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Iran's nuclear deal: Costs and benefits
Nov 26, 2013

Iran's nuclear deal: Costs and benefits

Being a pragmatist, Iranian President Rouhani simply accepted the reality and made a deal, that ensured Iran's respect and dignity and gave relief to his people. His next 100 days will be equally crucial and that may bring about tectonic changes in the region.

Iran's nuclear issue: A breakthrough in sight?
Oct 01, 2014

Iran's nuclear issue: A breakthrough in sight?

A significant thaw is happening in the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Once Saudi Arabia decides to mend its ties with Iran, the US should hardly have any reason to go on punishing Iran. In this scenario, it seems the resolution of Iran's nuclear negotiations is not far off.

Iran, Israel, and West Asia are on the brink again
Apr 15, 2024

Iran, Israel, and West Asia are on the brink again

The recent missile attacks by Iran on Israel present a bleak outlook for security in the Middle East in the coming days

Iran, Pakistan and nukes
Mar 05, 2004

Iran, Pakistan and nukes

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is currently investigating Iran's nuclear program, especially the possibility that Pakistan helped it with substantial transfers of technology and materials in the past. There has been no conclusive evidence so far, except for a piece of evidence that Pakistan

Iran: Ambiguity around disbanding the morality police
Dec 16, 2022

Iran: Ambiguity around disbanding the morality police

Iran’s next steps in the midst of the protests will be very telling of its position and will shape the future of the movement

Iran: An Open Letter to Seymour Hersh
Jan 18, 2005

Iran: An Open Letter to Seymour Hersh

I read with great interest your article titled "THE COMING WARS: What the Pentagon can now do in secret" carried by the "New Yorker" in its issue dated January 24, 2005, which is already on sale. The article is about US preparations for a possible covert operation against Iran's suspected military nuclear installations set up with Pakistani complicity.

Iran: stirring the pot?
Mar 28, 2005

Iran: stirring the pot?

Modalities of statecraft have abiding relevance. In a celebrated letter to Moghul Emperor Akbar, Shah Abbas the Great commented on a predecessor's misrule and said that "internal diversity of opinions made the foreigner covetous and caused anarchy in the country."

Iranian nuclear deal: At a critical juncture
May 15, 2014

Iranian nuclear deal: At a critical juncture

Now, a lot depends on how the fourth Vienna meeting between Iran and the P5+1 goes and whether or not Iran is able to complete the set of actions it has agreed to under the Framework for Cooperation with the IAEA by the May 15 deadline.

Iranian nuclear deal: Crossing hurdles with positive attitude
May 23, 2014

Iranian nuclear deal: Crossing hurdles with positive attitude

The recently concluded fourth Vienna meeting, between Iran and P5+1, has revealed that Iran and the international community will have to cross the major hurdles for the successful conclusion of a comprehensive nuclear deal.

Iranian Presidential Dark Horse
Jun 20, 2005

Iranian Presidential Dark Horse

The unexpected good showing of the conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the former Mayor of Tehran, in the first round of the Iranian Presidental elections held on June 17, 2005, and his emergence in the No.2 position with 19.5 per cent of the valid votes polled as against 21 per cent for the favourite Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani throws open the possibility that in the second

Iranian voters' hope on Rouhani
Jul 01, 2013

Iranian voters' hope on Rouhani

In voting for a moderate President, Iranians have demonstrated their desire to overcome continued political isolation, marked by significant economic deterioration and disappearing democratic accountability. Can Mr. Rouhani overcome challenges and deliver?

Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?
Oct 03, 2023

Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?

Iran views its BRICS membership as a foreign policy success, however, whether this move will translate into long-term benefits remains to be seen

Iran’s SCO Accession: A timely yet insufficient gambit
Sep 19, 2022

Iran’s SCO Accession: A timely yet insufficient gambit

The changing world order has opened the doors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation to Iran, but whether it will prove useful to the country is yet

Iran’s ‘resistance front’ and its bridge with South Asia
Dec 07, 2023

Iran’s ‘resistance front’ and its bridge with South Asia

The ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis adds to the wider Israel-Iran rivalry, with Tehran’s vocal promotion of an “Axis of Resistance” that is draw

Iraq - the Dynamics, ten years on
Mar 11, 2013

Iraq - the Dynamics, ten years on

A decade ago this month, the United States and its British auxiliaries abused international law by invading Iraq. India looked on helplessly then, but is it in a position to affect another unjust invasion, this time directed at Iran?

