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High likelihood of China coming in to Indian Ocean, says Bengal Governor
Nov 27, 2013

High likelihood of China coming in to Indian Ocean, says Bengal Governor

West Bengal Governor M.K. Narayanan thinks that India must carve out an area of influence for herself as China has made it clear that it is not going to restrict itself to Western Pacific, and so, there is high likelihood that China will come into the Indian Ocean because of its interest in oil.

High on Revenue, Low on Capital: India’s Defence Budget 2023-24
Feb 11, 2023

High on Revenue, Low on Capital: India’s Defence Budget 2023-24

This brief examines India’s defence budget for 2023-24. It outlines the economic context for India’s latest defence allocations, and examines the drivers of growth, the broad distribution of resources among the defence forces, and the impact of such distribution on modernisation and the domestic defence industry. The brief posits that the new defence budget, coming on the back of a hefty mid-year upward revision of the previous alloca

High resolution picture in Kashmir
Feb 01, 2006

High resolution picture in Kashmir

It is becoming increasingly clear that a resolution to the Kashmir dispute cannot be delayed much longer if the peace process between India and Pakistan is to yield tangible results in the foreseeable future. This period cannot be longer than five years.

High time to assess internal security structures
Dec 11, 2014

High time to assess internal security structures

It is time that the Modi Government carried out a comprehensive assessment of our internal security structures and put in place measures to enhance their efficacy. Also, the feasibility of the earlier proposal by the army for permitting lateral movement of its personnel into the CAPF needs to be re-examined.

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?
Oct 14, 2014

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?

The government has to free India's top 50 institutions across all disciplines from the iron grip of UGC and AICTE. The institutions must be given the freedom to devise their own course curriculum. After all they have the best subject experts.

Highlights from the 8th Petro India 2009 conference
Nov 24, 2009

Highlights from the 8th Petro India 2009 conference

There is uncertainty in the availability of domestic coal and in this context there is probably a need to rethink India's energy security strategy based on domestic coal

Himalayan Triangle: A Historic Perspective
Nov 05, 2010

Himalayan Triangle: A Historic Perspective

Nepal's relationship with China has historical links and thus is not new. Their first recorded official engagement dates back to the middle of the seventh century when Nepal's adventurism in Tibet led to Chinese intervention in favour of the latter.

Himalayan upgrade
Nov 22, 2017

Himalayan upgrade

The elections in Nepal will complete the democratic transition. India must play an enabling role

Hitting the mark on defence exports
Jul 28, 2022

Hitting the mark on defence exports

Even a cursory look at the drivers of Indian defence exports reveals the salience of simplified industrial licensing, easing of export restrictions, and issuance of no-objection certificates

Hitting the sweet spot of demographic dividend
Mar 07, 2024

Hitting the sweet spot of demographic dividend

Fostering women's participation in the workforce is a cornerstone towards achieving not only a more equitable world but also promoting economic effici

Hizbut Tehrir Behind Afghan Violence?
May 13, 2005

Hizbut Tehrir Behind Afghan Violence?

This is the biggest protest campaign in Afghanistan since the ouster of the Taliban regime. This is bloody, widespread and countrywide.This also shows that they are fed up with the United States and they just needed a spark to vent their feelings.

home and the world indias dpi proposition
Nov 09, 2023

home and the world indias dpi proposition

India’s digital public infrastructure (DPI) model is a key offering to the world and is being considered, adopted or adapted by nations at varying s

Hong Kong protests put China in a quandary, says expert
Nov 08, 2014

Hong Kong protests put China in a quandary, says expert

The central administration in China is wary of a protracted confrontation about the public in Hong Kong, and considering the nature of the demand, a prolonged protest would certainly be an embarrassment to China in the global political arena, says a China expert.

Honour the forgotten Army
Feb 01, 2019

Honour the forgotten Army

It’s ironical that the military is treated as an appendage by those very institutions that ascended to power post-Independence after collaborating with the British

Hoodwinking as usual
Aug 01, 2005

Hoodwinking as usual

It does not require much investigation or analysis to prove that Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf is not really inclined to set his house in order when it comes to terrorism.Take his July 22 address to the nation. He seemed to be at pains to explain how Pakistan itself was a victim of terrorism.

Hope on Abe and Modi to take relations to a new height
Jul 16, 2014

Hope on Abe and Modi to take relations to a new height

There is a strong sense in Japan today that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi would take India-Japan relations to a new height, say senior officials and scholars in japan.

Hosting ASEAN
Jan 30, 2018

Hosting ASEAN

India must step up its economic game with Association of Southeast Asian Nations, political payoffs will follow

Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: Irrational challenges
Apr 17, 2024

Household Consumption Expenditure Survey: Irrational challenges

The changes brought to the Consumption Expenditure Survey have raised concerns over comparability with previous rounds of surveys

Household LPG access in India: An Update
Sep 21, 2022

Household LPG access in India: An Update

Nearly half of Indian households still use biomass for cooking. A credible transition to LPG or equivalent cooking fuels will come only when household

Household savings haven’t fallen
May 20, 2024

Household savings haven’t fallen

Household savings have merely moved from financial to physical assets, with an increase over time

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis
Jan 03, 2024

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis

States are no longer insulated from distant geopolitical realities. As India has witnessed, trade and supply chain linkages can extend conflicts to uninvolved states

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival
May 23, 2020

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival

As if COVID-19 was not enough, Amphan has not merely damaged infrastructure, rendered many homeless, and affected small businesses — but has imposed a cost on the West Bengal economy whose indelible impacts will be felt in the long-run.

