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#JammuKashmir: कश्मीर घाटी में टेरर फाइनैंसिंग, नार्कोटिक्स और इंटेलिजेंस नेटवर्क
Jul 21, 2022

#JammuKashmir: कश्मीर घाटी में टेरर फाइनैंसिंग, नार्कोटिक्स और इंटेलिजेंस नेटवर्क

Jammu and Kashmir: आतंकवादियों को उपलब्ध वित्तीय सहायता (Terror Financing in Kashmir)

#श्रीलंका की आर्थिक-राजनीतिक दुर्दशा के बाद दुनिया के कई मुल्‍कों में बजी ख़तरे की घंटी!
Jul 20, 2022

#श्रीलंका की आर्थिक-राजनीतिक दुर्दशा के बाद दुनिया के कई मुल्‍कों में बजी ख़तरे की घंटी!

ख़ुशहाल और समृद्ध देशों में शुमार श्रीलंका की आर्थिक बदहाली के बाद दुनिया के इन मुल्‍कों की चिंता बढ़ गई है. इसमें पाकिस्तान और नेपाल भी शामिल हैं. बता दें कि श्रीलंका अपनी आ�

'Externalising' the national agenda ?
Oct 04, 2004

'Externalising' the national agenda ?

There is a lot to feel hopeful about the maiden meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Pervez Musharaff in distant New York. If the two nations needed to move ahead with the peace process, set in motion by predecessor Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh needed the personal chemistry working with Musharaff. At the end of the day, both said it did work.

'Memogate' raises questions over civilian government
Dec 15, 2011

'Memogate' raises questions over civilian government

Pakistan's "memogate" controversy has raised questions about the strength of the country's civilian government. This has been admitted even by Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar.

03 मार्च: पाकिस्तान के कथित ‘लोकतंत्र’ में संवैधानिक बदनामी का दिन!
Apr 05, 2022

03 मार्च: पाकिस्तान के कथित ‘लोकतंत्र’ में संवैधानिक बदनामी का दिन!

इमरान ख़ान के ख़िलाफ़ अविश्वास प्रस्ताव ख़ारिज होने से प

10 themes that will dominate headlines in 2018
Jan 02, 2018

10 themes that will dominate headlines in 2018

If 2017 saw the rise of the ‘spin’ — any event or news was butchered and battered until it yielded a pre-determined narrative — 2018 will see

1971 war history: Some overlooked issues
Dec 27, 2011

1971 war history: Some overlooked issues

While enough has come out with regard to the 1971 India-Pakistan conflict, it is imperative to ensure that the humane side of 1971 is brought to the fore, though this may not have any bearing on policy making and future geo-political developments.

2004 : State of Jihadi Terrorism
Jan 02, 2004

2004 : State of Jihadi Terrorism

There has been no credible evidence so far of any mastermind having orchestrated the various serious acts of jihadi terrorism reported during 2003, whether from Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iraq or Turkey. The available evidence indicates that all these incidents were planned and executed by local elements, which share the pan-Islamic ideology of Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and the International Islamic Front (IIF), b

50 years of Pokhran I: Revisiting India's peaceful nuclear explosion
May 30, 2024

50 years of Pokhran I: Revisiting India's peaceful nuclear explosion

India's nuclear odyssey should be understood through the lens of geopolitical tensions, technological ambitions, and ethical dilemmas

A balance of forces: The very meaning of ‘victory’ and ‘defeat’ in a war has changed. Ask the Americans
Feb 01, 2020

A balance of forces: The very meaning of ‘victory’ and ‘defeat’ in a war has changed. Ask the Americans

Even short of nuclear war, it is open to debate if India, the preponderant South Asian military power, has the capacity to beat Pakistan at this juncture.

A cold handshake
Nov 18, 2013

A cold handshake

As Salman Khurshid pointed out to Sartaj Aziz, Pakistan has to demonstrate its bona fides by putting an end to the large number of incidents on the LoC.

A Commando turns a Statesman?
Apr 19, 2005

A Commando turns a Statesman?

That is the question that should be uppermost in the minds of analysts as they analyse the outcome of Pakistani President Gen.Pervez Musharraf's visit to India from April 16 to 18, 2005, and compare it with his first visit in 2001, which ended in a fiasco at Agra.

A Conceptual Relook at the Indian Army’s Terminal Air Defence
Dec 22, 2022

A Conceptual Relook at the Indian Army’s Terminal Air Defence

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has underlined the emerging realities of states’ air defence needs, including those for medium- and long-range air defence missile systems. The most important facet in the domain of air defence relates to terminal air defence—or the defence of a single object or a limited area like a ship, building or an airfield, now usually against air attacks and guided missiles. This report underscores the need for India to

A Conceptual Relook at the Indian Army’s Terminal Air Defence
Dec 27, 2022

A Conceptual Relook at the Indian Army’s Terminal Air Defence

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has underlined the emerging realities of states’ air defence needs, including those for medium- and long-range air defence missile systems. The most important facet in the domain of air defence relates to terminal air defence—or the defence of a single object or a limited area like a ship, building or an airfield, now usually against air attacks and guided missiles. This report underscores the need for India to

A day of constitutional infamy
Apr 04, 2022

A day of constitutional infamy

With the No-Confidence Motion against the Imran-led government dismissed, Pakistan descends further into political turmoil.