Iraq after the pullout
Dec 26, 2011

Iraq after the pullout

Last week the curtains came down on the 21st century's first unjust war - the US involvement in Iraq. But worse may follow after the American pullout. The implications for India of further turmoil in the Persian Gulf, particularly Iraq are enormous.

Iraq and After
Jun 30, 2004

Iraq and After

It may not be the story that Paul Bremer or Iyyad Allawi would want to muse over for their grandchildren: ¿I was among the handful there...¿ Yet, that¿s truth about power-transfer in Iraq, America¿s testing-ground for western democracy in the feudalistic Gulf Arab region living in a decadent past.

Iraq Continues To Bleed
Dec 29, 2003

Iraq Continues To Bleed

Police and Army are perceived to be low . The mercenaries of the Iraqi members of the governing council such as Ahmed Chalabi are better paid. The staff of the Iraqi Police and Army were till recently not entitled to the war hazard allowance. A proposal to grant that allowance even to them was under consideration.

Iraq crisis and regional implications
Jul 04, 2014

Iraq crisis and regional implications

The old colonial borders drawn in the Middle East appear headed for a major overhaul and the fresh re-drawing of the map will set out tremors far beyond the region.

Iraq opposed to PKK pullout from Turkey
May 13, 2013

Iraq opposed to PKK pullout from Turkey

A fragile peace process between the Turkish state and the outlawed Kurdistan Worker?s Party (PKK) resulted in the first signs of retreat of PKK rebels as they make their way to Iraq?s Kurdish region.

Iraq's deepening crisis and India's interests
Jun 19, 2014

Iraq's deepening crisis and India's interests

India's interests in Iraq and the region should be seen in the larger context of the seven million Indians working in West Asia, of which nearly 18,000 are in Iraq. Safety and security of this population should dominate the Indian policy.

Iraq: Terrorism and Resistance
Feb 12, 2004

Iraq: Terrorism and Resistance

Maj. Gen. Charles H. Swannack Jr., Commander of the US 82nd Airborne Division ( January 6,2004):"We've turned the corner."

Iraq: The Pace of Reconstruction
Dec 23, 2004

Iraq: The Pace of Reconstruction

The invasion of Iraq by the ¿Coalition of the Willing¿ was supinely endorsed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1483 of May 22, 2003. It bestowed legitimacy on the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Paragraph 8 of the Resolution, and sub-paragraphs (d) and (e), specifically referred to the work of reconstruction that the Secretary General¿s Special Representative was to coordinate with the CPA. One year later

Iraqi PM makes rare visit to Kurdish north
Jun 12, 2013

Iraqi PM makes rare visit to Kurdish north

Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki led a landmark cabinet meeting in the country's Kurdish region, in an effort to diffuse tensions between Kurds and the central government, a dispute that is the biggest threat to Iraq's stability.

Iraqi Taliban Strikes in Mosul
Dec 31, 2004

Iraqi Taliban Strikes in Mosul

Nineteen US troops and three others were reportedly killed on December 21, 2004, in an attack on an improvised dining hall of an American military base at Mosul in northern Iraq. An organisation called Jaish Ansar al-Sunnah (JAAS) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

IRNSS: India's Own Satellite Navigation System
Jun 29, 2013

IRNSS: India's Own Satellite Navigation System

India's own satellite-based navigation system, similar to the well-known American Global Positioning System (GPS), is being readied. The first satellite of the seven satellite constellation is scheduled to be launched on July 1 from Sriharikota.

Ironclad laws needed
Jul 17, 2006

Ironclad laws needed

The Mumbai blasts were an act of war against the Indian state; it would be naïve to term it as anything else. It was an act of terror to kill as many Indians as possible. It was an act enabled, to a large measure, by a growing perception among the terrorist groups, especially those operating from Pakistan, that the Indian state was soft and indolent.

Irresolute on the world stage
Sep 23, 2013

Irresolute on the world stage

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's trip to America will show if there is any political energy left in the UPA government for purposeful international engagement. If the answer is in the negative, the rest of the world will simply wait for stronger leadership to re-emerge in Delhi. India might pay a price for the wasted moments, but the ruling party may not much care, having grown rather comfortable with a do-nothing foreign policy.

Is a Cold War 2.0 inevitable?
Apr 23, 2021

Is a Cold War 2.0 inevitable?

The message is clear — every state actor, big or small, will have to choose sides between two very different global offerings, each with their own s

Is a Mid East war on the cards?
Jul 07, 2012

Is a Mid East war on the cards?

Hillary Clinton has for the past year been exhorting "Assad to get out of the way". But Assad won't listen. He sits on a system quite as durable as the one Saddam Hussain supervised in neighbouring Iraq. Without the US commitment as in Iraq, Assad cannot be pushed out.

