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India, Russia cannot  give up on each other
Dec 28, 2012

India, Russia cannot give up on each other

If Putin and Manmohan Singh want to capture some of the magic of the past, it is imperative to look beyond government-to-government ties and engage the private sector as well as civil society. The India-Russia relationship is not only about defence or nuclear issues but about people.

India, Russia need to think strategically about Central Asia
Mar 04, 2013

India, Russia need to think strategically about Central Asia

Both India and Russia need to start thinking strategically about the Central Asian region, not letting emotions guide their foreign policy decisions. This was the consensus reached at a conference organised recently in Delhi.

India, Russia, here and now
Dec 10, 2014

India, Russia, here and now

As hard-boiled realists, Modi and Putin must acknowledge the new dynamic around them, find ways to limit its impact on the bilateral relationship and move quickly towards expanding the scope of their commercial ties and revitalising their cooperation in energy, defence and high-technology sectors.

India, Sri Lanka and the UNHRC
Mar 08, 2012

India, Sri Lanka and the UNHRC

''The Centre will consider the prevailing situation in Sri Lanka and the overall relationship between India and its island-neighbour while formulating its stand on the US-backed resolution against Sri Lanka in the UNHRC,''.

India, Sri Lanka ended up doing a favour to ISIS by not showing joint resolve to fight back
May 16, 2019

India, Sri Lanka ended up doing a favour to ISIS by not showing joint resolve to fight back

After the attacks, which killed more than 250 people, making it one of the most successful pro-ISIS attacks anywhere, information was leaked out to the Indian press that New Delhi shared intelligence with Colombo of an impending attack of similar nature.

India, Sri Lanka Working on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement: Sri Lanka Minister
Dec 17, 2007

India, Sri Lanka Working on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement: Sri Lanka Minister

India and Sri Lanka are now working on a comprehensive economic agreement following the success of the Free Trade Agreement of 1999. This was stated by Sri Lanka's Minister for Export Promotion and International Trade,

India, the startup nation
Apr 26, 2017

India, the startup nation

How will startups be able to achieve true, sustainable scale in India?

India, US drivers of globalisation: Strobe Talbott
Feb 10, 2005

India, US drivers of globalisation: Strobe Talbott

Mr. Strobe Talbott, President of Brookings Institution and former US deputy secretary of state, said that the improvement in Indo-US relations is not as real as it should be. Mr. Talbott was delivering a talk at the ORF Mumbai University on February 10, 2005.

India, US must go beyond geopolitics
Oct 01, 2014

India, US must go beyond geopolitics

Whatever Modi may want to do in the coming years is circumscribed by the fact that India does not have too many cards in its hands. It is not an oil-rich country, or one with some ideology to export. It is a poor country whose primary goal is to transform the lives of its people.

India- Bangladesh Joint Communiqué 2010: A Review
Feb 02, 2011

India- Bangladesh Joint Communiqué 2010: A Review

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's visit to India in January 2010 and the Joint Communiqué issued jointly by both the countries infused a renewed vigour in the bilateral relationship which, till then, was floundering.

India-Afghanistan engagement: New Beginnings
May 23, 2011

India-Afghanistan engagement: New Beginnings

PM Manmohan Singh's recent visit to Kabul and India's initiative to develop long-term strategic partnership will redefine India's relations with Afghanistan by giving it leverage in Kabul that it has not enjoyed in the past.

India-Afghanistan ties need a radical shift amidst Taliban talks
Sep 17, 2020

India-Afghanistan ties need a radical shift amidst Taliban talks

US special representative Zalmay Khalilzad’s visit, a mere formality, should act as a wake up call for Delhi.

India-Africa education partnership holds the key to a prosperous future
May 24, 2024

India-Africa education partnership holds the key to a prosperous future

As Africa strives to educate and upskill its youth population while struggling with several challenges, India can prove to be a good partner

India-Africa Forum Summit May 24-25, 2011
May 30, 2011

India-Africa Forum Summit May 24-25, 2011

At the second Africa-India Forum Summit held in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa on May 24-25, notable points for cooperation were established with hopes of further strengthening the longstanding relationship between India and African nations.

India-Africa Forum Summit: A landmark in boosting ties with Africa
Oct 26, 2015

India-Africa Forum Summit: A landmark in boosting ties with Africa

In an increasingly multi-polar world, Africa is an important partner for India on all global strategic issues. Africa is one of the fastest growing regions with huge natural resources. It offers not only resources to India's increasing needs but also a huge market for Indian firms for trade and investment.

India-Africa Forum Summit: A new twist to Modi's foreign policy?
Oct 20, 2015

India-Africa Forum Summit: A new twist to Modi's foreign policy?

With the upcoming 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS-III) this month, Prime Minister Modi is set to prove a point to the country that he indeed follows a proactive foreign policy with exuberance and austerity. IAFS-III seems to be critical for reshaping and nourishing historical India-Africa ties and is considered as not just another diplomatic event.

India-Africa Forum Summit: A new vision and a new strategy?
Nov 06, 2015

India-Africa Forum Summit: A new vision and a new strategy?

