Search: For - Modi

1321 results found

In India’s China policy, a mix of three approaches
Jun 12, 2020

In India’s China policy, a mix of three approaches

Countries are relying on internal strength, engagement with Beijing and external balancing. Prioritise wisely

Increasing unemployment a major challenge
Nov 29, 2018

Increasing unemployment a major challenge

The reasons for the rise in unemployment are many.

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world
Aug 16, 2014

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, which is threatened by the formation of the Narendra Modi government in Delhi, have been reactivating networks of LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammad in Kashmir since May/June 2013.

Independent trajectory for India-Israel ties
Jan 12, 2018

Independent trajectory for India-Israel ties

India-Israel ties are on course for further expansion under Narendra Modi and Benjamin Netanyahu, who have developed the personal chemistry needed to take it forward

India and Israel's cyber security partnership could be a potential game changer
Jul 10, 2017

India and Israel's cyber security partnership could be a potential game changer

A cyber partnership can be critical for India to meet its immediate goals in securing its cyber infrastructure and expanding opportunities for the country’s tech sector.

India and Russia share an evergreen relationship of trust and confidence
Sep 14, 2019

India and Russia share an evergreen relationship of trust and confidence

Indian envoy to Russia, Ambassador D. Bala Venkatesh Varma, discusses Indo-Russia ties and the recently concluded Modi-Putin Summit in Vladivostok. Th

India and Russia — special and privileged strategic partnership
Aug 26, 2016

India and Russia — special and privileged strategic partnership

In his meeting with Rogozin in August, PM Modi described Russia as ''a time-tested and reliable friend.''

India and the Arab League: Walking the trade talk
Jan 05, 2015

India and the Arab League: Walking the trade talk

The 4th India-Arab Partnership Conference, organised late last month as part of the Modi government's efforts to elevate the level of engagement between the two sides, echoed the new government's agenda of economic reforms and deeper economic engagement globally and regionally.

India and the G-20: Taking Diplomacy Beyond Delhi
Jan 25, 2023

India and the G-20: Taking Diplomacy Beyond Delhi

Some may look at it as the BJP trying to shape the 2024 agenda. But the euphoria is an attempt to project India as a global power seeking symbolic parity with major powers.

India and the world
Mar 02, 2021

India and the world

Indian elites still remain nervous when it comes to engaging the United States

India and US: Friends with benefits
Jan 21, 2015

India and US: Friends with benefits

Narendra Modi has emphatically indicated that good and close relations with the US will form the core of his global policy. In the short time he has been in power, Modi has met Obama thrice. An indication of his thrust are the close ties that the Modi government is building with Japan and Australia.

India Announces Republic Day Chief Guest: French President Emmanuel Macron
Jan 05, 2024

India Announces Republic Day Chief Guest: French President Emmanuel Macron

New Delhi and Paris have a lot in common in terms of their strategic perspectives on a free, open, inclusive, and prosperous Indo-Pacific.

India as a peacemaker at the Global Peace Summit?
Jun 12, 2024

India as a peacemaker at the Global Peace Summit?

PM Narendra Modi has an opportunity to play peacemaker at the most important peace summit since World War II. India’s well-established relationship with Russia is the key.

India as the strongest link to counter China
Jul 12, 2021

India as the strongest link to counter China

India has emerged as the focal point of global attention as the search for a new balance of power in the Indo-Pacific gathers steam.

India can bridge the US-Russia divide over Ukraine
Mar 16, 2023

India can bridge the US-Russia divide over Ukraine

No country is as well-positioned as India in mediating between Russia and US, and bringing the Ukraine conflict to an end

India Commissions Latest Aircraft Carrier
Sep 06, 2022

India Commissions Latest Aircraft Carrier

While the Vikrant’s commissioning definitely boosts India’s naval capabilities, the overall trend in naval power is clearly shifting away from India.

India Elections: Six lessons from Verdict 2019
May 23, 2019

India Elections: Six lessons from Verdict 2019

A mandate only places a particular politics in power; it does not mean, as in authoritarian regimes such as China, the power to run individual or coll

India is dangerously close to becoming an also-ran
Sep 18, 2019

India is dangerously close to becoming an also-ran

The Modi government can choose to be part of a massive Indo-Pacific trading bloc, or succumb to isolationism. China complicates the choice.

India is Embracing a ‘Net Security Provider’ Role in the Indian Ocean Region
Mar 11, 2024

India is Embracing a ‘Net Security Provider’ Role in the Indian Ocean Region

New infrastructure built by India in Mauritius demonstrates New Delhi’s commitment to cementing its security presence in the IOR.

India is right to engage with China. But it has sent out signals of displeasure
Oct 11, 2019

India is right to engage with China. But it has sent out signals of displeasure

If Xi does not mend fences, Delhi will continue to frame policies assuming the worst about Beijing’s intentions

India leads: Two to Tango with in 2023
Oct 06, 2022

India leads: Two to Tango with in 2023

India is assuming the leadership of SCO and G20. While the two groupings have divergent goals, Delhi will need to ensure that the concerns of developing nations are not ignored. An assertive foreign policy that seeks to shape and steer conversations will help

India must adjust to the rise of China
Nov 25, 2014

India must adjust to the rise of China

India's best course is the one that Prime Minister Modi is setting. This seeks to position India as a "swing state". On one hand, India has joined the New Development Bank, the AIIB and resisted American-led efforts to condemn Russia over Ukraine. On the other, it is actively wooing the US and its allies, Japan and Australia, in the Asia Pacific region.

