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Looking back: Two years since the Pulwama attack and the Balakot strikes
Mar 09, 2021

Looking back: Two years since the Pulwama attack and the Balakot strikes

Our adversary stays the same and remains committed to propagating an alternate reality, one where they are always the victim, the duped, and somehow i

Looking beyond crises
Jun 08, 2020

Looking beyond crises

Lack of strategic vision in the NDA has caused it to fail at economic management

Looking Beyond the 'Tiranga Yatra'
Feb 04, 2011

Looking Beyond the 'Tiranga Yatra'

Despite having been in power at the Centre for six years at a stretch, the BJP seems to be still suffering from the 'Opposition' conundrum. It is yet to produce a leader who is independent of the party's past.

Looking beyond the land boundary deal
Jun 08, 2015

Looking beyond the land boundary deal

Modi's visit to Dhaka has been a forward-looking step, in the effort to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. However, there has been little focus on the common challenges that the neighbours face. Unless these are addressed, future cooperation between the two will not be effective enough.

Looking beyond the Rafale
Oct 15, 2019

Looking beyond the Rafale

Even as the Indian Air Force gets ready to welcome its new acquisitions, ad hocism should give way to strategic thinking

Looking East, especially Bangladesh, seriously
Nov 14, 2013

Looking East, especially Bangladesh, seriously

It is in India's interest to ensure that there is a friendly government in Dhaka which is not swayed by fundamentalist interests. It had to be more subtle where friendship with India is seen as beneficial by the average person in Bangladesh. For this India needs to take bigger steps like a deal on the Teesta waters and Land Border Agreement.

Looking West
Dec 26, 2012

Looking West

The gathering of southeast Asian leaders last week at a summit in Delhi was a celebration of India's Look East policy. Could we imagine a similar "Look West" strategy towards the Arabian Peninsula?

Lopsided development threatens China
Aug 18, 2011

Lopsided development threatens China

Balanced urbanisation and rural development is an urgent requirement in China, if it has to fulfill its goals of sustainable development. For this purpose, budgetary allocations and farmers' support have to be tweaked, along with agricultural modernisation.

Losing the Bay of Bengal
Mar 04, 2014

Losing the Bay of Bengal

The next government must recognise that the Bay of Bengal is no longer a backwater but a strategic hub connecting the Indian and Pacific Oceans as well as China and the Bay of Bengal. Delhi must match its rhetoric on trans-border connectivity with much needed political will and administrative competence.

Loss of control
Oct 24, 2013

Loss of control

When a government yields to every pressure group at home, its capacity to pursue national interests abroad inevitably erodes. The UPA government's diplomacy in the final months of its decade-long tenure is a good example of the costs of violating this canon. The failure to clinch a commercial agreement on Kudankulam with Moscow is not a reflection on India's diplomatic skills.

Lost in transit: Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA)
Jan 08, 2022

Lost in transit: Unified Metropolitan Transport Authority (UMTA)

With metro rail adding one more layer to urban mass transit, an autonomous UMTA is necessary to increase the modal share of public transport in urban

Love thy neighbour
Jun 11, 2015

Love thy neighbour

Beyond resolving outstanding problems, Modi's visit to Bangladesh has led to the setting up of agreements, MoUs and protocols which will transform our relations in the future. The key issues here are connectivity and economic partnership.

Low allocation may hit modernisation plan
Mar 01, 2013

Low allocation may hit modernisation plan

The defence budget had grown by 17% in 2011-12 and 12% in 2012-13. A mere 1.79% of the GDP, it is a far cry from the stated goal of spending 3% of GDP on defence backed by the Parliamentary Committee on Defence.

Low FDI inflow may affect infrastructure sector
Apr 16, 2011

Low FDI inflow may affect infrastructure sector

If India is to sustain a high growth rate, there will have to be more foreign investment in infrastructure and manufacturing. So, it is going to be a challenge for the government to make investments in areas that are important for us more attractive to foreigners.

LRA conflict in Central Africa
Jan 10, 2012

LRA conflict in Central Africa

Africa's longest running militia is back in focus. Lord's Resistance Army or LRA, active since 1988, has recently become a subject of United States interest as the Obama administration deployed 100 "combat-equipped troops" to Uganda.

