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Govt & India Inc: Time to diffuse the 'red lines'
Apr 30, 2018

Govt & India Inc: Time to diffuse the 'red lines'

Mr S. Jaishankar is reported to have said he was happy to join “the Tata Group… India’s most respected brand globally”.

Govt must reconsider allowing Indian maids in Saudi Arabia
Oct 12, 2015

Govt must reconsider allowing Indian maids in Saudi Arabia

In the latest despicable act of extreme cruelty, the arm of an Indian maid working in a Saudi Arabian household was chopped off by her employer. Since the royal in question was King Salman's son, there are no prizes for guessing that no member of the ruling family will be punished for this incident.

Govt should support farmers to augment production: Ex-WTO member
Dec 20, 2014

Govt should support farmers to augment production: Ex-WTO member

India's former member of the WTO Arbitration Committee, Dr. A.V. Ganesan, thinks that it would be unsustainable for India to rely on imported food grains, and hence it is imperative that India supports its farmers to augment food production to meet the domestic demand.

Govt slugfest with RBI finally ends in a draw
Nov 22, 2018

Govt slugfest with RBI finally ends in a draw

The RBI has sensibly shown selective flexibility to soothe angry government voices.

Graduating from emergency remote teaching to online higher education in India
Jun 03, 2020

Graduating from emergency remote teaching to online higher education in India

Even if a single student is left behind, the move to online teaching will remain unfair. In the longer term, the Central and state governments must co

Grave concerns about Pakistan
Feb 25, 2010

Grave concerns about Pakistan

A roundtable discussion at Observer Research Foundation was held on January 25 2010 to discuss the internal dynamics of Pakistan

Great expectations: Indo-Israeli defence deals
Jul 06, 2017

Great expectations: Indo-Israeli defence deals

India has been importing from Israel various weapons systems, missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles over the last few years, making India one of Israel's largest buyers of military hardware.

Great power berserk: Fair is foul, foul is fair
Jul 27, 2012

Great power berserk: Fair is foul, foul is fair

Has New Delhi forgotten its breast beating against cross-border terrorism in Kashmir atleast since 1989? How will it ever raise that issue again having voted along with the west which stands for cross border terrorism by US, France, UK, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey against Syria?

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR
Jul 12, 2017

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR

If OBOR is to be seen as China's 21st century Marshall Plan, the expanding economic influence would require deeper military commitments.

Great power politics is back with a twist
Dec 30, 2021

Great power politics is back with a twist

This year made it clear that the US-China strategic competition is not merely the figment of Donald Trump's imagination

Great Wall for China? Shaping China’s (mis)behaviour
Apr 20, 2020

Great Wall for China? Shaping China’s (mis)behaviour

Mitigating the adverse impact of Beijing’s crude ambition while simultaneously absorbing Chinese capital is a tough balancing act. Before making policy choices, India must rapidly improve its ability to monitor the full extent of economic exposure to China.

Great walls: Addressing domestic barriers to climate action projects in India
Dec 11, 2017

Great walls: Addressing domestic barriers to climate action projects in India

This report is part of the Observer Research Foundation’s “Financing Green Transitions” series which aims to find potential linkages between private capital, in all its forms, and climate action projects. The series will primarily examine domestic and international barriers to private capital entry for mitigation oriented climate projects, while also examining potential avenues for private capital flow entry towards adaptation and resilienc

Greater  India-Pak trade  interaction can dispel fears
Jul 31, 2013

Greater India-Pak trade interaction can dispel fears

The normalisation of trade between India and Pakistan could lead to preferential trade arrangement under SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Agreement of 1996). This would increase regional trade and stability.

Greater scope for cooperation: Kazakh envoy
May 12, 2007

Greater scope for cooperation: Kazakh envoy

There was a great scope for expanding economic ties between India and Kazakhstan, said Kazakh Ambassador to India, Kairat Umarov, at an interaction in Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi.

Greece needs realistic policy solutions
May 02, 2011

Greece needs realistic policy solutions

European policymakers seem to be taking an awfully long time to realize the fact that there cannot be general blanket solutions to the problems in the euro-zone. Every time a member nation is in trouble, the same few steps seem to be repeated.

