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Keep cyberSpace free
Sep 12, 2013

Keep cyberSpace free

CyberSpace is a free-wheeling mind-Space at the cutting edge of innovation precisely because of the absence of sovereignty and artificial barriers. Declaring sovereignty here is as absurd as extending one's jurisdiction deep into the minds of others.

Keep our eyes on the sky
Apr 06, 2019

Keep our eyes on the sky

Now that India has successfully demonstrated its ASAT capability, it should play an important role in mitigating problems such as space debris, space traffic management, orbital frequency issues and other issues.

Keep social distance from the Taliban
Jul 26, 2021

Keep social distance from the Taliban

If the Taliban remain unreconstructed and unreformed, India will only lose and not gain anything from engaging with them.

Keep Space Code of Conduct moving forward
Jul 23, 2015

Keep Space Code of Conduct moving forward

The negotiations on Space code of Conduct, set to begin in New York, provide an opportune moment for states to narrow down their differences and help establish a comprehensive instrument. The EU must be patient and develop the necessary consensus so that it establishes a strong support base, vital for the longevity of the code.

Keep the doors locked and turn on the light: Why less security online does not make us more secure offline
Oct 26, 2016

Keep the doors locked and turn on the light: Why less security online does not make us more secure offline

repeated calls for weakening industry encryption standards raise the question of whether the means employed by governments to protect national and per

Keep the SAARC borders soft and irrelevant
May 06, 2011

Keep the SAARC borders soft and irrelevant

The emphasis ever since Dr Manmohan Singh Govt came to power in 2004 has been on 'making borders irrelevant without redrawing them'. To ensure this, there has been a continuing stress on connecting India's border provinces with those of its neighbouring countries.

Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack
Aug 19, 2021

Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack

Even if there is contention about the scope and prospective size of Beijing’s capabilities, India needs to be watchful

Keeping close tabs on all
Dec 24, 2018

Keeping close tabs on all

Centre’s authorisation on interception of computers imperils citizen’s privacy

Keeping peace in a war zone
Jun 26, 2015

Keeping peace in a war zone

It is important to examine how female peacekeepers themselves experience gender and other relations while on duty where the power differential in relation to locals is in their favour, but remains different in relation to their male colleagues.

Keeping Teheran on Tenterhooks
Feb 07, 2005

Keeping Teheran on Tenterhooks

To any intelligence analyst, it should be obvious that the US has already embarked on a psychological warfare (PSYWAR) campaign to keep Iran on tenterhooks in the hope of thereby breaking its will to resist US pressure to agree to the dismantling of its uranium enrichment capability.

Kejriwal case in Supreme Court and its implications
Apr 09, 2014

Kejriwal case in Supreme Court and its implications

Congress and BJP's answer to the Supreme Court's question on Arvind Kejriwal's petition, challenging the imposition of President's rule in Delhi, may have the potential to rearrange the political landscape.

Kejriwal has an edge over Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi
Jan 14, 2014

Kejriwal has an edge over Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi

If the final list of prime ministerial candidates consists of only Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi and possibly a third front candidate like Nitish Kumar or anyone else, Arvind Kejriwal will surely be there as the people's candidate. And, in the final analysis, the chances of Kejriwal clinching the highest leadership in the country are brighter than those of Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi.

Kenya sees India in a new hue
Dec 13, 2023

Kenya sees India in a new hue

Kenya is seeking diversity in its partnerships and sees India as a credible partner at the present stage of international reordering

Kenya's war: No end in sight
Jan 24, 2012

Kenya's war: No end in sight

On January 16, 2012, the Kenyan troops completed 90 days of their presence in Somalia where they had gone to fight the al-Shabaab militants. The initial aim of the invasion, which began as a reaction to a spate of kidnappings and raids on Kenyan border by the Islamic militants, was to secure the border between the two countries.

Kerry's trip to Asia: An exercise in reassuring allies
Feb 19, 2014

Kerry's trip to Asia: An exercise in reassuring allies

India should be watching Mr John Kerry's trip to Asia with interest considering that the US and China have just held a dialogue on South Asia, even as the US has refused to hold a bilateral dialogue with India on East Asia in the last year.

Kerry's Visit to Russia: Sign of a Thaw in US-Russia ties?
May 26, 2015

Kerry's Visit to Russia: Sign of a Thaw in US-Russia ties?

Kerry's Russia visit signals Washington reaching out to Moscow and is the first sign towards normalising the US-Russia relationship. However, it will be prudent to say nothing more than that for now.

