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Don't count on emotion to boost ties with Dhaka
Jan 13, 2010

Don't count on emotion to boost ties with Dhaka

To explain the causes of the present unsatisfactory situation many in India would argue that a self-absorbed India has neglected its neighbourhood

Don't despair, liberals: Fight
Nov 10, 2016

Don't despair, liberals: Fight

Welcome, American liberals. Welcome to the special torment of discovering that you do not know your country.

Don't hyphenate Israel
Jun 15, 2015

Don't hyphenate Israel

Israel being India's most trusted ally in West Asia and among the three or four closest friends in the world, Prime Minister Modi's visit to Israel needs to be a standalone, a single country trip. The India-Israel relationship is important enough, even sacred enough, to merit that respect.

Don't leave spies out in the cold
May 01, 2013

Don't leave spies out in the cold

At first sight, it would appear that Sarabjit Singh's case, which dates to 1990, may fall in the category of Indian involvement. But other evidence suggests the case against him is weak. There are also reasons to believe that Sarabjit's was a case of mistaken identity

Donald Trump's decision to cancel 'secret' talks with the Taliban
Sep 09, 2019

Donald Trump's decision to cancel 'secret' talks with the Taliban

Trump's move is likely to be temporary, as he is keen to show that he has upheld his election commitments.

Donald Trump's generals: Why 9/11 will shape what follows 11/9
Nov 30, 2016

Donald Trump's generals: Why 9/11 will shape what follows 11/9

The President-elect Donald Trump has already confirmed that Lieutenant General Michael Flynn will serve as the next National Security Advisor

Donald Trump's Iran gamble could hit India too
Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump's Iran gamble could hit India too

New Delhi's bid to counter the One Belt One Road by creating transportation linkages through the Iranian ports, is at stake.

Donald Trump’s foreign policy hara-kiri
May 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s foreign policy hara-kiri

The US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal makes it an untrustworthy partner in any subsequent negotiations. The era of American leadership in the non-proliferation order is over

Donald Trump’s review could help India nuance its nuclear doctrine
Feb 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s review could help India nuance its nuclear doctrine

No one believes that India would wipe out Lahore, if Pakistan used a low yield nuclear weapon against an Indian military formation, and that, too, in Pakistan.

Don’t have unrealistic demands from Sunak
Oct 31, 2022

Don’t have unrealistic demands from Sunak

The bilateral relationship is growing due to a newfound convergence in their strategic orientation. Let’s not burden Sunak with unrealistic expectations.

Don’t junk cash yet, in rush to go digital
Nov 29, 2016

Don’t junk cash yet, in rush to go digital

Going without cash is a good idea whereby studies indicate that paying by card or e-money encourages you to spend more than you would otherwise.

Dotcom bubble, version 2.0
Oct 17, 2015

Dotcom bubble, version 2.0

Is the digital economy about digitising the real economy, society and governance - or is it simply a valuation game? The question is particularly valid as a series of digital and e-commerce companies have totted up impressive funding without knowing how to build a sustainable business model.

Double jeopardy of inflation and IIP slowdown
Oct 18, 2022

Double jeopardy of inflation and IIP slowdown

This double whammy will pose a challenge to those at the bottom of the income pyramid

Double marginalisation: What the Decade of Action holds for India’s Northeastern women
Mar 08, 2021

Double marginalisation: What the Decade of Action holds for India’s Northeastern women

Tackling gender-based discriminations require transformative solutions, possible only if women are considered equal participants in the development pr

Doubling farm incomes: Why change is still slow
Oct 16, 2018

Doubling farm incomes: Why change is still slow

Nor has the Narendra Modi government been deaf to the needs of the farming community.

Doubts over a successful security transition
Feb 09, 2012

Doubts over a successful security transition

Recent announcements detailing the probability of an early NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan are not realistic, given the ground realities in the country. Lt-Col Daniel Davis in his article 'Truth lies and Afghanistan' speaks of a misleading picture presented by US leaders.

