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Symbolic, and No More...
Jul 19, 2010

Symbolic, and No More...

Having the Union Cabinet now accepted a new globally identifiable symbol for the Indian Rupee, designed by Udayakumar, New Delhi may need to consider ways to take the horse to where it should belong, if it, together with the cart, has to be a driving force.

Syria not falling soon, notwithstanding Indian vote at UN
Feb 13, 2012

Syria not falling soon, notwithstanding Indian vote at UN

Like road repair gangs working on different stretches of a highway, the same gang of Arabs and their western minders are proceeding from Libya to Syria to.....sorry, hang on. Syria is proving to be a much tougher project than earlier imagined.

Syria to shake Obama-Putin handshake in New York
Sep 28, 2015

Syria to shake Obama-Putin handshake in New York

The issue of radical Islamism remains Russia's fundamental concern in Syria. Having fought two Chechen wars, it would not want another conflict to erupt on its territory. If either the ISIS or the rebels succeed in overthrowing Assad, there is a huge likelihood of expansion of jihadist activity to the Caucasus and southern Russia.

Syria will drag down Turkey
Jun 29, 2012

Syria will drag down Turkey

Turkey needs is to revert to a policy of peace with all its neighbour. CIA Special Forces operating from Turkey will harm Turkey more than they will Syria.

Syria: At the threshold
Oct 27, 2011

Syria: At the threshold

Everywhere in Syria the grand conspiracy of the US, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to overthrow the Assad regime is feverishly discussed. Turkey reportedly tried to mediate in this crisis by suggesting that Muslim Brotherhood should be included in the negotiations, but Damascus refused since the Brotherhood is a religious grouping.

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States
Sep 09, 2013

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States

Though realism suggests India cannot directly influence the evolution of the Syrian situation, India must more actively partake in the international debate on Syria and step up its political engagement with all major states in the region, said experts at a brainstorming on Syria.

Tackling corruption: What democracies can learn from each other
Oct 10, 2017

Tackling corruption: What democracies can learn from each other

When India liberalised its economy more than 25 years ago, many believed that the end of the ‘licence raj’ would reduce, if not eliminate, private and political corruption. However, this change did not occur, and corruption continues to haunt and define India’s political landscape.

Tackling rising inequality
May 01, 2019

Tackling rising inequality

High inequality is likely to undermine democracy, promote corruption and cronyism. Reduction of inequality on the other hand will lead to faster reduc

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed
Apr 30, 2005

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed

The view from Dhaka was summed up in a journal thus: ¿The cumulative case against a dependable relationship between India and Bangladesh is a very strong one¿ since Bangladesh suffers from ¿a serious lack of bargaining power¿ and hence needs ¿a viable strategy of alliances with China, Burma, Nepal and Pakistan¿. Adventurism is its logical outcome.

Tackling the China threat
Sep 01, 2020

Tackling the China threat

A tech Cold War is beginning to reshape global geopolitics.

Tactics & Counter-tactics: PWG NAxals & Security Forces
Mar 13, 2004

Tactics & Counter-tactics: PWG NAxals & Security Forces

Naxalites of the People¿s War Group (PWG) and the security forces (SF) continuously devise tactics and counter-tactics to defeat one another. In a latest move, the SFs formed Counter Action Teams (CAT) to target the Permanent Action Teams (PAT) of the PWG. The tactic achieved its first success in Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh (AP). On April 11, 2004 two prominent Naxalites were hunted down by a CAT in the district, after reportedly engaging

Taiwan: Challenges before re-elected President Ma
Jan 18, 2012

Taiwan: Challenges before re-elected President Ma

The election results in Taiwan show that the voters have endorsed President Ma Ying-jeou's policy of maintaining good relations with Beijing. But whether such strategy will further make Taiwan safe remains unclear.

Taiwan’s Battle for Diplomatic Space
Sep 22, 2022

Taiwan’s Battle for Diplomatic Space

Taiwan is facing an existential identity crisis, one whose consequences can go well beyond the region. The island exists between two sovereignties: it has domestic sovereignty and is secure in its identity as a democracy and an economic powerhouse; at the same time, it has an uncertain international sovereignty and is insecure in a larger battle with China about that identity. From a traditional international-relations perspective, Taiwan meets e

Take banks to villages - Financial inclusion necessary for growth
Sep 13, 2010

Take banks to villages - Financial inclusion necessary for growth

THE recent land rights issue of the Niyamgiri hills in Orissa seems to have been resolved with Rahul Gandhi's intervention. We are relieved that the ancient Dongria Kondh tribal population would be able to save their hills from exploitation by commercial interests.

Take cyber security seriously
Feb 15, 2013

Take cyber security seriously

Till now India has seen cyber-security only as a simple issue of a malware or a virus. But cyber-security is about protecting India's digital assets from cyber invaders, as India is rapidly turning into a digital society.

Take it along
Mar 06, 2006

Take it along

The decision of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Government to involve the representatives of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) as part of the dialogue process on Kashmir is strategic in principle. Though it may not be entirely wrong to question the extent of public support the Hurriyat leaders enjoy in Kashmir, it would be equally short-sighted to exclude them from any dialogue concerning Kashmir.

Taken for granted, and for a ride
Mar 14, 2013

Taken for granted, and for a ride

It is time we realised that the battle over Italian Marines is lost. Now we need to introspect and realise that, what people say to our faces and think of us are two very different things. And we have no one but ourselves to blame for living in La La Land.