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US
Feb 20, 2020

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US

In exploring a limited deal to dampen trade tensions, India must refrain from handing Trump a political endorsement ahead of the 2020 presidential ele

India Nepal Relations: नेपाल में बन सकती है देउबा की सरकार, नए PM का भारत के प्रति दृष्टिकोण
Jul 28, 2023

India Nepal Relations: नेपाल में बन सकती है देउबा की सरकार, नए PM का भारत के प्रति दृष्टिकोण

India Nepal relations प्रधानमंत्री देउबा के कार्यकाल में भारत और नेपाल के रिश्‍तों में गर्मी आई है. देउबा भारत के प्रबल समर्थक हैं. देउबा के कार्यकाल में पीएम मोदी ने नेपाल का दौरा किया �

India Noncommittal on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment
Aug 10, 2022

India Noncommittal on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment

India’s tepid response to the PGII seems odd given Delhi’s opposition to the BRI, which the new G-7 initiative seeks to counter.

India resets the terms of engagement with China
Mar 08, 2017

India resets the terms of engagement with China

The Modi government is taking a different tack to its ties with China.

India under strain across South Asia
Aug 08, 2020

India under strain across South Asia

India’s regional relations are almost all in states of distress. That’s a big problem for New Delhi.

India will prioritise data for development at G20
Dec 14, 2022

India will prioritise data for development at G20

To share and benefit from development data, it must be accessible, of high-quality, and offered in real time. India at the helm of G20 has much to offer as this will build on principles governing PM Modi’s Digital India initiative

India woos Japan for better economic ties
Sep 08, 2014

India woos Japan for better economic ties

The larger theme of Narendra Modi is that India, Japan and China have many common interests and that all of them have to build on them and thereby initiate the Asian Century by working together and make the Asian Century a truly peaceful and prosperous one.

India's FDI dreams
Oct 17, 2014

India's FDI dreams

Billions of dollars in FDI have been assured to India thanks to Prime Minister Modi's successful foreign tours. However, there also has to be real technology transfer that spills over to the local economy. Only then, Modi's dream of FDI as 'First Development India' can be fulfilled.

India's Foreign Policy: Past, Present and the Future
Jul 30, 2015

India's Foreign Policy: Past, Present and the Future

The foreign policy of the Modi government is the continuation of the foreign policies introduced by the Manmohan Singh government, whose hallmark was the concrete decision to link India's economic transformation and growth of India with its foreign policy approach and objectives, says Dr. Shashi Tharoor.

India's lack of respect for liberty could pave the way to another Emergency
Jun 22, 2015

India's lack of respect for liberty could pave the way to another Emergency

Advani's most memorable quote: "You were asked only to bend, but you crawled" holds good today, as much as it did in 1975. Through the UPA regime, it was manifested in the absence of criticism of Sonia Gandhi, and now it is in the free ride that Narendra Modi gets.

India's nuanced middle east policy
Dec 17, 2018

India's nuanced middle east policy

The Modi government’s recalibration of India’s Middle East policy goes underappreciated.

India's smart 100: 10 cities, 10 lessons
Sep 15, 2014

India's smart 100: 10 cities, 10 lessons

Narendra Modi seems serious about building 100 smart cities. Just look at how the port city of Dholera in Gujarat is shaping up. It's might as well become an emblematic talisman of how a few handpicked men and women can build a new urban India at breakneck speed.

India's Smart Cities Mission: An Assessment
Dec 28, 2015

India's Smart Cities Mission: An Assessment

In June 2015 the Modi government launched the Smart Cities Mission, a major urban development initiative designed to improve living conditions and achieve higher economic growth in 100 cities across the country. The Mission offers the State and city governments yet another opportunity to think creatively and work towards the betterment of their cities. Will India succeed in this venture, and would the future 'smart cities' be equitable and sustai

India's stakes in Maldives' power struggle
Mar 24, 2015

India's stakes in Maldives' power struggle

With Narendra Modi pursuing a very active Indian Ocean region diplomacy, Maldives cannot be kept away from his outreach programme. Maldives is key to our strategic interests in the Indian Ocean and any instability or discord in its internal affairs would have a bearing on our security.

India's strategic autonomy versus Latin America's active non-alignment
Aug 17, 2022

India's strategic autonomy versus Latin America's active non-alignment

India and most of Latin America view the Russia-Ukraine conflict as a ‘regional’ war limited to Europe, but one that has a massive impact on globa

India, China still have big problems between them
Sep 20, 2014

India, China still have big problems between them

Notwithstanding the friendly rhetoric and promises of Chinese investment, India and China still have big problems between them. The biggest, as Narendra Modi's remarks at the press interaction noted, is the border.

India, Pakistan: Friends again?
Dec 08, 2015

India, Pakistan: Friends again?

The Modi government came to power in New Delhi pledging a muscular approach to relations with Islamabad. But now, the government has realised that while it can control the narrative at home, it cannot do so abroad. Most countries saw New Delhi's actions as somewhat over the top.