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Changing mindsets big challenge before both Obama and Rouhani
Sep 30, 2013

Changing mindsets big challenge before both Obama and Rouhani

It is not only President Obama who feels boxed in by the Lindsay Grahams and John McCains of his country but Rouhani too has formidable set of foes to fight, before either can climb down from his stated position. Not everyone in Iran wants his President to negotiate the country out of its present misery.

Changing Mores of the Dravidian Movement
May 16, 2005

Changing Mores of the Dravidian Movement

The ¿Mother¿s Day¿ on Sunday, May 8, and the ¿Akshaya Tritiya¿, or Akha Teej¿, falling on Wednesday, May 11 this year, may have marked a further turning-point in the traditional Dravidian mores. It had witnessed a revival and the peak through the 20th century Tamil Nadu, but evolving circumstances had begun rendering it inconsistent, redundant and irrelevant to the times in the last quarter.

Changing Paradigms of Security Need for Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Jun 11, 2004

Changing Paradigms of Security Need for Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Over the last few decades, particularly after the end of cold war, a distinctive feature of the strategic and security related environment has been the unprecedented and sheer dynamics of change in the concepts, paradigms and complexities of national, regional and global security.

Changing Sino-Indian perceptions
Nov 18, 2003

Changing Sino-Indian perceptions

Last fortnight's India-China joint naval exercise, however limited, may be a new opening in bilateral relations. Coupled with the politico-economic CBMs of the past years, the Shanghai naval exercise is an indication that both nations are learning to overcome the bitter past.

Changing South Korea-China equations and Japan
Jul 05, 2013

Changing South Korea-China equations and Japan

Traditionally, a newly elected South Korean President visits Washington first, followed by Tokyo. But the new President Park Geun-hye, as expected, did visit Washington first in May, but followed it up by a visit to Beijing and not to Tokyo. This is interpreted this to speculate that China has taken precedence over Japan in Seoul's diplomatic calculations.

Changing the face of global security
Feb 22, 2006

Changing the face of global security

During the past couple of weeks, Nepal Maoist chief Prachanda has given three significant interviews. He carefully picked up three influential and understanding media channels, ¿ Kantipur in Nepal, The Hindu in India and the BBC of London ¿ to send a strong message across to Nepal, India and the international community respectively.

Changing the gender agenda in India
Oct 03, 2015

Changing the gender agenda in India

India will likely struggle to achieve the SDGs for financial reasons. At present, a shocking 2-3 per cent of Indians pay taxes. Mobilising domestic finance ? including optimal tax collection reform ? can help supplement the traditional sources of aid.

Changing US-Iran relations and India
Jan 17, 2014

Changing US-Iran relations and India

Iran's cancellation of $500 million funding to Pakistan for the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline indicates Iran's clout in regional energy affairs. It is unclear why Iran took this sudden step. Is President Rouhani merely fine-tuning some of the policies of his predecessor? But there is certainly more to this than meets the eye.

Charting a Future for India–US Relations in the New World Order
Jan 26, 2022

Charting a Future for India–US Relations in the New World Order

Over the past two decades, the India–US relationship has expanded in almost every conceivable dimension, albeit not as allies but as fellow travelle

Checkmating Musharraf's plan
Nov 24, 2004

Checkmating Musharraf's plan

President Pervez Musharraf has a number of reasons to be unhappy with India. It took only a few hours for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to dismiss the General's seemingly well-crafted and cleverly worded war-game plans for Greater Kashmir. The General's idea was simple.

Chennai - Industrial and trade hub leader
Aug 30, 2014

Chennai - Industrial and trade hub leader

Chennai may have lost out on the petroleum, petro-chemicals, pharmaceutical, and biotech fields, but it still remains the home-base of several solid market leaders from myriad industries.

Chennai building collapse exposes unscientific methods of construction
Jul 05, 2014

Chennai building collapse exposes unscientific methods of construction

The collapse of an under-construction 11-storey building in Chennai which claimed 42 lives should serve as a wake-up call for the housing sector to have a regulatory mechanism for the construction industry.

