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RCEP: By opting out of it, India shows that now it fears the world
Nov 06, 2019

RCEP: By opting out of it, India shows that now it fears the world

PM Modi's decision not to join RCEP is an admission that even the prospect of joining a massive regional trade agreement isn't incentive enough for New Delhi to launch deep economic reforms.

RCEP: The best way forward for Modi's 'Act East' Policy
Jan 06, 2015

RCEP: The best way forward for Modi's 'Act East' Policy

In the light of the fact that India is not a member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it is important for the country to forge a deal in RCEP. In the current scenario, there have been increasing attempts by Indo-Pacific region members to voice growing concerns regarding Non Tariff barriers hindering trade prospects in the regional bloc.

Re-examining India’s Nuclear Doctrine
Jul 08, 2015

Re-examining India’s Nuclear Doctrine

This paper follows the proceedings of a workshop organised by ORF in August 2014 to re-examine India's nuclear doctrine. The workshop explored the challenges posed to India by Pakistan's introduction of battlefield nuclear weapons or Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNWs), New Delhi's interest in acquiring a Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system, and the growing threat perception from China.

Re-imagining Regions through BIMSTEC
Oct 15, 2014

Re-imagining Regions through BIMSTEC

BIMSTEC needs to be brought down to the people from the high governmental meetings. Activate people-centric initiatives to ensure engagement and involvement of the society in projects developed under BIMSTEC. This can start by simply involving people in the borderlands and coastal areas.

Re-thinking India's monetary policy
Feb 14, 2014

Re-thinking India's monetary policy

Inflation targeting has become a bone of contention in India. While some economists say a certain level of inflation is a necessary evil, others argue RBI's target is very low and would require monetary tightening. What is required is a balance between fiscal and monetary policy.

Re-visiting neighbourhood policy
Apr 10, 2013

Re-visiting neighbourhood policy

For India to be taken seriously by its neighbours, and other friends and adversaries alike, it has to be clear in its mind as to what it is and where it is headed, and where it wants to go - and can actually travel to.

Reach out to the US Through Obama
Oct 13, 2010

Reach out to the US Through Obama

As the US President is scheduled to visit India next month, there is a lesson for both sides in the 1972 Nixon-Mao summit in Beijing. While the Americans and the Chinese exchanged views on everything, the focus was firmly on the big strategic picture.

Reaching Full Charge: The Need for a Policy Reset for India’s Electric Two-Wheeler Industry
Sep 12, 2023

Reaching Full Charge: The Need for a Policy Reset for India’s Electric Two-Wheeler Industry

The electric two-wheeler segment represents a unique opportunity for India to become a global leader in the green technology space. The growth of this segment in the country is being driven by strong policy support, combined with homegrown engineering and innovation. However, the industry has yet to fully harness the global electric vehicle (EV) opportunity, and policy uncertainties are impeding innovation and investment. This brief makes a case

Reactions to Rafah: Preventing humanitarian supply chain breakdown
Jun 06, 2024

Reactions to Rafah: Preventing humanitarian supply chain breakdown

The near breakdown of humanitarian supply chains and services in Gaza merits new measures from the ICJ against Israel.

Reading tea leaves from China’s Two Sessions: Large monetary and fiscal stimulus and still no growth guarantee
May 30, 2020

Reading tea leaves from China’s Two Sessions: Large monetary and fiscal stimulus and still no growth guarantee

The most obvious solution is to ramp up China’s welfare state to support the workers who will be left out in the process. The rationale for this is

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects
Sep 06, 2023

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects

This year marks a decade since the announcement of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This brief analyses Chinese-language literature to understand the country’s current stance on Pakistan and the CPEC. Two trends emerge. First, China appears to be facing a dilemma over Pakistan. While the Chinese government wants the CPEC to be successful, China’s strategic community now shows little optimism on the initiative. Second, contrary to

Reading the U.S. Elections
Nov 10, 2004

Reading the U.S. Elections

The current conventional wisdom now being voiced among American analysts is that the 2004 election is evidence of a conservative revolution in American politics. According to this view, the U.S. is now in the midst of a long-term shift to the right and the creation of an enduring Republican majority, akin to the Democratic majority coalition forged during the 1930s and the New Deal by Franklin Roosevelt.

Ready With A  Long Rope - India has not learnt from its mistaken policies towards Pakistan
Aug 18, 2010

Ready With A Long Rope - India has not learnt from its mistaken policies towards Pakistan

The July 15 talks in Islamabad between the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan ended badly for many reasons. India has been putting itself at a disadvantage diplomatically by showing too much eagerness to restart the dialogue with Pakistan.

