Search: For - south asia

795 results found

India’s dilemma in Maldives
Feb 13, 2018

India’s dilemma in Maldives

Maldivian President Yameen Abdullah Gayoom’s rejection of the Supreme Court’s decision to release the jailed opposition leaders to ensure a free and fair presidential elections later this year has brought to head the country’s brewing estrangement with its traditional ally, India. India faces a dilemma: How must it deal with the situation in Maldives? This report examines India’s options in the context of China’s expanding power in the

India’s lack of ‘strategic trust’ in neighbourhood
Jul 07, 2020

India’s lack of ‘strategic trust’ in neighbourhood

The ‘structural imbalance’ in South Asia is a contribution of geography and political history — but also has a deeper context and meaning.

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot
Aug 08, 2019

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot

India’s decision to revoke Article 370 giving special status to Jammu & Kashmir has put Pakistan on the back foot, dealt New Delhi back into the Sou

India’s Northeast: Gateway to Connectivity with Eastern Neighbours
Mar 29, 2023

India’s Northeast: Gateway to Connectivity with Eastern Neighbours

India’s Northeast Region (NER) can serve as a pivotal connecting space between India and its neighbours to the east in South Asia, as well as to East and Southeast Asia and beyond, enhancing the country’s diplomatic, infrastructural, and commercial engagements. This paper makes an assessment of NER’s cross-border land connectivity initiatives with Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan—all members of the Bay of Bengal Initiative f

Indo-Nepal relations
Dec 01, 2003

Indo-Nepal relations

Nepal's outgoing Ambassador in India, HE Mr Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, gave an impassioned call to all countries in the South Asian region to cooperate in curbing, if not eliminating, the culture of violence and fighting insurrectionists. 'Weapons do not respect sovereign borders'

Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022: An Analysis
May 23, 2022

Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022: An Analysis

The US recently released the Indo-Pacific strategy, indicating its continued interest in the region and allaying the fears of its allies in South Asia

Indo-Pak ties: From incrementalism to big vision
Dec 20, 2012

Indo-Pak ties: From incrementalism to big vision

As a precursor to the wider project of energy cooperation between Central Asia and South Asia, India and Pakistan must take baby steps towards energy trading as part of their ongoing trade liberalisation. Petro-products delivered by Indian refineries in the north and west to Punjab and Sindh regions would save Pakistan at least $14 per barrel of oil.

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?
Feb 13, 2020

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?

In countering India’s efforts to dominate South Asian waters, China may be seeking a grand bargain: allow each side control over their respective littorals – the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea – and the maintenance of respective constabulary presences

Is the United States finally playing its cards right in Southeast Asia?
Dec 22, 2021

Is the United States finally playing its cards right in Southeast Asia?

Moving beyond the anti-China rhetoric, US has attempted to enhance its diplomacy efforts towards Southeast Asia as a whole.

Jane's Intelligence Review report on  Terrorism
Apr 28, 2004

Jane's Intelligence Review report on Terrorism

In its June 2004 issue, Jane¿s Intelligence Review, has carried a report on the "Workshop on International Terrorism in South East Asia and its likely Implications for South Asia"

Kerry's trip to Asia: An exercise in reassuring allies
Feb 19, 2014

Kerry's trip to Asia: An exercise in reassuring allies

India should be watching Mr John Kerry's trip to Asia with interest considering that the US and China have just held a dialogue on South Asia, even as the US has refused to hold a bilateral dialogue with India on East Asia in the last year.

Lacunae in law: LGBTQ+ community’s right to adoption
Sep 09, 2022

Lacunae in law: LGBTQ+ community’s right to adoption

By following in Denmark's footsteps, India can set a precedent for South Asian countries with regard to same-sex adoption.

Let’s BIMSTEC Together
Mar 28, 2022

Let’s BIMSTEC Together

After the marginalisation of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) since 2016 owing to tensions between India and Pakistan, a search for alternative regional collaborations led India to Bimstec.

