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14452 results found

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense
Oct 15, 2020

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense

It is critical to understand the context that facilitated the genesis and prolonged lingering of water conflicts in India — in order to declutter th

Interview: India-Pakistan CBMs
Jul 12, 2005

Interview: India-Pakistan CBMs

'The year old Indo-Pak rapprochement has now reached a stalemate and is in danger of being hijacked by deeply entrenched bureaucracies and hardliners on both the sides', said Lt Gen Talat Masood (Retd), who was Secretary of Defence Production, Ministry of Defense, Pakistan in early 1990s.

Intimations of a very hot summer
Apr 14, 2020

Intimations of a very hot summer

Facing a double whammy — the strategic window closing, and ground situation in Kashmir improving — Pakistan will do whatever it can to create disturbances in J&K to bring the issue back in focus.

Into the light
Sep 08, 2004

Into the light

It has become increasingly fashionable in academic literature, seminars, conferences and private interactions to talk of emerging markets and to use the pression "emerging growth regions" to signal some kind of change in the structure of the world economy.

Introducing geospatial technology in industrial water management
Dec 26, 2022

Introducing geospatial technology in industrial water management

Using geospatial technologies is an imperative step for India to make its industrial sector more resilient and sustainable

Introducing Kashmir to the New Geopolitical and Regional Realities
Oct 20, 2021

Introducing Kashmir to the New Geopolitical and Regional Realities

Militants, most probably backed by the Pakistani state, are trying to entrap India in a three-front war

Introducing NavIC 2.0: Leveraging India’s strategic space advantage
Apr 01, 2024

Introducing NavIC 2.0: Leveraging India’s strategic space advantage

NavIC 2.0 not only fortifies India's defence capabilities but also places it on par with leading nations in global satellite navigation

Introspection Time in Fonseka's Case?
Oct 05, 2010

Introspection Time in Fonseka's Case?

Not all is lost for Fonseka, as yet. He has every right to move the Supreme Court in every case against him, civil or military. The temptation for keeping the political pot boiling is also there, but that will not change the course of the legal and judicial processes.

Invading and Occupying Pakistan?
Oct 08, 2004

Invading and Occupying Pakistan?

Does India have any intention of assisting the US in invading and occupying Pakistan? And should India be part of such an adventure? What are the likely implications on India's security of such an action? These are questions that would normally fall in the realm of scenario building and war gaming.

Invest more in human capital to deal with slowdown
Dec 29, 2011

Invest more in human capital to deal with slowdown

In the slowdown scenario, it would be important for the government to protect the poor against job losses, ill-health, lack of skills and homelessness. The human development indicators have to be improved.

Invest more in R&D: Defence Minister
Mar 12, 2005

Invest more in R&D: Defence Minister

Union Defence Minister Mr Pranab Mukherjee stressed the need for the corporate sector to adopt a greater role in India¿s defence sector. He was delivering the first annual lecture of the ORF Mumbai Chapter of Observer Research Foundation (ORF), on March 12, 2005.

Invest, Indebt, Incapacitate: Is China Replicating Its ‘Xinjiang Model’ In BRI Countries?
Aug 21, 2020

Invest, Indebt, Incapacitate: Is China Replicating Its ‘Xinjiang Model’ In BRI Countries?

China has been aggressively promoting its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) through massive investments in participating countries, as a means to further its strategic, economic and political goals. Such a strategy bears striking similarities to its policies in the Xinjiang province. This paper attempts a comparative study between Xinjiang and BRI countries in South and Central Asia to highlight the issues these states will likely face in the coming

Investigating the Impact of Commodity Transaction Tax on India’s Commodity Derivatives Markets
May 11, 2021

Investigating the Impact of Commodity Transaction Tax on India’s Commodity Derivatives Markets

The Commodity Transaction Tax (CTT) was imposed on non-agricultural commodity derivatives trading in India from 1 July 2013. This paper investigates the impact of the CTT on some of the efficiency parameters of the commodity derivative markets in India. The authors analysed daily trading data from January 2006 to December 2019 of Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) of India for five non-agricultural commodities: aluminium, copper, crude oil, gold, and

Investing in adolescent health: Harnessing the demographic dividend
Jan 07, 2020

Investing in adolescent health: Harnessing the demographic dividend

The issues with adolescent health are not limited to just the structure of the policy — it extends to the structure of institutions as well.

