Search: For - China

4498 results found

Comparing Erdogan’s outreach to India and China
Sep 09, 2020

Comparing Erdogan’s outreach to India and China

Erdogan’s current stance vis a vis the Uighurs is unrecognisable to his previous position. The rationale behind this turnabout? Trade.

Competition with China not antagonism: S M Krishna
Jul 01, 2010

Competition with China not antagonism: S M Krishna

The foreign minister said the boundary issue between the two countries has not prevented mutually beneficial and functional cooperation in a number of areas

Containment policy may fail to deter China
Aug 18, 2020

Containment policy may fail to deter China

China has been less harmed by the tariff war than was expected, and it has been remarkably resistant to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is the only economy in the IMF’s World Economic Outlook update that is likely to have a positive growth rate of 1 per cent in 2020. This has probably reinforced Xi’s belief that a strong one-party state is better able to handle the challenges. He has also pushed state-owned market enterprises to follow market rules

Containment threat to China
Dec 22, 2020

Containment threat to China

The Chinese are now seeking to finesse a situation where their continued economic growth requires them to open up their service and financial sectors in the world, while preventing their adversaries from using this to undermine the CPC control of China.

Continental China
Sep 19, 2013

Continental China

Even as China becomes a maritime power to reckon with, Beijing has no desire to give up on its continental aspirations. Chinese President Xi Jinping's continuing tour of Central Asia this past week showcased the nation's rise at the heart of the Eurasian landmass.

Cooperation between Japan and India from the perspective of geoeconomics in the intensifying US-China hegemony competition
Mar 20, 2021

Cooperation between Japan and India from the perspective of geoeconomics in the intensifying US-China hegemony competition

Japan wants to assist India to improve the investment climate to attract more FDI so that New Delhi can be linked more closely with Japan–ASEAN-based supply chains.

Cooperation with China important for India's Eurasian energy policy
May 27, 2014

Cooperation with China important for India's Eurasian energy policy

For Russia and even Central Asian countries, China can act as a catalyst to market their hydrocarbon resources to South Asia and beyond, opening an opportunity for gas exports too. Russia's $400 billion gas deal with China is a case in point.

Cordial yet cold: Explaining China's aversion to international sanction regimes
Nov 03, 2014

Cordial yet cold: Explaining China's aversion to international sanction regimes

China has sometimes been cordial to sanction imposers depending on the issue-salience of the sanction, yet its posture towards international sanctions regimes remains cold, especially when they conflict with its national interests.

Corrective justice: Can China be held responsible for COVID-19?
May 13, 2020

Corrective justice: Can China be held responsible for COVID-19?

It may be more useful to discern the outstanding issues with global health governance, and revamp WHO’s powers to improve surveillance and complianc

Could China string out pullback process? What this means for India
Nov 17, 2020

Could China string out pullback process? What this means for India

Various options are on the table, but given the bad experience in the pullback in June, there is need for caution.

Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia
May 24, 2017

Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia

The expansion of PLA Navy submarine activity in South Asia is quite in keeping with a powerful navy’s need to familiarise itself with alien operating conditions.

Counterterrorism amidst US-China rivalry
Aug 09, 2022

Counterterrorism amidst US-China rivalry

Amidst the US-China power struggle, global counterterrorism cooperation needs to be strengthened.

Covid-19 and its aftermath: Impact on China’s soft power
Jun 12, 2020

Covid-19 and its aftermath: Impact on China’s soft power

As the scale of global challenges swells in size, so does the need for leading ad-hoc transnational countries to prove their diplomatic proficiency. C

COVID-19 chaos bursts the myth of China’s political meritocracy
Dec 28, 2022

COVID-19 chaos bursts the myth of China’s political meritocracy

If China’s COVID policy was a disaster, then the sudden U-turn on the same is an even bigger disaster

COVID-19: China and global supply chains
Apr 25, 2020

COVID-19: China and global supply chains

The role of China as the central hub in many global value chains has brought losses in global exports — Chinese suppliers are crucial for many indus

COVID-19: The question of China and its accountability
May 07, 2020

COVID-19: The question of China and its accountability

It stands to reason that not only is an investigation into the issue a vital necessity, but also that such an investigation would be incomplete and la

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy
Apr 25, 2020

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy

As the political leadership cedes to the manoeuvres of the China-Russia combine, Italians are taking a stand.