Taking a wrong turn
Jun 06, 2006

Taking a wrong turn

Different states react differently to similar situations. When Israel is subjected to terrorist attacks, which is very often, the State reacts immediately and with force each time. In India, two days after Pakistan-backed terrorists kill innocent civilians in Srinagar, we send an official delegation to talk about cooperation in the war against terrorism with the sponsors of terrorism.

Taking election reforms forward — and seemingly, too
May 20, 2019

Taking election reforms forward — and seemingly, too

With the current poll processes expected to come to a close long before the month-end, the Election Commission may need to address the two questions t

Taking India-Singapore partnership to newer heights
Sep 03, 2014

Taking India-Singapore partnership to newer heights

India and Singapore's efforts and strategic planning have brought the bilateral linkages between them to such a juncture that further opening up and adhering to the '5s plan' of the Indian foreign Minister will enhance their partnership and make them achieve newer heights.

Taking India-US ties forward
Aug 01, 2014

Taking India-US ties forward

Most observers blame a "trust deficit" for the current state of Indo-US relations. Actually, the idea of a "trust deficit" is merely a cover for the real problem - the lack of political will on either side to take the relationship between the two countries to the stage that the rhetoricians have been promising. Blame must be shared by both sides

Taking the Peace Momentum Forward
Sep 08, 2004

Taking the Peace Momentum Forward

By declaring that his talks with Pakistani counterpart, Khurshid Mehmud Kasuri would produce nothing dramatic or drastic, External Affairs Minister Natwar Singh might have robbed the event of the avoidable media hype, the like of which had attended on the ¿Agra summit¿ earlier. At the end of it, the two-day ministerial meeting in New Delhi was a cup that was not half-full. Nor was it half-empty. In turn, this indicated that the two Gover

Taking the Sri Lankan peace process forward
Nov 05, 2010

Taking the Sri Lankan peace process forward

The ORF conference stressed that the Sri Lankan state must be very sensitive towards creating the right perceptions about its policy of inclusiveness towards the Tamil minority

Taksim Square protests: Can it really be called the Turkish Spring?
Jul 06, 2013

Taksim Square protests: Can it really be called the Turkish Spring?

It's easier to compare the Taksim Square protests in Turkey to an Arab Spring, or a supposed tale of religious dictatorship versus freethinking democracy. But what actually lies underneath is a nation going through a debate over several ideologies and multiple identities.

Taksim Test
Aug 08, 2013

Taksim Test

Turkey, which had invested heavily in the success of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, was obviously agitated by the circumstances in which the Egyptian President had to go. The Turkish government had given them aid, advise and even garbage cans as a step towards improving the quality of governance.

Taleban's Hurrah at Kabul Intercontinental
Jul 02, 2011

Taleban's Hurrah at Kabul Intercontinental

Despite former President Musharraf's departure, neither the ISI nor the Army, could disengage itself from its dream - strategic depth in Afghanistan.

Taliban making political gains without any commitment
Mar 13, 2014

Taliban making political gains without any commitment

Recent political developments suggest that the Taliban is taking measures to gain important political points while not committing to anything concrete. The US-Afghan rift has not only created confusion regarding the future of the country but also given the Taliban some breathing Space.

Taliban trying a comeback
May 26, 2006

Taliban trying a comeback

By all accounts, the new Taliban is more aggressive, well armed and trained, in collaboration with Al Qaeda and other terrorist elements, determined to take over, to begin with, southern Afghanistan, despite the presence of coalition forces.

Taliban's piercing 'Spring Offensive' - dominance or desperation?
Jul 02, 2011

Taliban's piercing 'Spring Offensive' - dominance or desperation?

Increased insurgent violence in Afghanistan since the start of the Taliban's 'spring offensive' in May has further deteriorated the country's state of security.

Talibanisation of Punjab
Dec 09, 2007

Talibanisation of Punjab

There are increasing signs of Talibanisation striking roots in some of the districts of Punjab, the political and military centre of Pakistan, said Prof. Kalim Bahadur, well-known expert on Pakistan, during a discussion organised at Observer Research Foundation on September 12 in New Delhi.

Taliban’s Return Threatens Past Gains for Aghanistan’s Women and Girls
Feb 22, 2022

Taliban’s Return Threatens Past Gains for Aghanistan’s Women and Girls

In the midst of the chaotic withdrawal of the US-led forces from Afghanistan, the Taliban swept back to power in Kabul on 15 August 2021. Since then, the Taliban have repeatedly attempted to project a more moderate brand of governance. However, the Taliban leaders have yet to enunciate clear policies on issues such as women’s and girls’ access to education, employment, and political participation. Early indications nonetheless suggest that th

Talk time
Feb 06, 2013

Talk time

As the Obama administration debates the speed of its military withdrawal from Afghanistan between now and 2014, there is mounting pressure on all parties to find negotiated solutions.

Talking connectivity
Sep 29, 2017

Talking connectivity

Connectivity is paramount importance to landlocked developing countries that do not have direct links to the sea.

Talking to Maoists, and tackling insurgency
Aug 31, 2010

Talking to Maoists, and tackling insurgency

The Centre cannot be seen as taking tentative steps if and when the talks commenced, and get enmeshed in complications from the Law and Order (a State subject) to issues of tribal welfare, industrial investments, development, etc.

Talking to Pakistan Taliban: Will it work?
Sep 20, 2013

Talking to Pakistan Taliban: Will it work?

The Nawaz Sharif government's offer of the olive branch to TTP seems more like an act of desperation than a serious attempt to bring about stability in the country. As the previous deals with militants have shown, the outcomes have favoured militants more than the governments.