Is a new political legacy emerging in Indonesia after the win of Jokowi-backed General Prabowo Subianto?
Mar 12, 2024

Is a new political legacy emerging in Indonesia after the win of Jokowi-backed General Prabowo Subianto?

It is highly probable that the newly elected President of Indonesia will maintain former President Jokowi’s legacy

Is a thaw between India and Pakistan possible?
Feb 27, 2021

Is a thaw between India and Pakistan possible?

It is not the first time that the militaries of the two countries have agreed to maintain calm at the border.

Is air of permissiveness back here?
Mar 24, 2014

Is air of permissiveness back here?

Going by the Sri Lanka-related events and developments on the global arena, it looks as if the international community has not learnt any lessons from the recent past in and of the country. Be it the Indian neighbour, or the distant Norway, or whoever had attempted to help resolve the ethnic issue, had to give up after a point.

Is AUKUS the New ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific?
May 09, 2022

Is AUKUS the New ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific?

The growing presence of US-led multilateral groupings in the Indo-Pacific is challenging ASEAN’s centrality

Is banning cycle traffic in Kolkata sensible?
Oct 30, 2013

Is banning cycle traffic in Kolkata sensible?

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like . This 35-year old rock hymn from "Queen" might evolve to the protest song of those cyclists in Kolkata who were recently banned to use their own means of transport in any of the city's 174 busiest streets.

Is BJP victory in Gujarat resounding?
Dec 21, 2017

Is BJP victory in Gujarat resounding?

Gujarat has provided a psychological victory for the Congress, while it is a moral defeat for the BJP though it has been able to form the government.

Is China challenging India’s West Asia success story?
Aug 25, 2023

Is China challenging India’s West Asia success story?

While India’s diplomatic and political outreach with West Asia has been a success story over the past decade, the geopolitics of technology has the potential to offer a challenge.

Is China nervous?
Jul 29, 2013

Is China nervous?

It is the unease arising from China's domestic, political and economic considerations at a time of the ascendancy of a new political leadership in Beijing that could contribute to Chinese adventurism and recourse to hyper-nationalism.

Is China practising new form of imperialism in Africa?
Feb 10, 2015

Is China practising new form of imperialism in Africa?

Many see China to be practicing a new form of imperialism in Africa as it imports primary goods from Africa and exports manufacturing goods to Africa, without transferring skills to the continent. And China-Africa ties are not free from challenges. There is also immense potential.

Is China resuming nuclear testing?
Jan 10, 2024

Is China resuming nuclear testing?

With China potentially overturning the moratorium on nuclear testing, India must augment its military strength in the nuclear and missile domains to t

Is China's assertiveness landing it in a strategic trap?
May 10, 2012

Is China's assertiveness landing it in a strategic trap?

China's aggressive postures in the disputed South China Sea regions have not only increased the unease and apprehensions of the affected countries but have also drawn it to the US strategic trap, placing China in a no-win situation.

Is China's dealings with the world set to change?
Dec 02, 2014

Is China's dealings with the world set to change?

At a major conference on foreign affairs in Beijing recently, President Xi Jinping called on his colleagues to create a "more enabling environment" for China's development, seeking to distance China from its brash and assertive posture.

Is China’s loss, India’s gain? An examination of the US tariff war
Nov 20, 2018

Is China’s loss, India’s gain? An examination of the US tariff war

The unilateral tariff imposition by the United States on various countries has started a trade war that threatens to adversely affect the world’s major economies. This paper finds that no country, including the US itself, is likely to benefit from a tariff war. In India, some analysts had expected that the country’s export penetration in the US and elsewhere will increase, as China loses out. An analysis of trade data, however, shows that whi

Is Commodities Transaction Tax removal in the offing?
Feb 12, 2015

Is Commodities Transaction Tax removal in the offing?

Policy reforms in the field of taxation in the commodity futures market is of critical significance as various taxes and levies are a significant component in the overall cost of transaction.

Is consuming lab-grown meat ethical, nutritious, safe? What the evidence says
Apr 27, 2023

Is consuming lab-grown meat ethical, nutritious, safe? What the evidence says

Lab-grown meats are new, and the health outcome is still unknown. Most consumers prefer natural products and reject foods derived from unnatural sources.

Is discipline in Force a needless necessity?
Feb 09, 2012

Is discipline in Force a needless necessity?

We cannot overlook the fact that the country's courts continue to be the objects of terrorist attacks while looking at the 'disciplining' of a police constable in public view, for neglecting the checking duty at a New Delhi court.