Reaffirming Indo-US ties
Sep 22, 2019

Reaffirming Indo-US ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to America indicates that the India-US strategic relationship has the potential to become the defining partnership of this century

Realising Make-in-India dream
Apr 17, 2015

Realising Make-in-India dream

The Modi government can do a lot to improve the investment climate at home so that both FDI and FIIs are attracted to India in a big way. If domestic manufacturing growth gets slow, foreign investors will get wary.

Reasons for rupee depreciation more complex: Former Revenue Secretary
Jul 06, 2013

Reasons for rupee depreciation more complex: Former Revenue Secretary

Theoretically the rupee cannot be traded because there is no capital account conversion for it. However many countries such as Singapore and the US sell the Indian rupee. This speculation pushes up share markets and plays around with exchange rates, according to a former Revenue Secretary.

Reassessing India's Juvenile Justice System
Oct 24, 2013

Reassessing India's Juvenile Justice System

Participants at a conference on "Reassessing India's Juvenile Justice System" emphasised on the need to fully implement the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 and the need for the State to provide enough manpower and infrastructure to take care of the aftercare programmes.

Reassessing the US Pivot to Asia
Aug 26, 2013

Reassessing the US Pivot to Asia

The US pivot or rebalancing is an attempt of reassurance to its friends and allies in the context of the emerging dynamics in the Asia Pacific region. While China is a major factor in the US pivot strategy, it is only a part of the story.

Reboot ties with Dhaka
Jul 27, 2012

Reboot ties with Dhaka

Considering India's economic standing, a $2.9 billion loan for the Padma Multipurpose Bridge of Bangladesh would not have been a difficult proposition. If India finds this option too difficult, there are many other alternatives for India to help Bangladesh.

Rebooting the forests and tree cover agenda for climate action
Nov 03, 2021

Rebooting the forests and tree cover agenda for climate action

Forests and tree cover can be leveraged in a proactive manner by developing countries like India to boost their climate action compliances and support

Rebooting the Indian Army: A Doctrinal Approach to Force Restructuring
Feb 03, 2021

Rebooting the Indian Army: A Doctrinal Approach to Force Restructuring

The ongoing conflict on the Sino-Indian border has highlighted the need for structural reforms in the Indian Army. This paper examines the impact of the Joint Doctrine of Indian Armed Forces, 2017 (JDIAF) and the Indian Army’s Land Warfare Doctrine, 2018 (LWD) on the development of the Indian Army’s tactical concepts, organisational structures, and the weapons and equipment profile. It discusses the importance of formulating a formal National

Rebooting US-India Strategic Partnership
Jun 02, 2015

Rebooting US-India Strategic Partnership

Carter's commitment to deepening defence cooperation with India and Parrikar's determination to recast India's defence structures set the stage for a rebooting of the India-US strategic partnership.

Rebuilding Gaza: Navigating the challenges of post-war reconstruction
Jun 01, 2024

Rebuilding Gaza: Navigating the challenges of post-war reconstruction

Gaza's reconstruction must be holistic, addressing infrastructure and essential services while prioritising economic rebuilding, currency stabilisatio

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions
Feb 21, 2019

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions

It is important to humanise the ‘other’ and move away from the stereotypical ‘enemy’ perception that have dominated Indo-Pak relations.

Recent IAS resignations: An appraisal
Sep 10, 2019

Recent IAS resignations: An appraisal

The depletion of the IAS ranks should not be a worry as the Government seems to be moving in the direction of lateral entry — and a fresh infusion o

Recent Trends in India-China Relations
Jul 14, 2003

Recent Trends in India-China Relations

It has been said that any foreign observer who spends a month in China is apt to write a book on the country; if he spends a year in China, he is content to write an article; and if he lives in China for five years, he deems it wise to refrain from making any prediction! I spent three and a half years in China ¿ too long a period for a book but perhaps but perhaps not for a short talk on India-China relations.

Reclaiming the digital: Countering violent extremism online
Sep 21, 2017

Reclaiming the digital: Countering violent extremism online

While counter-speech is an integral part, it cannot be the only mechanism for a successful counter violent extremism strategy.

