jul 26, 2010

Terror networks in Kerala

Largely ignored by intelligence and security agencies as a potential terrorist haven, Kerala has emerged as one of the key hubs of extremist and terrorist activities in the region.

Terror sanctuary emerging in Punjab
Aug 03, 2010

Terror sanctuary emerging in Punjab

Pakistan's Punjab is on the verge of becoming part of the expanding network of terrorist sanctuaries across Asia.

Terror Threatens Economy
Jul 20, 2011

Terror Threatens Economy

If India becomes a hotbed of conflicts - many think this may happen in the future - attracting FDIs will be a major problem. Even, our domestic investors are looking for investment opportunities abroad.

Terror will destabilise Pakistan
Jan 23, 2008

Terror will destabilise Pakistan

Increasing radicalisation and internal strife in Pakistan will destabilise the country and the region, said noted terrorism expert Major General Afsir Karim at a discussion in Observer Research Foundation on Jan. 23 in New Delhi.

Terror: Twelve reality bytes
Aug 08, 2013

Terror: Twelve reality bytes

The threat that is pre-eminent today is terrorism. And none of the counter terror efforts will succeed unless global powers deal effectively and consistently with the epicentre of terrorism -- Pakistan.

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives
Jul 20, 2010

Terrorism in South Asia: US-India Perspectives

Because of the tacit and overt alliance between the constituents of policymaking institutions and the violent non-state actors in Pakistan, it is imperative to review the current strategies and policies to evolve a more comprehensive set of actions.

Terrorism in South East Asia: An Update
Oct 29, 2005

Terrorism in South East Asia: An Update

October is a month of special concern and tension in both Indonesia and Thailand due to the third anniversary of the Bali explosions of October 12, 2002, and the first anniversary of the terrible tragedy on October 25 last year, in which 78 Muslim youth, taken into custody by the security forces for participating in a big protest demonstration (1,300 protesters) outside the Tak Bai police station in the Narathiwat province of southern Thailand, a

Terrorism in Southern Thailand: An Update
Aug 17, 2005

Terrorism in Southern Thailand: An Update

The Thai authorities continue to face difficulties in their efforts to bring the activities of the jihadi terrorist elements under control in Southern Thailand. The current wave of jihadi terrorist violence in the three Muslim majority southern provinces, which started in January last year, has already cost over 800 lives of Government servants, innocent civilians and suspected Muslim militants.

Terrorism in Thailand: Tech & Tactics Savvy
Apr 05, 2005

Terrorism in Thailand: Tech & Tactics Savvy

The Annexure gives available details of terrorist incidents reported from southern Thailand since October 25, 2004, when 85 Muslim youth arrested by the Thai security forces during a demonstration outside a police station died due to suffocation while they and many others were being transported to their place of intended detention.

Terrorism is an act of war Fight it with multi-dimensional plan
Jul 26, 2006

Terrorism is an act of war Fight it with multi-dimensional plan

In the aftermath of the serial train blasts in Mumbai on July 11, the question uppermost in public mind has been, ''Why has India become the most affected target? Are we in a no-win situation against terrorism?''

Terrorism will remain here if the world does not unite to fight it: Gen. Bipin Rawat
Jan 17, 2018

Terrorism will remain here if the world does not unite to fight it: Gen. Bipin Rawat

To fight terrorism effectively, the world community should identify the nations which sponsor and support terrorism and the sources of funds with which terrorist group buy sophisticated weapons.

Terrorism: Does Palestine hold the key?
Sep 29, 2004

Terrorism: Does Palestine hold the key?

The question of Palestine has been on the global agenda since 1947. It predates the current phenomenon of global terrorism and is not synonymous with it. It is nevertheless the principal cause of instability in West Asia.

Terrorism: India Should Watch Out
Jan 27, 2005

Terrorism: India Should Watch Out

Pakistan's President General Pervez Musharraf is under pressure.For the first time since he seized power on October 12,1999, there are indications that he and some of his Lts.General, who constitute the real source of his power and not the people, are not on the same wavelength.

Terrorist Strike at Ayodhya
Jun 06, 2005

Terrorist Strike at Ayodhya

Security Guards belonging to the Indian Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) foiled a daring attempt by a group of six terrorists to penetrate a Hindu place of worship at Ayodhya, a holy town of the Hindus in the state of Uttar Pradesh in North India, on July 5, 2005. The site at which the place of worship is located has been a bone of contention between sections of the Hindus and the Muslims for many years.

