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How women can change the world
Mar 16, 2020

How women can change the world

Women participation in work force in a more “equal world” is a pillar of development that can help reconcile the “irreconcilable trinity.”

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup
Jan 05, 2022

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup

Intelligence agencies are prone to exaggerate an adversary’s capabilities. Indian intelligence in the mid-1970s, meanwhile, severely underestimated Pakistan’s nuclear cunning. For a crucial part of those years, India could not identify AQ Khan’s clandestine nuclear activities to acquire Uranium enrichment technology. This brief names three reasons: hubris, biases, and overlearning from one’s experiences. For New Delhi, this is as much a p

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan
Jul 11, 2011

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan

The furore generated in Pakistan over the al-Qaeda chief, Osama Bin Laden's death in 'Operation Geronimo' by the US forces is symptomatic of Pakistan's dilemma in the 'war against terror'.

Human rights and India's foreign policy
Mar 26, 2012

Human rights and India's foreign policy

India's vote at Geneva in favour of the UNHRC resolution critical of Sri Lanka possibly signals the increasing vulnerability of national interests to regional interests dictated by the necessity of coalition politics. India's this strategic folly would once again rebound to China's and Pakistan's advantage.

Human testing in India sees sense
Jul 29, 2013

Human testing in India sees sense

As the debate on using humans as guinea pigs rages across Asia, the rationale for developing new drugs, new treatments and new research is equally stronger. The solution lies somewhere in between where governments, pharmaceutical companies and those in medical profession have to wear ethical hats and delineate profit from greed.

Human trafficking across the BBIN subregional borders: Awaiting a concrete framework
Jul 30, 2022

Human trafficking across the BBIN subregional borders: Awaiting a concrete framework

Better border management and regulations need to be set in place by the BBIN member states to curb human trafficking in this region.

Hunting Grounds
Feb 16, 2006

Hunting Grounds

An international posse led by the US has set off along with a motley crowd hunting for one of the two remaining leaders of the Axis of Evil. The British are there, as always, galloping along close to the Americans. The Germans and the French have returned to the fold after staying away in the hunt for Saddam Hussein.

Hurdles ahead for the Unites States
Nov 17, 2020

Hurdles ahead for the Unites States

As Biden tries to consolidate his governance agenda, he will find that the challenges within his own party might be far more difficult to tackle

Hurt both ways, TN fishers 'hit' both ways?
Aug 19, 2013

Hurt both ways, TN fishers 'hit' both ways?

Tamil Nadu fishers have put their politicos on notice. Sympathise and empathise with them on their cause but not politicise it too much, as it may have become a hurdle and a hitch, not amounting to support and solutions.

Hybrid Pakistan
Mar 19, 2024

Hybrid Pakistan

India will be in no hurry to do business with its new management. Onus of rapprochement lies with Pakistan.

Hydro Power: Small Scale, New Context
Aug 08, 2011

Hydro Power: Small Scale, New Context

Our fascination with quantitatively large projects overlooks the small qualitative project developments like Small Hydro which offers a lot more scope for sustainable socio-economic and environmental development.

Hydropower in India: An update
Oct 12, 2023

Hydropower in India: An update

Though a market for electricity does not exist in India in the strictest sense, PHS cannot count on technical viability and environmental benefits to

Hydropower in the Himalayas: the economics that are often ignored
Mar 29, 2018

Hydropower in the Himalayas: the economics that are often ignored

China has forged ahead on developing hydropower, while other Himalayan nations have languished

I2U2 brings hi-tech food, clean energy projects
Jul 16, 2022

I2U2 brings hi-tech food, clean energy projects

The emergence of this new grouping is clearly an outcome of the Abraham Accords of Aug 2020 and the possibilities that they have created for Israel and the UAE to be on the same platform with India and the US. As President Biden moves to Saudi Arabia for the second leg of his visit to West Asia, we are likely to see a push towards integrating Israel through trade, technology, direct flights and people-to-people contact even with countries where f

IAF Accidents: A Report
Jul 28, 2003

IAF Accidents: A Report

The most quoted reason for aircraft accidents in the Indian Air Forces is the absence of Advanced Jet Trainers. It is a valid point but to blame the increasing number of accidents on one factor would be grossly misleading.

