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Nepal: Bhattarai could mend fences
Oct 14, 2011

Nepal: Bhattarai could mend fences

Nepal's Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai will make an important visit to New Delhi starting October 20. Given the strain in relationship between his own party, the UCPN (Maoist), and India on multiple issues during the tenure of his party President Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda as the premier.

Nepal: Celebrating the bonhomie with China
Aug 07, 2015

Nepal: Celebrating the bonhomie with China

Nepal and China celebrated 1 August as the anniversary day of 60 years of establishment of their diplomatic relations. President Ram Baran Yadav and Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages on the occasion of the 60th anniversary.

Nepal: Dangerous drift
Aug 24, 2005

Nepal: Dangerous drift

A recent study published in an American journal places Nepal at the 37th place in a list of 60 prospective failing states all over the world. The study must have been conducted a few months earlier. Today, Nepal must have moved up in the list.

Nepal: Finding a way forward
Jan 25, 2016

Nepal: Finding a way forward

Nepal is no stranger to Constitution drafting, having gone through six such rounds since 1948, with the seventh culminating in September 2015. is recent exercise, however, was unique as it was conducted, for the rst time, without the oversight of the monarchy. Certain populations of Nepali society had specic stakes in a new Constitution. For many of Nepal's marginalised communities such as the Madhes is, for example, the new Constitution oe

Nepal: Generate consensus, hold polls, says Delhi
Aug 09, 2013

Nepal: Generate consensus, hold polls, says Delhi

India has been unequivocally telling all the senior leaders of Nepal who visited New Delhi since April this year that they should work together for the long-term peace, stability and development of the country.

Nepal: Hard choices for Prachanda
Mar 19, 2012

Nepal: Hard choices for Prachanda

The United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), which heads the present coalition government, is currently faced with the most severe intra-party differences over key issues of national concern.

Nepal: India advocates consensus during President's visit
Dec 28, 2012

Nepal: India advocates consensus during President's visit

Nepal President Dr Ram Baran Yadav's India visit last week helped to bring some clarity on New Delhi's current position vis-a-vis the political developments in Nepal. Although the visit came at the height of political tensions back home,

Nepal: India should keep hard options in reserve
Jun 01, 2006

Nepal: India should keep hard options in reserve

The Nepalese revolution is only the latest manifestation of the power of the people in compelling dictatorial forces to yield. In February 1986, the Philippine people had brought down a dictatorship and restored democracy in their dramatic four-day People Power Revolution.

Nepal: India's sensitivity to connectivity with China
Mar 30, 2015

Nepal: India's sensitivity to connectivity with China

Nepal and China have agreed in principle to take up a joint project on infrastructure development of the Nepal-China Economic Belt. The decision was taken at the Foreign Ministers' level meeting held in Beijing recently to commemorate the 60th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the two neighbours.

Nepal: Is Biden’s win win-win for the Himalayan Republic?
Nov 25, 2020

Nepal: Is Biden’s win win-win for the Himalayan Republic?

The situation now seems to be ripe to reorient the relationship by instilling new foreign policy mechanisms that can be helpful for not only the US an

Nepal: It's elections on November 19
Oct 11, 2013

Nepal: It's elections on November 19

Nepal will hold elections to the second constituent assembly (CA) on November 19, 2013. The first CA polls were held in 2008. The major political parties, currently represented in the High Level Political Committee (HLPC),

Nepal: Mountaineering tourism, 60 years after Everest conquest
Jun 07, 2013

Nepal: Mountaineering tourism, 60 years after Everest conquest

Ever since Sir Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa-colleague, Tensing Norgay, set their foot on the summit of Mt. Everest 60 years ago, the desire of the alpinists the world over to scale the world's highest peak has grown vigorously.

Nepal: Mounting pressure on Tibetan refugees
Jul 08, 2011

Nepal: Mounting pressure on Tibetan refugees

As China exerts greater pressure on the Communists-led Government in Nepal to curb all anti-Chinese activities emanating from its soil, those Tibetan refugees wanting to transit Nepal or seeking refugee status are having rough days ahead.

Nepal: Murky road to polls
Feb 22, 2013

Nepal: Murky road to polls

As Nepal sees rising tensions on the political front, New Delhi cannot design temporary solutions which can hardly bring lasting peace in the country.

Nepal: Options shrink, political crisis deepens
Jul 10, 2012

Nepal: Options shrink, political crisis deepens

The road ahead in Nepal's fragile political landscape is becoming much bleaker with increasing power tussle. While Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai is insisting that he will hand over power only to an elected government.

Nepal: Peace process back on track
Apr 16, 2012

Nepal: Peace process back on track

After a long spell of mistrust among political actors, the peace process in Nepal has returned to a constructive and progressive stage. This week the Maoist-led government of Dr Baburam Bhattarai ordered the Nepal Army and the Armed Police Force to take total charge of Maoist cantonments, the former fighters and their weapons.