How can BRICS survive amidst TTIP?
Jan 05, 2015

How can BRICS survive amidst TTIP?

With the US and EU, who together are responsible for the makeup of 46% of the world economy, preparing to enter into the largest trade deal in history, the TTIP, the question of how the BRICS adapt and consolidate their position globally is one that holds considerable relevance. The options available to the BRICS are limited.

How can cooperation with Taiwan benefit India and Maharashtra in the global supply chain shift?
Nov 29, 2021

How can cooperation with Taiwan benefit India and Maharashtra in the global supply chain shift?

Working in close partnership with Taiwan can bring benefits beyond the ICT sector for a state as diverse and skilled as Maharashtra

How can India wean away other states in face of Chinese hegemony designs?
May 15, 2017

How can India wean away other states in face of Chinese hegemony designs?

Sooner or later, other countries are going to see through China's plan, and India should cooperate with likeminded countries to help build infrastructure of littoral states

How central planning has groomed China
Jul 08, 2014

How central planning has groomed China

In 1990, China's GDP was roughly the same as India's and parts of its infrastructure, such as its railway system, were considered inferior. Today, China's GDP is around $9 trillion and India's is $2 trillion. The high speed train travelling at 300 kph from Shanghai to Beijing signals the extent to which China had pulled away from India.

How did Aam Aadmi Party fix Delhi’s broken government schools?
Feb 01, 2020

How did Aam Aadmi Party fix Delhi’s broken government schools?

While the AAP government has done well to change the perception on government run schools by infusing more funds and plucking low hanging fruits, many

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?
Mar 24, 2022

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?

What are the consequences of India's “balancing act” on the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on India's security and geopolitical interests wit

How do you measure new movements?
Apr 11, 2013

How do you measure new movements?

During a discussion on "Urban Middle Classes and the Ascent of New Politics in India" at ORF, it was noted that success should not be measured in terms of the ability to ensure successful electoral outcomes but as an attempt to make better societies.

How does India's launched K-4 stack up against Pakistan, China?
Feb 01, 2017

How does India's launched K-4 stack up against Pakistan, China?

Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the K-4 will be an intermediate range submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM).

How Fares the PMAY (U)? Taking Stock of India’s National Housing Programme
May 12, 2022

How Fares the PMAY (U)? Taking Stock of India’s National Housing Programme

Across India’s burgeoning cities, the supply of affordable homes is highly inadequate to keep pace with the growing need; as a result, slums and other informally built areas, where living conditions are extremely poor, have grown. In 2015 the Indian government implemented a national housing programme, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (urban) or PMAY (U) to bridge the gap in affordable housing. This report evaluates the progress of PMAY (U), and finds

How finance can deliver real environmental and climate impact
Apr 22, 2021

How finance can deliver real environmental and climate impact

The next few years will be critical to ensure the financial system is fit for purpose to deliver the financing needed to achieve environmental and oth

How hypersonic weapons are redefining warfare
May 02, 2024

How hypersonic weapons are redefining warfare

Given the growing relevance of hypersonic weapons, India needs to accelerate its efforts in their development and in the deterrence of these weapons.

How Important was Abu Azzam?
Sep 30, 2005

How Important was Abu Azzam?

Before the elections in the beginning of this year, the authorities of the Iraqi Government had announced warrants for the arrest of 29 Iraqis and foreigners, who, according to them, are either former members of the Saddam Hussein Government or part of the Abu Mus¿ab al-Zarqawi terrorist network of the Al Qaeda.

How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 18, 2017

How India and the US can lead in the Indo-Pacific

The stakes — who gets to construct the legal, economic, and military architecture of an integrated Indo-Pacific region — are enormous.

How India can beat China in Nepal
Apr 14, 2018

How India can beat China in Nepal

New Delhi must be hopeful that this successful visit will undo the damage done by the “unofficial blockade” of 2016.

How India deals with Pakistan and China
Jun 02, 2011

How India deals with Pakistan and China

It might be interesting to analyse our diplomatic handling of China and Pakistan on a comparative basis. These two countries pose the most difficult and complex foreign policy challenges to us. Is our approach to both countries similar, or there are differences in the way we engage them?

How India has actually done a great job in dealing with the Dragon
Nov 02, 2017

How India has actually done a great job in dealing with the Dragon

Despite the power differential, India successfully raised the cost of China’s land grab activities at Doklam, a feat that even the U.S. has struggled to accomplish in East Asia. While China was relentless in the pursuit of its goals, and had the resources to spend, India managed to call its bluff, and simultaneously allayed Bhutan’s concerns.

How India is catching up with China with the launch of Chandrayaan-2
Jul 22, 2019

How India is catching up with China with the launch of Chandrayaan-2

Chandrayaan-2, India's indigenous moon mission will set off for space, India's next mission will surely be to send humans to moon.

How India was forced to conduct the nuclear tests of 1998
May 09, 2023

How India was forced to conduct the nuclear tests of 1998

The Pokhran II tests took place when India was undergoing major domestic crises, but there was bipartisan consensus to enable India’s nuclear aspira