Lt-Gen Rizwan Akhtar, the new ISI boss
Oct 24, 2014

Lt-Gen Rizwan Akhtar, the new ISI boss

The post of Director-General (DG) of Pakistan's premier intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), believed to be the second most important post in the country's military set-up now, has a designated successor to the outgoing Lt-Gen Zaheerul Islam.

LTTE: Karuna puts the clock back in more ways than one
Mar 10, 2004

LTTE: Karuna puts the clock back in more ways than one

By rebelling against supremo Prabhakaran in an unprecedented way, ¿Col¿ Karuna, LTTE¿s sacked commander for Sri Lanka¿s Eastern Province, has put the clock back in more ways than one. In a way, it has also put the LTTE at the crossroad all over again as never before, coming as it does after the historic Ceasefire Agreement with the Sri Lankan Government, but how far is too early to determine.

Lula 3.0- लुला की तीसरी पारी: विश्व मंच पर ब्राज़ील की वापसी
Jul 26, 2023

Lula 3.0- लुला की तीसरी पारी: विश्व मंच पर ब्राज़ील की वापसी

तीसरी बार राष्ट्रपति बनने के बाद लुला (Lula) ने ब्राज़ील की घ�

Macron Brussels and Washington
Sep 16, 2019

Macron Brussels and Washington

Because of geopolitical changes, we are living the end of Western hegemony, and the West needs to cooperate with Russia in order to create a new syst

Macron, Brussels and Washington
Sep 16, 2019

Macron, Brussels and Washington

Because of geopolitical changes, we are living the end of Western hegemony, and the West needs to cooperate with Russia in order to create a new syst

Macron’s Africa Policy: Situating Jihadist threat in Mali and the Sahel region
May 16, 2022

Macron’s Africa Policy: Situating Jihadist threat in Mali and the Sahel region

Would Macron be able to quell the Jihadist movements in Africa as part of France’s Africa policy in his second term?

Macron’s Muddled China Outreach
Apr 13, 2023

Macron’s Muddled China Outreach

Macron has raised doubts about how serious France is when it comes to managing the negative externalities of China’s rise.

Macron’s wake-up call to EU
Dec 03, 2019

Macron’s wake-up call to EU

The French President has rightly said that the bloc needs to assert sovereignty over its political and security decisions

Mad Street Den: Building generalisable Artificial Intelligence architectures at scale
Nov 06, 2020

Mad Street Den: Building generalisable Artificial Intelligence architectures at scale

Retail is among the most ‘legacy’ industries there is today. Coupled with the fact that the consumer buying today is nothing like the industry out

Madrid Impressions - II: Economic Impact of Terrorism
Apr 08, 2005

Madrid Impressions - II: Economic Impact of Terrorism

The impact of terrorism on the oil and tourism industries and on financial institutions and "Democracy, Terrorism and the Internet" received considerable attention at the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security held at Madrid from March 8 to 11,2005.

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart
Mar 29, 2005

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart

At the international summit on Terrorism, Democracy and Security held at Madrid from March 8 to 11,2005, which I attended, the foremost concern in the minds of the participants was the likelihood of an act of catastrophic terrorism involving the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Madrid Probe Moves Forward
Mar 15, 2004

Madrid Probe Moves Forward

They help investigation by facilitating interception of conversations and by providing a record of calls made if recovered intact after the commission of an offence.

Majlis’ debate marks Maldivian ‘defence deal’ with India
Feb 27, 2021

Majlis’ debate marks Maldivian ‘defence deal’ with India

The pact, one of the very many signed between the two nations during Minister Jaishankar’s visit, provides for India building a dockyard at Uthuru T

Major powers in Asia Pacific strengthening militaries
Jun 30, 2014

Major powers in Asia Pacific strengthening militaries

All the major powers in the Asia Pacific region are ramping up their defence budgets and modernising their militaries. They are also building coalitions with each other through defence partnerships agreements and ports calls.

