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Impact of the same-sex marriage ruling on US elections
Aug 01, 2015

Impact of the same-sex marriage ruling on US elections

Although the issue of same-sex marriage may have been settled legally with the Supreme Court verdict, politically, it remains volatile. Since the ruling, reactions of the 2016 Presidential candidates have been deeply polarised, indicating the potential of the issue to become a determining factor in the run-up to 2016.

Impact of US withdrawal of GSP on India
Jun 13, 2019

Impact of US withdrawal of GSP on India

Withdrawal of the GSP will hamper India’s export growth to the US.

Impending Resolution?
Sep 03, 2004

Impending Resolution?

After a hiatus of nearly six years, India and Pakistan discussed the Sir Creek border dispute. The Surveyor General of India, assisted by the Chief Hydographer of the Indian Navy led the Indian delegation while the Pakistan side was represented by Ahsan ul Haq Chaudhry, Additional Secretary in the Pakistan Ministry of Defence.

Implementation issues in India’s GST
Jun 23, 2017

Implementation issues in India’s GST

ndia is attempting to introduce a streamlined tax system to handle indirect taxation within the country. While the new system has been acknowledged as beneficial in a number of ways, there remain concerns regarding its implementation. If handled poorly, this tax reform could have long-term effects on the Indian economy.

Implementation of revised MVA penalties
Sep 17, 2019

Implementation of revised MVA penalties

While saving lives is a laudable objective, good driving habits alone are not enough to bring down deaths. Quality of roads, competence and freshness

Implications of China’s floating nuclear power plants in the South China Sea
May 13, 2024

Implications of China’s floating nuclear power plants in the South China Sea

These power plants pose not only an environmental threat but a security risk as well

Implications of Operation 1027: From armed conflict to online scams
Nov 29, 2023

Implications of Operation 1027: From armed conflict to online scams

The military coup has led to a breakdown of the rule of law in Myanmar, creating a conducive environment for criminal activities, especially in border

Implications of the INF pullout
Mar 08, 2019

Implications of the INF pullout

Although the INF treaty may seem outdated in essence, it was crucial in making the two powers — the US and Russia — accountable. The demise of the

Implications of the joint overseas explorations for iron ore between Baosteel and China Steel
Dec 10, 2010

Implications of the joint overseas explorations for iron ore between Baosteel and China Steel

The economic cooperation between Baosteel of China and China Steel of Taiwan for joint investment in overseas mining, and these kinds of economic engagements, need to be viewed more from the lenses of the liberal paradigm of international relations rather than focusing on the conflict or the political aspects of the engagement.

Implications of the US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty
May 29, 2020

Implications of the US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty

While many of the recent developments have been due to Russia’s apparent violation of its commitments, at least as the US maintains, the real reason is more likely the intensifying Sino-US competition and Washington’s determination not to tie its own hands.

Importance of Jaitley's FB postings
Jun 25, 2014

Importance of Jaitley's FB postings

Recent Facebook posts by the Finance and Company Affairs Minister are a compact assertion of reformist credentials. Not just because the has crossed a million 'likes.' People press the button absent mindedly, after all.

Importance of leading the Indian Ocean neighbours
Sep 11, 2014

Importance of leading the Indian Ocean neighbours

In the 21st century global and regional contexts, it's too much for India and its southern neighbours to expect the US to stay away from the region, militarily. If the US is there, the assumption is that China will not be far away. India can make a difference to what could emerge as the re-emergence of a 'new cold war' in this region.

Importance of Obama's India visit
Jan 24, 2015

Importance of Obama's India visit

Both President Obama and Prime Minister Modi have seized the moment to reinvigourate the bilateral ties. If Modi has put America at the very centre of his dynamic foreign policy strategy, Obama appears eager to work with what is undoubtedly a more vigorous and action-oriented government in Delhi.

Importance of oral history
Sep 01, 2011

Importance of oral history

Despite its utility in comprehending tragic events such as the Partition, oral history keeps getting rebuffed for its 'soft' and 'subjective' approach.

Important to connect research institutions to smart city initiatives
Jan 31, 2015

Important to connect research institutions to smart city initiatives

With there being a strong connection between smart cities and a nation's pride, it is important to connect universities and research institutions with smart city initiatives, says Dr. Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto.

Importing better energy governance: Can we afford it?
Jul 13, 2012

Importing better energy governance: Can we afford it?

The Government, despite being corrupt and inefficient, does not want to be seen as favouring the private sector and therefore forgoes higher earnings in terms of royalty, taxes, jobs and profit share that it may benefit from if gas producers are given greater freedom.

Improving access to Agricultural credit: New perspectives
Jan 08, 2020

Improving access to Agricultural credit: New perspectives

India’s agrarian crisis has deepened in the past several years, contributing to the slowdown of the economy. Amongst the most crucial factors affecting the country’s agricultural sector is financial inclusion. Over the years, India has attempted various measures to narrow the gap in financial inclusion for its farmers, yet the goal continues to elude the country. This paper presents a discussion of these measures, outlining the current state

Improving India’s Justice Delivery System: Why Infrastructure Matters
Aug 16, 2023

Improving India’s Justice Delivery System: Why Infrastructure Matters

The multiple crises besetting India’s justice delivery system are related to a large extent to what the Chief Justice calls “dilapidated” infrastructure. Indeed, it is empirically known that there is a positive correlation between adequacy of infrastructure—whether courtrooms, chambers, sanitation facilities, or digital connectivity—and productivity in the delivery of justice. This brief highlights the stark gaps in infrastructu

Improving urban freight transport
Jun 17, 2024

Improving urban freight transport

Given the national economic significance of freight efficiency in cities and the prospects of greater urbanisation, the government should provide fina

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?
Jul 20, 2019

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?