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy
Mar 21, 2020

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy

Given Southeast Asia’s close geographical proximity to China and the number of tourists and workers who visit the ASEAN countries, if anything — t

COVID19: India competes for FDI departing China
Jul 24, 2020

COVID19: India competes for FDI departing China

Why India may not be the top of the list for FDI leaving China and what can be done to make it more attractive.

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK
May 12, 2017

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK

Not only would CPEC run roughshod over the sacred Panchsheel principle of "mutual respect", it would also destroy any chance of a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?
Sep 28, 2018

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?

The best bet for China is to keep the Pakistan army happy.

Creating a 'new normal' in the South China Sea
Jun 12, 2015

Creating a 'new normal' in the South China Sea

If one looks at China's actions in the South China Sea over the past five years, the picture that emerges is of a rising China attempting to change the ground realities and destabilise the status quo. If the international community wait to see the end game of the Chinese strategy, it may be too late to de-escalate a military confrontation.

Crises abound in China ahead of Party Congress
Sep 09, 2022

Crises abound in China ahead of Party Congress

China is facing crises on multiple fronts. However, when it comes to the upcoming Party Congress, the show must go on.

Crossing currents: India-China contention and the Teesta conundrum in Bangladesh
Mar 16, 2024

Crossing currents: India-China contention and the Teesta conundrum in Bangladesh

The Teesta issue poses unique challenges to both India and Bangladesh. The growing involvement of China adds a geopolitical dimension to this problem

Crossroads of Artificial Intelligence: Higher Education and Research in India and China
Nov 11, 2020

Crossroads of Artificial Intelligence: Higher Education and Research in India and China

This paper offers a comparative study of India and China in higher-education reforms for the development of talent in artificial intelligence (AI), and in AI research. It analyses the AI development plans and strategies of the two countries, their automation readiness index, talent retention, and research output. The analysis is based on both primary and secondary sources including interviews, government and industry reports, and recognised ranki

Cyber Attacks | Pakistan emerges as China’s proxy against India
Feb 15, 2022

Cyber Attacks | Pakistan emerges as China’s proxy against India

India needs to effectively counter the menace of China-Pakistan cyber collaboration as it has not just national security implications, but indeed implications for India’s democracy as a whole

Darkening mood in Delhi over China
Jul 03, 2020

Darkening mood in Delhi over China

Opinions in New Delhi are hardening, even among sections of elite opinion-makers who are not seen as hyper-nationalists.

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Debts and defaults: An assessment of China’s policy banks in Sri Lanka
Jul 25, 2023

Debts and defaults: An assessment of China’s policy banks in Sri Lanka

Beijing's passive approach has encouraged the policy banks to make decisions based on its economic interests thus slowing down Sri Lanka’s debt rest

Deciphering China-Pakistan naval exercises in the Indian Ocean
Nov 20, 2023

Deciphering China-Pakistan naval exercises in the Indian Ocean

Pakistan’s maritime strategy in the Indian Ocean pivots around engagement with China. But the strategy also has a diplomatic dimension that should n

Decoding China-Bangladesh relationship
Jun 27, 2018

Decoding China-Bangladesh relationship

There are various facets in Sino-Bangladesh relations. The two countries share defence, economic, political and people-to-people ties.

Decoding China’s ballistic missile defence (BMD) and anti-satellite (ASAT) systems efforts
Apr 06, 2019

Decoding China’s ballistic missile defence (BMD) and anti-satellite (ASAT) systems efforts

The Chinese conduct their tests from their test site in Korla, Xinjiang. Since the hit-to-kill vehicles can be used for BMD and ASAT, the site probab