Local political economy biggest non-tariff barrier
Mar 04, 2014

Local political economy biggest non-tariff barrier

To check non-tariff barriers in the south Asian region, India being the largest economy in the region must take the lead, but other partners must extend cooperation and come together on a common platform.

Locating Sri Lanka in Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
Aug 14, 2023

Locating Sri Lanka in Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

As China’s rise threatens the democratic rules, values, and institutions that have shaped the post-war world order, the United States (US) is increasing its outreach in the Indo-Pacific region. Distant South Asian island nations such as Sri Lanka are today receiving greater attention from the US. This brief seeks to bridge the gap in the literature on the US’s Sri Lanka policy and highlights how the current US government positions Sri Lanka i

Malabar naval exercise: Powerplay in the Indo-Pacific region
Jul 20, 2017

Malabar naval exercise: Powerplay in the Indo-Pacific region

Maritime power projection, and not sea denial, is the answer to China’s creeping assertiveness in South Asia.

Maldives: Reading China's 'Indian signals' wrong?
Nov 26, 2014

Maldives: Reading China's 'Indian signals' wrong?

The unresolved India-China border dispute brings China closer to the Indian Ocean in every political and geo-strategic calculation of nations like Maldives and Sri Lanka, even though they are not as close to both the 'Asian giants' as the rest of India's South Asian neighbours.

Modi and CHOGM 2018: Reimagining the Commonwealth HARSH V. PANTAKSHAY RANADE
Aug 20, 2023

Modi and CHOGM 2018: Reimagining the Commonwealth HARSH V. PANTAKSHAY RANADE

Ties between India and Japan are historical and enduring. In the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), the leaders of the two countries have married their respective countries’ “Act East” Policy and “Free and Open Indo Pacific” aspirations. The AAGC is envisioned to provide a renewed opportunity for partnership where both regions can complement each other’s development and growth.  The AAGC will bring out the economic gains for Afr

Modi's regionalism
Nov 26, 2014

Modi's regionalism

To improve South Asian regional cooperation, Modi has three options. The first is to focus on a two-speed Saarc. The second is to build on transregional institutions like the BIMSTEC. However, it is the third way -- unilateral action -- that offers Modi the greatest opportunity. For example, Modi has already proposed to build a Saarc satellite for use by its neighbours.

Modi, Mahinda, and more...
May 26, 2014

Modi, Mahinda, and more...

India's Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi, has set a healthy precedent for all of South Asia to follow by inviting all Neighbourhood leaders for his inauguration, including Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Moratorium on Chinese research ships and Buddhist soft power diplomacy in Sri Lanka
Feb 01, 2024

Moratorium on Chinese research ships and Buddhist soft power diplomacy in Sri Lanka

China aims to use a Buddhist narrative to push forward its geopolitical and geoeconomic ambitions in the South Asian region

Nationalism in Pakistan: Dimensions of Failure
Jul 22, 2023

Nationalism in Pakistan: Dimensions of Failure

Pakistan has for long been grappling with several fundamental problems without any visible signs of overcoming them. Its economic, social and political indicators are amongst the lowest in the world. In its conflicts with India, which it perceives as its sworn enemy, all its tactics have proven to be of insignificant success, as has its intrusive attempts to control Kabul so as to gain strategic depth in Afghanistan. The successive governments' m

Need for public debate on the EU-India FTA
Nov 19, 2011

Need for public debate on the EU-India FTA

With the good news from the 17th SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) meeting in the Maldives about the future effective implementation of the South Asian Free Trade Area agreement, trade relations among member-countries will get a big boost.

Nepal: Is Biden’s win win-win for the Himalayan Republic?
Nov 25, 2020

Nepal: Is Biden’s win win-win for the Himalayan Republic?