Investing in human capital and sustainable growth: A symbiotic paradigm
Aug 16, 2023

Investing in human capital and sustainable growth: A symbiotic paradigm

By addressing challenges related to education, healthcare, and gender inequality, India can harness its human potential to drive economic progress and

Investing in human capital: Towards an anaemia free India
Sep 08, 2017

Investing in human capital: Towards an anaemia free India

India’s long-term growth strategy must be pegged to its labour force, whatever the economic model of choice may be. A major part of how the Indian growth story plays out will hinge on the country’s success in delivering the right to life, health and livelihood for all Indians, including India’s girls and women.

Investing in materials innovation is investing in India’s future
Apr 23, 2021

Investing in materials innovation is investing in India’s future

An in-depth focus on materials science must be part of India’s innovation strategy to fuel core economic sectors and frontier sectors that will driv

Investment in education can change people's lives
May 03, 2012

Investment in education can change people's lives

It is clear that to reduce the suffering of poor people, there is no better investment than education, specially the quality of school buildings, teaching and other facilities which are not improving at an even pace in all the 28 states.

Investment lessons for India, from Sri Lanka & Maldives
Nov 05, 2016

Investment lessons for India, from Sri Lanka & Maldives

With Indian Government reiterating commitment to facilitate investments in Sri Lanka and Maldives, the need for making case-studies of both

Investors: The 'take off' and 'landing' mode
Sep 28, 2004

Investors: The 'take off' and 'landing' mode

The Prime Minister's first visit to the UK and US after he assumed office was preceded by a flurry of activity. The Cabinet approved the promulgation of three ordinances pertaining to Banking Regulation (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions), Securities Contract (Regulations) Act 1956 as well as

IORA members should address security issues themselves
Sep 05, 2014

IORA members should address security issues themselves

Noting that maritime disputes and strategic competition in the Indian Ocean are at the core of changing geo-politics in the IO, participants of the Indian Ocean Dialogue concluded that the members of the IORA should address the security concerns themselves rather than relying on international forces.

IPCC’s reminder: Not just climate-smart but also water-wise
Apr 14, 2022

IPCC’s reminder: Not just climate-smart but also water-wise

The mitigation of climate change will be successful only if water risks are factored in while drafting ‘climate-smart’ strategies.

IPEF: Trade in policy, not in pact
Jun 22, 2022

IPEF: Trade in policy, not in pact

With Biden and IPEF highlighting economic transparency, it is seen as a way for Washington to create an Indo-Pacific trade bloc without creating a tra

Iran and India's road to Afghanistan
Oct 27, 2014

Iran and India's road to Afghanistan

Delhi and Tehran must now sit down with the new government in Kabul to negotiate trilateral trade and transit agreements that will ensure an early realisation of all economic and strategic benefits that the Chabahar project promises.

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict

Both Iran and Pakistan have their hands full with regional conflicts. Neither would want to escalate it beyond a point as their resources are already

Iran and Pakistan: Another front for an already embattled Islamabad
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan: Another front for an already embattled Islamabad

Chances are that the tit-for-tat exchange between Iran and Pakistan will not escalate; neither side wants nor can afford an open conflict

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Pakistan's balancing act
May 05, 2014

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Pakistan's balancing act

Amid growing Saudi concerns about the shifting Middle East balance of power in favour of Iran, Pakistan is walking the tight rope between Riyadh, a close ally, and Tehran, an important neighbour.

Iran and the coalition against the Islamic State
Sep 30, 2014

Iran and the coalition against the Islamic State

At a meeting held in Paris on September 15 to 'build a coalition' against the Islamic State (IS), Iran was left out of the list of participants.

Iran and the U.S.
Jun 27, 2005

Iran and the U.S.

Making his first public speech since being elected President, Mahmoud Ahmadinezad said in Mashhad on July 21 that he would not allow a violation of Iran's legal rights on peaceful use of nuclear technology. He reaffirmed that Iran would never pursue weapons of mass destruction.

Iran and the U.S.
Jul 27, 2005

Iran and the U.S.

Making his first public speech since being elected President, Mahmoud Ahmadinezad said in Mashhad on July 21 that he would not allow a violation of Iran's legal rights on peaceful use of nuclear technology. He reaffirmed that Iran would never pursue weapons of mass destruction.

Iran at the Crossroads
Oct 28, 2004

Iran at the Crossroads

Iranians are political creatures, love to politic, enjoy its uncertainties, and delight in manipulating it. These traits are in evidence as the stage is being set for a presidential election in May 2005 when Mohammad Khatami's second term of office comes to an end. The Iranian Constitution prohibits more than two successive terms.

Iran bargain brings global benefits, but some out in cold
Feb 26, 2014

Iran bargain brings global benefits, but some out in cold

Opening up to Iran would give the US some leverage over Tehran, while also ensuring that its current allies in West Asia do not take it for granted. Meanwhile, once Iranian oil flows into the market, oil and gas will get cheaper, and US companies will get more opportunities to invest in Iran.