Nepal: Power sharing issues with India
May 16, 2014

Nepal: Power sharing issues with India

Among the many areas of cooperation and assistance between India and Nepal, a very important one is that of power. Nepal has a huge potential for generating hydropower but is constrained due to the lack of supporting infrastructure as well as its geography.

Nepal: Preparing for CA polls
Nov 08, 2013

Nepal: Preparing for CA polls

As Nepal is set to go to polls on 19 November, the political scenario in the country is turning increasingly foggy. Technically, the people of Nepal should be looking forward to the polls and the prospect of a new Constitution.

Nepal: Terrorist arrests and cooperation with India
Sep 06, 2013

Nepal: Terrorist arrests and cooperation with India

The recent arrests of some of India's top terrorists along the Indo-Nepal border indicate the vulnerability of the porous border between the two neighbours. More importantly, it reflects on the bilateral cooperation in intelligence-sharing and joint-operations,

Nepal: The big fight!
Jul 27, 2012

Nepal: The big fight!

The tussle for supremacy and one-showmanship between Maoist Chairman Prachanda and Prime Minister Babauram Bhattarai is indicative of the internal weakness of the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

Nepal: Trade ties with India recharged
Jan 10, 2014

Nepal: Trade ties with India recharged

The year 2013 ended on a note of strengthened confidence between Nepal and India. On 21-22 December 2013, the Inter-governmental Committee Meeting on Trade, Transit and Cooperation to Control Authorised Trade, between the two countries was held in Kathmandu.

Nepal: Understanding the India migration in Covid times
Oct 27, 2020

Nepal: Understanding the India migration in Covid times

If there are no alternative livelihood with newer employment opportunities, and given the sluggish economic growth pattern of the country — internat

Nepal: What BIMSTEC Summit means for the country
Mar 14, 2014

Nepal: What BIMSTEC Summit means for the country

The south Asian region has been a region of disjointed congruity for decades. Efforts at integrating the countries that make up the region have been in place through a variety of mechanisms such as diplomatic efforts, regional and sub-regional organisations.

Nepal: What does Bhattarai's resignation signify for Maoist party?
Jul 05, 2013

Nepal: What does Bhattarai's resignation signify for Maoist party?

Baburam Bhattarai's resignation from the post of vice-chairman of the Maoist party has brought intra-party rivalry to the fore once again, adding to the worries of the party chairman, Pushpa Kumar Dahal alias Prachanda.

Nepal: What next?
Apr 15, 2011

Nepal: What next?

Has paralysis struck Nepal? Or, would the country be paralysed next month? What awaits the 29-million people of the Himalayan kingdom? These are some of the questions which are being debated among knowledgeable circles and friends of the country.

Nepal: With CA polls on Nov 19, it is time for all political actors to unite for large cause
Jun 17, 2013

Nepal: With CA polls on Nov 19, it is time for all political actors to unite for large cause

With the elections date to the Nepal Constituent Assembly now being announced, it is time for all political actors to unite for the larger cause. The poll announcement should be the beginning of a new rapprochement between the parties.

Nepali parties non-committal: Prof. Baral
Apr 04, 2012

Nepali parties non-committal: Prof. Baral

A well-known political scientist from Nepal, Prof. Lok Raj Baral, says that there is no convergence of ideology in Nepal now. He says that every political group has its own interpretation of liberal values and norms and the central leadership is unable to take its own decision.

Nepal–India relations in post-COVID-19 period
Jan 10, 2022

Nepal–India relations in post-COVID-19 period

The relations between India and Nepal have reverted to the pre-pandemic period as both countries have reopened borders

Nepal’s cautious deals with China
Oct 10, 2023

Nepal’s cautious deals with China

Although PM Dahal signed several agreements with China during his recent visit, critics at home are dismayed that Nepal is not gaining anything concre

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace
Aug 11, 2023

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace

This paper analyses the debate surrounding federal restructuring in Nepal and the position taken by various political stakeholders. It argues that an early political consensus on federalism is imperative; otherwise, the country may slip into greater ethnic conflict. Nepal is currently experiencing perhaps one of the most turbulent phases in its contemporary political history. In 2008, Nthe 240-year-old institution of monarchy—for long seen a

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?
Apr 12, 2024

Nepal’s new coalition government: A solution for its political woes?

With the formation of a new coalition in Nepal, political matters will most likely overshadow economic and social issues

Nepal’s political and economic transition
Jun 15, 2022

Nepal’s political and economic transition

In the face of growing domestic turmoil, how will Nepal manage geopolitical challenges that are brewing in the region?

