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In politics, like in biz, bulk up to beat rivals
Mar 10, 2017

In politics, like in biz, bulk up to beat rivals

The govt’s budget needs to expand by at least one-fourth to accommodate the necessary capital spend.

In post-ISIS Iraq, Iran emerges a significant player
Oct 26, 2017

In post-ISIS Iraq, Iran emerges a significant player

It is bewildering to notice the whimper and not the promised bang ISIS ended with.

In search of a settlement in Afghanistan
Oct 15, 2005

In search of a settlement in Afghanistan

In the past few weeks, Afghanistan has received a stream of important visitors from western capitals that are in a position to preside over its destiny ¿ U.S. National Security Council Advisor Stephen J. Hadley, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, British Secretary of State for Defence John Reid, and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

In search of China's grand strategy
Apr 19, 2017

In search of China's grand strategy

It is evident that China's grand-strategic priorities are tilted towards continued economic growth under the CPC watch.

In search of fair grades
Dec 14, 2010

In search of fair grades

Access to higher education has been a long-standing policy concern in India. Reservation for different social groups at the central and the state levels has been a typical policy response.

In Syria, the Big Boys are playing
Oct 01, 2015

In Syria, the Big Boys are playing

Syria and Iraq are no longer just a do-and-kill struggle being enacted by extreme radical Islamists in their brutal search for a Caliphate. The Big Boys - US and Russia -- are now out in the open, the gloves are off and mind games are now being played.

In the land of Hammurabi
Sep 01, 2005

In the land of Hammurabi

We the people of Iraq, who in all our forms and groupings undertake to establish our union freely and by choice, to learn yesterday's lessons for tomorrow, and to write down this permanent constitution...

In the Maldives, a resignation that keeps democracy afloat
Feb 08, 2012

In the Maldives, a resignation that keeps democracy afloat

Rather than allowing events to drift towards a political or even military showdown, Maldivian President Mohammed "Anni" Nasheed has shown great fidelity to democratic principles in a country where none existed before him by stepping down from office with grace and poise.

In the Netherlands, story of the far-Right in Europe
Nov 29, 2023

In the Netherlands, story of the far-Right in Europe

The political landscape of Europe is steadily changing, and the sheen of Right-wing populism seems here to stay.

In the times of Trump, Modi’s message may find an European audience
Jun 01, 2017

In the times of Trump, Modi’s message may find an European audience

While India cannot match China's economic heft which is luring sections of the European political elite, it can entice Europe with the values which it espouses.

In West Asia, don’t confuse tactical de-escalation with strategic alignment
Mar 31, 2023

In West Asia, don’t confuse tactical de-escalation with strategic alignment

The structural pretext that drove West Asia’s cycle of competition and proxy conflict is still in place without a clear solution in sight

Inadequate financial governance: Nowhere near perfect solution
Jul 29, 2013

Inadequate financial governance: Nowhere near perfect solution

One can see the problem of illicit financial flow in a narrow view in terms of loss of tax revenue, but the more often missed out perspective is that these illicit flows create imbalances in the global economy that upset the efficiency of capital. Illicit financial flows cannot be curtailed without the collaborative effort of both developing as well as developed countries

Inching towards an IOR security net
Mar 11, 2022

Inching towards an IOR security net

Exploring the relevance, limitations, and future challenges of the 'Colombo Security Conclave' (CSC) as a security net.

Inclusive digital policies are key to mould women leaders
Apr 01, 2024

Inclusive digital policies are key to mould women leaders

The digital revolution opens new avenues for women's economic participation, however, to ensure true inclusion, this revolution must be steered by gen

Inclusive health solutions: Insights from Raisina 2024
Mar 14, 2024

Inclusive health solutions: Insights from Raisina 2024

Collaboration across sectors, responsible use of technology, and a deep understanding of local contexts are key to addressing global health challenges

Inclusive India: The Foreign Trade Policy 2023
Apr 14, 2023

Inclusive India: The Foreign Trade Policy 2023

The new policies ensure that smaller vendors, businesses, and local artisans can access international markets, thus, making them a part of India’s e

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality
May 27, 2023

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality

Cutting oil and gas out of the climate conversation won’t work because – like it or not – they will underpin the global economy for years to come

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy
Jan 04, 2023

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy

India needs to engage in a critical study of international law and utilise it to effectively conduct its foreign policy and engage in lawfare

