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CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!
Jul 30, 2023

CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान और पाकिस्तान में सक्रिय संगठनों को क़ाबू �

Chabahar, port of a smart call
May 16, 2024

Chabahar, port of a smart call

India's ability to successfully execute a 10-year agreement on the Chabahar port showcases New Delhi's continuing ability to manoeuvre in a geopolitically fragmented world.

Chabahar’s opportunities and challenges
May 28, 2024

Chabahar’s opportunities and challenges

The geopolitics around India’s play in Chabahar and Iran’s leverages are interesting

Challenged by ‘populism’, Trudeau scores a win
Oct 24, 2019

Challenged by ‘populism’, Trudeau scores a win

Trudeau and his Liberal Party raised hopes by pursuing progressive social, economic policies such as legalising the consumption of marijuana for recre

Challenges in Early Intervention for Maternal Health: Lessons from Madhya Pradesh
May 15, 2024

Challenges in Early Intervention for Maternal Health: Lessons from Madhya Pradesh

India has made progress in digital health, including in telemedicine and creating platforms such as Co-WIN for the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. These initiatives demonstrate the benefits of technology in enhancing the availability and affordability of, and access to healthcare services. This report examines the challenges that continue to stall the reduction of maternal deaths in India. It uses the case of Madhya Pradesh, the sta

Chandrayaan 2 moon landing: The sign of a mature space mission
Sep 06, 2019

Chandrayaan 2 moon landing: The sign of a mature space mission

The fact that the Chandrayaan spacecraft will be landing on the south pole, a region that has been unexplored before makes it even more special. The fact that the exact spot for landing will be determined right before the landing makes it an extremely complex mission for India.

Change text books to charm Dalit vote bank
May 19, 2012

Change text books to charm Dalit vote bank

The emancipation of the Dalit is an even more recent phenomenon in North India. Hence the inability to stomach any comical casting of the solitary Dalit icon, B.R. Ambedkar.

Change the electoral system: Salman Khurshid
Jan 24, 2005

Change the electoral system: Salman Khurshid

The electoral system of India has flaws and there is an 'anti-democratic conspiracy of silence' to hide it, Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee chief Mr. Salman Khurshid said during a talk on 'Has the Indian Electoral System Failed?' organized by the ORF Mumbai chapter of Observer Research Foundation on January 24,

Changes required in CSR clauses in Companies Act
Jul 24, 2014

Changes required in CSR clauses in Companies Act

While mandating CSR operations for large companies was a more justifiable social policy programme by the UPA-II than others, some of its provisions and recommendations reflect a lack of understanding of the Indian social and economic environment and of the real needs on the ground.

Changing dynamics of counterterrorism in Kashmir
Oct 17, 2023

Changing dynamics of counterterrorism in Kashmir

To counter Islamabad’s determined push to stir up trouble in the Kashmir Valley, India will have to formulate a new counter-terrorism strategy that

Changing landmarks in Indo-Russian economic relations: The Vladivostock summit and beyond
Sep 16, 2019

Changing landmarks in Indo-Russian economic relations: The Vladivostock summit and beyond

The Putin-Modi summit as part of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok was a step further in Indo-Russian relations.

Changing the face of global security
Feb 22, 2006

Changing the face of global security

During the past couple of weeks, Nepal Maoist chief Prachanda has given three significant interviews. He carefully picked up three influential and understanding media channels, ¿ Kantipur in Nepal, The Hindu in India and the BBC of London ¿ to send a strong message across to Nepal, India and the international community respectively.

Charting a clear course in the Indo-Pacific
May 18, 2019

Charting a clear course in the Indo-Pacific

Inclusiveness, openness, and ASEAN centrality and unity, therefore, lie at the heart of the Indian notion of Indo-Pacific.

Checkmating Musharraf's plan
Nov 24, 2004

Checkmating Musharraf's plan

President Pervez Musharraf has a number of reasons to be unhappy with India. It took only a few hours for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to dismiss the General's seemingly well-crafted and cleverly worded war-game plans for Greater Kashmir. The General's idea was simple.

