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Policy Recommendations for Achieving India’s Defence-Export Ambitions
Nov 23, 2023

Policy Recommendations for Achieving India’s Defence-Export Ambitions

This brief assesses the recent trends in India’s defence exports and analyses the institutional and policy frameworks that have enabled a change in the country’s approach towards defence exports, resulting in an upward trajectory. It offers specific policy recommendations to allow India to pursue its target of US$5 billion in defence export revenue. However, a discussion on the types and forms of weapons, platforms, systems, or sub-systems ex

Policy to fight Naxalism: Need for political consensus
Apr 03, 2006

Policy to fight Naxalism: Need for political consensus

On March 13, 2006, the Union Home Minister announced a 14-point policy on Naxalism in the Lok Sabha as outlined in a booklet, 'Status Paper on the Naxal Problem'. In an effort to counter political criticism and allay the oft- repeated concerns of knowledgeable and informed circles,

Policymaking Towards Green Mobility in India
Oct 12, 2020

Policymaking Towards Green Mobility in India

Government agencies at the city, state and central level are paying greater attention to sustainable transport as the way forward for India’s mobility sector. However, for sustainability measures to have lasting outcomes in policy and practice, institutional reforms are urgently needed. The National Urban Transport Policy, which governs India’s urban mobility policymaking, was amended in 2014 to create city-specific, low-carbon mobility solut

Political  Iran
Jun 25, 2013

Political Iran

It is easy to be cynical about the elections in Iran to choose a new president. After all, the elected president does not dominate Iran's complex political system. That privilege belongs to the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. This does necessarily mean the current elections are inconsequential.

Political and policy lessons from Thailand’s UHC experience
Apr 25, 2017

Political and policy lessons from Thailand’s UHC experience

Thailand is one of the few developing countries in the world that have successfully implemented Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Beginning three decades ago, Thailand’s UHC first covered the poor, then the near-poor, the formal sector employees, and the children and the elderly, through various publicly funded and contributory schemes until it reached 71 percent of the entire population in 2000. The government elected in 2001 implemented full-p

Political developments in Pakistan and Impact on India
Sep 21, 2007

Political developments in Pakistan and Impact on India

Brigadier V R P Sarathy (retd) initiated a discussion on Political Developments in Pakistan and Impact on India on Saturday 22, 2007 in ORF Chennai. He started his discussion on Pakistan's political development with Stephen P. Cohen's words: 'Pakistan is cursed by history but blessed by geography - always at the right place at the wrong time'.

Political Dynamics of Allahabad High Court Judgment
Sep 22, 2010

Political Dynamics of Allahabad High Court Judgment

The BJP, which benefited the most from the Babri Masjid-Ramjanmabhoomi temple dispute catapulting it to power in 1998, would be faced with a serious dilemma in either case of the two possible judgments of the Allahabad High Court on September 24.

Political funding: How BJP and Congress compete for every piece of the pie
Apr 25, 2019

Political funding: How BJP and Congress compete for every piece of the pie

In 2018, the ruling party collected as much as 95% of the donations routed through the electoral bonds.

Political movements in region becoming unpredictable: ICRC chief
Mar 11, 2013

Political movements in region becoming unpredictable: ICRC chief

There has been a large degree of unpredictability with which political movements have gained weight in the region, making providing humanitarian aid to affected areas very difficult, according to the chief of the International Committee of Red Cross.

Politics in Afghanistan: The role of subjugation of women in Taliban governance
Jan 27, 2023

Politics in Afghanistan: The role of subjugation of women in Taliban governance

Despite the lofty promises made by Taliban 2.0. as it returned to power, the situation of women has only worsened

Politics in the garb of impeachment
Dec 19, 2019

Politics in the garb of impeachment

American society and polity remains as polarised as three years back when Trump was elected. If anything, the polarisation seems to have only increase

Politics of Famine in Somalia
Aug 05, 2011

Politics of Famine in Somalia

Although mired in a state of conflict for the past two decades, the year 2011 has turned out to be particularly bad for Somalia. The United Nations declared famine in regions of Bakool and Lower Shabelle on July 20.

