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Issues for Bangladesh
Nov 02, 2021

Issues for Bangladesh

As a leader of vulnerable nations, Bangladesh calls for greater commitment, ambitious targets, and solidarity of the global community to make the worl

Issues in Captive Coal Block Development in India
Mar 05, 2009

Issues in Captive Coal Block Development in India

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a brainstorming session on 'Issues in Captive Coal Block Development in India' on March 5, 2009 in partnership with CRISIL Infrastructure Advisory Services

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China
Jul 27, 2013

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China

Settling territorial disputes and balancing multilateral relationships are the twin challenges before India and China, opined speakers at the ORF seminar on 'Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China' held in Kolkata on July 27, 2013.

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets
Oct 30, 2021

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets

Multilateral groupings such as the G20 should aim to regulate the cryptocurrency space as it will be the defining asset of the future internet economy

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks
Jan 15, 2021

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks

It is too easy to imagine that formalising a group of countries into a multilateral organisation with a constitution and a secretariat will give it su

IT solutions can transform India's poor PDS delivery mechanism
Oct 05, 2012

IT solutions can transform India's poor PDS delivery mechanism

For the first time in India's history, a common technological platform is available to provide governance services to all Indians through one single smart card.

It's  time to adhere to those high standards
Jun 20, 2015

It's time to adhere to those high standards

There is little doubt that the Lalit Modi controversy has hurt the image of the Narendra Modi Government. Mr Lalit Modi is an infamous and notorious character, who ran his businesses, including the Indian Premier League cricket, like a bucket shop.

It's advantage MDP in Maldives now
Feb 25, 2011

It's advantage MDP in Maldives now

With the first-ever local council elections concluding without incidents, Maldives has completed the first phase of multi-party democracy introduced with the presidential polls of October-November 2011.

It's Rajapaksa all the way
Jan 27, 2010

It's Rajapaksa all the way

The victory confirms earlier predictions that the fulcrum of national politics has moved away from the urban centres and their elite

It's time to concentrate on agriculture
Jan 13, 2010

It's time to concentrate on agriculture

Agriculture will be a weakest area this year because there is to be a shortfall in rice production by over 13 million tonnes due to deficient rainfall to the extent of 22 per cent

It's time to open the doors of our borders
May 09, 2012

It's time to open the doors of our borders

While people in Pakistan have grave doubts whether the sectarian violence will end by engaging in symbolic visits like the one undertaken President Asif Ali Zardari, what is really clear is that the country is involved in a difficult battle to save its soul. This has become a major existential challenge.

Italian PM underlines need for economic inclusion to give meaningful life to people
Oct 31, 2017

Italian PM underlines need for economic inclusion to give meaningful life to people

Prime Minister Gentiloni underlined the need for economic inclusion for all-round growth, stability and peace.

Italy and the EU: Brussels must start thinking outside the box
Jun 06, 2018

Italy and the EU: Brussels must start thinking outside the box

What the relations will be between the EU and one of its founding members will unravel in the coming days. It is high time that Brussels starts thinki

Italy’s BRIexit: Not All Roads Lead to Beijing
Jun 13, 2024

Italy’s BRIexit: Not All Roads Lead to Beijing

Almost 150 countries have joined China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—a project central to Beijing’s global prestige as well as President Xi Jinping’s persona and legacy. Italy, which joined in 2019, was the only G7 and major European Union country to join the BRI. Less than five years later, in December 2023, Italy formally exited the BRI, making it the first country to do so. This paper contextualises the drivers behind Italy

It’s time to dismantle the ecosystem of radicalisation: Srinagar must not shy away
Jun 11, 2019

It’s time to dismantle the ecosystem of radicalisation: Srinagar must not shy away

The BJP-led government will have to walk the tightrope and act on its election manifesto — Sankalp Patra — which explains its long-term strategy f

Ivory Coast: A Crisis of Division
Apr 18, 2011

Ivory Coast: A Crisis of Division

The long-drawn out violence in Ivory Coast, which reached its climax when forces of Alasane Ouattara and incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo clashed with each other openly, is indicative of deep-rooted problems within the states.

