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US-India-Pakistan: The eternal triangle
Dec 27, 2012

US-India-Pakistan: The eternal triangle

The US needs Pakistan to withdraw from Afghanistan and Pakistan needs all the money it can get. Pakistan also dreads that if the US leaves without helping Pakistan get what it wants from the Indians now, which is a concession on Kashmir, they will never have another chance.

US-Japan alliance after Obama's visit
May 08, 2014

US-Japan alliance after Obama's visit

During the US President's visit to Asian countries, Obama and Abe underscored their commitment to economic and security cooperation with ASEAN countries where Chinese influence has seen a marked surge in recent years.

US-Japan dilemma over China-led AIIB
Apr 01, 2015

US-Japan dilemma over China-led AIIB

The US and Japan have decided to opt out of joining the AIIB though many important US allies like Germany, UK, Australia and South Korea have joined the China-led initiative. Strong business groups in Japan, however, worry that they might miss many investment opportunities which could now go to many developed Western countries.

US-like Operation not advisable for India
May 07, 2011

US-like Operation not advisable for India

B. Raman, former head of the counter-terrorism division of India's external intelligence agency, suggested that India should continue the peace process with Pakistan and should not get involved in this matter involving the US and Pakistan. He said New Delhi should not pressure Islamabad further in Pakistan's hour of 'humiliation'.

US-Pak Spat: Another Repeat
Oct 18, 2010

US-Pak Spat: Another Repeat

US-Pak relations are like high risk aerobatics. The plane nosedives, loops up, cruises at varying altitudes, takes a few spins and steadies.

US-Pak-Afghan talks: Is there a point?
Aug 08, 2011

US-Pak-Afghan talks: Is there a point?

The tripartite meeting between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the US representatives on August 2 took place against the backdrop of souring relationships, killing of Osama bin Laden and President Barak Obama's 2014 withdrawal plan.

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’
Aug 06, 2020

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’

Although London’s actions on Hong Kong and Huawei suggest a renewed US-UK alignment against China, it also exacerbates Washington’s asymmetric pul

US-Vietnam security cooperation: One step at a time
Aug 08, 2013

US-Vietnam security cooperation: One step at a time

Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang's recent visit to Washington crystallised cooperation on non-traditional security matters such as counter-terrorism, and enhancing maritime security, which will not raise red flags in Beijing. Significantly, the meeting avoided the more militaristic features of national security.

USA - al Qaida- Pakistan: Conventional Wisdom or Faulty Assumptions?
Jan 31, 2006

USA - al Qaida- Pakistan: Conventional Wisdom or Faulty Assumptions?

Few nations have been thrust more dramatically into limelight since those tragic 9/11 events than Pakistan. Prior to that date, Pakistan was isolated: perceived as a Taliban and Al Qaeda supporter, a military regime, and a failing state. Events of 9/11 brought it closer to a danger where, in the words of General Musharraf, ¿It could lose its strategic assets.¿

Use 'abundant energy' to solve energy shortage
Dec 08, 2010

Use 'abundant energy' to solve energy shortage

ORF, in association with ETH, Zurich, organized a five-day workshop on 'Abundant Energy', conducted by experts from Switzerland who are trying to spread the message that shortages in global energy can be solved by generating energies from sources which are abundantly available.

Use a Cockroach to Catch a Cockroach
Mar 19, 2004

Use a Cockroach to Catch a Cockroach

On September 17, 2001, six days after the terrorist strikes in the US, I had written an article under the above title which was carried the same day by the South Asia Analysis Group. Many of my observations made then remain as valid today as they were on 9/17.

Use and Abuse of Intelligence
Feb 16, 2004

Use and Abuse of Intelligence

President George Bush as well as Prime Minister Tony Blair have ordered an official enquiry into the reasons why contrary to what the US and the British intelligence agencies had reported before their invasion of Iraq about the presence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, no such weapons have so far been found by the Iraq Survey Group set up by the US to search for them.

Use diplomacy to check indoctrination
May 28, 2012

Use diplomacy to check indoctrination

During a discussion on the growth of militant groups in Pakistan and its effects on India, Jamiat-Ulama-i-Hind general secretary Maulana Mahmood Madani laid emphasis on retaining the ethos of Muslim Indians and warned against being co-opted and manipulated by foreign minds.