A Deal too Far?
Mar 02, 2006

A Deal too Far?

On the eve of President George W. Bush's visit to India and Pakistan, both sides are racing to complete the nuclear agreement announced in the July, 18, 2005 communiqué between Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the time he reaches

A largely inconsequential Lakhvi
Apr 22, 2015

A largely inconsequential Lakhvi

Certainly, the Government of India should vehemently object to Lakhvi's release, as it has rightly done. But to expect that such objections will have any substantive impact on Pakistan, is silly. India must keep its guard up.

A low risk Pak retaliation to NATO attacks
Dec 02, 2011

A low risk Pak retaliation to NATO attacks

Pakistan has no option but to respond to public outrage. Blocking of the two NATO supply routes to Afghanistan and denying the use of a Baloch airfield to the CIA is actually a low risk retaliation when Iran, Hezbullah, Syria are much more in the eye of a huge, global storm.

A Mirage or a  Reality ?
Dec 30, 2003

A Mirage or a Reality ?

The closing months of the year 2003 saw a change in the language of the discourse emanating from the Pakistani establishment in general and its military dictator Gen.Pervez Musharraf in particular

A New Year gift to Syria: A possible agreement?
Dec 28, 2012

A New Year gift to Syria: A possible agreement?

The US is entering its trickiest phase in the Af-Pak region, where elections are due in both, Pakistan and Afghanistan just around the time Washington has set for its troops to depart. Can troops depart without an overt or covert understanding with Iran which has a long border with Afghanistan?

A peace pact waiting to be made
Jan 17, 2006

A peace pact waiting to be made

As the foreign secretaries from India and Pakistan try this week to sustain the peace process amidst growing mutual suspicion, the Siachen question offers one potential area where recent progress could be consolidated. Discussions on the demilitarisation of the Siachen conflict zone have been proceeding slowly but surely towards a political agreement, even though the pace is too gradual to satisfy pragmatic analysts in both countries.

A peep into Sheikh Mujib's assassination
Apr 01, 2013

A peep into Sheikh Mujib's assassination

While there was no question of any rapprochement between Bangladesh and Pakistan, there are Muslim diehard elements in Bangladesh who draw their inspiration from Pakistan. These elements aim to strike at the very basic concept of Bangladesh.

A Possible Taleban interlocutor
Aug 23, 2010

A Possible Taleban interlocutor

The unspeakable tragedy of the floods in Pakistan, on a scale unknown to man, has dwarfed much else in the region: 100 shot dead in three days of political, ethnic and sectarian violence in Karachi,

A Reluctant Warrior
Jul 29, 2005

A Reluctant Warrior

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf's address to the nation on July 22 - as the people of London reeled from a second series of blasts at underground train stations - betrayed a sense of anxiety, a clear shift to address the Islamic community and an unwitting admission of failure in the war on terrorism.Wilson John

A reset of Gilgit-Baltistan’s relationship with Islamabad
Feb 15, 2019

A reset of Gilgit-Baltistan’s relationship with Islamabad

The political-intellectual discourse of the region had over the years evolved a historical disconnect with Kashmir — somewhat inherent, some enginee

A shadow over Chabahar’s fate
Jan 23, 2018

A shadow over Chabahar’s fate

Afghanistan’s willingness to accept China’s offer to join its ambitious China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the possibility of Russian support to Chabahar lends a new nuance to the contestation brewing between India, China and Pakistan.

A soft coup in Islamabad: Army the clear winner
Aug 02, 2017

A soft coup in Islamabad: Army the clear winner

The Supreme Court's decision has given a huge jolt to the fragile democratic system. And, Sharif's political legacy is lying in tatters.

A strong India-US partnership is the best balancer to China’s growing power
Jan 24, 2018

A strong India-US partnership is the best balancer to China’s growing power

America’s global hegemony is the sum total of its domination in various regions of the world like Europe, Middle East, or East Asia. Today when the Americans look at East Asia, they see a hugely enriched and militarily powerful China increasingly challenging them.

A. Q. Khan: The Ghost that Continues to Haunt
Dec 21, 2004

A. Q. Khan: The Ghost that Continues to Haunt

Dr.A. Q. Khan, the self-styled father of Pakistan's atomic bomb, is back in the headlines following a statement disseminated by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a group opposed to the present regime in Teheran, on November 17, 2004, that between 1994 and 1996 (Mrs.Benazir Bhutto was then in power) Dr. Khan gave Iran a Chinese-developed nuclear warhead design.