I’ll be back! Interim Budget 2024 and its message
Feb 01, 2024

I’ll be back! Interim Budget 2024 and its message

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Interim Budget 2024 presents good macroeconomic numbers—and a strong political message of winning Elections

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part I)
Aug 05, 2020

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part I)

A two-part review of a year post the abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu & Kashmir. The first part looks at the security and politi

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part II)
Aug 06, 2020

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part II)

The first part of this article examined the security and political in J&K, one year after August 5th. This, second part, looks the development sce

J&K च्या नवीन DGP चा जनतेशी संपर्क, शांतता प्रस्थापित करण्यावर भर
Mar 13, 2024

J&K च्या नवीन DGP चा जनतेशी संपर्क, शांतता प्रस्थापित करण्यावर भर

काश्मीर खोऱ्यात प्रभावीपणे विश्वास निर्माण करण्यासाठी

J&K: An election of competing nationalisms
Dec 18, 2014

J&K: An election of competing nationalisms

Poll analysts in J&K seem certain that the BJP will sweep Jammu and the PDP will emerge as the largest party in Kashmir. But this remains to be seen. Without a clear majority, their collaboration will be interesting to watch; both represent competing nationalisms.

J&K: Not letting an ‘internal affair’ become ‘external’
Sep 03, 2019

J&K: Not letting an ‘internal affair’ become ‘external’

Having failed the first round at the UN Security Council (UNSG), Pakistan continues to seek internationalising the ‘Kashmir issue’, as an ‘inter

Jahangiri justice, Tughlaqi judges
May 09, 2018

Jahangiri justice, Tughlaqi judges

Pakistan’s paying the price of involving both judiciary and military in politics. India must take heed.

Jaishankar defines India’s place in the new world
Oct 09, 2019

Jaishankar defines India’s place in the new world

The west needs India for its market, human resources and burden sharing while India needs the west for its growth. The question is whether a “new co

Jaishankar in Moscow: India’s Russian Roulette
Nov 10, 2022

Jaishankar in Moscow: India’s Russian Roulette

Russia will wait and watch to see the impact of winter on Western public opinion, and Ukraine is counting on its battlefield gains to secure a lasting momentum. That the West is getting restless about Ukraine's position is evident from the backchannel negotiations between the US and Russian officials.

Jaishankar’s Moscow visit: जयशंकर की रूस यात्रा पर क्‍यों है US की नज़र, क्‍या जंग रोकने की होगी पहल!
Nov 09, 2022

Jaishankar’s Moscow visit: जयशंकर की रूस यात्रा पर क्‍यों है US की नज़र, क्‍या जंग रोकने की होगी पहल!

S Jaishankar visit to Moscow ऐसे में सवाल उठता है कि क्‍या वाकई भारतीय विदे�

Jaitley has remastered digital India, but policy reform must follow
Feb 06, 2018

Jaitley has remastered digital India, but policy reform must follow

The government will need to take strides over the next few months to pass the auxiliary reforms necessary to actualise its renewed vision for a truly digital India.

Jaitley returns as FM to cement his legacy
Aug 30, 2018

Jaitley returns as FM to cement his legacy

A rationalisation of the rupee exchange rate in end July and August made exports and domestic products competitive.

Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh elections: Diverging perceptions of India and the US
Oct 04, 2023

Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh elections: Diverging perceptions of India and the US

The return of Jamaat-e-Islami to Bangladesh’s political scene can be seen as a result of the US’s effort to steer democracy but it is likely to af

Jammu & Kashmir -- Moving on
Jun 21, 2012

Jammu & Kashmir -- Moving on

We need to do a few things to bring normalcy in Kashmir that go beyond tourism statistics. We need to keep Pakistan out of the equation. We need to genuinely empower the elected government and allow the State to be governed from Srinagar and not from Delhi.