Ushering a new era of development partnerships
Aug 15, 2023

Ushering a new era of development partnerships

As India completes 76 years of achieving independence, its emergence as a pivotal development partner has kickstarted a gradual revolution in global d

Using shared cultural heritage of South Asia for conflict resolutions
Sep 04, 2012

Using shared cultural heritage of South Asia for conflict resolutions

The SAARC region needed to be rescued from colonial era cultural definitions as they were too narrow and a broader range was sought to create cultural zones within the natural boundaries, argues well-known Sri Lankan archeologist Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne.

Uttarakhand: The politics of disaster
Jul 01, 2013

Uttarakhand: The politics of disaster

Uttarakhand devastation would not have been so furious but for years of human greed, administrative and political connivance. We greedily ravaged nature beyond its tolerance and without any rules. When nature responded with a kind of pent up fury, our response was sluggish and confused.

Uzbekistan Bombings: A pattern
Apr 05, 2004

Uzbekistan Bombings: A pattern

The recent suicide bombings in Uzbekistan that killed more than 40 persons, mostly policemen, reveal an emerging pattern of terrorism in the region.

Vaccine confidence and rising case numbers pave the way for 35 million shots in India
Mar 18, 2021

Vaccine confidence and rising case numbers pave the way for 35 million shots in India

In the past week, India conducted approximately 8.9 million inoculations, with an average of almost 1.27 million doses a day.

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East
Dec 29, 2020

Vaccine Diplomacy: In 2021, the UAE will become the new vaccine hub of the Middle East

This “niche diplomacy” is expected to be one of the key guiding principles of Emirati foreign policy in 2021.

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 14, 2022

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific

As many countries in the Indo-Pacific struggle to meet their vaccination targets, India could spearhead a vaccine initiative in close collaboration wi

Vaccine nationalism exacerbates global faultlines
Feb 08, 2021

Vaccine nationalism exacerbates global faultlines

Wealthy nations have turned towards subsiding their own pharmaceutical companies and locking in vaccine supplies for their population.

Verdict 2004: Myths and Reality
May 26, 2004

Verdict 2004: Myths and Reality

Results of the 2004 parliamentary elections have generated a serious debate among scholars and analysts following the unexpected ouster of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the victory of the Congress-led coalition. Some see it as ¿the revenge of the poor against the pro-rich image of the government¿ and there are many who ascribe this to ¿the supposed maturity and ingenuity of the India voter¿.

Vice president calls for greater involvement of youngsters in S & T
Sep 27, 2013

Vice president calls for greater involvement of youngsters in S & T

Releasing ORF's latest book on China, the Vice President of India, Mr. M. Hamid Ansari, called for introspection and change of mindset to address the issue of India lagging behind China in the field of science and technology.

Vice President releases book on Late R. K. Mishra
Jun 29, 2010

Vice President releases book on Late R. K. Mishra

The Vice President of India, Shri. M. Hamid Ansari and the Union Finance Minister, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee, remembered the contributions of late Shri R.K. Mishra, ORF Founder Chairman, while releasing 'A Brahmin Without Caste: Remembering Rishi Kumar Mishra' -- a volume contributed by 56 personalities from different walks of life.

Vice President releases Indian Army Vision 2020
Apr 29, 2008

Vice President releases Indian Army Vision 2020

Indian Army Vision 2020, the new publication of Observer Research Foundation, was released in Delhi on Tuesday (April 29, 2008) by the Vice President of India, Mr. Mohammed Hamid Ansari.

Vietnam and America, 40 years on
Jul 13, 2015

Vietnam and America, 40 years on

Possible maritime cooperation with Vietnam and the US - a collaboration unimaginable until very recent times - will strengthen India's current approach to multilateral engagement to secure its strategic interests in the Indo-Pacific.

Vietnam and India-US Cooperation
Jun 15, 2015

Vietnam and India-US Cooperation

The India-U.S. Joint Vision and the mention of the South China Sea is India's strategic response to the growing Chinese naval profile in the Indian Ocean Region. In this context, US outreach to Vietnam and India's Act East policy are symbolic of India-U.S. cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

Vietnam ropes in stakeholders to  counter China territorial dispute
Jan 24, 2014

Vietnam ropes in stakeholders to counter China territorial dispute

Hanoi's decision in granting oil blocks to New Delhi could make China uneasy as Chinese foreign policy, especially towards the South China Sea and the East China Sea, has undergone a major shift in the last few years.