Douse the anger within
Apr 15, 2019

Douse the anger within

While the Government continues to celebrate the armed forces’ performance for electoral gains, it will do well to remember that the basic tenet of warfare is that the man behind the gun matters more than the gun. Its failure to grant non-functional upgrade is all the more hurtful

Dousing flames in #Kashmir
Aug 17, 2016

Dousing flames in #Kashmir

Role of media, civil society, political parties and business are significant in addition to Central and State governments in dousing the flames in Kas

Downturn demystified: Decoding the slowdown in the Indian economy
Sep 04, 2019

Downturn demystified: Decoding the slowdown in the Indian economy

Even though the government seems to be addressing concerns ailing the economy, the slowdown seems to be deeper than what the numbers suggest.

Do’s and Don’ts for India in Sri Lanka’s politico-economic crises
May 13, 2022

Do’s and Don’ts for India in Sri Lanka’s politico-economic crises

As the Sri Lankan crisis worsens with every passing hour, India could help the Sri Lankan state by extending further economic assistance.

Dr Jagdish Sheth predicts New Asian currency
Jul 21, 2008

Dr Jagdish Sheth predicts New Asian currency

World renowned management professor and author, Dr. Jagdish Sheth, delivered a lecture on "The Tectonic Shift: The New Geoeconomic Reality" at Observer Research Foundation. Dr. Sheth, Professor of Marketing in the Goizueta Business School, Atlanta, USA, and the author of 'Chindia Rising: How China and India will benefit your business' forecast a new geo-economic reality in the world driven by markets of emerging nations.

Dr. S. Jaishankar’s Africa sojourn demonstrates continuity in India-Africa engagement
Apr 18, 2023

Dr. S. Jaishankar’s Africa sojourn demonstrates continuity in India-Africa engagement

The regular high-level visits by diplomats to Africa showcase the importance India places on strengthening India-Africa ties

Dr. S. Jaishankar’s Inaugural Address at BRICS Academic Forum 2021
Aug 04, 2021

Dr. S. Jaishankar’s Inaugural Address at BRICS Academic Forum 2021

Address by External Affairs Minister at the inaugural session of BRICS Academic Forum 2021.

Dragon’s descent: Potential surge of Chinese investments in southern Bangladesh
May 03, 2024

Dragon’s descent: Potential surge of Chinese investments in southern Bangladesh

While Chinese investments can help in developing southern Bangladesh, it will create ripples in the geopolitics of the Bay of Bengal

Dragon’s dilemma: The vicious cycle of the Korean peninsula
Jun 28, 2017

Dragon’s dilemma: The vicious cycle of the Korean peninsula

For China, an economic backlash against South Korea is unlikely to provide any solution to the protracted crisis between the two Koreas.

Drastic reforms needed to bridge inequality
Apr 08, 2019

Drastic reforms needed to bridge inequality

The problems India is facing are hard to solve in the short term and only incremental changes can be undertaken in the five-year term of any government at the Centre. As per an Oxfam survey, India is a highly unequal country on all counts. There are inequalities in wealth, income and consumption as well as structural inequalities of opportunity, region and social groups.

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism
Jul 10, 2013

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism

The 'Elavarasan episode' in Tamil Nadu is a product of an electoral malady for which the political class would only offer words, not pro-active solutions. With greater educational opportunities and industrialisation nearer home rewriting the face of caste equations, the problem has worsened.

Drawing lines in the water
Jul 14, 2014

Drawing lines in the water

There are unlimited possibilities for strengthening maritime cooperation with Bangladesh and Myanmar - ranging from joint scientific research to environmental monitoring and from major trans-border projects to trilateral naval exercises. If Delhi decides to play for small stakes in the Bay of Bengal, it will deal itself out of the emerging great game in the east.

Drawing lines on the internet: Border conflicts and the politics behind digital maps
Jun 05, 2019

Drawing lines on the internet: Border conflicts and the politics behind digital maps

The act of referring to a country’s map is often a political statement.