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Myanmar: Hope of a ceasefire agreement?
Apr 24, 2015

Myanmar: Hope of a ceasefire agreement?

The draft National Ceasefire Agreement was signed between the National Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) and Union Peace Working Committee (UPWC) on March 31. The draft was agreed upon by the two entities in President Thein Sein's presence.

Myanmar: In search of strategic balance, new identity
Nov 23, 2011

Myanmar: In search of strategic balance, new identity

As Myanmar attempts to build a new identity for itself, this will not only redefine its domestic future but will also allow realignment of its ties with external powers. The international community's support is important to further encourage the changes.

Myanmar: Marching towards the right direction
Apr 04, 2012

Myanmar: Marching towards the right direction

More than the thumping victories of Aung San Suu Kyi and her party candidates, the recent by-elections are yet another sign that Myanmar is forging ahead towards being a democratic nation. The pace of the reforms of President Thein Sein has surpised one and all.

Myanmar: Navy chief as VP, what does it mean?
Aug 24, 2012

Myanmar: Navy chief as VP, what does it mean?

The naming of Navy chief Vice-Admiral Nyan Tun, 58, as the Vice-President of Mya nmar has come as a rude surprise as well as a pleasant shock. Given the nature of this development, the nation itself would be examined under many lenses.

Myanmar: Past haunts over-cautious junta
Feb 07, 2014

Myanmar: Past haunts over-cautious junta

The military-led government in Myanmar, emerging from over a half century of absolutist rule, stands blemished following reports about the killing of over 49 Rohingya Muslims in the north-western part of the country.

Myanmar: Right time to lift sanctions?
Nov 20, 2010

Myanmar: Right time to lift sanctions?

The imposition of sanctions was intended to effect political change inside Myanmar, albeit unsuccessful, in the first place. And because the issue is how best to encourage change, perhaps, it is the right time to lift sanctions as incentive for change.

Myanmar: Suu Kyi needs to do more on her'healthy scepticism'
Jun 22, 2012

Myanmar: Suu Kyi needs to do more on her'healthy scepticism'

The reforms in Myanmar took yet another symbolic step in the past few weeks with Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and the nation's crusader for democracy, set foot for the first time outside the country in over 24 years.

Myanmar: The importance of Suu Kyi's India visit
Oct 26, 2012

Myanmar: The importance of Suu Kyi's India visit

Nobel Peace laureate and pro-democratic champion of Myanmar, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is expected to visit India in mid November. The dates are yet to be finalised. This would be Suu Kyi's first visit to India since her political carrier took a downward turn after the elections of 1990.

Myanmar: Tough road ahead for President Thein Sein
Apr 11, 2014

Myanmar: Tough road ahead for President Thein Sein

The country has already seen three years of Thein Sein government, a critical phase in the history of Myanmar, which back then was on the throes of transition to democracy.

Myanmar: Trade with India rising; much more needs to be done
Feb 20, 2015

Myanmar: Trade with India rising; much more needs to be done

Myanmar's bilateral engagement with India in trade has gained momentum since 2008 when political and economic reforms were launched in the former 'pariah' state. India-Myanmar trade has more than doubled in the last seven years and has crossed $2 billion in 2013-14,

Myanmar: Will another Panglong happen?
Feb 10, 2015

Myanmar: Will another Panglong happen?

In Myanmar, the present scenario presents the best opportunity to find resolution to its ethnic issue. Myanmar needs another Panglong agreement if the deep-seated wounds of the decades-long conflicts were to heal and so that the country can move on.

Myanmar: Xenophobia turns to Islamophobia
May 03, 2013

Myanmar: Xenophobia turns to Islamophobia

According to a recent report by a US Government commission, Myanmar is among the worst countries when it comes to religious freedom. However, there seems to be no debate on the issue and even the international community is treating it as an internal matter,

Myth of the Gujarat model miracle
Feb 13, 2013

Myth of the Gujarat model miracle

There is more to good governance than just Economic Freedom. Gujarat has not done too badly, but to claim that it is the "best governed state" is to be somewhat economical with the truth.

Myths and Realities in Climate Change Negotiations
Aug 26, 2009

Myths and Realities in Climate Change Negotiations

The Observer Research Foundation organized a round table discussion on Climate Change on August 26, 2009 at its New Delhi campus. The theme speaker was Mr. Owen Jenkins, Counsellor for Climate Change and Energy, British High Commission and the DFID.

Myths Surrounding Special Economic Zones
Jun 04, 2005

Myths Surrounding Special Economic Zones

Recently, the Special Economic Zones Bill 2005 has been passed by both Houses of Parliament and is awaiting the approval of the President. The purpose of having a separate Bill on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is to clarify all policy initiatives relating to such special zones so that many more foreign and domestic investors can establish their units in these areas. There are 11 functioning SEZs in the country already and they are producing 5 per

Nagaland has poorest maternal and child healthcare indicators in Northeast India
Feb 27, 2018

Nagaland has poorest maternal and child healthcare indicators in Northeast India

Nagaland needs a sociopolitical vision on health governance.

Naiveté In Srinagar
Aug 05, 2010

Naiveté In Srinagar

It is a cliché to say that the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is complex and that Kashmir is burning. But this is true also. The situation today is the result of political mismanagement, indifference and lessons not learnt over past few years after the security forces had brought the situation under control.

Name games Beijing plays with New Delhi
Apr 09, 2024

Name games Beijing plays with New Delhi

Timing chosen by China to resuscitate the boundary dispute is important. It hopes that the border row may find resonance in the public debate before the polls

Narendra Modi and his soaring popularity
May 28, 2019

Narendra Modi and his soaring popularity

Prime Minister Modi contested the recent parliamentary election with at least half-a-dozen prime ministerial aspirants representing the opposition vyi

Narendra Modi and India’s new climate change norms
Jul 18, 2019

Narendra Modi and India’s new climate change norms

At the start of the republic, India found a normative voice on the global stage through its moral stand against colonialism. Now a rising India needs

Narrow the Open Standards debate
Jun 24, 2012

Narrow the Open Standards debate

No one knows what an Open Standard is. If we don't define it explicitly in time, India's ambitious digital governance plans will surely derail.