Increasing Boko Haram pressure on Nigerian President
Nov 27, 2014

Increasing Boko Haram pressure on Nigerian President

In less than a week, more than 100 people have been killed by terror group Boko Haram in the northern part of Nigeria. This brutal Islamic group remains a significant problem confronting the democratic government of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Increasing challenges to outer space
Jan 15, 2022

Increasing challenges to outer space

The lack of space governance will prove to be a problem in the near future as terrestrial geopolitical rivalries are being mirrored in outer space

Increasing Cooperation for Sustainable Development: Imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency
Jun 19, 2023

Increasing Cooperation for Sustainable Development: Imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency

This paper highlights the imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency for promoting development cooperation towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given its unique development cooperation model—more precisely, its development partnership model—India can utilise its G20 presidency to push the sustainability agenda. This will help bridge the North-South divide in sustainable development financing. The paper recommends

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region
Dec 08, 2017

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region

The Pakistan army has commenced openly supporting internal religious and fundamentalist groups. If these parties rise to power, Pakistan’s internal

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy
Nov 24, 2011

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy

The politics of Centre-State relations has been a powerful force in shaping India's foreign policy. India's rapid economic growth has furthermore given a new found influence to regional parties, leading to their disproportionate influence over the formulation of foreign policy.

Increasing Patient Capital to catalyse the development of Emerging Technologies: A call to action for Indian venture capitalists
Dec 10, 2021

Increasing Patient Capital to catalyse the development of Emerging Technologies: A call to action for Indian venture capitalists

If there was a large, liberal pool of patient investment capital, like in Silicon Valley, it is highly probable that there would be tremendous scope f

Incremental progress, not flourishes in India-China statement
May 18, 2015

Incremental progress, not flourishes in India-China statement

Both India and China seem to be fixated on a "status quo plus" option, in that each side wants something more than the current LAC. Clearly, much more work needs to be done. For the moment, incremental progress is better than no progress at all.

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world
Aug 16, 2014

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, which is threatened by the formation of the Narendra Modi government in Delhi, have been reactivating networks of LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammad in Kashmir since May/June 2013.

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?
Aug 14, 2008

Independence for Kosovo: Secession or Self-Determination?

Is the United States in the process of creating a brand new Muslim bloc? If that be the case, it would know that the execution of the plan necessarily involves the cessation of Kosovo from Serbia in the name of "Self-Determination". This, Russia will not allow at any cost. Belgrade is Moscow's Slav ally. And, in a complex way, the Albanian-Serb and the Washington-Moscow stand-off links up with the global scramble for energy source

Independent Kashmir Impossible:
Sep 26, 2005

Independent Kashmir Impossible:

An independent country for the Kashmiris is impossible and can remain only as a dream, said Sardar Mohd. Abdul Qayyum Khan, former President and former Prime Minister of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), while delivering an address at Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, on September 26, 2005.

India & Azerbaijan: Trade realism & romanticism
Apr 10, 2018

India & Azerbaijan: Trade realism & romanticism

For the synergies they hold, India and Azerbaijan can go the extra mile in trade soon, and resolve diplomatic roadblocks later.

India & China: as seen by Maoists - part II
Feb 15, 2005

India & China: as seen by Maoists - part II

The Communist Party of India (Maoist), which came into existence on September 21,2004, through the merger of the Maoist Communist Centre of India and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist--People's War ) ,

India & Japan take recent shifts in their stride
Mar 23, 2022

India & Japan take recent shifts in their stride

Talks of a major rift were also put to rest by the joint statement, which largely hewed to India's stated position

India - A counterweight to the rise of China
Sep 17, 2014

India - A counterweight to the rise of China

China has a somewhat limited aim to keep India as a neutral in their real battle that for pre-eminence in East Asia, where they are pitted against the Japan-US combine. India has no real stakes in the conflict, and it is not as if Japan supports the Indian position on our borders with China or Jammu & Kashmir. Yet, New Delhi needs to handle the issue with a great deal of care.

India a long-term strategic partner: US Defence Strategy
Jan 07, 2012

India a long-term strategic partner: US Defence Strategy

While President Obama has been categorical that the new US defence strategy should not be seen as a drawdown of the U.S., the important question is how the proposed budget cuts are going to affect certain weapon platforms such as the F-35.