IAS Recruitment should be through Armed Forces
Sep 02, 2004

IAS Recruitment should be through Armed Forces

The central government is considering a proposal to select aspiring IAS and allied services candidates after the 12th standard with a view to catching them young for a career in the bureaucracy. Presumably, a new academy will be established for this purpose because the Mussoorie academy has a different charter.

IBSA and South-South Cooperation: An appraisal
Jun 20, 2018

IBSA and South-South Cooperation: An appraisal

Time and again, leaders from the global South have reaffirmed that people comes first and they should actively participate in the formulation and impl

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes
Sep 09, 2014

ICANN and GAC ? A Review of proposed byelaw changes

From an internet governance point of view, and the debate over the ITU staking its claim over managing the internet resources and taking over the ICANN functions, GAC's role is an important one, but which often finds itself as not having enough 'clout' in the ICANN decision making process.

ICC warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders: Challenges ahead
Jun 20, 2024

ICC warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders: Challenges ahead

The ICC's consideration of arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders highlights the complexities of achieving accountability in protracted con

iCET: Promises and challenges
Feb 17, 2023

iCET: Promises and challenges

If the iCET crystallises into concrete reality, it will bring great gains for India

ICG report on Nepal: Where it has gone wrong
Dec 30, 2011

ICG report on Nepal: Where it has gone wrong

Nepal's Prime Minister Bhattarai has difficult tasks ahead. His credibility has diminished following a heap of unpopular moves he resorted to. He has been criticised for seeking amnesty for rights violators and for his failure to deal with rampant corruption and worsening law and order situation.

ICJ’s judgement on the Rohingya and its challenges
Feb 10, 2020

ICJ’s judgement on the Rohingya and its challenges

Political will is extremely crucial since ICJ has no jurisdiction or legal apparatus over individual nations.

ICMR study on sudden deaths among youth
Dec 04, 2023

ICMR study on sudden deaths among youth

A recent paper by the Indian Council of Medical Research puts the popular theories linking the COVID-19 vaccination and the rise in sudden deaths amon

ICoC for Outer Space: Need to involve all major players
May 07, 2014

ICoC for Outer Space: Need to involve all major players

The EU's proposed International Code of Conduct (ICoC) for space activities would not be successful if major space actors stay out of the ICoC, according to Indian PM's Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, Amb. Rakesh Sood. He says the ICoC was welcomed simply due to the lack of alternate initiatives.

ICT Adoption and Productivity Gains in Indian Manufacturing
Jul 28, 2023

ICT Adoption and Productivity Gains in Indian Manufacturing

Adoption of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can affect the performance of firms in a variety of ways, including faster processing of information and products, the facilitation of changes in business practices and improved internal organisation and management. Indeed, much of the recent research on developed countries in this area has emphasised less the adoption decision per se than what adoption facilitates. In particular, ICT is

Identifying fault lines in Maharashtra’s gender budget for health and nutrition
Nov 27, 2021

Identifying fault lines in Maharashtra’s gender budget for health and nutrition

The Maharashtra government would need to invest heavily to undo the damage of the pandemic by instating beneficial programmes for women, girls and non

Identifying Pathways to ‘Net Zero’
Nov 02, 2021

Identifying Pathways to ‘Net Zero’

Current numbers demonstrate why a net-zero framework is needed, but also show that it is unlikely that direct funding from governments and voluntary f

Identity and Access in Uttar Pradesh
Jan 30, 2012

Identity and Access in Uttar Pradesh

The higher levels of development seen in the northern and southern Gangetic plains of Uttar Pradesh serves to highlight that successive governments have been unable to leverage the agricultural productivity of the region and enhance basic infrastructure throughout the state.

Identity and energy access in India:  Setting contexts for Rio+20
Jun 08, 2012

Identity and energy access in India: Setting contexts for Rio+20

India's macro position on equity at international fora such as Rio +20 must be reflected in its domestic resolve to offer energy equitably to its diverse population. The imperatives of creating a 'green economy' must only follow and complement such efforts.