Nasal Drug Delivery: A Life Altering Innovation
Sep 30, 2022

Nasal Drug Delivery: A Life Altering Innovation

As a simple, fast, reliable, and practical drug delivery vehicle, the nasal platform offers unmatched efficacy.

Nasheed Govt did not show courage to follow democracy
Jul 04, 2012

Nasheed Govt did not show courage to follow democracy

Maldives Dhivehi Rayyethunge Party (DRP) chief, Mr. Thasmeen Ali, has said that the first government under the new Constitution, the government of President Nasheed, did not display courage and patience to follow the path of democratic governance.

Nation States, Islamic States and Caliphates
Jul 15, 2014

Nation States, Islamic States and Caliphates

Do all states with Muslim majority have to be Islamic? Not necessarily, if you go by the examples of Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh. This points to one simple conclusion: if a country has a democratic polity, it is less likely to be Islamic.

National Approach to Naxal Issue Needed
Sep 14, 2005

National Approach to Naxal Issue Needed

The reluctance of, and inordinate delay by, the Union Government, to evolve a national approach and policy to tackle Naxalites of the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) is, indeed, baffling. Meanwhile, the Maoists¿ daring attacks, lethality, presence and influence have rapidly been rising; also, there is marked shift in their method of attack.

National security is about politics
Apr 29, 2019

National security is about politics

National security has always been a part of national politics. What has changed is only the way this issue is now playing out in the public domain.

National stakeholder dialogue on India's 'INDCs
May 07, 2015

National stakeholder dialogue on India's 'INDCs

Only a small trickle of INDCs has been submitted by other countries. So there isn't much by way of international examples for India to consider. The EU has said it will reduce its carbon emissions by 40% by 2030. Mexico has submitted both conditional and unconditional INDCs.

NATO and India: Partners for a peaceful, free, and democratic world
Feb 23, 2024

NATO and India: Partners for a peaceful, free, and democratic world

NATO and India share common values of freedom and democracy and an interest in a stable and secure Indo-Pacific

NATO arrives in Kashmir
Oct 28, 2005

NATO arrives in Kashmir

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) announced over the weekend a major airlift of relief supplies for Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.

Nature’s Coast Guard: Valuing and Financing Mangrove Conservation in the Indo-Pacific
Jun 20, 2024

Nature’s Coast Guard: Valuing and Financing Mangrove Conservation in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific, which holds most of the world’s mangroves, faces serious risks from natural disasters, including those related to the long-term sustainability of coastal communities and valuable ecosystems. Mangroves uphold biodiversity, support ecosystem functionality, and sustain local livelihoods; however, financing their conservation is proving to be a massive challenge. This report examines the ecosystem services provided by mangroves, i

Naval Aviation: In need of perspective
Apr 07, 2015

Naval Aviation: In need of perspective

In the light of the economic climate and the government's spending capabilities, the Indian Navy needs to comprehensively review the performance of the systems it wants to acquire and its potential trade-offs, rather than accessing each technical requirement or performance need in isolation.

Navigating e-commerce: What Alibaba can teach Indian businesses
Oct 04, 2013

Navigating e-commerce: What Alibaba can teach Indian businesses

To sequence Indian priorities on the FDI question is fairly simple. Consumer-centrism is paramount. Competitive SME sector growth, which will lead to job creation as well as value addition, is a strategic economic priority, which in turn can be aided by a strong e-commerce industry as has been witnessed in China.

Navigating India's strategic seas: The evolving role of the Navy
Jun 13, 2024

Navigating India's strategic seas: The evolving role of the Navy

The changing geopolitical realities of the 21st century have warranted the Navy’s rising profile in India’s strategic landscape.

Navigating India-Russia trust deficit
Feb 18, 2012

Navigating India-Russia trust deficit

One of the collaterals of the 2G verdict of the Supreme Court, which saw the revocation of 21 of Sistema Shyam Telecom?s 22 licenses, could be the flickering and faint Russian Interest in Indian business opportunity.

Navigating the  Digital 'Trilemma'
Oct 13, 2016

Navigating the Digital 'Trilemma'

Debates around internet policy have taken centre stage in domestic politics and international relations alike thus the stage is set for Digital Debate

Navigating the changing geo-economic landscape
Jan 28, 2016

Navigating the changing geo-economic landscape

This Special Report is based on some of the most important ideas shared amongst participants in ORF's roundtable on Changing Geoeconomic Landscapes, held on 21 December 2015 in New Delhi. The discussion examined current patterns in world economy, initiatives being taken by the Indian leadership to steer domestic economy, and the need for the country to carefully integrate its domestic economic priorities, including those of reforms, with its fore

Navigating the terror threat: Russia and India in Afghanistan
Jun 29, 2024

Navigating the terror threat: Russia and India in Afghanistan

Taliban’s reluctance or inability to deal with Afghan-based terror outfits for public posturing has now led to closer India-Russia cooperation on co

Navigating through hawks like Pompeo
Jun 25, 2019

Navigating through hawks like Pompeo

India needs to clearly highlight its boundaries to the US to avoid being a collateral damage.

Navy accidents: Who is to blame?
Mar 01, 2014

Navy accidents: Who is to blame?

With the building of Scorpene submarine getting delayed to early 2016 and the possibility of the futuristic P 75I project unlikely to fructify, the country must be ready to face serious compromises on the underwater maritime security front.