Kerry, Bush and bin Laden
Oct 26, 2004

Kerry, Bush and bin Laden

In his election campaign, Senator John Kerry, the Democratic candidate, has been blaming President George Bush for the failure to capture or kill Osama bin Laden during the battle at Tora Bora in Afghanistan towards the end of 2001.

Kerry-Khurshid dialogue: Time for hard decisions
Jun 20, 2013

Kerry-Khurshid dialogue: Time for hard decisions

Recently, in two special reports (ORF-Heritage Foundation and ORF-Center for American Progress) Indian and American scholars have come out with many suggestions to fast-track India-US relations. If the policy-makers at the Annual Strategic Dialogue take on board some of these recommendations, it will go a long way in re-energising the relationship.

Khar and the Shadow of 1971
Aug 03, 2011

Khar and the Shadow of 1971

It's time that India and Pakistan genuinely leave the bad memories of 1971 behind us. It-s a herculean task, but necessary if we are to secure a harmonious relationship.

Khobragade affair: Distrust between New Delhi and Washington?
Dec 23, 2013

Khobragade affair: Distrust between New Delhi and Washington?

The whole Devyani Khobragade affair also points to the distrust between New Delhi and Washington. Something which could have been resolved quietly was allowed to blow out of proportion. And both US and India are to blame for it.

Kidnapping of Chinese in Iraq
Feb 24, 2004

Kidnapping of Chinese in Iraq

Eight Chinese workers from Fujian, who were travelling to Jordan from Najaf in Iraq by a car after having worked in a Chinese-aided power project there for catching a flight to China, were detained by an Iraqi resistance group on January 18,2005, to protest against the Chinese involvement in the project.

King of the industrial jungle
Jun 06, 2015

King of the industrial jungle

Is the Asiatic Lion as the symbol of "Make in India" best suits today's "muscular" India's image? Perhaps, it does if we consider India's size and diversities.

Knowing India's nuclear credentials
Jul 24, 2014

Knowing India's nuclear credentials

Through concerted attack on India from the usual suspects in recent days, India is first being made the whipping boy for the failure of the American non-proliferation lobby in their own country. Then it has to accept blame for the complex relations the U.S. shares with Pakistan and China that is driving these Asian allies to increase their arsenals. Can we get real, please?

Knowing one’s friends and allies: The politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic
Jun 16, 2020

Knowing one’s friends and allies: The politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic

For most coalitions — and especially so when they involve developing countries — there are usually doomsayers predicting its premature death. The

Kolkata hospital fire raises radiological concerns
Dec 16, 2011

Kolkata hospital fire raises radiological concerns

The recent hospital fire in Kolkata has raised several concerns on the issue of regulation of radiological units. After a review recently, the hospital's accreditation was kept in abeyance following non conformity with respect to its radiotherapy division.

Korea rising
Jul 19, 2013

Korea rising

As New Delhi and Seoul reconnect politically, the planned visit of President Park to India in the next few months provides an occasion to think boldly about the future of the bilateral partnership. If Delhi can look beyond China in its policies towards northeast Asia, it will find that South Korea can help develop very interesting strategic options for India.

Kyrgyzstan curse
May 11, 2005

Kyrgyzstan curse

What would be the impact, if any, of the recent crisis in Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia - that resulted in the overthrow of the government of Askar Akayev - on the growth of religious extremism in Central Asia in general and in Kyrgyzstan in particular?

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework
Apr 09, 2024

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework

In the biomedical field, laboratories must ensure biosafety while managing pathogens and microorganisms in order to protect personnel and the broader community against potential leaks and lab-acquired infections. Global standards provide a roadmap for the biosafety of laboratories, underscoring the importance of their design and equipment, personnel training, waste management, and communication in preventing potential biohazards from breaching co

Labour’s tightrope on the Israel-Hamas war
Nov 30, 2023

Labour’s tightrope on the Israel-Hamas war

Starmer’s stance on the Israel-Hamas war is posing a serious threat to his leadership and electoral prospects

LAC पर भारत-चीन द्विपक्षीय वार्ताओं का ताज़ा दौर: चीन के नज़रिए की पड़ताल
Mar 27, 2023

LAC पर भारत-चीन द्विपक्षीय वार्ताओं का ताज़ा दौर: चीन के नज़रिए की पड़ताल

LAC पर चीन की भूमिका को तूल न देते हुए चीनी विमर्श ये संकेत द�

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert
Aug 02, 2014

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert

India neither has a well-defined bankruptcy legislation for businesses to close down systematically or special courts to take care of such issues; and, as a result the process becomes slower, says former Revenue Secretary M.R. Sivaraman.