Terrorist tentacles in India
Jul 12, 2006

Terrorist tentacles in India

Investigations into the recent terrorist attacks and the subsequent chain of arrests and seizures in different parts of India, particularly rural Maharashtra, have revealed a growing alliance between jihadi groups operating from Pakistan and Bangladesh with ideologically extreme groups in India.

Terrorists? yes, but Al Qaeda? no
Mar 07, 2005

Terrorists? yes, but Al Qaeda? no

That is the latest position of the Government of Begum Khaleda Zia, the Bangladesh Prime Minister, in the face of growing international pressure spearheaded by the member-countries of the European Union (EU) to act against terrorist groups operating from Bangladeshi territory.

Testing time for Japanese PM
Jul 19, 2013

Testing time for Japanese PM

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should take care when detailing the reasons why constitutional reforms are needed. While talking about the external threats, he should be very careful not to unnecessarily cause provocations to either China or North Korea.

Testing time for Modi?
Apr 11, 2014

Testing time for Modi?

There is hope among the politicians of various political groups in Kashmir as well as the people of Kashmir that Narendra Modi as Prime Minister would take some decisive action in keeping with their expectations. Modi himself has moderated his stand to that there should be a discussion on Article 370.

Text, Context' Mismatch: UGC Vice-Chairman
Apr 19, 2005

Text, Context' Mismatch: UGC Vice-Chairman

Inaugurating a workshop on 'Role of Universities in Public Policy-Making', hosted by Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, University Grants Commission Vice-Chairman Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, on April 19, 2005, urged Vice-Chancellors and educationists to recreate linkages between universities and Government, research organizations, administrators and society, in order to render universities more relevant and help in enacting effecti

Textbook case of radicalism
Apr 24, 2004

Textbook case of radicalism

The Mullahs have found a fresh issue on which to trap General Pervez Musharraf. It has both religious connotations and a real possibility of a confrontation in which the General is bound to capitulate. The issue deals with school textbooks in Pakistan. A section of the society in Pakistan feels that textbooks cleared by the Federal Education Ministry's Curriculum Wing are regressive in nature and run counter to the objective of a progressive nati

Tezpur University wins ORF Kolkata inter-varsity debate
Nov 12, 2015

Tezpur University wins ORF Kolkata inter-varsity debate

ORF Kolkata organised its 2nd annual Inter-University Debate Competition on 7 November, 2015. Students of the Tezpur University won the competition that saw participation of representatives from eight universities from eastern and north-eastern Indian states.

Thailand votes towards a transformative agenda
May 16, 2023

Thailand votes towards a transformative agenda

While a new reformative government is set to take power in Thailand, the complexities of international relations and domestic aspirations will shape T

Thailand’s geopolitical dilemma: Aligning with China while honouring US ties
Sep 10, 2023

Thailand’s geopolitical dilemma: Aligning with China while honouring US ties

Navigating the delicate balance between its association with the US and China amidst their ongoing global geopolitical competition presents a signific

That First Childhood Cigarette: Big Tobacco metaphor drags US Congress to address a bigger dilemma
Oct 22, 2021

That First Childhood Cigarette: Big Tobacco metaphor drags US Congress to address a bigger dilemma

The recent testimony by Frances Haugen placed Facebook under scrutiny after flagging its harmful algorithms, thus raising the question should governme

The  Uphill Climb to Maternal and Child Nutrition in Northeast India
Nov 07, 2023

The Uphill Climb to Maternal and Child Nutrition in Northeast India

The number of malnourished children in India has increased significantly between the time of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-4 (2015-16) and the fifth round (2019-2020), and the progress in the first half of the decade has been reversed. This paper tells the story of the Northeast region of India, where malnutrition is worse than the country average. It examines the policy landscape in the region, evaluates current programmes and initiat

The 'Sheikh Chilli' economics of Imran Khan
Nov 02, 2018

The 'Sheikh Chilli' economics of Imran Khan

A near-bankrupt Pakistan has only two choices. It can go to the IMF and suffer reforms. Or it can carry on with its lies, vagaries and economic wet dreams

The 5th National Family Health Survey of India: A Sub-National Analysis of Child Nutrition
May 18, 2021

The 5th National Family Health Survey of India: A Sub-National Analysis of Child Nutrition