Politics of fear in US presidential campaigns
Oct 21, 2015

Politics of fear in US presidential campaigns

As the election season heats up in the US, the language of fear and name calling is rampant within parties and between parties. Instilling fears of the other candidate into the minds of voters, through campaign rhetoric and negative ads and distributed many times over by the power of new media technologies, has emerged an important feature of the campaigns.

Politics of Naxalite violence in Andhra Pradesh
Nov 24, 2000

Politics of Naxalite violence in Andhra Pradesh

The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, announced on November 14, 2003 that the forthcoming mid-term elections to the State Legislature would be fought on the issue of ¿crushing¿ the Naxalites. He declared in Hyderabad, in the presence of the national media, that Naxalite violence was hampering development and progress in the State.

Politics of Russia’s elections
Mar 18, 2024

Politics of Russia’s elections

Despite Putin’s overwhelming victory in the recent Russian presidential elections, a growing shift in the social attitudes of the citizenry was witn

Pompeo meeting Jaishankar: What’s on the table for India & US?
Jun 26, 2019

Pompeo meeting Jaishankar: What’s on the table for India & US?

The bilateral ties have had their share of irritants on issues initiated after the Trump administration took office.

Pompeo’s visit to India: What lies ahead for India-US cooperation in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 26, 2019

Pompeo’s visit to India: What lies ahead for India-US cooperation in the Indo-Pacific?

Both the countries regard each other as critical partners in their Indo-Pacific strategies.

Poor governance record, internal rebellion worrying PDP
Jul 20, 2018

Poor governance record, internal rebellion worrying PDP

The split in the PDP is inevitable. So far, there is no evidence that New Delhi is engineering split within PDP.

Poor sanitation in Mumbai’s slums is compounding the Covid19 threat
May 16, 2020

Poor sanitation in Mumbai’s slums is compounding the Covid19 threat

‘One home, one toilet’ is the only lasting solution to combat the coronavirus in Mumbai’s informal settlements

Population drives climate change: A myth or reality?
Jul 11, 2022

Population drives climate change: A myth or reality?

Is there a positive correlation between the rise of the population and the rise of carbon dioxide?

Populism will run out of steam
Mar 15, 2012

Populism will run out of steam

For a person who knows his business economics well, the Railway Minister obviously realises that he will need money to make that happen. That is why his speech contained so many references to the need for budgetary support from the government.

POSHAN Abhiyaan: Fighting Malnutrition in the Time of a Pandemic
Dec 14, 2020

POSHAN Abhiyaan: Fighting Malnutrition in the Time of a Pandemic

While India’s malnutrition rates have improved over the recent years, the country is still home to the largest number of stunted and wasted children in the world. To combat the dismal state of nutrition in the country, the government launched the Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment (POSHAN) Abhiyaan (‘movement’) in 2017, a flagship mission that aims at a convergence mechanism for the country’s response to malnut

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy
Dec 22, 2023

Positioning India at the helm of health diplomacy

Incorporation of health diplomacy in the existing training institutions for diplomats and other professionals could add value to position India at the

Post Pulwama attack: 10 questions for the government
Feb 16, 2019

Post Pulwama attack: 10 questions for the government

The immediate consequence of the Pulwama carnage is the sense of fear developed in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Post troops withdrawal, regional mechanism needed to deal with Afghan situation
Dec 01, 2012

Post troops withdrawal, regional mechanism needed to deal with Afghan situation

Prof. Feng Zhongping, Vice President of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, feels that US's rebalancing strategy in Asia is not entirely designed to contain China but also based on economic considerations.

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently
Jun 19, 2019

Post-Balakot: Why India needs to modernise its forces urgently

There needs to be a technology acquisition drive to military modernisation plans.