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies
Feb 19, 2013

Ideological changes unlikely in China's domestic and foreign policies

A former director at the Cabinet Secretariat, D.S. Rajan, says that though India-China relations are peaceful for the time being, New Delhi cannot lower its guard as China's intentions are not clear with regard to the border issue.

If it sounds like mediation, it is mediation
Aug 21, 2019

If it sounds like mediation, it is mediation

India foiled US efforts to get involved in the '90s, when things were far worse in the Valley. Now through acts of commission, Modi has provided an opening for the US to enter.

If US troops exit Kabul, and the Taliban holds sway, Pakistan could unleash 'Ghazwa-e-Hind' against India
Dec 29, 2018

If US troops exit Kabul, and the Taliban holds sway, Pakistan could unleash 'Ghazwa-e-Hind' against India

We could soon see America leave Afghanistan's brutal war half-finished. The implications of this will be dreadful for ordinary Afghans. This is no good news for India either.

Ignore the Benaam Aadmi, there are middle class nightmares to fix
Jan 15, 2014

Ignore the Benaam Aadmi, there are middle class nightmares to fix

For a few years now, the Khaas Aadmis have been self-categorising into three typologies; the foreign-educated Indian, the Indian who has lived abroad and returned home, and lastly the Indians settled abroad who are still engaged in writing the country's script.

IIT, IIM is key to India’s knowledge diplomacy with Africa
Jul 14, 2023

IIT, IIM is key to India’s knowledge diplomacy with Africa

India’s efforts to bring world-class education to Africa can have far-reaching impacts. It will boost local economy, attract investments and foster a culture of innovation.

Imagining 2024: Digital Public Infrastructure’s global footprint
Dec 19, 2023

Imagining 2024: Digital Public Infrastructure’s global footprint

2024 will see a consolidation of global efforts to leverage the DPI model, and there are indications that the enthusiasm surrounding DPIs could infect

Imagining Greater India
Nov 06, 2014

Imagining Greater India

Modi has a rare opportunity to tap into the positive trends within the South Asian diaspora. An intensive engagement with them would be a valuable complement to Modi's declared strategy of befriending neighbours. Modi could signal the new approach by meeting their representatives during his Australia visit this month.

IMF के राहत पैकेज कितने असरदार: क्या रहा है पाकिस्तान का तजुर्बा
Aug 10, 2023

IMF के राहत पैकेज कितने असरदार: क्या रहा है पाकिस्तान का तजुर्बा

क्या वित्तीय परेशानियों से जूझ रहे पाकिस्तान के लिए IMF का �

IMF’s moderate response despite urgent climate needs
May 02, 2023

IMF’s moderate response despite urgent climate needs

The recent climate resilience loan packages that has been introduced by the IMF fall short

Immunisation coverage: India far away from meeting targets
Apr 06, 2017

Immunisation coverage: India far away from meeting targets

Immunisation coverage under national programmes is an important indicator to track advancement towards child health-related SDGs.

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development
Jun 24, 2020

Impact Investments in India: Towards Sustainable Development

Conventional investments cater to investors who intend to gain financial returns. Other investors whose aim is to generate a positive social or environmental impact at a decent rate of return, turn to “impact investments” for their purpose. Mobilised to finance social enterprises, impact investments assume three primary forms: embedded, integrated, and external. This paper discusses the ideas of impact investment and social enterprises, and o

Impact of COVID-19 on rural lives and livelihoods in India
Apr 20, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on rural lives and livelihoods in India

One can foresee many challenges as farmers and farm labourers set out to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

Impact of financial regulations on consumer financial behaviour
Jun 27, 2023

Impact of financial regulations on consumer financial behaviour

A balanced and flexible regulatory environment that can accommodate the changing needs of consumers while protecting their interests is required

Impact of gender reservation in Indian Urban Local Bodies
Oct 02, 2021

Impact of gender reservation in Indian Urban Local Bodies

There is a need to move beyond empowerment towards improving the ability of urban women to join and remain in the workforce

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India
Dec 26, 2023

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on terrorist radicalisation in India

With pan-Islamic and Pakistan-based terrorist organisations weaponising the deluge of footage from the Gaza Strip, their propaganda will impact terror