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative
Jul 08, 2019

Reclaiming the Indo-Pacific narrative

The ASEAN’s intent to be in the driving seat is clear as it seeks to manage the emerging regional order with policy moves

Recommendations for the Third BRICS Leaders' Meeting in China
Apr 02, 2011

Recommendations for the Third BRICS Leaders' Meeting in China

Sixty scholars from five BRICS countries, including India, participated in the BRICS Think Tanks Symposium in Beijing recently. It came up many recommendations to be proposed for the consideration of the Third BRICS Leaders Meeting to be held in China in April. A report:

Recommendations on Arms Procurement Reforms in India
Sep 25, 2012

Recommendations on Arms Procurement Reforms in India

The Observer Research Foundation's programme on Defence Procurement Reforms, following a seminar organised in May, 2012, has now moved to the second stage of identifying initiatives that can be taken in the executive and legislative branches. This Paper presents practical recommendations to improve capacities and decision-making methodologies in India's arms procurement system.

Reconnecting Punjab: Shahbaz Sharif's mixed signals
Dec 16, 2013

Reconnecting Punjab: Shahbaz Sharif's mixed signals

Delhi is aware that the Pak army continues to wield a veto over cooperation with India and the room for manoeuvre is limited for the civilian leaders. Yet India must encourage the leaders of the Punjab to intensify their engagement. Delhi must also strive to improve coordination and consultation with the state leadership in Punjab.

Reconstructing the dialogue
Jul 26, 2010

Reconstructing the dialogue

The day after External Affairs Minister, S.M. Krishna, left for Islamabad front-page headlines in mainstream English language dailies had set their preferred theme: "Krishna to nail Pak using Headley: In Islamabad Foreign Minister says he will harp on Headley revelation of ISI links to 26/11".

Record of Indian arms industry remains one of failure
Apr 11, 2013

Record of Indian arms industry remains one of failure

The demand for cash that all political parties have to contest elections has been the fountainhead that has created a bureaucratic, military and defence decision-making structure which ensures that we keep running at the same place when it comes to creating a vibrant military industry complex in the country.

Red carpet for China's Xinjiang Governor
Oct 11, 2004

Red carpet for China's Xinjiang Governor

When the Indian establishment serenades Governor of China¿s Xinjiang province Ismail Tiliwaldi in the capital next week, it will revive deeply embedded memories from the past¿and hold a promise to a bold new future.

Red dragon on the horizon
Nov 02, 2016

Red dragon on the horizon

SpaceX has requested permission to send the first unmanned probe to Mars in 2018, a spaceship called the Red Dragon.

Red flag goes up on Dhaka
Dec 08, 2004

Red flag goes up on Dhaka

It would be folly to treat the threat issued to the Indian cricket team by a terrorist organisation based in Bangladesh as posing danger only to the players. The threat issued by Harkat ul-Jihad al-Islami (HuJI) poses a direct and serious danger to India because, despite denials by the Bangladesh Government, it is clearly an indication that terrorist groups affiliated to the Al Qaeda have made Bangladesh an operational base. The

Redefining India’s role in Afghanistan
Nov 27, 2021

Redefining India’s role in Afghanistan

he return of the Taliban had been in the making for a decade. Convinced that they have come to power through military means, the Taliban do not feel the need to form an inclusive government. Unlike other neighbouring countries, India had been hesitant in exploring engagement with the Taliban and ended up withdrawing from the country. However, it has legitimate interest in the stability of Afghanistan and enjoys goodwill among all communities.

Redefining multi-stakeholderism for internet
Nov 15, 2014

Redefining multi-stakeholderism for internet

Democratic multi-stakeholderism has the potential to mitigate the genuine concerns of sovereign nations in terms of protection of their cyber resources and infrastructure - not only from anonymous hackers and non-state actors, but also from the overarching surveillance mounted by the US and its allies.

Redefining the sustainability of development: Towards inclusive wealth
Aug 24, 2023

Redefining the sustainability of development: Towards inclusive wealth

By embracing the inclusive wealth paradigm, India has the opportunity to reimagine progress in a way that harmonises the aspirations of humanity with

Redoing India-China sums
Mar 23, 2015

Redoing India-China sums

The first round of boundary talks with China under the Narendra Modi government, taking place this week, is an opportunity for New Delhi to explore the territorial compromises necessary to resolve the longstanding dispute. With strong leaders at the helm in Delhi and Beijing, there are rising expectations that the two special representatives - Ajit Doval and Yang Jiechi - will be able to find an early breakthrough on the boundary dispute.

Reducing Radiation: Navigating Nuclear Security
May 30, 2014

Reducing Radiation: Navigating Nuclear Security

While India has instituted pretty stringent measures, some of which are lacking in even other key nuclear players, India has done a bad job of advertising to the global community of what it has done. This has meant poor appreciation of India's efforts in the area of Nuclear Security.