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Declining number of farmers: The alarming trend must be reversed
May 08, 2013

Declining number of farmers: The alarming trend must be reversed

The reason why there has been a decline in marginal farmers is because of the overall low agricultural growth. It has been less than 2 per cent per annum in the decade of mid-1990s to mid-2000s.

Decoding AI in emerging economies
Jan 31, 2024

Decoding AI in emerging economies

AI in emerging markets has seen significant growth. Instead of steering its growth in the Global South, the Global North should forge closer partnersh

Decoding Biden’s executive order on AI regulation
Nov 29, 2023

Decoding Biden’s executive order on AI regulation

By signing the executive order on AI, the Biden administration may have taken the first step in strategically positioning the US in the evolving lands

Decoding China-Bangladesh relationship
Jun 27, 2018

Decoding China-Bangladesh relationship

There are various facets in Sino-Bangladesh relations. The two countries share defence, economic, political and people-to-people ties.

Decoding China’s ballistic missile defence (BMD) and anti-satellite (ASAT) systems efforts
Apr 06, 2019

Decoding China’s ballistic missile defence (BMD) and anti-satellite (ASAT) systems efforts

The Chinese conduct their tests from their test site in Korla, Xinjiang. Since the hit-to-kill vehicles can be used for BMD and ASAT, the site probab

Decoding China’s response to the Sri Lankan crisis
Aug 03, 2022

Decoding China’s response to the Sri Lankan crisis

Despite the high stakes, China’s passivity to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka is related to the limitations of its elite capturing and extensive le

Decoding crucial trends from the Maldives’ Presidential elections
Sep 16, 2023

Decoding crucial trends from the Maldives’ Presidential elections

As Maldives heads to the second round of elections, uncertainty looms large for the island nation

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote
Aug 10, 2015

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote

In what is being touted as a major shift in Indian policy towards Israel, New Delhi abstained from a vote against Israel at the UN Human Rights Commission. The UN human rights body called for Israel's accountability in alleged war crimes committed by its officials during the conflict in Gaza in July 2014.

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions
Dec 17, 2014

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions

The Modi government's policy of engagement, rather than isolation of sanctioned countries, is very much in line with its predecessor, United Progressive Alliance, led by Manmohan Singh. However, like Singh, Modi too has refrained from speaking on the issue of sanctions.

Decoding India’s latest diplomatic push in the West Asian theatre
Dec 09, 2020

Decoding India’s latest diplomatic push in the West Asian theatre

While successfully balancing relations between Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia power blocks, New Delhi’s affinity for this Gulf outreach is rooted in geopolitical and geo-economic realities

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan
Aug 09, 2023

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan

As an emerging power in the current multipolar global order, India can use the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to protect, promote, and project its geostrategic and geoeconomic interests. The SCO is also a platform for India to reaffirm its commitment to revive and deepen its centuries-old civilisational, spiritual, and cultural ties with other member countries. This paper explores India's priorities at the SCO, chiefly connectivity, coun

Decoding Khalistan’s playbook in the West
Jun 16, 2023

Decoding Khalistan’s playbook in the West

A policy response can be developed to counter the Khalistani threat to India and Western countries’ internal security and India’s relations with t

Decoding motives behind the Kudankulam intrusion
Nov 25, 2019

Decoding motives behind the Kudankulam intrusion

Was the cyber espionage an effort to access nuclear technology? Was it engineered by strategic rivals?

Decoding recent elections in Europe: A tilt towards the Right?
Nov 09, 2022

Decoding recent elections in Europe: A tilt towards the Right?

Movement of right-wing parties from the margins to the mainstream represents one of the most significant political developments in Europe in the past

Decoding Romney's worldview
Aug 17, 2012

Decoding Romney's worldview

At this juncture of the US Presidential campaign, Mitt Romney's worldview seems to be defined, more than anything else, by the desire to sound different from President Obama. But foreign policy is still very much President Obama's turf, and Romney's recent foreign trip did nothing to change that.

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority
Aug 16, 2023

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority

As the world grapples with uncertainty in the post-COVID-19 era, China appears to be focusing on bolstering its rural economy. China claims to have brought nearly 100 million people out of poverty since 2012, but the regime feels that unbalanced development can jeopardise the gains of poverty alleviation. The widening economic gap could also foment unrest in the rural areas. Additionally, the government believes that the reliance on grain

Decoding Sri Lanka’s moratorium on foreign research vessels
Jan 08, 2024

Decoding Sri Lanka’s moratorium on foreign research vessels

In an attempt to balance between India and China, Sri Lanka has imposed a one-year ban on all foreign research vessels

Decoding the Afghan elections
Nov 16, 2013

Decoding the Afghan elections

We need to look beyond the Presidential vote in Afghanistan, scheduled for next April. These elections would not only test equations of military and political power as the NATO forces pull out but also the strength and possibility of deeper enduring facts of the Afghan reality.

