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Is Egypt back to square one?
Jul 22, 2013

Is Egypt back to square one?

The eviction of Muslim Brotherhood from power in Cairo may have significant implications on the course of the civil war in Syria too. The shape of regional politics has definitely taken a new turn.

Is ESG more a backspace, than the next page?
May 04, 2023

Is ESG more a backspace, than the next page?

ESG has become more than a tool to aid the governance of business but also to drive the business of business itself

Is India firmly aligned with the US now?
Jan 30, 2015

Is India firmly aligned with the US now?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, within eight months of coming to power, has gone about strengthening India's relations with Japan, Australia and the US, in what seems to be a well laid out plan with a clear agenda.

Is India losing its shine?
Apr 17, 2012

Is India losing its shine?

India will never lose its allure in some ways because of its unique culture and warmth. But on other fronts, India is slipping especially if it does not care about giving an equal opportunity to all its citizens for a better life -- like good rural roads, affordable housing, clean drinking water, food, sanitation, education and health services.

Is India overturning decades of nuclear doctrine?
Oct 24, 2020

Is India overturning decades of nuclear doctrine?

The country has good reason to want first-strike capabilities. But the actual state of its arsenal suggests that it won’t get them.

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?
Sep 03, 2011

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?

Manmohan Singh is sometimes accused of focusing too much on Pakistan. Perhaps he could try paying a visit. Also consider visiting towns outside Islamabad and Lahore, such as his own ancestral village, which is waiting with open arms to welcome its prodigal son.

Is India prepared for a fully convertible capital account?
May 30, 2023

Is India prepared for a fully convertible capital account?

Internationalising the INR and increasing capital account convertibility should only be implemented incrementally

Is India prepared for new global trading regimes?
Nov 07, 2015

Is India prepared for new global trading regimes?

India will have to decide what the TPP means for its domestic reforms agenda. India need foreign markets to grow and it cannot presume that the size of its domestic market will force others to come to its terms.

Is India ready to be a part of the Non Proliferation Regimes?
May 20, 2011

Is India ready to be a part of the Non Proliferation Regimes?

With the ongoing multi-polarisation of global politics, new powers would emerge which would in turn increase global insecurity and lead to a greater demand for nuclear weapons even by the countries that as of now do not possess them, cautioned Prof. Rajesh Rajagopalan during an ORF roundtable on nuclear non proliferation.

Is India the Next ‘Bright Spot’ for Global Investors?
Jan 12, 2023

Is India the Next ‘Bright Spot’ for Global Investors?

This report discusses India's economic resilience, investment opportunities, and growth amidst global turmoil, highlighting foreign investment, sectoral reforms, and geopolitical factors influencing India's status as a top emerging market.

Is India-China agreement to stop sending more troops a good sign?
Sep 24, 2020

Is India-China agreement to stop sending more troops a good sign?

India & China want things to stabilise, but we aren’t close to achieving status quo ante of April in eastern Ladakh.

Is India’s Chabahar calculus in trouble?
Jul 21, 2020

Is India’s Chabahar calculus in trouble?

Recent developments bring to light two key costs for India as it seeks to pursue its interests at Chabahar: access to Afghanistan and its leadership i

Is India’s Sri Lanka policy working at all?
Aug 28, 2017

Is India’s Sri Lanka policy working at all?

The turning out of the Trincomalee oil tanks deal for India and the Hambantota port deal for China are only indicative of the massive trust deficit or

Is Indo-Pacific a viable geostrategic project?
Jul 25, 2019

Is Indo-Pacific a viable geostrategic project?

The Belt and Road Initiative and the “free and open” Indo-Pacific are competing initiatives. However, the real choice will be made by developing s

Is it the dawn of an electronic age in India?
Jan 03, 2014

Is it the dawn of an electronic age in India?

The National Electronics Policy of 2012 has the potential to change the way India produces and procures chips and gadgets. However, the key, as always, lies in implementing it.

Is it the end of Egyptian Spring?
Aug 24, 2013

Is it the end of Egyptian Spring?

If one thought that the fall of Hosni Mubarak had actually ushered in an era of great freedom to all shades of political and religious ideologies and organisations to emerge in the 'Egyptian Spring of 2011', then their hopes are already in mud, and mixed with a lot of blood too.

Is it time for a fresh look at Federalism?
Jan 16, 2012

Is it time for a fresh look at Federalism?

Though the Constitution framers were themselves divided on the issue of federalism, yet a healthy compromise was arrived at which ensured a balance of power between the Centre and states.

Is it time for damage control in India–Russia ties?
Mar 07, 2021

Is it time for damage control in India–Russia ties?

The 2021 BRICS leaders’ summit, slated to be organised by India as the chair, might present an opportunity to hold the bilateral summit on the same

Is it time to give up on the World Bank?
Jan 14, 2019

Is it time to give up on the World Bank?

The financial gap that emerging markets have to bridge is huge; between $1 trillion and 1.5 trillion annually is needed for investment in infrastructure.

Is it time to recognise electricity as a basic human right?
Jun 19, 2024

Is it time to recognise electricity as a basic human right?

Access to electricity is more than a connection. Considering the growing importance of electricity in accessing other necessities, stronger measures a

Is Japan dealing with the nuclear crisis seriously?
Jun 15, 2011

Is Japan dealing with the nuclear crisis seriously?

The only way Japan can cope with the current nuclear crisis and emerge strong is by believing in, what critics called as, "idealistic" reforms and plans that may look "impractical" in the short run.

