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Mobilising Resources for a Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Africa
Nov 02, 2021

Mobilising Resources for a Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Africa

Africa continues to face the sharp end of climate change and evidence suggests that the countries of the continent are already committing some resourc

Mobilising to a Victorious Insurgency: Locating Identity, Grievance, and Greed in the Taliban’s Strategy
Aug 11, 2023

Mobilising to a Victorious Insurgency: Locating Identity, Grievance, and Greed in the Taliban’s Strategy

Analysts attribute the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021 to various factors. These include geopolitical shifts, and the Taliban’s tactics of warfare. However, fewer attempts have been made to understand the Taliban’s victory through internal mobilisation. This brief attempts to fill the gap, and examines the role of identity, grievance, and greed in the Taliban’s mobilisation and its contribution to a successful insurgency. It out

Modelling COVID19 response on the Bhilwara prototype
Apr 08, 2020

Modelling COVID19 response on the Bhilwara prototype

In any appraisal of the remarkable work done in Bhilwara, the first object that catches the eye is speed. Soon after a worsening situation came to not

Moderate Taliban can be won over for peace, say Afghan spokespersons
Apr 26, 2011

Moderate Taliban can be won over for peace, say Afghan spokespersons

Emphasising that majority of Taliban cadre can be won over for establishing peace in their war-torn country, Afghan government spokespersons said the peace initiative would become successful once ordinary Afghans realise that international forces are not going to remain in the country indefinitely.

Modern Technology for Sustainable Forest Management in India
May 22, 2023

Modern Technology for Sustainable Forest Management in India

India’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions for climate action emphasises the creation of an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to three billion tonnes by 2030 by increasing the country’s green cover. At the same time, however, harmful human activities such as legal and illegal logging, as well as deforestation for development purposes seem poised to negate the impact of these climate-action plans. While steps are being taken to prevent t

Modi & Xi at Mamallapuram: How India can increase diplomatic clout
Oct 10, 2019

Modi & Xi at Mamallapuram: How India can increase diplomatic clout

Both countries are likely to focus on trade and economic issues in Mamallapuram, but the overhang of the growing political dissonance in their relationship cannot and should not be discounted.

Modi and Hasina have the opportunity to strengthen bilateral ties
Jun 09, 2015

Modi and Hasina have the opportunity to strengthen bilateral ties

Both Modi and Hasina will be in power for the next four years and have the historic opportunity to further strengthen bilateral ties for which the Modi visit has contributed in no small measure. The next generation of Bangladeshis and Indians expect no less.

Modi and Jokowi
Oct 28, 2014

Modi and Jokowi

New Delhi is yet to get its defence engagement with Jakarta in shape. Through the decade-long UPA rule, Delhi and Jakarta had been talking about expanding bilateral defence cooperation. But progress had been rather slow thanks to the government's dysfunctional defence policies.

Modi and media: An uneasy relationship or one-way communication street?
Jul 15, 2019

Modi and media: An uneasy relationship or one-way communication street?

Is the country’s communication system heading from free flow of information to restricted, regulated and controlled regime?

Modi and Obama's war
Oct 01, 2014

Modi and Obama's war

The real issue is not about double standards on terrorism. Nor is hypocrisy a monopoly of either America or India. The problem is different. Although the US and India see terrorism as a great threat to their societies, they have different priorities in the war against it.

Modi and the Middle East: Towards a Link West Policy
Oct 07, 2014

Modi and the Middle East: Towards a Link West Policy

In the past, India avoided talking to major powers like the US and Europe on the Middle East. Modi has hinted at a change in this approach by taking forthright positions on terrorism, nuclear proliferation and other controversial issues during his visit to the US.

Modi and the middle powers
Apr 09, 2015

Modi and the middle powers

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to France, Germany and Canada beginning Thursday should help New Delhi consolidate three of India's very special relationships -with France, Germany and Canada. Modi's visit to Europe and Canada should help restore some balance to India's international engagement.

Modi bypasses mainstream media and takes to Twitter
Aug 28, 2014

Modi bypasses mainstream media and takes to Twitter

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's penchant for using social media to address the public directly has apparently caused a rift within India's mainstream press.

Modi effect: Revival of trust in India-Nepal relations
Nov 07, 2014

Modi effect: Revival of trust in India-Nepal relations

To foster India-Nepal relations, the focus should be on the 3Cs -- connectivity, communication and communities - according to Sujeev Shakya, Founder CEO, Beed Management and Chair of the Nepal Economic Forum.

Modi factor in Indian politics
Jun 28, 2013

Modi factor in Indian politics

The Modi factor disturbed the Congress party also to some extent. Though Jairam Ramesh had called Modi as "India's first authentic fascist", his description that Modi might prove a challenge to the Congress in 2014 did not go well with a Congress veteran who went to the extent of saying that if Ramesh felt so, he might as well resign and join Modi.

Modi first needs to change the way government works
Sep 29, 2015

Modi first needs to change the way government works

PM Modi has made another high decibel visit to the US, once again holding out hope that India is ready to do business. However, unfortunately not much has changed back home between his last trip and the ongoing one. Rules, laws and regulations remain inflexible.