Decoding the ban on irrational fixed-dose combination drugs in India
Nov 29, 2018

Decoding the ban on irrational fixed-dose combination drugs in India

In September this year, the Government of India banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of 328 Fixed-Dose Combination drugs (FDCs) after a protracted legal battle with manufacturers. The ban followed a report by a Supreme Court-mandated experts’ panel that not only was there no therapeutic justification for the ingredients in these drugs, but they can in fact pose health risks. This paper argues that the move against “irrational” and

Decoding the Biden Administration’s Cyber Security Policy
Jan 15, 2024

Decoding the Biden Administration’s Cyber Security Policy

The Biden administration is seeking to establish a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy as part of its national security. This issue brief analyses the US’s cyber threat landscape and examines the Biden administration’s cybersecurity strategy. It explores the strategy’s ideological, geopolitical, technological, and diplomatic significance in a rapidly shifting domain.

Decoding the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
Feb 19, 2022

Decoding the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

A dedicated Indo-Pacific strategy has been released by the Biden administration, showcasing the US’ long-term commitment to the region

Decoding the digital euro: What lies ahead?
Oct 05, 2023

Decoding the digital euro: What lies ahead?

The digital euro can revolutionise digital payments but its future remains uncertain as it grapples with widespread political scepticism about its pur

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS
Jun 21, 2014

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS

Extremists' groups like the ISIS have capitalised on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's ethno-sectarian politics. And, the resurgence of ethnic animosities has long-standing implications for Iraq and the West Asian region as a whole.

Decoding the Land Acquisition Bill
Aug 31, 2013

Decoding the Land Acquisition Bill

The new land acquisition bill has brought transparency in land acquisition. But by incorporating too many instruments and agencies to ensure the same, it instead risks making the process bureaucratic. Thus, the bill ends up replacing a coercive colonial law with a cumbersome one.

Decoding the protests in Russia
Jul 16, 2019

Decoding the protests in Russia

Since Vladimir Putin came to power, there has been a tacit social contract — non-engagement in political activity by citizens in return for economic

Decoding the Rafale controversy
Oct 16, 2018

Decoding the Rafale controversy

The opacity in the Rafale deal only raises doubts, with its fallout on national security and the 'Make in India' programme.

Decoding the rising Islamist threat in Bangladesh
Oct 27, 2021

Decoding the rising Islamist threat in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is known as a moderate Islamic country. There is a strong and committed secular section, but this is dwindling in numbers

Decoding the tectonic shifts in Nepal politics
Jan 17, 2021

Decoding the tectonic shifts in Nepal politics

The political crisis is peaking up at a time when people’s disenchantment with the present federal republican system is growing in the country.

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?
Aug 17, 2016

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?

A Donald Trump presidency could change the status quo of American participation in the NATO if his campaign statements are to be believed.

Decoding Union Budget 2022-23: Empty promises or solid deliverables?
Feb 02, 2022

Decoding Union Budget 2022-23: Empty promises or solid deliverables?

While Budget 2022 has made allocations to address the challenges faced by the economy, effective implementation of the Budget will be key to its succe

Decoding Wagner’s challenge to Putin
Jul 12, 2023

Decoding Wagner’s challenge to Putin

The Wagner mutiny raises some uncomfortable questions about the President’s control

Decoding what lies behind the terrorist attack in Punjab
Jul 28, 2015

Decoding what lies behind the terrorist attack in Punjab

Monday's terrorist attack on Dinanagar police station in Gurdaspur district, the first major terror attack in Punjab since 2002, and that took the lives of 11 persons, is a puzzle. This could be a routine warning from the LeT to both the Indian and Pakistani governments against getting too close to each other.

Decoding what U.S. wants from India
Jan 20, 2015

Decoding what U.S. wants from India

Narendra Modi is viewing Obama's New Delhi visit on a longer perspective where he seeks to leverage the U.S. connection to attract technology and investment from the western world, as well as build ties to balance China.

Decolonising Aid: Moving Beyond International Aid Intermediaries
Mar 18, 2024

Decolonising Aid: Moving Beyond International Aid Intermediaries

The international aid system is in need of reform. Despite rhetoric about localisation, a meagre 1.2 percent of international humanitarian aid directly reaches local actors. Overall, there is a lack of transparency and awareness in international policy circles on how funds flow from the donor level to the field. This brief argues that the issue is not just about a lack of capacity on the part of local actors—a sweeping statement often used by W

Decolonising heritage sites in post-colonial–cum–apartheid cities: Experiences and suggestions from the Global South
Nov 20, 2021

Decolonising heritage sites in post-colonial–cum–apartheid cities: Experiences and suggestions from the Global South

The continuation of oppressive colonial ideology through the preservation of heritage sites is stifling social change.

Decongesting cities: Reforming bus systems
Feb 10, 2020

Decongesting cities: Reforming bus systems

The foremost mode of transport in cities of developing economies, bus services, are also the most economical.

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement
May 28, 2024

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement

Beijing’s motivations concerning the conflict resolution in Niger include a mix of economic, political and reputational drivers.