The situation now seems to be ripe to reorient the relationship by instilling new foreign policy mechanisms that can be helpful for not only the US an

Nepal: What BIMSTEC Summit means for the country
Mar 14, 2014

Nepal: What BIMSTEC Summit means for the country

The south Asian region has been a region of disjointed congruity for decades. Efforts at integrating the countries that make up the region have been in place through a variety of mechanisms such as diplomatic efforts, regional and sub-regional organisations.

New friends
Dec 29, 2017

New friends

The Maldives became the second country in South Asia, after Pakistan, to enter into a free trade agreement with China. The Yameen government pushed the FTA through the nation's Parliament, the Majlis, stealthily, with the opposition not attending the parliamentary session.

New urban climate policy: Making our cities “Tall, Green and Walkable
Jun 06, 2024

New urban climate policy: Making our cities “Tall, Green and Walkable

Over the next two decades, as most Indian cities will urbanise, we have a window of opportunity of making the cities “Tall, Green and Walkable”.

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance
Dec 24, 2017

Not promoting, not exporting: India’s democracy assistance

India is commonly — and rightly — considered as a reluctant democracy promoter. But while sceptical about the motives behind Western attempts to promote democracy and about the effects of their democracy promotion efforts, India has since the mid-2000s moved warily to involve itself in “democracy assistance”. This article argues that New Delhi has engaged in these activities in the context of a wider shift in strategy, in parallel with t

Nurturing sustainable food systems amidst climate change and global food demand
Aug 31, 2023

Nurturing sustainable food systems amidst climate change and global food demand

There is an urgent need for sustainable and resilient food systems to guarantee sustainable diets that are nutritious and aligned with the evolving ec

Pak Jihadis have Dirty Bomb
Jul 10, 2003

Pak Jihadis have Dirty Bomb

On April 3 this year, a one-day conference was organised in Washington by the South Asian Studies department of the John Hopkins University. One of the sessions was on Pakistan, specifically on the safety of its nuclear installations.

Pakistan's naval transformation: Dangerous delusions, soaring ambitions
Dec 12, 2016

Pakistan's naval transformation: Dangerous delusions, soaring ambitions

The combination of dangerous delusions, soaring ambitions and a fatal nuclear obsession could spark another round of strategic brinkmanship in South Asia, with disastrous consequences for regional security. Navy is supposed to be the new domain for another round of brinkmanship

Pakistan’s Afghan dilemma haunts the Islamabad-Rawalpindi nexus
May 09, 2022

Pakistan’s Afghan dilemma haunts the Islamabad-Rawalpindi nexus

Pakistan’s strategic calculations in Afghanistan have backfired, leaving it entangled in the complexities of the South Asian geopolitics.

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options
Jun 25, 2024

Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons limit India’s conventional military options

Pakistan’s TNWs could deter India's conventional military superiority, preventing territorial gains. The threat of tactical nuclear escalation might

Playing a losing game
Feb 01, 2022

Playing a losing game

India should turn focus from Central Asia to South Asia or Indian Ocean Region

PM's China Visit: BRICS and the Bilateral Dynamics
Apr 13, 2011

PM's China Visit: BRICS and the Bilateral Dynamics

India has to be realistic enough to understand that heightened engagement between India and China in BRICS or any other multilateral fora has serious limitations - limitations imposed by the underlying Chinese objective of keeping India bogged down in South Asia as a regional power.

Post-War Sri Lanka: A Resurgent Nation
Jul 12, 2010

Post-War Sri Lanka: A Resurgent Nation

South Asia comprises of eight countries-Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Except for India and to an extent, Pakistan given our obsession with it, we know very little about other countries of South Asia.

President Ghani's India visit sends strong message to region
Sep 21, 2016

President Ghani's India visit sends strong message to region

President Ghani's visit to India marks a radical shift in the policy of Afganistan towards India and is a game-changer in South Asia.

