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2595 results found

An Assessment of the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
Nov 10, 2021

An Assessment of the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

The new Indo-Pacific strategy by the European Union (EU) follows previous measures to increase engagement with the region in the economic, security and connectivity domains. The plan indicates a clear intent to position the EU in the emerging global and regional governance structures, focusing on strategic autonomy, inclusivity, the rules-based order, and common public goods. Implementing the action plan based on the strategy is likely to face nu

An Indian perspective on reviving the World Trade Organisation
Apr 28, 2021

An Indian perspective on reviving the World Trade Organisation

For countries like India, the multilateral trading system embodied by the WTO provides security and predictability.

An Indo-German realignment with submarines in the mix
Jun 13, 2023

An Indo-German realignment with submarines in the mix

This shift in Germany’s strategic posture aligns well with India’s willingness to play a larger global role.

An unclaimed legacy
Jan 05, 2015

An unclaimed legacy

Former NDA prime minister Vajpayee kept the professional hawks in the national security establishment and the conservatives in his own party BJP at bay in the making of India's foreign policy. It is not clear if Narendra Modi can sustain a similar freedom of action for his government.

Analysing France’s new strategy for Africa
Mar 15, 2023

Analysing France’s new strategy for Africa

With its new strategy for partnership with African countries, France aims to break away from its past approach towards the continent

Analysing India's climate policy and the route post-COP27
Nov 25, 2022

Analysing India's climate policy and the route post-COP27

Ambition and prioritisation of climate action in national policies coupled with fuelling international cooperation can help India emerge as a global l

Analysing Iranian Defence Minister’s visit to India
Feb 08, 2021

Analysing Iranian Defence Minister’s visit to India

Iran may become an important point of contact — diplomatically — in the near future, and the reason behind this will not be energy security for In

Analysing the impact of the Taliban deal on jihadist violence in South Asia
Aug 24, 2020

Analysing the impact of the Taliban deal on jihadist violence in South Asia

This deal temporarily shields US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, but has directly harmed Afghan civilians, security forces and allies in the region.

Andaman and Nicobar can lift India’s maritime capacity
Jan 14, 2023

Andaman and Nicobar can lift India’s maritime capacity

The strategic location of these islands demands New Delhi’s full attention as it can open new vistas for India’s maritime strategy

Another military coup in Sudan
Nov 08, 2021

Another military coup in Sudan

As Sudan’s dance with democracy was cut short by the recent military takeover, concerns have emerged as this puts regional security at risk

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:
May 14, 2005

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:

Pakistan trusted and gave too much independence, which was misused by AQ Khan to the detriment of Pakistan's national security and international embarrassment, says Brig. Khan....

Armed drones in Indian military: Can machines understand the rules of war?
Jan 11, 2023

Armed drones in Indian military: Can machines understand the rules of war?

Despite their growing usage in armed conflict, artificially intelligent unmanned combat systems raise questions of law, ethics and accountability

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?
Aug 23, 2023

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?

The National Security Initiative of the Observer Research Foundation held a workshop to examine the relevance of the Army Aviation Corps. This report details the outcome of a discussion amongst prominent defence personnel.

Army exercise showcases growing India-Singapore defence collaboration
Apr 18, 2019

Army exercise showcases growing India-Singapore defence collaboration

The broader convergence of strategic interests between India and Singapore is the driving factor for these engagements.

Article 370 and Pakistan’s false outrage
Aug 12, 2019

Article 370 and Pakistan’s false outrage

The intention behind removing Article 370 has been to encourage further investment and improve the security in Kashmir.

ASAT weapons: A real threat to the future of Space
Oct 11, 2022

ASAT weapons: A real threat to the future of Space

Counterspace capabilities such as ASAT weapons have been criticised for accentuating regional insecurities rather than diminishing the threats faced b

ASEAN Maritime Forum: आसियान समुद्री मंच के विस्तार का औचित्य!
Jul 26, 2023

ASEAN Maritime Forum: आसियान समुद्री मंच के विस्तार का औचित्य!