Vietnam's role in ASEAN
Oct 24, 2013

Vietnam's role in ASEAN

As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has worked hard to secure peace and reconciliation among Southeast Asian nations, which were once deeply divided by war.

Vietnam: Washington's new friend in the Asia Pacific
Jun 02, 2015

Vietnam: Washington's new friend in the Asia Pacific

The South China Sea dispute is today at the centre of the emerging geopolitical game in the Asia Pacific region. The growing US-Vietnam friendship will have a strong bearing on the direction of the changing regional security dynamics.

View from Exercise Malabar 2015
Nov 04, 2015

View from Exercise Malabar 2015

Indian Navy's reported lack of enthusiasm in increasing the number of participating ships and aircraft reflects the susceptibility of the Indian establishment to cave in to Chinese sensitivities. From a peak contribution of eight warships in 2007, the number has dropped to four this year.

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment
Dec 27, 2004

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An AssessmentD.S. Rajan

Voices within Pak for greater cooperation with India will be marginalised
Jan 13, 2014

Voices within Pak for greater cooperation with India will be marginalised

It is highly likely that the voices from within Pakistan that want greater cooperation with India and greater economic integration with the South Asian region in general will be marginalised.

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope
Mar 28, 2024

Von der Leyen walks the election tightrope

Although Von der Leyen has proved her mettle over the years, only time will tell if she would be able to maintain her legacy in other critical areas s

Vote against Iran: Abiding by 'good-behaviour norms'
Sep 28, 2005

Vote against Iran: Abiding by 'good-behaviour norms'

The debate about Iran's quest for nuclear energy is wholly enmeshed in the politics of US-Iran relationship. Iran is a signatory to the NPT and its additional protocol. It has obligations; it has rights. The focus of the west is on obligations, of Iran on rights. The North-South divide is reflected in the board of governors of the IAEA, with Russia and China supportive of the non-aligned who apprehend, as Washington Post put it,

Vote, both negative and positive
Feb 12, 2015

Vote, both negative and positive

Unlike the BJP, the focus of the AAP's campaign was not on lofty slogans, such as making a Delhi a 'smart city', but on issues that mattered to the public. No wonder it is commonly said that one should never underestimate the power of the common man.

Vulnerabilities in armed conflicts
Oct 31, 2013

Vulnerabilities in armed conflicts

There is no doubt that the armed forces personnel need some form of indemnification for killing or injuring non-combatants who get caught in the crossfire when the armed forces are acting in good faith in a counter-insurgency campaign.

Vyapam scam: State Govt has a lot to explain
Jul 28, 2015

Vyapam scam: State Govt has a lot to explain

The sheer magnitude of Vyapam has stunned people. The Bharatiya Janata Party, in power in Madhya Pradesh for the duration of Vyapam, is clearly answerable for the mess. Its government and chief minister have a lot to explain.

Waiting for Godot - Aircraft carriers for India
Aug 12, 2013

Waiting for Godot - Aircraft carriers for India

Aircraft carriers for India have been somewhat of a waiting for Godot. By the time the elusive Vikramaditya joins the Indian fleet, India's lone and ageing Viraat would have completed nearly 60 years of service and reached the stage to retire.

Wake up to the real world, EU!
May 11, 2012

Wake up to the real world, EU!

It is time for the European Union to wake up to the world they actually live in and now move towards the more workable paradigm of "Shared Interests and Shared Prosperity", acknowledging that beneath every façade, nations and societies share only one common value, that of 'self-preservation' based on 'self-interest'.

Wake-up Call from the North-East
Oct 06, 2004

Wake-up Call from the North-East

Twenty-six persons were killed and over a hundred injured by two explosions in Dimapur, the only railway station in Nagaland in India's North-East, on October 2, 2004, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The same day, in a series of co-ordinated attacks in different places in Assam, also in the North-East, involving the use of hand-held weapons, hand-granades and explosives,19 persons were killed.

Waking up to the BRICS
Aug 06, 2014

Waking up to the BRICS

In spite of its modest economic weight in the initial years, the New Development Bank (NDB) can change the ethos of development finance irreversibly. Rather than replacing or supplanting existing development finance institutions, the NDB will seek to supplement existing resources.