In December 2020, the government released the results of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 5 for 2019-20, covering 22 states and Union Territories (UTs). Contrary to expectations, NFHS5 found an increase in the percentage of stunted children in 13 states and UTs, compared to the results of NFHS4. This paper analyses such reversal of the three-decadal progress that India had previously made in reducing stunting in children. It analy

The Abraham Accords: Powerlifting West Asia’s geopolitics
May 11, 2022

The Abraham Accords: Powerlifting West Asia’s geopolitics

Rather than pinning all hopes to mitigate regional tensions in West Asia on the Abraham accords, regional actors should establish new channels of comm

The accidental empire rises again
Apr 07, 2015

The accidental empire rises again

Berlin might not yet be ready to provide the kind of leadership that some expect, but the real "German question" seems to be whether Europe can really stomach German leadership. Given the uneasy reactions to Merkel's handling of the Eurozone crisis, the answer is clearly no.

The Af-Pak map is about to get a make over
Apr 29, 2015

The Af-Pak map is about to get a make over

It would be a mistake to assume that the US has changed its policy towards the region. It may have changed its style or the way it wishes to handle India and Pakistan but not its overall interests. The US wants to have a stronger presence in India without losing the hold it has on the military rulers in Pakistan.

The Afghanistan conundrum: Russia’s peace plays and India’s room for maneuver
Nov 13, 2018

The Afghanistan conundrum: Russia’s peace plays and India’s room for maneuver

Realities are changing in Afghanistan, and New Delhi must be nimble.

The Afghanistan-Pakistan peace quagmire
May 21, 2013

The Afghanistan-Pakistan peace quagmire

Pakistan is an important player as far as determining the outcome of a post-2014 Afghanistan is concerned and should be engaged with. But to expect it to play a productive role or to expect Afghanistan and Pakistan to reconcile their differences and jointly work towards stability is a tall order.

The Africa Climate Action Performance Report
Aug 12, 2022

The Africa Climate Action Performance Report

Although Africa’s greenhouse gas emissions are low, its contribution to climate change mitigation is critical to global climate action. This report evaluates Africa’s climate policy through the lens of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities,’ an asymmetrical allocation of responsibility for climate action, determined by differences in countries’ contributions to historical emissions and their current capabilities to fight climate c

The African continental free trade area and its implications for India-Africa trade
Oct 08, 2018

The African continental free trade area and its implications for India-Africa trade

The African countries are set to launch the African Continental Free Trade Area or AfCFTA, the biggest free trade agreement in the world since the World Trade Organization was created in the 1990s. When implemented, the AfCFTA is projected to increase intra-African trade by 52.3 percent by 2022, from 2010 levels. In turn, higher trade levels can facilitate economic growth, transform domestic economies, and help the countries achieve the Sustainab

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Opportunities for India
Jul 21, 2023

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Opportunities for India

Unlike in other regions of the world, the value of intra-Africa trade has remained low over the years. Moreover, Africa accounts for just 2 percent of global trade. In 2021, African countries launched the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to create a single African market for the free movement of goods, services, labour, and capital, and increase intra-African trade. AfCFTA may be able to provide Indian firms and in

The Agnipath scheme: Masked socio-political impact
Jun 20, 2022

The Agnipath scheme: Masked socio-political impact

The Agnipath scheme may come short on economic merit but could lead to a huge social change in the regimental system.

The Al Qaeda Striptease
Sep 02, 2004

The Al Qaeda Striptease

ACT 1: March 2002. Abu Zubaidah, a Palestinian member of Al Qaeda, was arrested in Faislabad in Pakistani Punjab by the Pakistani authorities and handed over to the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He was the operational chief of Al Qaeda; his arrest was a major breakthrough, we were told. This is hardly supported by the report of the 9/11 Commission.

The al Qaeda Striptease Continues
May 05, 2005

The al Qaeda Striptease Continues

How big a catch is Abu Faraj al-Libbi, a 40-year-old Libyan married to a Pakistani, fluent in Urdu and Arabic and suffering from lucoderma, whose arrest was announced by the Pakistani authorities at Islamabad on May 4,2005?

The Allahabad High Court Verdict on Ayodhya and the Popular Will
Oct 07, 2010

The Allahabad High Court Verdict on Ayodhya and the Popular Will

While the UP Sunni Central Waqf Board is well within its right to appeal to the Supreme Court against the Allahabad High Court verdict, the VHP's reaction does not represent the people's will at all.