विस्तारित आसियान समुद्री मंच (EAMF) एक पहले से भरे हुए और जटि�

ASEAN Solidarity Exercise: Is it sending a strong message to China?
Oct 16, 2023

ASEAN Solidarity Exercise: Is it sending a strong message to China?

Contrary to prevailing beliefs, the ASEAN exercise was aimed at highlighting ASEAN unity and initiating maritime security collaboration among its memb

ASEAN: A multilateral model of disaster management
Dec 15, 2022

ASEAN: A multilateral model of disaster management

The rise of climate change-induced events and the changing geopolitical realities have opened new opportunities for ASEAN

ASEAN’s evolving dilemma in the Indo-Pacific
Feb 22, 2024

ASEAN’s evolving dilemma in the Indo-Pacific

While ASEAN is an essential player in Indo-Pacific affairs, its influence over the emerging security shifts in the region is being questioned due to i

Asia central to the stability and prosperity of the US
Feb 15, 2013

Asia central to the stability and prosperity of the US

Security concerns in Asia are largely related to non-traditional security threats such as terrorism, piracy, disaster management and transnational crime. These threats are becoming more and more traditional as countries have to deal with them on a daily basis.

Jun 27, 2007


Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on Wednesday (June 27) released the new ORF publication, titled The New Asian Power Dynamic, edited by Mr. Maharajakrishna Rasgotra, Adviser to ORF Chairman and convenor of National Security Advisory Board (NSAB).

Assertive (dis)unity: Assessing Macron and Von Der Leyen’s visit to China
Apr 18, 2023

Assertive (dis)unity: Assessing Macron and Von Der Leyen’s visit to China

The EU as a whole versus the EU member states’ approach towards China shows a paradox that will be hard to fix

Assessing Europe’s spiralling energy crisis
Sep 28, 2022

Assessing Europe’s spiralling energy crisis

As the implementation of various energy initiatives has not kept pace with the EU’s diversification plan, the road to achieving energy security rema

Assessing the Efficacy of the West’s Autonomous Cyber-Sanctions Regime and its Relevance for India
Sep 09, 2022

Assessing the Efficacy of the West’s Autonomous Cyber-Sanctions Regime and its Relevance for India

Cyber-sanctions have emerged as a preferred tool for Western governments to deter cyberattacks emanating from their adversaries’ territories. As they implement such sanctions, however, these states face various challenges one of which is the difficulty in attribution. Moreover, the sanctions have only partially curbed the malicious cyber activities. Yet, the regime continues to expand, and many allies of the United States are emulating its prac

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on
May 01, 2020

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on

Although the global efforts towards nuclear non-proliferation have been strengthened by treaties like the NPT, it is important to assess and evaluate

At Hiroshima, Japan’s moment to reinforce partnerships
May 29, 2023

At Hiroshima, Japan’s moment to reinforce partnerships

For Tokyo, the G-7 Summit was driven by the need to define and devise the means of navigating the complex geopolitical landscape of the Indo-Pacific

At IAEA, India Supports AUKUS
Oct 07, 2022

At IAEA, India Supports AUKUS

At the International Atomic Energy Agency’s general conference last week, India backed AUKUS in the face of Russian and Chinese opposition.

AU's push for global financial reforms is a must for SDG revival
Jun 05, 2024

AU's push for global financial reforms is a must for SDG revival

Massive resources are needed to realign Africa's SDGs, and the current global financial order is proving to be inadequate. The AU must boost efforts a

AUKUS: Reading the tea leaves
Mar 10, 2023

AUKUS: Reading the tea leaves

The AUKUS announcement next week has implications for Australia and its neighbourhood

Australia's Defence Strategy boosts western Pacific alliances
May 23, 2024

Australia's Defence Strategy boosts western Pacific alliances

Australia’s NDS 24 seeks to adapt to the new and dangerous security environment, discard ‘strategic ambivalence’ and complacency, and move decis

Australian agriculture amidst droughts: Productivity gains and integration into global value chains key to global competitiveness
Feb 11, 2022

Australian agriculture amidst droughts: Productivity gains and integration into global value chains key to global competitiveness

Despite extreme climate events, through timely policy measures, Australia has not only achieved food security but also has become a large exporter

Australian Defense Minister’s India Trip: A Sign of Growing Defense Ties
Jun 29, 2022

Australian Defense Minister’s India Trip: A Sign of Growing Defense Ties

Canberra and New Delhi need to streamline their defense and security agenda on an accelerated pace in the face of pressure on both from Beijing.