It has been a cliché to refer to India and Africa as natural partners. With the recent India-Africa Summit in Delhi, there is a chance to make it a reality. But for this, concerted action is needed on the parts of the governments, private sectors, civil societies, think tanks, academics and the media on both sides.

India-Africa partnership for food security: Beyond strategic concerns
Apr 24, 2020

India-Africa partnership for food security: Beyond strategic concerns

India and Africa’s complementary sectoral priorities and similar roles in the evolving global food markets present numerous opportunities for collaboration in the agricultural sector. This paper analyses the potential for India-Africa cooperation towards food security and capacity building. It makes an assessment of Indian partnership with African countries in the areas of agriculture and food security, outlines current initiatives in both regi

India-Africa Partnership For Food Security: Issues, Initiatives and Policy Directions
Jun 23, 2016

India-Africa Partnership For Food Security: Issues, Initiatives and Policy Directions

India has made significant strides in agricultural production since the days of green revolution and has valuable lessons to share with its development partners, including countries in the African continent. This paper argues that there is a strong rationale for India-Africa collaboration on food security, given their common challenges of hunger, undernutrition, and low productivity. The paper finds that India plays an important role in augmentin

India-ASEAN FTA in services: Beneficial for both
Jul 16, 2013

India-ASEAN FTA in services: Beneficial for both

With both the goods FTA and services FTA in place, India is well set on the path of a comprehensive economic partnership with ASEAN. India, whose services sector contributes about 55% to the country's GDP, has been keen to sign the services FTA with ASEAN as it will help the Indian companies tap the ASEAN markets easily.

India-ASEAN FTA in services: Good for the region, very good for India
Jul 31, 2013

India-ASEAN FTA in services: Good for the region, very good for India

The potential welfare gains arising from the services agreement appear to be in India's favour as well as for member economies of ASEAN. The policy focus of both ASEAN and the individual member nations has been on merchandise trade liberalisation, and on inducing foreign investment-led transfer of technology, which has so far resulted in low regional integration in services.

India-ASEAN FTA in Services: Leading to enhanced trade prospects
Oct 14, 2014

India-ASEAN FTA in Services: Leading to enhanced trade prospects

Amidst the challenges like less liberalised service sector of certain ASEAN members, there exists an opportunity for India to harness the gains from trade in services in the wake of the comparative advantage that it enjoys in certain services.

India-ASEAN naval cooperation: An important strategy
Jul 06, 2013

India-ASEAN naval cooperation: An important strategy

India holds a primary interest in the Freedom of Navigation through the South China Sea. It also has an economic interest in exploring hydrocarbon resources in the area. But how effective are India's role as the balancing actor that the ASEAN nations seek?

India-ASEAN relations in the maritime domain—an analysis
Nov 17, 2021

India-ASEAN relations in the maritime domain—an analysis

Both India and ASEAN need to act on the ample opportunities available to advance a cooperative and  mutually beneficial maritime relationship

India-Australia CECA: What is in store for Indian agriculture?
Jun 30, 2022

India-Australia CECA: What is in store for Indian agriculture?

In order to survive the competition posed by the Australian food sector in the level playing ground ushered by the CECA, the existing Indian agricultu

India-Australia rare earth supply chain collaboration
Jul 01, 2023

India-Australia rare earth supply chain collaboration

Australia and India as emerging partners can collaborate to strengthen the rare earth supply chain and build resilience

India-Australia security relations: They’ve only just begun
Oct 20, 2020

India-Australia security relations: They’ve only just begun

It’s fashionable to be pessimistic about the India-Australia partnership, but in fact it is steadily improving.

India-Australia strategic ties should stand alone, say experts
May 27, 2013

India-Australia strategic ties should stand alone, say experts

Experts at a seminar in Chennai felt that 'rogue Sates' like North Korea could alter the security architecture as well as the geo-strategic approach in Asia. And, in light of this uncertainty, evolving ties between nations like India, Japan, South Korea and Australia gain significance. It also stressed the need for Australia-India ties to be treated as a stand-alone development.

India-Bangladesh border trade tries to get back on track
May 14, 2020

India-Bangladesh border trade tries to get back on track

It seems very difficult to maintain social distancing while transferring goods.

India-Bangladesh Connectivity: A Year after Modi's Visit
Jun 18, 2016

India-Bangladesh Connectivity: A Year after Modi's Visit

Keeping in mind the historical and civilisational ties of India and Bangladesh and their geographic proximity, ORF-Kolkata undertook a year-long study on India-Bangladesh connectivity, using extensive field visits and interviews with relevant stakeholders. The findings of the study were collated in a report, titled, India-Bangladesh Connectivity: Possibilities and Challenges, and released just before the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

India-Bangladesh Cross-border Connectivity
Feb 06, 2015

India-Bangladesh Cross-border Connectivity

At the release event of the report on India-Bangladesh Connectivity: Possibilities and Challenges, participants stressed the need for leveraging the positive political climate and emphasised pro-active role of state governments in cross-border connectivity.

