Search: For - pakistan

1768 results found

After Mullah Omar
Aug 04, 2015

After Mullah Omar

There is no question that Pakistan's Afghan strategy is evolving. If the Taliban seemed inflexible about negotiations in the past, Pakistan is promising to make it more reasonable. Many in the West and China are ready to accept, at least for now, Pakistan's claim that a new and moderate Taliban is at hand.

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?
Jun 18, 2019

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?

China would have a seat in the high table when the South Asian neighbours discuss and decide upon the ‘K-issue’.

After the 'surgical' strike: Short and long term implications
Oct 05, 2016

After the 'surgical' strike: Short and long term implications

The short and long term perspective of the Line of Control in the post surgical strikes scenario

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?
Oct 04, 2016

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?

The most effective means of preventing another terrorist attack is not to expect a change of behaviour on the part of Pakistan army and the jihadi gro

After Trump’s Kashmir remarks, India must tell the US where it gets off
Jul 23, 2019

After Trump’s Kashmir remarks, India must tell the US where it gets off

Modi needs to emphatically clear the air to control the ramifications of Trump’s prattling.

After Uri: India should use covert action, diplomacy and limited military action
Sep 23, 2016

After Uri: India should use covert action, diplomacy and limited military action

The Poonch incident two weeks ago and in Uri indicate there is no fight left in the militants in the Valley.

Agra 2003
Dec 04, 2003

Agra 2003

From Agra to air-link, it has been one long U-turn for the Pakistani leadership of President Pervez Musharaff. Today, he readily agrees to address peripheral issues affecting relations with India, and has even ¿unilaterally¿ announced the restoration of over-flights for Indian craft. Going a step further, he has mooted the conferment of Nishan-e-Pakistan, the nation¿s highest civilian title on Prime Minister Vajpayee, if and when the latter ma

All this to Nab Terrorists
Dec 21, 2004

All this to Nab Terrorists

There are only two ways to look at the recent decision of the US administration to arm Pakistan with new weapons. First, as the Bush administration officials have been trying, rather hard, to convince the international community, particularly India, that the weapons they are selling to President Pervez Musharraf¿s Pakistan are meant to fight terrorism.

Allied to the problem
Apr 11, 2006

Allied to the problem

At the end of a French delegation's visit to Pakistan recently, the Pakistan Foreign Office put out its usual statement. It referred to Pakistan as an anchor of peace in the region and said that the leader of the French delegation, former Premier Senator (Francois) Poncet, had commended Pakistan's role in promoting peace and stability.

Along with US' new South Asia policy, India’s Chabahar initiative changing region’s narrative
Nov 14, 2017

Along with US' new South Asia policy, India’s Chabahar initiative changing region’s narrative

The moment Chabahar opens, and Indian support becomes freely available, Afghanistan's dependency on Pakistan would reduce. This would provide Afghanis

Amidst calls for a ban, India leads the debate on Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Nov 29, 2017

Amidst calls for a ban, India leads the debate on Lethal Autonomous Weapons

At a decisive meeting on the future of LAWS, countries such as Pakistan and Cuba have called for a pre-emptive ban, while others like US, Germany and Russia disagree.

An Afghanistan pretext behind Kashmir’s ‘reorganisation’?
Aug 06, 2019

An Afghanistan pretext behind Kashmir’s ‘reorganisation’?

The fast–tracking of US–Taliban talks, and the following meeting between Trump and Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan cannot be sold as one of

An arms race? And to what end?
Mar 22, 2004

An arms race? And to what end?

By announcing the American decision to ¿nominate¿ Pakistan as a ¿major non-NATO ally¿, US Secretary of State Colin Powell may have done a calculated disservice to the ongoing peace process between Islamabad and New Delhi. His reference to greater military-to-military cooperation with Islamabad may have stirred,

An Examination of India’s Policy Response to Foreign Fighters
Sep 30, 2021

An Examination of India’s Policy Response to Foreign Fighters

The phenomenon of individuals leaving their home country and making their way to conflict zones to join terror and insurgent groups is not new. In the past few years, however, the numbers of these “foreign fighters” have increased: thousands of people from more than 80 countries have made their way to Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and other battle zones. As countries in the West struggled to deal with these intra-geographic threats from radicalis

An interaction with US Congressional Staff
May 01, 2013

An interaction with US Congressional Staff

The US Congressional Staff was pointed out that though Pakistan's political machinery is willing to work with all parties, including India, on Afghanistan, the army apparatus and the ISI still remains a liability. These factors must be taken into account while US deals with Pakistan.