Chennai building collapse exposes unscientific methods of construction
Jul 05, 2014

Chennai building collapse exposes unscientific methods of construction

The collapse of an under-construction 11-storey building in Chennai which claimed 42 lives should serve as a wake-up call for the housing sector to have a regulatory mechanism for the construction industry.

Chicken feed for the soul
Mar 16, 2006

Chicken feed for the soul

The George Bush visit was a giant step forward for Indo-US relations and India was elated to be part of the Big League. Now that he has gone, the Left protests turned out to be only that much bushfire and the euphoria of the visit has evaporated somewhat, it is time to evaluate just what this winwin situation might mean.

Chidambaram's visit improves India's image
Aug 05, 2011

Chidambaram's visit improves India's image

India-Bangladesh relations got a major boost following Home Minister P Chidambaram's visit to Dhaka in July this year. The visit, described by Chidambaram as constructive, infused optimism about the resolution of some of the bilateral issues like border during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's scheduled visit to India in September this year.

China - Hu Jintao era
Oct 26, 2004

China - Hu Jintao era

The People's Republic of China (PRC) witnessed the beginning of a new era - Hu Jintao era, when the sixty one year fourth generation leader was elected to the post of Chairman of the Central Military Commission(CMC) during the Fourth Plenum of the 16th Chinese Communist Party(CCP) Central Committee (Beijing, September 16-19

China acquiring weapons that can target US systems: US scholar
May 11, 2011

China acquiring weapons that can target US systems: US scholar

China has avoided taking up regional and global responsibilities despite the United States' basic policy and efforts to make it a responsible stakeholder in the international community and help it take its rightful place as a global power, according to US scholar Dr Michael Auslin.

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean
Dec 05, 2022

China and India Jostle in the Indian Ocean

This has been a longstanding policy of China, but more recently, Beijing has been perturbed by New Delhi’s proactive push in China’s periphery along the wider Indo-Pacific. Beijing is attempting to portray itself as the new leader in the emerging multipolar world

China and Indonesia: A new tug-of-war
Oct 13, 2017

China and Indonesia: A new tug-of-war

Indonesia is increasing its military presence in the region and upgrading its forces in the Natuna Islands as it seeks to challenge China and maintain its control over an important sea domain containing abundant marine food and energy resources.

China and the 'Global War on Terror'
Mar 19, 2004

China and the 'Global War on Terror'

2003 was an important year in the evolution of China¿s counter-terrorism policy. In December last, its Ministry of Public Security issued a list of identified 'Eastern Turkistan' terrorist organizations. Figuring in the list are the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the World Uighur Youth Congress (WUYC),

China and the New Leadership in Myanmar
May 25, 2011

China and the New Leadership in Myanmar

As part of its political transition from military to "civilian" rule, Myanmar adopted a new constitution through a national referendum in 2008 and conducted its first national elections in two decades in November 2010.

China Does Some Chest Thumping
Sep 23, 2011

China Does Some Chest Thumping

China's rulers have a problem. They are not sure if they can continue to portray the image of a country interested in a peaceful rise without this coming into direct conflict with a desire to reassert newly defined core interests.

China in Bandung
Apr 21, 2015

China in Bandung

As in Bandung 60 years ago, there is little consensus in Asia on how to build a new regional order. Prickly nationalism and persistent territorial disputes are making Asia into a geopolitical tinderbox. China's growing power has made it an attractive economic partner as well as the prospective political hegemon.

China in Japan's South Asia policy
Oct 15, 2015

China in Japan's South Asia policy

Well aware of China's growing influence in the Bay of Bengal and the changing power dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region, Japan is now presenting itself as an alternative benefactor. With an eye toward Beijing, can the emergence of Japan in this region prove to play a balancing role?

China in Lanka
Oct 29, 2014

China in Lanka

As a rising China becomes the most important extra-regional partner for India's neighbours, India cannot simply wish away the Chinese influence in the subcontinent. The only way to limit the scope and structure of China's security profile is to expand India's own cooperation, including in the defence domain, with all neighbours.