Achieving a strategic shift in Islamabad should be India's goal
Oct 20, 2016

Achieving a strategic shift in Islamabad should be India's goal

With surgical strikes becoming a tactical success the real triumph will be in achieving a strategic shift in Islamabad

Addressing Dhaka
Jun 24, 2014

Addressing Dhaka

Bangladesh offers a rare strategic opportunity to transform the geopolitics of the subcontinent. A comprehensive partnership with Dhaka might be the key that will eventually open the door to a productive engagement with Pakistan.

Afghan President's Taliban predicament
Apr 20, 2015

Afghan President's Taliban predicament

More than six months into his tenure, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is possibly as far from achieving a breakthrough with the Taliban. There is no unanimity in the Taliban for peace talks. And Pakistan's failure to bring the Taliban to the table could possibly be a reflection of its limited influence over the group and a bigger obstacle to the talks may be the Taliban itself.

Afghan situation likely to become complicated, says Chinese scholar
Apr 20, 2011

Afghan situation likely to become complicated, says Chinese scholar

Cautioning that the security situation in Afghanistan may become complicated in future, Chinese scholars said since both India and China have interests in that country, it could provide an opportunity for both to play a bigger role, setting aside the disagreements regarding Pakistan.

Afghanistan and the region’s future is tied to Hydro-Diplomacy
Oct 16, 2021

Afghanistan and the region’s future is tied to Hydro-Diplomacy

The role that water can play in the direction that the Taliban takes, be it towards Iran, Pakistan or China, cannot and must not be discounted

Afghanistan Today & Tomorrow
Oct 11, 2010

Afghanistan Today & Tomorrow

Saeed Naqvi, Distinguished Fellow at ORF, recently journeyed across Afghanistan where he met scores of political leaders, Taleban, US officials, filmmakers, journalists, NGOs, religious leaders and ordinary Afghans. The result is an insightful document on Afghanistan at the crossroads. Do Americans have an Endgame planned? Or, more important, can a superpower in a theatre of strategic importance, have a linear exit plan when multiple strategic op

Afghanistan-today and tomorrow
Sep 17, 2010

Afghanistan-today and tomorrow

The US is unlikely to withdraw from Afghanistan, and the unstated reason for its prolonged stay in the area is to ensure the stability of nuclear Pakistan.

Afghanistan: Anxiety over possible economic collapse and Taliban take-over
May 25, 2013

Afghanistan: Anxiety over possible economic collapse and Taliban take-over

The security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and there is an overall sense of anxiety about a possible economic collapse and a Taliban takeover. The role of Pakistan and China will add to India's challenging task to ensure stability in Afghanistan in the next few years.

Afghanistan: Reconciliation process and Indian concerns
Jan 11, 2013

Afghanistan: Reconciliation process and Indian concerns

The recent developments in the Afghan reconciliation process have evoked a new sense of optimism regarding a peaceful solution to the conflict in the country. First, there was the release of 26 prisoners, in batches, by Pakistan and then the two-day talks in Paris,

Afghanistan: Talking to the enemy
Feb 02, 2012

Afghanistan: Talking to the enemy

The US position on Afghanistan has many weaknesses. Having announced prematurely that the US would withdraw in 2011, efforts at backtracking have only meant that the locals and their Pakistani masters believe that it is a matter of time before the US and NATO will leave.

Afghanistan: The way out Give guarantees for its neutrality
Dec 31, 2009

Afghanistan: The way out Give guarantees for its neutrality

The people of Afghanistan have not forgotten what the Taliban did to them and their country when they ruled Afghanistan with Pakistan's political and military support. The Taliban are not popular in Afghanistan.

After a hot summer, the Valley is on the boil in winter too
Jan 14, 2019

After a hot summer, the Valley is on the boil in winter too

The operational success of the security forces is commendable, but their real test would be against the hard-core and well-trained JeM and LeT terrori

After al-Zawahiri, what lies next for al-Qaeda
Aug 30, 2022

After al-Zawahiri, what lies next for al-Qaeda

The top job for now will possibly go to someone already blessed by Zawahiri, but the future al-Qaeda could be much more Afghanistan-Pakistan centric as the group looks towards a new era of ideological and operational leadership

After attacks, Afghan endgame seems more of a mirage
Apr 20, 2012

After attacks, Afghan endgame seems more of a mirage

The high table at the NATO Summit at Chicago will discuss some withdrawal agenda, but the real policy towards Afghanistan and Pakistan will only be delineated when the new administration takes charge in Washington in November.

After Balakot strike, time to de-escalate
Feb 28, 2019

After Balakot strike, time to de-escalate

Any future terrorist attack could be met by a response to a contour shaped by the Balakot action.

After Doklam, the road ahead is paved with bumps
Oct 12, 2017

After Doklam, the road ahead is paved with bumps

While India handled the Doklam face-off with a great degree of maturity and restraint, India cannot afford to let its guard down.