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security
Dec 15, 2020

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security

The Taliban today undoubtedly has a stronger hold over how the US militarily plans to withdraw from the conflict in Afghanistan. This raises questions about the continuing challenges to security in South Asia—in particular, the influence of IS Khorasan (IS-K), the group’s Afghanistan avatar, and its rise both as an ISIS-aligned entity and a big-tent brand for various jihadist groups in the country. As the ‘Khorasan’ project of ISIS gets m

Is Kyiv trying to incite a direct NATO-Russia war?
Dec 21, 2022

Is Kyiv trying to incite a direct NATO-Russia war?

The possibility of further provocative assaults by Kyiv on Russian territory, designed to incite a conflict between the West and Russia, poses a clear

Is legitimising a nuclear Pakistan in the interest of the global nuclear regime?
Oct 26, 2015

Is legitimising a nuclear Pakistan in the interest of the global nuclear regime?

The key problem with offering NSG membership to Pakistan is its obstructionist approach. Pakistan will try to block any decision which it might think will be advantageous to India. Since the NSG functions on the principle of consensus, Pakistan's pursuit of parity with India will lead to a stalemate within the NSG.

Is Maldives moving away from India?
Dec 27, 2012

Is Maldives moving away from India?

As 2012 draws to a close, the question uppermost in the minds of Maldives watchers is if the country was moving away from the strategic sphere of Indian influence, and has begun tilting towards China.

IS may not survive for long: Dr. Bernard Haykel
Mar 19, 2015

IS may not survive for long: Dr. Bernard Haykel

Islamic State (IS), metaphorically a "baby" of al-Qaeda, may not survive for a long time when public fascination with it wanes, says Dr. Bernard Haykel, professor of Near Eastern Studies and director of the Institute for Transregional Study, Princeton University, USA.

Is Myanmar impeding India’s Act East Policy?
Mar 27, 2024

Is Myanmar impeding India’s Act East Policy?

Growing political instability in Myanmar is hindering India from achieving its Act East Policy objectives

Is Myanmar's political transition a model?
Nov 04, 2016

Is Myanmar's political transition a model?

Myanmar's seemingly peaceful transition from military dictatorship to democracy has raised hopes of it becoming a model of political transition.

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?
Oct 03, 2013

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?

Is India confident to connect its North-East with the neighbouring countries like China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. This is one of the questions that came up during a workshop on "Increasing Connectivity of the North East with Peripheral Countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar and China" at the Kolkata chapter of Observer Research Foundation.

Is new urban middle class forcing change in politics?
Feb 06, 2013

Is new urban middle class forcing change in politics?

Though it is too early to interpret possible impact of the new activism of India's burgeoning urban middle class on nature and character of politics and system of governance, if we take recent global events as a sort of barometer, the change has already begun.

Is now a good time for India to recalibrate ties with Türkiye?
Jul 12, 2022

Is now a good time for India to recalibrate ties with Türkiye?

With Türkiye adopting a more pragmatic approach to its foreign policy, can India and Türkiye hope to repair frayed ties?

Is OIC a dead horse?
Oct 31, 2003

Is OIC a dead horse?

The Organisation of Islamic Conference, often called (inappropriately though) the Islamic UNO, had, ironically, never visualized its purported role as the defender of the faith. Over the years, so diffused had its role become that several disillusioned leaders, like Libya¿s Colonel Gaddafi, termed it a Dead Horse, a nomenclature that describes the conference aptly even today.

Is our distaste for Bush misplaced?
Dec 01, 2004

Is our distaste for Bush misplaced?

On November 3, the White House turned red once more.When the men, and women, in blue were finally convinced that George W Bush was going to reoccupy the most powerful chair in the world, a chunk of the deeply divided America groaned loudly. Joining them in their crib was, apparently, the rest of the world.

Is Pakistan moving towards a more stable three party system?
Aug 14, 2018

Is Pakistan moving towards a more stable three party system?

People have thought in the past that a three-party system can achieve maximum stability in Pakistan. Observers will be keen to look at how the Pakistani military will be factored into the new dynamic.

Is Pakistan serious about talks with India?
Feb 22, 2023

Is Pakistan serious about talks with India?

Pakistan's persistent anti-India stance and unreliable dialogue offers from the civilian leadership in Islamabad have rendered the relationship insign

Is Political Islam under threat in Egypt and Syria?
Dec 08, 2013

Is Political Islam under threat in Egypt and Syria?

'Post-Islamism' has become the new face of political Islam which incorporates the positive and accommodating attitudes of the West towards Islam and the pluralistic attitudes of Islam towards the West, according to Mr Talmiz Ahmad, former Indian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman.

Is politics of hartal returning to Bangladesh?
Nov 26, 2010

Is politics of hartal returning to Bangladesh?

The people of Bangladesh are slowly becoming sceptical that they might soon be trapped into an era of unending street protests and violent political clashes. The root to this fear has been the long absence of the Opposition from Parliament and its efforts to settle political issues on the streets.

Is South Korea Considering Nuclear Weapons?
Jan 31, 2023

Is South Korea Considering Nuclear Weapons?

Whether South Korea builds a nuclear bomb on its own or not, nuclear weapons are gaining greater importance in the national security thinking of many states in the Indo-Pacific.

Is South Korea’s Indo-Pacific strategy enough to gain leverage in the region?
Jan 20, 2023

Is South Korea’s Indo-Pacific strategy enough to gain leverage in the region?

Although South Korea’s Indo-Pacific strategy is being touted as a sincere attempt to play a more dominant role in the region, will it truly make a d