An uphill climb for a potential SCO terrorism list
Sep 19, 2022

An uphill climb for a potential SCO terrorism list

The SCO, to build any probable list against terrorism will have to build a consensus on how to define it.

Angry Army, Defiant Imran
Jun 08, 2023

Angry Army, Defiant Imran

Pakistan Army is unwilling to spare Imran Khan or his supporters, defenders, and protectors, especially in the judiciary

Answering the nuclear conundrum
May 11, 2020

Answering the nuclear conundrum

There has been virtually no real discourse on Indian nuclear thinking in recent years, though there have been some declarative statements.

Are we losing Afghanistan?
Oct 01, 2013

Are we losing Afghanistan?

Baiting Pakistan into increasing its duplicity in its dealings with Nato, India has effectively provided the West with a convenient scapegoat. Come 2014, the historical narrative will more likely focus on betrayal rather than the reality of the West's bad homework and flawed assumptions.

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy
Sep 23, 2013

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy

Now that BJP PM candidate Narendra Modi is approaching what could possibly be the pinnacle of his career, the last thing he wants is to box himself in by his own rhetoric. It is for this reason that in his Haryana speech, he also invoked Atal Bihari Vajpayee's policy, which used the Kargil crisis to get the world community to pin down Pakistan on avoiding the use of violence in relation to Kashmir.

Asim Umar: A new actor in the world jihadist stage
Sep 24, 2014

Asim Umar: A new actor in the world jihadist stage

The 'old boys' network has given Asim Umar an extensive reach among the jihadi groups active in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He can tap into the Taliban network with as much ease as he could work with Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation
Feb 27, 2024

Assessing the Achievements and Challenges of EU-India Cybersecurity Cooperation

The European Union’s (EU) and India’s paths towards becoming “cyber powers” could hardly be more different. The EU has a long tradition of protecting personal privacy rights and patents, while urging to enhance multilateral norms on cyberspace. India’s thinking on cybersecurity has continuously been boosted by the cyber threats emerging from China and Pakistan. It has further been shaped by India’s domestic Information Technology indu

Ayman al-Zawahiri’s killing and the US’ ‘over-the-horizon’ counterterrorism capability
Aug 30, 2022

Ayman al-Zawahiri’s killing and the US’ ‘over-the-horizon’ counterterrorism capability

The frequent targeting of the terrorist leaders by the US military and the CIA has spawned a fundamental question—whether the OTH CT capability can

Back to square one?
Jan 19, 2013

Back to square one?

Since 2010, Pakistan has already violated the ceasefire more than 222 times. In 2012 alone, there were 117 instances, mostly concentrated in the Uri and Krishna Ghati areas.

Bad news for Musharraf
Feb 03, 2005

Bad news for Musharraf

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, in his five years as the martial law administrator, has never faced challenges of the magnitude he is grappling with now. Internally, Pakistan is faced with a crisis on many fronts. Despite a stable Government for over five years, and scores of promises, there is no sign of democracy.

Balakot air strikes: the end of the madman theory
Mar 05, 2019

Balakot air strikes: the end of the madman theory

If Pakistan thinks they can scare Modi by playing mad, the Balakot air strikes show that he can scare them even more. Pakistan's madman theory has been turned on its head.

Balakot, counter-terrorism and use of air power
Mar 08, 2019

Balakot, counter-terrorism and use of air power

While every counter-terror theatre works on its own specific requirements and variables, Pakistan is a completely different ball game.

Baloch Shadow Over Wen Jiabao's Visit
Apr 19, 2005

Baloch Shadow Over Wen Jiabao's Visit

The decision by the Pakistani and the Chinese authorities to cancel the programme for the formal inauguration of the newly-constructed Gwadar port by the Chinese Prime Minister Mr Wen Jiabao during his recent visit to Pakistan gave a clear indication of the further deterioration in the situation in Balochistan.

Balochistan : Denials and silences
May 21, 2014

Balochistan : Denials and silences

While there has been considerable commentary in Pakistan about what happened to jounalist Hamid Mir, there is silence about the fast unto death by a young Baloch, Latif Johar who has been seeking the release of Zahid Baloch, Chairman of the Baloch Students' Organisation.