A closer look at some of the security-related agenda items for the upcoming development and how they could impact bilateral ties.

Imran Khan has talked about fixing India-Pakistan ties. The first step should be a reality check
Jul 30, 2018

Imran Khan has talked about fixing India-Pakistan ties. The first step should be a reality check

There is no reason to believe that we will witness some change in Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Imran Khan's victory in Pakistan: An outcome foretold
Jul 30, 2018

Imran Khan's victory in Pakistan: An outcome foretold

How will India manage a Pakistan led by Imran Khan?

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup
Nov 03, 2022

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup

Though nobody is sure what will be the outcome of the march to Islamabad, it is clear that Pakistan is in for a period of continued instability

Imran’s innings end, but Pakistan’s troubles don’t
Apr 08, 2022

Imran’s innings end, but Pakistan’s troubles don’t

Pakistan will continue to be at sixes and sevens even if Imran Khan is on his way out.

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles
Dec 26, 2019

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles

Recent verdicts have strengthened civilian authority in principle, but left the PM in a spot with the army

In a new world, India and China could be power allies: Chinese scholar
Mar 22, 2013

In a new world, India and China could be power allies: Chinese scholar

India and China cannot afford to be used against each other by interested third parties. They must rather focus on common threats to regional progress. In a new world, India and China could be powerful allies, says a senior Chinese strategic scholar.

In a week, China fires two rapid response launch vehicles
Oct 21, 2015

In a week, China fires two rapid response launch vehicles

Within the span of a week last month, China has successfully carried out maiden launches of two of its next generation launch vehicles. Besides validating the rockets for future manned and unmanned space missions, they have also demonstrated China?s strategic capabilities pertaining to outer space.

In bucking army seniority, Modi takes a leaf from Pakistani playbook
Dec 20, 2016

In bucking army seniority, Modi takes a leaf from Pakistani playbook

A hard look at our politics and society suggests it may be a good idea to go by seniority alone till we become more complete ‘Indians’

In China’s Own Words: An Analysis of Chinese Strategic Discourse on Tibet
Oct 06, 2022

In China’s Own Words: An Analysis of Chinese Strategic Discourse on Tibet

The predominant view not only within India but globally, is that China sees Tibet solely through the prism of sovereignty and territorial integrity. Analysing sources that illuminate China’s internal debates and discussions about its stakes in Tibet, this paper finds that unlike in the past, China no longer views Tibet as a national security barrier. Rather, Tibet has become China’s main gateway into the economic hinterland of South Asia. Wit

In Deep Water: Current Threats to the Marine Ecology of the South China Sea
Mar 08, 2021

In Deep Water: Current Threats to the Marine Ecology of the South China Sea

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea are traditionally viewed through the standpoint of China’s military expansionism, where the threats are more visible. The environmental impacts of China’s activities, which will be long-lasting, remain underexplored. China’s island construction, drilling activities, and overfishing have pushed the marine ecosystem of the region to the brink of collapse, and the destruction of coral reefs a

In defence of 100 per cent FDI
Jul 08, 2014

In defence of 100 per cent FDI

The issue of 100 per cent foreign direct investment in defence keeps getting muddied by the day, with various industry bodies such as the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry apparently flip-flopping on an hourly basis.

In Europe, the shifting sands of 2017
Apr 20, 2017

In Europe, the shifting sands of 2017

Elections across Europe will need to produce a new generation of leaders if its remapping is to be prevented.

In exposing corruption Kejriwal-Prashant searchlights on media too
Nov 03, 2012

In exposing corruption Kejriwal-Prashant searchlights on media too

It is common knowledge that Corporates control most of the electronic media. That being the case, how has the media turned upon the hand that feeds? Intra corporate warfare?

In its mission to go green, India must focus on just transition
Jun 23, 2021

In its mission to go green, India must focus on just transition

The measure of a successful energy transition must go beyond statistics of installed capacity of renewables, investments and number of jobs. While these are important, the face of the transition should become the lives, livelihoods and well-being of the economy

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times
Mar 25, 2014

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times

As in the world's many democracies, parliamentary polls in Maldives too have underlined the coalition reality of the times. The polls have also proved the add-ons do count, as former President Nasheed had proved in his second-round victory in 2008.

In Maldives, now it's legislature vs judiciary?
Oct 26, 2012

In Maldives, now it's legislature vs judiciary?

In Maldives, the fledgling democracy is now getting exposed to the inevitability of an issue-based confrontation between the Legislature and the Judiciary. But the stake-holders need to handle the issues and the attendant controversies with the knowledge, accommodation and sensitivity that they demand.

In need of a fundamental overhaul
Dec 26, 2013

In need of a fundamental overhaul

Indians need to realise that the time has come for decision-making and thinking which is multi-year, though not in the Five Year Plan kind of a way. What is needed are steps that go beyond partisan approaches and election-cycles aimed at providing the desperately needed transformation of the way India manages its governmental system.

In Nepal, the crisis lingers on
Jul 31, 2010

In Nepal, the crisis lingers on

The process of government formation in Nepal seem to be going nowhere if one is to go by the record of recent political parleys between the leaders of the three 'big political parties' of Nepal.

In Pakistan, eyes are now on new Indian government
Apr 18, 2014

In Pakistan, eyes are now on new Indian government

With the elections underway in India, eyes are now on the outcome of the polls, likely to be known by May 16. Wider belief is that the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) may win the keenly fought elections.