Lack of clarity on legal nature of Paris deal a concern for India
May 21, 2015

Lack of clarity on legal nature of Paris deal a concern for India

Lack of clarity on the legal nature of the Paris deal and the INDCs has been a cause of concern for India. There has been a proposal for a kind of "hybrid agreement", which suggests that Paris deal will not actually be legally binding but have certain legally binding elements.

Lacking a clear strategic framework, Modi’s foreign policy is coming apart
Jun 17, 2017

Lacking a clear strategic framework, Modi’s foreign policy is coming apart

It is now clear that the heft of the Prime Minister’s persona alone or the goodwill he enjoys cannot drive India’s external engagement.

Lacunae in law: LGBTQ+ community’s right to adoption
Sep 09, 2022

Lacunae in law: LGBTQ+ community’s right to adoption

By following in Denmark's footsteps, India can set a precedent for South Asian countries with regard to same-sex adoption.

Land acquisition: Learn from the States
May 12, 2015

Land acquisition: Learn from the States

The law makers from the government should know that the removal of two contentious provisions from the 2013 Land Act (LARR) would not end all the trouble facing land acquisition. Given land is a State subject, much would depend on how different states create "enabling conditions" for smooth acquisitions.

Land Boundary Agreement - New catalyst in Bangladesh-India ties
May 16, 2015

Land Boundary Agreement - New catalyst in Bangladesh-India ties

The passage of the Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) Protocol by Parliament not only removes all hurdles for the final settlement of India's longest border with any neighbour, but also paves the way for exchange of Enclaves and merger of Adverse Possessions by re-drawing the International Boundary (IB), also known as the Radcliffe Line.

Land deals in Africa: boon or bane?
Sep 17, 2011

Land deals in Africa: boon or bane?

The recent years have seen a new trend emerging in the African continent. Representatives from Western conglomerates have been shifting their focus to Africa in order to secure rights to the vast, untapped resources of the ecologically rich continent.

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream
Apr 13, 2015

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream

The land amendment bill, brought in by the Modi government, represents a crucial plank of his government's economic agenda to turbocharge Indian growth. The government would find it difficult to execute its Make-in-India policy without improving the legislative framework for land acquisition.

Lanka official delegation visits ORF
Oct 09, 2006

Lanka official delegation visits ORF

An official delegation from Sri Lankan comprising Mr. Sunimal Fernando, Advisor to the President, and Mrs. Shirani Goonatilleke, Secretary of the government's Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP), visited Observer Research Foundation (ORF) on October 9, 2006, and had an interaction with the research faculty.

Lanka pit-stop
Nov 05, 2014

Lanka pit-stop

What Colombo and Beijing are telling Delhi is that Chinese naval presence in Sri Lanka is now routine and India should get used to it. Delhi quite clearly will find it hard to digest. But, if Delhi wants to limit or reverse Colombo's strategic tilt towards China, it should start with a comprehensive review of its policy towards Sri Lanka.

Lankan presidential poll through the global prism
Jan 18, 2010

Lankan presidential poll through the global prism

The comfort levels between the West and the UNP, with shared perceptions of liberal democracy and market capitalism is mutual

Dec 03, 2003


After 9-11, many Americans remember Pakistani dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf¿s speech to Pakistanis in English, in which he explained his U-turn on the Taliban and Al Qaida. Faced with a ¿with us or against us¿ ultimatum from an angry America, Gen.Musharraf told his rich Pakistani elite brethren that Pakistan had to finally ¿shun extremism¿ and join hands with the US.

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba 2010
Nov 25, 2010

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba 2010

Two years after the Mumbai attack, and despite the intense global crackdown, one of the world's most networked, resourceful and dangerous terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), remains operational in Pakistan, and ready to hit again.

Lashkar-e-Toiba is New Al Qaida Face
Jun 25, 2003

Lashkar-e-Toiba is New Al Qaida Face

These are clear indications that Lashkare-toiba, Harkat-ul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are poised to regroup and re-emerge in the coming months as part of Al Qaida¿s new plan to extend and consolidate its activities in the Middle East and Asia, especially Saudi Arabia and India.