Chicken feed for the soul
Mar 16, 2006

Chicken feed for the soul

The George Bush visit was a giant step forward for Indo-US relations and India was elated to be part of the Big League. Now that he has gone, the Left protests turned out to be only that much bushfire and the euphoria of the visit has evaporated somewhat, it is time to evaluate just what this winwin situation might mean.

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�

China Can No Longer Take Sri Lanka for Granted
Oct 17, 2023

China Can No Longer Take Sri Lanka for Granted

Since the early 2000s, China's debt profile in Sri Lanka has increased rapidly, with estimates indicating that over 20% of the overall debt stock is owed to China. Beijing's lending has been opaque on high-interest loans and has often contributed to several white elephant projects. Much of this lending comes from Chinese policy banks, such as China Exim Bank and China Development Bank that is entrusted to further Beijing's economic and commercial

China demands a comprehensive strategy, not crisis management
Jun 25, 2020

China demands a comprehensive strategy, not crisis management

India needs to overhaul how it deals with China, and India’s military apparatus itself needs its own strategic rethink if it is to play a meaningful

China extends terrestrial rivalries into orbit with new space race
Aug 23, 2019

China extends terrestrial rivalries into orbit with new space race

India and Japan unite over Beijing's moon landings and antisatellite weapons

China factor in domestic politics
Jun 26, 2020

China factor in domestic politics

There is public anger against China and a dominant feeling that China has to be stopped before it succeeds in changing the status-quo on the India-China boundary

China feels the heat in South Asia and IOR
May 24, 2022

China feels the heat in South Asia and IOR

China needs to strategically reconsider its calculations in South Asia amidst the ongoing shift in the region.

China in horizon, G7 eyes the Global South
Jun 18, 2024

China in horizon, G7 eyes the Global South

The policy implications of a change in administration at Washington will raise valid concerns on the continuity of policies that came out at Apuli

China in Lanka
Oct 29, 2014

China in Lanka

As a rising China becomes the most important extra-regional partner for India's neighbours, India cannot simply wish away the Chinese influence in the subcontinent. The only way to limit the scope and structure of China's security profile is to expand India's own cooperation, including in the defence domain, with all neighbours.

China in South Asia: New Delhi countering Beijing in unipolar Asia
Oct 13, 2017

China in South Asia: New Delhi countering Beijing in unipolar Asia

India needs to cement its position as a geopolitical actor of consequence versus China.

China makes a pivot towards Russia
Apr 01, 2013

China makes a pivot towards Russia

Given the past Sino-Russian relations the longevity of their entente is moot. Clearly, India is not entirely without options in this geopolitical competition, the only problem is to get New Delhi to play the game.

China moving closer to developing space station
Jul 11, 2012

China moving closer to developing space station

While one could consider the establishment of a space station by China as a potential for collaboration, it would be more prudent of India to consider the military implications of such a move. A manned space station provides a greater thrust to PLA's combative capability.

China on mind, US reboots its priorities
Jun 08, 2021

China on mind, US reboots its priorities

As the gap between its power and that of China grows, India needs the US to balance China in the South Asia-Indian Ocean Region. The Indian contribution, military or economic, towards a strong American Indo-Pacific strategy appears more nebulous. This is an asymmetry which cannot but have real-life consequences. India should not assume that antipathy to China alone will be the over-riding factor in the US global policy.

China rise a trigger for Indo-Japanese relationship
Dec 26, 2013

China rise a trigger for Indo-Japanese relationship

Though the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between India and Japan is an achievement in Indo-Japanese bilateralism, much more needs to be done at the people-to-people level to broaden and strengthen the growing relationship.