Post-Benazir Pakistan may turn militant
Jan 05, 2008

Post-Benazir Pakistan may turn militant

At an Interaction of the ORF Chennai Chapter of the Observer Research Foundation on 5 January 2008, Mr K J M Varma, until recently the Special Correspondent of the Press Trust of India (PTI) at Islamabad, spoke on 'Pakistan after Benazir Bhutto'

Post-Budget uncertainty, global cues drives market sell-off
Feb 06, 2018

Post-Budget uncertainty, global cues drives market sell-off

Uncertainty in financial arrangements is crippling and its trauma lingers. The good news is that this sell off is temporary. Stock markets are now back to where they were just two weeks ago.

Post-Fahd Saudi Arabia: Al Qaeda Waiting in the Wings
May 31, 2005

Post-Fahd Saudi Arabia: Al Qaeda Waiting in the Wings

Attention has to be focussed on Saudi Arabia as it enters a period of transition and uncertainty in the wake of reports about a deterioration in the health of King Fahd, who has been admitted in hospital. In the absence of authentic reports on his health, rumours are rife that his end may be near.

Post-Genocide Rwanda's dramatic transition
May 22, 2015

Post-Genocide Rwanda's dramatic transition

As Rwanda commemorates 1994 genocide, now it has become a global example of successful post-conflict reconstruction. A talk at ORF by Rwandan High Commissioner Ernest Rwamucyo focussed on post-genocide Rwanda's unique story where ownership and innovative "home-grown solutions" helped re-construct the nation.

Post-Japan, the hunt for the safest option
Apr 28, 2011

Post-Japan, the hunt for the safest option

What are India's options to make Space Based Solar Power a real viable option given the cost factor and technology? Can the governments and the private sectors of both India and the US make serious commitments to take the first step towards R&D investment on SBSP?

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?
May 16, 2011

Post-Osama Pakistan: Can the civil-military balance change?

It is high time that enlightened Pakistanis realize that the real threat to the existence of the Pakistani state comes from their own army which has usurped authority due to debilitated political institutions and geo-political concerns of western powers.

Post-poll, BJP need to tread carefully in J-K
Dec 30, 2014

Post-poll, BJP need to tread carefully in J-K

Given its unique position, the politics and governance of J&K have always depended on the good relations between the governments in New Delhi and Srinagar. When they have been disrupted, as happened in the 1983-87 period, it was disastrous for the state and the country.

Post-triumph, Modi faces grim realities
May 21, 2014

Post-triumph, Modi faces grim realities

The historic election verdict offers Narendra Modi an unprecedented opportunity. A truly transformative election that was fought on the issues of leadership, economy and governance has raised unprecedented hope and expectations among ordinary Indians. This is a verdict for change and Modi represents the face of that change.

Post-war Sri Lanka and politics in India
Sep 09, 2011

Post-war Sri Lanka and politics in India

Two years after the conclusion of the ethnic war in Sri Lanka, the nation is still confused over reactions from across the Palk Strait to the current developments - or, lack of them - on the prospects of power devolution and a political solution, also encompassing rehabilitation and reconstruction issues.

Post-War Sri Lanka: A Resurgent Nation
Jul 12, 2010

Post-War Sri Lanka: A Resurgent Nation

South Asia comprises of eight countries-Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Except for India and to an extent, Pakistan given our obsession with it, we know very little about other countries of South Asia.

Potential Military Strikes in Syria Threaten Regional Flare-up
Aug 31, 2013

Potential Military Strikes in Syria Threaten Regional Flare-up

Military strikes on Syria are no longer about Syria alone but, more importantly, about the US and its declared objectives on issues of conflict globally. The possibility of the situation flaring up into a wider regional conflict also looks very plausible with serious implications for India.

Potentials of ASEAN, India and China integration
May 24, 2014

Potentials of ASEAN, India and China integration

As ASEAN, China and India already share a high volume of trade and have common borders, an integrated ACI (Asean, China, India) region might be able to contribute to a more balanced and resolute Asia, argues an expert.