India and a new Asian order
May 21, 2022

India and a new Asian order

India should join hands with Japan, South Korea, and Australia to collaborate on shared geopolitical and security interests so that it can counterbala

India and a Stable Indo-Pacific: Managing Maritime Security Challenges in the Bay of Bengal
Mar 27, 2024

India and a Stable Indo-Pacific: Managing Maritime Security Challenges in the Bay of Bengal

India has the longest coastline in the Bay of Bengal, making it critical for the country to manage maritime security challenges in this space. However, given the transnational nature of most maritime threats, India must cooperate with other Bay littorals and the major powers to address these issues. The Bay of Bengal is a vital part of the Indo-Pacific geostrategic construct, and a secure Bay is fundamental to a stable Indo-Pacific. By addressing

India and Africa: Charting a Post-COVID19 Future
Jun 25, 2020

India and Africa: Charting a Post-COVID19 Future

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of healthcare systems and strained economies across the globe. India and countries in Africa have emerged as hotspots due to the dual burden of large populations and weak health infrastructure. This lack of infrastructure, coupled with decreasing investments in healthcare over the years, has left their societies and governments underprepared and potentially overwhelmed by COVID-19. As developing reg

India and China caught in vicious cycle to secure the Himalayan heights
Feb 10, 2023

India and China caught in vicious cycle to secure the Himalayan heights

They can keep trying to match each other’s capabilities but that will only increase chances of war.

India and China in Africa: Difference lies in scale
Apr 07, 2017

India and China in Africa: Difference lies in scale

Africa has emerged as a favoured investment destination on account of the high rate of growth experienced by many African countries and discovery of oil.

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia
Feb 17, 2020

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, India established official ties with the five former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan; so did China. In recent years, both India and China have come up with different strategies to strengthen their respective ties with these resource-rich economies, collectively called the Central Asian Republics (CARs). China’s strategy is the ambitious Belt and Roa

India and China should take leadership role at the global climate change platform
May 01, 2013

India and China should take leadership role at the global climate change platform

Britain's former Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of the Government Office of Science, Sir David King, has said that both India and China should take a leadership role at the global platform for Climate Change.

India and China: A gathering nuclear storm?
Aug 21, 2023

India and China: A gathering nuclear storm?

The Doklam crisis of 2017 illustrates the increasing tension in India and China’s nuclear relationship. There are elements of stability and instability in such relationship, and this brief examines them. Stability, on one hand, is derived from a history of military and political restraint, ongoing institutionalised negotiations, and growing economic relations. However, the continuing border dispute and disagreement on a non-demarcated Line of A

India and China: Treading the Track II
Jul 17, 2019

India and China: Treading the Track II

It must be recognised that the India-China dialogue needs both a foundation and a breakthrough.

India and China’s nuclear equation: Why Chinese scholars are wrong
Dec 12, 2018

India and China’s nuclear equation: Why Chinese scholars are wrong

India’s nuclear weapons programme has been developed in response to the diabolic Sino-Pak nuclear axis. Yet, India has advanced its nuclear programm

India and Counterforce: A Question of Evidence
May 14, 2020

India and Counterforce: A Question of Evidence

Even as India has had a long-running debate about many aspects of its nuclear doctrine, most importantly, its No First Use (NFU) policy, the country continues to maintain the NFU. This paper makes a critical assessment of recent arguments made by Christopher Clary and Vipin Narang that India may be reconsidering its NFU policy because of counterforce “temptations”. The paper dissects the evidence they present—statements made by mostly retir

India and Cyber Power: The Imperative of Offensive Cyber Operations
Nov 03, 2022

India and Cyber Power: The Imperative of Offensive Cyber Operations

Defensive cyber operations are necessary to protect a network. At the same time, Offensive Cyber Operations (OCOs) cannot be neglected in military planning and should get as much attention as defensive cyber missions. Given the massive requirements for investment in cyber military capabilities geared for OCOs, this paper makes a case for the importance of OCOs for India. It outlines a roadmap for New Delhi to achieve effective OCO planning.

India and East Africa: Cooperation as the key to Financial Inclusion
Oct 30, 2019

India and East Africa: Cooperation as the key to Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion can help formalise the economy, increase transparency and efficiency, and provide financial stability for India and Africa.

India and France partner for expedition to Venus
Oct 08, 2020

India and France partner for expedition to Venus

India has long valued France’s partnership on issues ranging from defense and space exploration to civil nuclear power generation.