Nepal’s Rahughat Hydropower Project and Indian LOCs
May 12, 2023

Nepal’s Rahughat Hydropower Project and Indian LOCs

India's flagship economic diplomacy programme, the grant of Lines of Credit (LOC), has had immense success in expanding the country's development cooperation around the world. In the African region, for instance, countries have found LOCs to be appropriate alternatives to traditional development assistance. LOCs are a popular tool among countries looking to fund their development goals. Closer to home, Nepal has received more than $1 billion in d

Nepal’s response to Covid19
Mar 30, 2020

Nepal’s response to Covid19

Nepal is yet to make an announcement of plans to see how it works on economic recovery and how it will approach multilateral and bilateral agencies fo

Nepal’s response to the Ukrainian Crisis
Mar 23, 2022

Nepal’s response to the Ukrainian Crisis

Is Nepal abandoning its non-aligned policy and siding with the Western bloc as it denounces the Russian invasion?

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India
Sep 13, 2023

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India

By most indications, India has arrived at a principled affirmation of net neutrality; the country must now turn its attention to its regulatory aspects. This essay examines whether the Competition Commission of India (CCI) can assume the primary role in enforcing net neutrality. It will trace the Commission?s short history to determine whether it has adequate jurisdiction and the strength of precedent to regulate the internet.

Net neutrality: A threat to PM Modi's vision?
Apr 18, 2015

Net neutrality: A threat to PM Modi's vision?

Like the Arab Spring, the netizen revolt was against a "perceived" threat to their empowerment. In this case, cheap access to the internet, which ironically is also one of PM Modi's promises to the entire nation.

Net-Zero: India’s opportunity to play its ace
Mar 21, 2022

Net-Zero: India’s opportunity to play its ace

India could rise to the role of a climate leader by assisting the LDCs and SIDs achieve their net-zero commitments.

Netanyahu persuades Modi to take back Spike deal
Jan 24, 2018

Netanyahu persuades Modi to take back Spike deal

India has a need for some 40,000 anti-tank missiles and the 8,000 or so Spike missiles would fill only part of its requirement.

Netanyahu returns to power in Israel
Nov 05, 2022

Netanyahu returns to power in Israel

Netanyahu’s return will most likely see another shift in relations between Israel and its foreign partners

Networked security: 5G and supply chains
Dec 30, 2020

Networked security: 5G and supply chains

While the geopolitical contestation in emerging technologies will continue, the importance of strengthening policies towards network security cannot b

Never, ever forget those sacrifices
Dec 26, 2013

Never, ever forget those sacrifices

Bangladesh needs full closure of the war crimes aspect of her history and a move away from fundamentalism that threatens it today. Bangladesh has to see the fulfillment of its Shahbag moment. The recent hanging of Mollah, is a process in that closure.

New Age Warfare' and 'New World Order
Sep 16, 2004

New Age Warfare' and 'New World Order

It may not mean much in terms of substance. Symbolic as it may seem, the more recent Spanish re-identification with the Franco-German European combine in the post-Iraq War era still has a message for the world. It has sent out fresh signals that multi-polarity is still alive and kicking, and a 'New World Order' may be yet to emerge years after the 'Cold War' ended - and is still going through the inevitable processes.

New anti-Taliban forces in Afghanistan: Genesis of a low-intensity conflict?
Jun 17, 2022

New anti-Taliban forces in Afghanistan: Genesis of a low-intensity conflict?

Pockets of new resistance groups are emerging with the capability to wage a low-intensity insurgency against the Taliban

New Approach Needed To 'Control' Internet Effectively
Jan 27, 2012

New Approach Needed To 'Control' Internet Effectively

With increasing internet usage and acceptability, the threat perception from the medium will also increase. However, unless there is a paradigm shift in approaching the vexed subject of web regulation as different from traditional media, regulatory attempts will remain ineffective.

New Army Chief in Bangladesh
Jul 03, 2012

New Army Chief in Bangladesh

Lieutenant General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan's appointment as the new Chief of Bangladesh Army on June 25 has evoked a keen interest in India and elsewhere. There are two reasons for this interest in an other-wise routine succession--General Bhuiyan succeeded General Abdul Mobeen on his retirement.

New Australian govt is internationalist in outlook
Jan 22, 2008

New Australian govt is internationalist in outlook

The High Commissioner of Australia to India, H.E. Mr. John McCarthy, delivered a talk at ORF on "The new administration in Australia and Asia" on 22nd January, 2008. He gave a comprehensive account of the new administration's foreign policy.

New balance of powers
Jul 17, 2015

New balance of powers

The Iran nuclear deal could mark a strategic realignment between the US and its traditional Sunni allies in the region. The Arab countries have been vocal in criticising Washington's policies in Egypt, Syria and Iraq, which they say have given an upper hand to "Iranian allies".