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call
Dec 08, 2004

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call

In an article of November 22, 2004, on India-Pakistan relations (, I had written as follows:

Jammu & Kashmir bonds with India may deepen over time
Jul 22, 2019

Jammu & Kashmir bonds with India may deepen over time

Kashmir has this instant ability to exclude everything except the known and the immediate.

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain
Jun 17, 2022

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain

The recent killings of minorities, migrant workers, and local police officers in the Kashmir Valley have led to an impression that the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir is once again becoming uncontrollable. On ground, however, the situation is said to be firmly under the control of the Indian State. This does not mean that terrorism has been eliminated; small terrorist groups continue to operate and attack soft targets, heightening the sen

Jane's Intelligence Review report on  Terrorism
Apr 28, 2004

Jane's Intelligence Review report on Terrorism

In its June 2004 issue, Jane¿s Intelligence Review, has carried a report on the "Workshop on International Terrorism in South East Asia and its likely Implications for South Asia"

Japan and ASEAN: Changing Security Dynamics
Jul 23, 2023

Japan and ASEAN: Changing Security Dynamics

Southeast Asia has been one of the key components of Japan's foreign policy in the post-Cold War period. It is one region where Japan's diplomacy has accomplished considerable success in coming to terms with the challenges posed by the legacies of the Second World War. Successive Japanese governments since 1952 have always maintained that the stability and security of ASEAN countries are closely tied to Japan's security and prosperity.

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?
Oct 09, 2014

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?

The forthcoming APEC annual summit, to be held in Beijing in November, provides an opportunity for both Shinzo Abe and Xi Jingping to meet for the first time and perhaps move in the direction of working out at least a limited "detente" in their relations.

Japan and the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan
Jul 25, 2012

Japan and the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan

After the recently held Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan, it is expected that Japan will take its own initiatives to make follow-up measures under the two mechanisms formulated at the Tokyo Conference -- the Tokyo Declaration and the Tokyo Framework.

Japan beginning to get nervous about security treaty with US: Scholar
Jan 22, 2014

Japan beginning to get nervous about security treaty with US: Scholar

Japan is beginning to get nervous about the direction of US policies and is beginning to question the stability of the US-Japan Security Treaty, according to a scholar based in Australia.

Japan begins rethinking security
Aug 10, 2022

Japan begins rethinking security

Tokyo has acknowledged that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be “an emergency situation” for Japan and has stepped up engagement accordingly.

Japan closer to contentious TPP agreement after Abe's US visit?
Feb 26, 2013

Japan closer to contentious TPP agreement after Abe's US visit?

One concrete outcome of the bilateral talks between the visiting Japanese Prime Minister and the US President was that the US was able to get Japan closer to making a commitment to the Trans Pacific Cooperation Agreement which the US has been advocating since 2011.

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy
Feb 22, 2014

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy

The challenges that Japan and India face are largely complementary and thus hold promise for enhancing ties. A robust India-Japan partnership will support and promote India's increasingly assertive and strong role as well as Japan's leading position in the east Asian region.

Japan shows how to respect all labours
Jun 05, 2015

Japan shows how to respect all labours

To enjoy its demographic dividend, India must stop looking down upon low-skilled workers and treat them with dignity. Examples and experiences from other countries are there to learn from - Japan is one.

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals
Feb 01, 2014

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals

Japan's engagement with SE Asia focuses through expanding economic ties, cooperation on maritime issues and building close diplomatic relations through Abe's travel diplomacy. This is Japan's 'pivot' to SE Asia and it is here to stay given its strategic rivalry with China.

Japan's defence spending at a crosscroads
Feb 04, 2015

Japan's defence spending at a crosscroads

One is still not sure whether Prime Minister Abe will be inclined to let the defence budget cross the self-imposed limit of 1 per cent of the GNP. Only once in the 1980s Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone crossed the Rubicon. But considering the 'extraordinarily grave' security situation in East Asia, Abe may feel impelled to do so.