China threat spurs Taiwan’s space ambitions
May 13, 2024

China threat spurs Taiwan’s space ambitions

These power plants pose not only an environmental threat but a security risk as well

China under Xi is an ‘abnormal’ state
Aug 10, 2023

China under Xi is an ‘abnormal’ state

Incidents of sudden disappearance of celebrities have been common in China. But Qin Gang’s case is special. Not only has he disappeared but his public records are also being erased.

China's aggression towards Japan is a global threat
Dec 05, 2013

China's aggression towards Japan is a global threat

India must urgently explore a variety of options to restore deterrence vis-à-vis China. This first thing is to back Japan. India also has to work on a range of options including economic and hard options. It must also take a fresh look at reinvigorating its ties with Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Singapore and the littoral states.

China's domestic problems need not make us too happy, cautions Shourie
Sep 23, 2015

China's domestic problems need not make us too happy, cautions Shourie

Mr. Arun Shourie, former Union minister and author, thinks that it was time for the India to develop and project itself in consonance with how it wants to be perceived by the world. He said this while delivering lecture on 'Sino-India Relations: The Changing Landscape' at ORF Kolkata.

China's Galwan valley gambit is attempt to extend official claim line, LAC westward
Jun 19, 2020

China's Galwan valley gambit is attempt to extend official claim line, LAC westward

Chinese maps do not show China’s territory extending to the point where the Galwan and Shyok rivers meet but the attempt to create new ‘facts on the ground’ suggests a new assertiveness.

China's Growing Cyber Warfare Capabilities
Jun 20, 2011

China's Growing Cyber Warfare Capabilities

It appears that China would continue to augment its growing cyber warfare capabilities. And when complimented with an "Informationised" military and technologies like the ASAT weapons, it becomes a great concern not only for the U.S but also for India.

China's increasing openness and self-confidence
Jul 22, 2014

China's increasing openness and self-confidence

China sees its primary focus as on neutralising the US- Japan challenge on its eastern seaboard. To that end, maintaining an even keel in its relationship with India makes good sense.

China's military: The shape of things to come
Jan 22, 2019

China's military: The shape of things to come

With China aiming to develop a "world-class" military by 2050 that can fight and win wars across all theatres, Indian conventional and nuclear thinking will also have to evolve

China's pursuit of a "space first"
Sep 15, 2016

China's pursuit of a "space first"

India and China's space missions tend to be real space firsts, rather than duplications of the US' and Soviet Union's Cold War space firsts.

China's Quest for Closer Military Ties
Apr 05, 2004

China's Quest for Closer Military Ties

Chinese Defence Minister Cao Gangchuan's tri-nation goodwill tour started with Pakistan on March 22, 2004 and ended with Thailand, with an in-between five-day visit to India from March 26 to 30.

China's slowdown: An opportunity to boost Indo-Africa ties
Sep 29, 2015

China's slowdown: An opportunity to boost Indo-Africa ties

In light of Africa's increasing dependency on and trouble with Chinese actors, African leaders are beginning to look beyond China in an attempt to diversify. India and the long-standing presence of Indian businesses in the continent can help Africa deal with the losses from China.

China's Taliban
Jul 31, 2015

China's Taliban

If New Delhi lets domestic political passions overwhelm the need for a carefully crafted strategy towards Pakistan, it will find the Afghan dynamic will soon make matters a lot more difficult for India.

China's worrying activities in the IOR
Mar 24, 2017

China's worrying activities in the IOR

China, owning reclaimed land at Colombo, is a worrying development in the Indian Ocean Region.

China-Maldives Free Trade Agreement: Analysing domestic economic parameters
Mar 18, 2024

China-Maldives Free Trade Agreement: Analysing domestic economic parameters

With a large decline in import duty collection and imposition of high levels of debt due to the China-Maldives FTA, Maldives will find itself in a pre

China’s Advances in Space: Taking Stock of Recent Developments
May 11, 2023

China’s Advances in Space: Taking Stock of Recent Developments

This paper examines major developments achieved by China in outer space in recent years, both from a technological as well as an arms-control perspective. The paper also looks at the implications for India in the domain and in the broader regional secu rity context.