Balochistan: Behind an Iron Curtain
Aug 04, 2010

Balochistan: Behind an Iron Curtain

Awake my Punjab, Pakistan is ebbing away, Baloch poet, philosopher and Left Wing activist lawyer, Habib Jalib wrote, "Our Dreams have faded now, Pakistan is ebbing away, / Sindh, Baluchistan, have been weeping for ages.

Baluchistan on the boil
Jan 04, 2006

Baluchistan on the boil

Pakistan¿s largest province, Baluchistan, is again on the boil. Two rocket firing incidents took place in early December, 2005. The first incident involved firing on a helicopter carrying the Inspector-General of the Frontier Corps. In the second, a rocket was fired at a public meeting addressed by Gen Pervez Musharraf at Kohlu. These incidents appear to have provided an immediate provocation to launch an operation by the Pakistan Army and the F

Bangladesh: Hefazat and the rise of bigotry
Feb 21, 2019

Bangladesh: Hefazat and the rise of bigotry

The demand for banishing Ahmadiyyas from Islam carries ugly echoes of the past, originating primarily in Pakistan.

Be a Benevolent Big Brother: Shujaat Hussain
Mar 31, 2005

Be a Benevolent Big Brother: Shujaat Hussain

A lively and frank debate on India-Pakistan relationship marked the meeting between a high-powered delegation from Pakistan led by former Prime Minister Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain and an Indian team of senior diplomats, strategic analysts, commentators and policy makers led by former Indian Foreign Secretary M Rasgotra, who is presently, International Affairs Adviser, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, at ORF, Campus on March 31, 2005.

Beijing's Afghan role
Dec 17, 2014

Beijing's Afghan role

China has good relations with most of Afghanistan's neighbours, including Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. But it is Beijing's emerging partnership with the Pakistan army in Afghanistan that is the most interesting new element in the region.

Besieged Musharraf Left With Few Options
Aug 24, 2007

Besieged Musharraf Left With Few Options

Pakistan is today dangling between hope and despair, propelled largely by President Pervez Musharraf's inability, and refusal, to gauge public sentiments for free and fair elections in the coming months. Discontentment, once confined to media and courtrooms, has spilled out into the streets, creating a stifling atmosphere of anxiety and doubt across the country. Political, economic and social differences have sharpened in the past eight years. Re

Best wishes on Zardari's journey to Ajmer
Apr 07, 2012

Best wishes on Zardari's journey to Ajmer

Many reform movements are active in India and have the patronage of politicians bereft of any aesthetics. But in Pakistan, the movements have declared Jehad on the soft Islam, soaked in sub continental Sufism. That is why Mr. Asif Zaradari deserves every one's best wishes for his journey to Ajmer.

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security
Apr 12, 2019

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security

Against the backdrop of the Pulwama suicide bombing and the Balakot air-strikes, national security has acquired a political salience that it might not have otherwise. This is reflected in the manifestos of both the main national parties, the BJP and the Congress.

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs
May 16, 2023

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs

The perfect storm that has engulfed Pakistan is unlikely to weaken anytime soon.

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal
Dec 20, 2013

Beyond a cautious welcome: Saudi Arabia's response to US-Iran nuclear deal

There is the possibility, albeit remote, of the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. Riyadh has always been unambiguous in its stance of acquiring a nuclear weapon if Iran does and the Kingdom's longstanding support for Pakistan's nuclear program alludes to this possibility.

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar

The imposition of fresh sanctions on Iran jeopardises the Chabahar project. Not only do sanctions deter countries and companies from doing business wi

Beyond the Islamabad declaration
Feb 03, 2004

Beyond the Islamabad declaration

It has been a few weeks since the ¿momentous¿ Islamabad declaration by Indian PM Vajpayee and Pakistani leader Gen.Musharraf. The full effects of the declaration may not be known for a few months at least, but there have been enough clues coming out of South Asia for prognosticators to decipher. But first one must look at the declaration itself.

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options
May 24, 2012

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options

The key to a stable future in the Subcontinent might lie in producing the long overdue structural change inside Pakistan and with it the definition of its interests in Afghanistan and India. As it grasps at the slim chance of reordering the relationship with Pakistan, India will need all the support it can get from the US.

Biden’s choices and America’s moment of reckoning
Aug 28, 2021

Biden’s choices and America’s moment of reckoning

The US has chosen to install a terror group as the legitimate government of Afghanistan and as a departing gift, offered them an estimated $212 million worth of military aircraft, vehicles and ammunition.