Modi gets real on the economy
Aug 27, 2019

Modi gets real on the economy

The best news in years is that India’s government finally seems to recognize the scale of the problems it faces.

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack
Feb 15, 2019

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack

Given the state of India-Pakistan relations, India doesn’t have much diplomatic leverage with Islamabad at this juncture.

Modi Government, one year After: A new manual for diplomats
May 21, 2015

Modi Government, one year After: A new manual for diplomats

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi completes the first year in office, his greatest momentum has been in foreign policy. But the external opportunities he has successfully created for India could be undermined by potential domestic failures.

Modi Govt's black money amnesty scheme a failure
Oct 03, 2015

Modi Govt's black money amnesty scheme a failure

The flop black money amnesty scheme is a huge setback for a government which was committed to bringing back black money. What is worrisome is that other nations have succeeded while India has failed abysmally in this exercise.

Modi Govt's challenge in Nepal
Jul 25, 2014

Modi Govt's challenge in Nepal

The Modi government's real challenge in Nepal is not China. It is the tragic failure of Delhi's own engagement with Kathmandu. Despite geographic proximity, cultural intimacy, economic interdependence and shared political values, India has stumbled in Nepal.

Modi In Bangladesh: What Will The Visit Deliver?
Jun 06, 2015

Modi In Bangladesh: What Will The Visit Deliver?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Bangladesh after the land boundary settlement is a step with far-reaching strategic implications. The two countries can now take their bilateral ties to a much higher level.

Modi in Nepal: Religion and diplomacy
Nov 24, 2014

Modi in Nepal: Religion and diplomacy

One hopes that by the time Modi gets to places like Janakpur, Lumbini and Muktinath, India would have taken concrete steps towards the promotion of trans-border connectivity and tourism between the two countries.

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report
Apr 25, 2019

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report

A key element of the 44-page document entitled ‘India’s National Security Strategy’ (INSS) is the view that India must be prepared for unilateral, limited military actions against terror groups in Pakistan.

Modi legacy: What the future holds for India
Jan 08, 2020

Modi legacy: What the future holds for India

The man is full of energy, strong in the saddle and is likely to be around till 2030.

Modi makes a mark on the global stage
Dec 01, 2014

Modi makes a mark on the global stage

Six months in office, Narendra Modi has set a scorching pace, but mainly in the area of foreign policy. He has undertaken eight foreign trips, of which six were to the Asia-Pacific region. And, there can be little doubt that the subtext of his visits to nine countries has been China.

Modi must ensure India is in China's global calculations
May 15, 2015

Modi must ensure India is in China's global calculations

When Modi meets Xi, he will be talking to a leader positioning himself and his country as a global power. It is important for India to be in some of the calculations, just as much it is necessary for India not to overstretch by wanting to be seen everywhere.

Modi must moderate the Sangh
Dec 18, 2014

Modi must moderate the Sangh

Narendra Modi came to power with an unexceptional agenda: push economic growth; transform the infrastructure; bring about a social transformation. But this agenda appears to be in danger of being drowned out by a cacophony of voices from Hindutva organisations.

Modi must re-establish the power of the Executive at the Centre
Jun 05, 2014

Modi must re-establish the power of the Executive at the Centre

The new Prime Minister will also have to wrestle policy decisions out of the hands of the media panels at primetime. Less than 10% per cent of homes with TV sets watch news and less than ten per cent of those homes watch English news.Yet, anchors and media personalities claim to speak for the nation.

Modi places big bets for India in Silicon Valley
Sep 29, 2015

Modi places big bets for India in Silicon Valley

If all goes well, India and the US could partner at the ICANN high table, in the sort of Security Council of Internet governance. In engaging with the tech community in California, Modi was bolstering India's credentials for such a role.

Modi reimagines the Indian military
Sep 09, 2019

Modi reimagines the Indian military

By announcing the creation of a chief of defense staff, New Delhi hopes to modernise India’s armed forces.

Modi shines on world stage, labours at home
Apr 30, 2015

Modi shines on world stage, labours at home

The Government's honeymoon is perhaps already over and realistically it has another 6 to 12 months to start putting flesh on the bare-bone schemes and ideas announced this past year. If these do not eventuate, one may well witness emptier stadiums abroad and hear shriller voices at home.

Modi should shed role of sole vote gatherer
Nov 06, 2015

Modi should shed role of sole vote gatherer

PM Modi must shed the self-acquired role of the sole, vote gatherer. He needed this image to overcome inner-party contestation and become the Prime Minister. Today, this image is a handicap. On this score, ironically, Modi could usefully emulate the laidback, apolitical Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi.

Modi shouldn't do away with EGoM
Jun 24, 2014

Modi shouldn't do away with EGoM

EGoMs were a useful device that helped decide many contentious issues in India in the past. It was pioneered by the Vajpayee government. It may be useful for the Modi Govt to note that 18 "leading small groups", four presided by President Xi Jinping, exist in the Chinese system as well.