China intensifies its engagement with Africa
Aug 06, 2012

China intensifies its engagement with Africa

The fifth meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing was used by China to reinforce its engagement with Africa. It is significant that despite it being only a ministerial conference, six Heads of State and two Prime Ministers attended the opening session.

China is  not about to overtake US in Space
Oct 04, 2013

China is not about to overtake US in Space

China has clearly made very significant strides in its Space capability. However, it is still a long way short of matching U.S. capabilities and alarm bells need not ring just yet. It will need to undertake significant reforms before it supplants the U.S. as the world's leading Space power.

China is a challenge, and not a threat, to India
Sep 02, 2004

China is a challenge, and not a threat, to India

New Delhi has made it clear that it does not see China as a "threat" to India. The official position reflects a correct assessment of our security environment. China poses a challenge, not a threat, to India.

China makes a pivot towards Russia
Apr 01, 2013

China makes a pivot towards Russia

Given the past Sino-Russian relations the longevity of their entente is moot. Clearly, India is not entirely without options in this geopolitical competition, the only problem is to get New Delhi to play the game.

China may have to outsource production
Oct 04, 2012

China may have to outsource production

The Chinese growth story, triggered and driven by its industrial growth, is truly amazing. But now that industrial growth is slowing down because of higher wages and higher standards of living, to remain competitive China would have to outsource its production to cheap labour countries or move to another growth area - services.

China moving closer to developing space station
Jul 11, 2012

China moving closer to developing space station

While one could consider the establishment of a space station by China as a potential for collaboration, it would be more prudent of India to consider the military implications of such a move. A manned space station provides a greater thrust to PLA's combative capability.

China proposes deep seaport in Bangladesh
Oct 12, 2012

China proposes deep seaport in Bangladesh

Recently China reiterated its interest in constructing a deep seaport in Bangladesh. The Chinese interest in the project reportedly arises because of two reasons. One, to further strengthen its presence in the South Asia region,

China Rattling Sabres Over Speaker Pelosi’s Proposed Trip to Taiwan
Jul 27, 2022

China Rattling Sabres Over Speaker Pelosi’s Proposed Trip to Taiwan

China, keen to demonstrate that it is more powerful than Russia, has issued dire warnings to Washington against Pelosi’s visit

China rise a trigger for Indo-Japanese relationship
Dec 26, 2013

China rise a trigger for Indo-Japanese relationship

Though the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between India and Japan is an achievement in Indo-Japanese bilateralism, much more needs to be done at the people-to-people level to broaden and strengthen the growing relationship.

China rises, India falters
Mar 21, 2013

China rises, India falters

Despite our hopes, China India relations are unlikely to see any dramatic upturn. China wants an all or none political relationship with India. This means that India must send the Dalai Lama away even though India has repeatedly and loudly pronounced that it has accepted Tibet to be an integral part of China.

China seeks rekindling of Indian ties
Jul 15, 2014

China seeks rekindling of Indian ties

If Indian economy begins to take off and it is able to overhaul its dysfunctional military system, India can emerge as a formidable second pole of the Asia-Pacific region, maybe just a shade inferior to China.

China Threat and the New Japanese Defence White Paper
Aug 16, 2011

China Threat and the New Japanese Defence White Paper

Japan's recently approved Defence White Paper has pointed out discomforting Chinese maritime activities in the region, military modernisation and the opacity about China's goals as challenges to Japan's national security.

China Today
Sep 04, 2004

China Today

China today is different! Quite different to what I saw seven years ago. The economic boom has not only changed its socio culture, at least in the Eastern and Southern part of China, but also the peoples' attitude, style of governance, and geo political outlook. That is the impression I gathered when I visited China recently.

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream
Sep 21, 2011

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream

If China wins the race in developing Space Based Solar Power as a feasible source of energy, which would meet the world's growing energy demand, it will result in huge economic and strategic gains for China.