Australia’s bold moves present opportunities for India to capitalise on Indo-Pacific strategic convergence
Mar 13, 2023

Australia’s bold moves present opportunities for India to capitalise on Indo-Pacific strategic convergence

Australian premier Anthony Albanese’s consequential visit to India unveils opportunities for trade, investment, energy cooperation and greater naval engagement in the Indo-Pacific. If these take off, the strategic architecture of the Indo-Pacific could be poised for a big transformation

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: भारत की विकास गाथा, विकासात्मक विरोधाभास और आर्थिक विकास की बदलती दृष्टि!
Sep 13, 2022

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: भारत की विकास गाथा, विकासात्मक विरोधाभास और आर्थिक विकास की बदलती दृष्टि!

 India at 75:  भारत के विकास (Development of India) की राह परंपरागत रूप से इस सोच के अनुरूप नहीं रही है. हालांकि, अब यह सोच बदल रही है. सरकार ने महामारी (Coronavirus Pandemic) की वजह से लगाई गई तालाबंदी (Lockdown in India) के �

Bailouts and balances: Sri Lanka’s IMF rescue plan has geopolitical repercussions
Oct 28, 2022

Bailouts and balances: Sri Lanka’s IMF rescue plan has geopolitical repercussions

Sri Lanka's IMF rescue plan has geopolitical repercussions. The Island nation has entered a difficult terrain with China's expansionist interests and India and Japan's security concerns

Bangladesh: Huji, Al-Qaeda nexus cause for concern
Jul 17, 2015

Bangladesh: Huji, Al-Qaeda nexus cause for concern

Recently security agencies arrested 12 activists of the banned militant organisation Harkatul Jihad in Bangladesh. These arrests revealed that the group was preparing merger with the South Asia chapter of the international militant organisation Al-Qaeda.

BBNL-BSNL का विलय: एक लड़खड़ाती संस्था के पत्थर से टकराने जैसा है
Jun 17, 2022

BBNL-BSNL का विलय: एक लड़खड़ाती संस्था के पत्थर से टकराने जैसा है

ये समझ से परे है कि बीबीएनएल- बीएसएनएल के विलय से गांवों त�

Begging will not de-risk Brussels from Beijing
Mar 30, 2024

Begging will not de-risk Brussels from Beijing

Not narratives, not rhetoric: what the EU needs is to wake up from its strategic slumber and act on its China addiction

Behind a mysterious budget increase lies a tale of ‘Make-in-India’ critical system chips
Mar 31, 2017

Behind a mysterious budget increase lies a tale of ‘Make-in-India’ critical system chips

The National Security Council Secretariat, headed by top spy Ajit Doval, may have gotten a staggering 311% increase in funds this year to tackle issues at the intersection of cybersecurity and nuclear weapon delivery systems.

Behind Enemy Lines: Indian Special Forces Need to be Re-organised
Jan 22, 2004

Behind Enemy Lines: Indian Special Forces Need to be Re-organised

In the prevailing era of strategic uncertainty, Special Forces (SF) provide the most reliable means to a government for the application of military force to achieve national security objectives. The SF components of a nation¿s military and other security forces are force multipliers in times of both war and peace.

Beijing at sea
Apr 24, 2013

Beijing at sea

The Chinese navy is leading the dramatic shift in the political goals of China's armed forces. Besides territorial defence, the Chinese armed forces now also aim to protect Beijing's expanding interests beyond borders, influence regional security politics and contribute to international peace.

Being optimistic about India
Apr 29, 2022

Being optimistic about India

The Ukrainian crisis has negatively impacted the Indian economy, but the rising global demand and domestic fiscal management could help cushion the bl