Major Sop for a Non-ally
Mar 31, 2004

Major Sop for a Non-ally

After a groundbreaking visit to India, which focused on strengthening the Indo-US ¿strategic partnership¿, US Secretary of State Colin Powell was supposed to take a tough message to Pakistan¿s Gen. Musharraf. Nuclear proliferation and Pakkistan¿s reluctance to clean up its tribal areas were slated to be on the cards in

Majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's foreign policy
Apr 01, 2014

Majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's foreign policy

Talking about Americans' perceptions about the Obama administration's foreign policy, Mr Bruce Stokes, Director for Global Economic Attitudes at Pew Research Center, US, said 53% of Americans disapproved of his handling of foreign policy.

Make China India's natural ally for development
May 13, 2015

Make China India's natural ally for development

The key challenge PM Modi would face in China is to completely debunk the hypothesis, which some people suspect, that a key objective of Modi's 'Act East' policy is to contain China, in covert or overt support with the U.S., Japan and other affected nations. This task is not surely going to be easy.

Make in India gets new wings
Oct 12, 2015

Make in India gets new wings

The government's decision to insist that the Indian Air Force induct a large number of Light Combat Aircraft fighters is the kind of shock treatment that was needed to push the 'Make in India' project.

Make Nehru's role in 1962 war known
Apr 01, 2014

Make Nehru's role in 1962 war known

The Henderson-Brooks report has focused on the Army's faults in handling the border issue. But, if we are to truly learn from the sorry history of the times, the government needs to throw open the archives relating to the actions of Prime Minister, his associates and the Ministries of External Affairs and Defence.

Making agriculture attractive, a major challenge for Modi Govt
Apr 24, 2015

Making agriculture attractive, a major challenge for Modi Govt

The Modi government is encouraging less dependence on agriculture and the creation of smart cities. To make agriculture more remunerative and attractive, especially for the youth, a lot has to be done - farm credit, access to farm machinery and use of IT. So many villages even today are without power and many more do not have internet connectivity.

Making Dreams Work
Aug 16, 2004

Making Dreams Work

The twin messages on the Independence Day, respectively from President A P J Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, have in them core ideas on core issues and core values that have got marginalized in the rough and tumble of every day living and every day politics since the nation c attained Freedom 57 years ago.

Making friends with the middle
Aug 25, 2014

Making friends with the middle

Building a set of flexible Asian coalitions that do not include America or China should become a critical element of India's strategy of coping with the historic power shift in Asia and the uncertain evolution of US-China relations.

Making G20 work for SDGs
Sep 30, 2017

Making G20 work for SDGs

The G20 and SDGs are an acronym alphabet soup that do not seem to fit together at first glance.

Making Iraq out of Lebanon
Mar 09, 2005

Making Iraq out of Lebanon

After having made a Lebanon out of Iraq, the US, duly assisted by France and other West European powers, has embarked on a policy, which is likely to make an Iraq out of the Lebanon.

Making Iraq out of UK
Jun 25, 2005

Making Iraq out of UK

There were four more explosions in London on July 21,2005, but of a much lower intensity as compared to those of July 7,2005. The target again was the public transportation system. As on July 7,2005, there were three explosions in the underground railway system and one in a bus. Apart from injuries to one person, no other human casualty has been reported. Material damage was also very little as compared to July 7.

Making profit a public good: Creating shared values between business and society
Apr 09, 2024

Making profit a public good: Creating shared values between business and society

Governments will have to work with private corporations to provide them with a framework for making profit a public good through a long-run vision of

Making quality healthcare accessible in South Africa
Jul 24, 2019

Making quality healthcare accessible in South Africa

In the current economic climate, making a positive social impact in a developing country is not for the faint-hearted.

Making Sagarmala environment friendly
May 29, 2018

Making Sagarmala environment friendly

If Sagarmala is to succeed, it must define steps to manage and contain pollution.

Making sense of Delhi’s education revolution
Jul 16, 2020

Making sense of Delhi’s education revolution

A sustained higher budgetary allocation to education sector has largely been devoted to meet the needs of core segments mainly the strengthening of ai