Regional integration: Future prospects
Nov 02, 2016

Regional integration: Future prospects

The need for regional integration is now BIMSTEC countries to make up for the deficit created by a crippled SAARC in South Asia

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations
Aug 05, 2014

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations

The new Indian approach to Nepal, and to the South Asian region, form a core of the Modi government's foreign and security policy. The goal is to bind them closer to India through a web of economic relationships. To implement this vision, Modi also needs to untangle political issues that have bedevilled relations between India and them.

Revitalising BIMSTEC through Cultural Connectivity from Northeast India
May 11, 2023

Revitalising BIMSTEC through Cultural Connectivity from Northeast India

India’s Northeast has often been described as the region where South Asia and Southeast Asia meet. Indeed, sharing much of its border with neighbouring countries, the northeastern states are economically and culturally integrated with Southeast Asia. This brief examines the role of India’s Northeast in strengthening the country’s relations with its partners in the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC

Rewards for Pakistan, punishment for Afghans
Jul 10, 2019

Rewards for Pakistan, punishment for Afghans

While the old thinking on Pakistan is back in the US, the Afghan government is being seen as a hindrance in US' South Asia policy.

Right time for India-Pakistan compromise: Moeed Yusuf
Aug 08, 2014

Right time for India-Pakistan compromise: Moeed Yusuf

Pakistan is now more focussed on its internal issues and this gives India more space to reach a compromise with its neighbour. Pakistan is also no longer in the same competitive position as it was in the 1990, says Dr. Moeed Yusuf, Head of the South Asia Studies Programme at the United States Institute of Peace.

Rohingya crisis a test for India’s ability to balance self-interest and neighbour’s expectation
Sep 20, 2017

Rohingya crisis a test for India’s ability to balance self-interest and neighbour’s expectation

Myanmar and Bangladesh are active partners in India’s Act-east policy, projects envisaging connectivity between the Southeast with South Asia and countering insurgency in north-east

SAARC 'A Non Starter
Dec 08, 2004

SAARC 'A Non Starter

SAARC conjures up an image of jamborees and no results. The South Asian Association of Regional cooperation with its seven members ( India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh) remains one of the most dysfunctional trade blocs and there is hardly any freedom of movement of goods, services and people. The next (13th) SAARC summit is going to be held in Dhaka in the beginning of January 2005.

SAARC countries need to do much more to fight terrorism
Mar 20, 2012

SAARC countries need to do much more to fight terrorism

India has said that the regional efforts to counter terrorism in South Asia continue to face significant challenges though there are various SAARC frameworks on suppression of terrorism since 1987.

SAARC energy agreement: What should be the next steps?
Dec 08, 2014

SAARC energy agreement: What should be the next steps?

The SAARC energy agreement signed may have given some hope for the realisation of energy cooperation in South Asia. But, it needs to be understood that an overarching agreement has little impact on project-based cooperation, owing to the centrality of India in the South Asian geography.

SAARC Summit: Finally, some positive movements
Nov 18, 2011

SAARC Summit: Finally, some positive movements

The 17th SAARC Summit was held at Addu Atoll, Maldives on the 10th and 11th of November 2011. The venue, in the words of the Bhutanese Prime Minister, reflected the vastness of South Asia.

SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The search for the ideal platform for regional cooperation
Aug 17, 2023

SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The search for the ideal platform for regional cooperation

The failure of SAARC to nurture cooperation in South Asia has pushed regional players to search for an alternative.  BIMSTEC, grouping the nations in the Bay of Bengal region, is popularly favoured as the viable option. Two decades since its inception, however, BIMSTEC’s successes have been minimal. How workable is BIMSTEC as an option for pursuing regional cooperation in South Asia? Are SAARC and BIMSTEC competitors or do they complement each

SAARC: The Way Ahead
Sep 15, 2023

SAARC: The Way Ahead

SAARC is nearly 30 years old yet is still weak. Today, South Asia is one of the world's least integrated regions. Members have weak economic ties, issues of national identity persist, and political tensions remain. What lies ahead for SAARC?