Iran calls for "new paradigm" in international relations
Feb 27, 2014

Iran calls for "new paradigm" in international relations

Delivering the 5th RK Mishra Memorial Lecture on Thursday, Iran's Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif called for a "new paradigm" in international relations to usher in an inclusive world where each State played a role.

Iran nuclear agreement: Unclear and extremely vague
Apr 04, 2015

Iran nuclear agreement: Unclear and extremely vague

Iran and the major powers have reached a very preliminary and extremely vague agreement on principles for an agreement, released in the form of a brief joint statement of less than 500 words. Whether this 'agreement about an agreement' would lead to an actual deal is anybody's guess, but it's not going to be easy.

Iran Nuclear Deal: A significant step
Apr 04, 2015

Iran Nuclear Deal: A significant step

Though Iran and P5+1 negotiators have only agreed upon the parameters for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the "implementation details" are yet to be worked out, this nevertheless is a significant step.

Iran nuclear deal: Mountain of uncertainties
Jul 17, 2015

Iran nuclear deal: Mountain of uncertainties

From a non-proliferation perspective, the Iran nuclear deal is a good one provided it is complied with. A lot will depend on Iran?s adherence to the commitments under the deal but it is difficult to have much faith in Iranian commitments because of its repeated failures in the past. And, from a regional security perspective, the deal is disastrous.

Iran nuclear talks on the verge of collapse
Jun 21, 2022

Iran nuclear talks on the verge of collapse

What will be the future of the Iran–US relationship and Iran's position on the international stage if Iran's nuclear talks reach an impasse?

Iran opportunity
Jun 16, 2015

Iran opportunity

Iran is critical for stabilising India's northwestern marches, providing access to Central Asia and in meeting India's future energy needs. The pursuit of these separate but significant interests in the West Asia is bound to produce multiple contradictions. Managing them will be a great challenge for Indian diplomacy.

Iran President-elect hints at foreign policy shift
Jun 25, 2013

Iran President-elect hints at foreign policy shift

After garnering more than 50 percent of the votes, Centrist candidate Hassan Rohani won the presidential election in Iran, receiving 18,613,329 out of 36,740,156 votes.

Iran protests underline need for urgent reforms
Jan 11, 2018

Iran protests underline need for urgent reforms

Without real reform, domestic turmoil is likely to continue and will afford opportunities to outside powers to meddle in the internal affairs of Iran.

Iran rejects West's demand to stop enrichment
Oct 17, 2013

Iran rejects West's demand to stop enrichment

The Iranian deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs has said that Iran will not withdraw from its right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. Iran has said that uranium enrichment and protection of the rights of the Iranian nation

Iran steps up fight against Extremism
Dec 15, 2014

Iran steps up fight against Extremism

Iran recently organised the first international conference on 'World against Violence and Extremism (WAVE)' as per the proposal made by President Hassan Rouhani at the UN General Assembly in September. Most significantly, the conference brought together the Foreign Ministers of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen - four of the most troubled states in the region.

Iran turns the bend?
Apr 28, 2014

Iran turns the bend?

This year, India's and China's crude oil imports from Iran has risen sharply - up by 43% year-on-year basis and 36% year-on-year basis respectively, according to a Reuters report. World's oil giant companies have also shown interest to return to Iran. Do these indicate that Iran has turned the bend and worst phase of sanctions is over?

Iran's Dangerous Dabbling Irks the US
Nov 14, 2003

Iran's Dangerous Dabbling Irks the US

On 6 November 2003, US President George W. Bush made an 'excellent¿ and ¿noble¿1 speech (much acclaimed by analysts and the media) at the 20th anniversary of the National Endowment for Democracy, whereby he launched a new ¿forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East'.

Iran's N-talks: Two steps forward and another act of sabotage
Nov 06, 2014

Iran's N-talks: Two steps forward and another act of sabotage

While the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 are on track and when Iran is conceding most of the demands, why should there be an explosion in a crucial Iranian nuclear site, that too a missiles and munitions centre -- Parchin.

Iran's nuclear deal stands hostage to the vagaries of the US Congress
Apr 22, 2015

Iran's nuclear deal stands hostage to the vagaries of the US Congress

Senator John Kerry has been at pains to convince his Iranian counterpart that the Congressional act of voting on April 14 to appropriate to itself the power to reject the final deal is merely symbolic and President Obama can easily over-ride these hurdles. But what it reveals is an ugly side of the Congressmen who still live in a world of 'sanctioning' the rest.