India-Bangladesh defence cooperation: Coming of age, at last?
Aug 21, 2023

India-Bangladesh defence cooperation: Coming of age, at last?

This brief analyses the efforts of India and Bangladesh to strengthen their defence cooperation, in the context of the series of agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two countries during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India in April 2017. Some quarters in both countries are sceptical about the agreements, citing the ineffectual Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Peace—often referred to as a ‘defenc

India-Bangladesh Dialogue on Security
Dec 06, 2009

India-Bangladesh Dialogue on Security

The main objective of the Dialogue was to explore the security perspectives of India and Bangladesh, with special focus on the threat of terrorism in the region

India-Bangladesh Energy Non-Cooperation
Sep 29, 2003

India-Bangladesh Energy Non-Cooperation

Indian diplomacy seems to be drawing a blank when it comes to regional cooperation involving fine diplomacy and seasoned statecraft. The recent events relating to India's attempts towards getting natural gas from Bangladesh and Myanmar and the negative response from Bangladesh suggest that it is unlikely to obtain any gesture of

India-Bangladesh Relations: Forging a model for South Asian relations
Sep 05, 2011

India-Bangladesh Relations: Forging a model for South Asian relations

Considering the great improvement in India's relations with Bangladesh, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, during his visit to Dhaka, should unilaterally offer to convert half of the $1 billion soft loan given to Bangladesh earlier into a grant and make the rest interest-free as a gesture of goodwill and friendship.

India-Bangladesh Relations: Past, Present and Future
May 15, 2008

India-Bangladesh Relations: Past, Present and Future

Farooq Sobhan, President of the Bangladesh Enterprise Institute and former Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, addressed the ORF Faculty on March 12, 2008. In his speech, he stressed on building a strong relationship between India and Bangladesh by encouraging greater connectivity and investments. Both countries, he felt, should leave behind the baggage of mistrust and neglect and recognise that they can gain much through a closer relationship.

India-Bangladesh Trans-Boundary River Management: Understanding the Tipaimukh Dam Controversy
Jan 18, 2020

India-Bangladesh Trans-Boundary River Management: Understanding the Tipaimukh Dam Controversy

This brief offers a way to rethink the ongoing dispute between India and Bangladesh over the former’s plan to build a high dam on River Barak (known as Surma-Kushiyara and Meghna in Bangladesh) at Tipaimukh in the state of Manipur. It identifies the origins of different sources of water for Bangladesh’s Haor, the region that is widely feared to be under threat by India’s planned dam. The brief recommends the conduct of a comprehensive study

India-Bhutan hydropower cooperation: Assessing the present scenario
Jul 07, 2022

India-Bhutan hydropower cooperation: Assessing the present scenario

Despite the strong bilateral ties between Bhutan and India, unfavourable opinions about India’s involvement in the hydropower sector are emerging.

India-Bhutan relations entering the digital age
Sep 19, 2019

India-Bhutan relations entering the digital age

Bhutan seeks to develop its digital and space sectors to fulfil the aspirations of its new generation and India has stepped up to facilitate this ende

India-Central Asia relations: Growing convergence brings relations to strategic heights
Jan 11, 2022

India-Central Asia relations: Growing convergence brings relations to strategic heights

The recently concluded India-Central Asia dialogue saw an upswing in areas of mutual cooperation  

India-China border issue: Stable yet sensitive
Jan 23, 2024

India-China border issue: Stable yet sensitive

While India and China continue their dialogue, tensions along the LAC remain high

India-China Connectivity: Past and Present
Aug 02, 2014

India-China Connectivity: Past and Present

The use of past to pitch present-day India-China interaction is not a very helpful strategy because the situations, political entities were different and the role of Buddhism was more complex than acknowledged, according to Dr. Tansen Sen of the City University New York.

India-China relations and the importance of diplomatic signaling
Jul 11, 2013

India-China relations and the importance of diplomatic signaling

China and India need to do more than repeatedly declaring outcomes of meetings as 'successful' and 'positive'. Talking things out straight will no doubt lead to friction and diplomatic parleys but at least it will be an enterprise in reality.

India-China Relations in the New Era
Dec 15, 2006

India-China Relations in the New Era

India and China have recognised their comparative and cooperative strengths - even while acknowledging their shared concerns and competitive edge, vis-a-vis each other, and when pitted against the rest of the world. Not surprisingly, the strategic community, in general, and policy makers, in particular, have been keenly engaged in following the developments related to the countries over the part four decades.

India-China Relations: Economics Is Not All
Sep 03, 2010

India-China Relations: Economics Is Not All

India and China do differ radically on the kind of Asian layout for the future. India work at an inclusive approach as opposed to China's exclusivist approach which appears directed against India, US and Japan.

India-China relations: Old ties, new model?
Aug 21, 2013

India-China relations: Old ties, new model?

It is fashionable in China today to speak of a 'new model' of great power relations, indeed of international relations as a whole. Applying this approach to India-China relations offers some interesting insights. Both at an abstract and practical level, the three propositions that constitute this 'new model' appear unexceptionable.