Greece poll: A wake-up call to established parties
Mar 16, 2015

Greece poll: A wake-up call to established parties

The coming to power of a Left-leaning Syriza government in Greece is not because people supported their ideology but they wanted to protest against the economic stagnation caused by austerity programme, says Ramon Perez-Maura, Assistant Editor of leading Spanish daily, ABC.

Greek crisis hits the world
May 28, 2012

Greek crisis hits the world

Greece's problems, which started in 2009, are casting a deep shadow on world stock markets. India is also feeling the impact. The BSE Sensex took a deep plunge though it has recovered recently. The rupee has been falling in terms of the dollar during the last few weeks.

Greek crisis: Only Syriza Govt strategy to blame
Jul 07, 2015

Greek crisis: Only Syriza Govt strategy to blame

If the Syriza government in Greece had the foresight to seek technical assistance from the bureaucracy of any Latin American, African or Asian country on how to deal with agitated lenders, they would never have got into the mess they are in now.

Greek crisis: The geopolitical twist to Eurozone's troubles
Feb 23, 2015

Greek crisis: The geopolitical twist to Eurozone's troubles

Did Russia's quick response of offering the new Greek prime minister with financial aid to sail through the financial crisis help him bargain the new time line for debt rescheduling? Yes or not, the victory of the 'Left' PM in the Greek general elections has given a geo-political twist to Eurozone's troubles.

Green Bonds: The latest innovation in climate finance
May 12, 2014

Green Bonds: The latest innovation in climate finance

India spends over 2.6 per cent of its GDP to deal with challenges of climate change. Still, resource scarcity and other priorities make it a challenge to find matching financial resources for mitigating climate change. Green Bonds have the potential to significantly change the climate change landscape of India.

Green Hydrogen: An Opportunity for India-Africa Cooperation
Jan 16, 2023

Green Hydrogen: An Opportunity for India-Africa Cooperation

Although India and Africa have long shared close ties, engagement between the two regions is yet to reach its full potential. However, amid the global green transition and attempts to enhance energy security, green hydrogen—increasingly seen as the ‘fuel of the future’—could provide a new avenue for cooperation between the regions. Such a partnership, focused on building a global value chain for the large-scale adoption of green h

Green protectionism in the Global North: Implications for the Global South
Dec 05, 2023

Green protectionism in the Global North: Implications for the Global South

The barriers erected by the Global North are intended to facilitate domestic investment in green energy industries but they will curtail the productio

Green recovery pathway for India
Jan 30, 2021

Green recovery pathway for India

To mobilise a green, resilient and inclusive recovery, India will have to build stronger and broader partnerships domestically between central and sta

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India
Nov 17, 2020

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive economic and social fallout for India, as it has across the globe. In India, large numbers of people lost their jobs, and supply chains across industries and agriculture have been disrupted. At the same time, environmental indicators—notably air and freshwater quality—showed improvements following the long period of a nationwide lockdown. This brief outlines why India must make a focused decision to mov

Greening India’s transport sector
Jun 15, 2024

Greening India’s transport sector

India’s net-zero commitment depends on robust policies and strong institutional frameworks for decarbonising its transport sector.

Greening the roads: India's flex-fuel odyssey
Jan 23, 2024

Greening the roads: India's flex-fuel odyssey

As India forges ahead, integrating flex fuels into its cleaner and greener mobility narrative becomes essential, heralding a more sustainable future

Grexit and lessons for India
Jan 15, 2015

Grexit and lessons for India

Greece may be far away from India but the lessons to be drawn are many. Bringing down fiscal deficit through harsh austerity measures has brought Greece to the brink. India should also not cut the important social sector spending in order to bridge the fiscal deficit.

Grey areas of Indo-US diplomacy must be resolved
Dec 23, 2013

Grey areas of Indo-US diplomacy must be resolved

Why was Devyani Khobragade allowed to employ Sangeeta Richards in her home in the first place despite the fact that her father is employed with the US embassy in New Delhi? It is worrying that as of now Indian diplomats and consuls can take just about anybody they want with them for their posting overseas. There is no detailed dive on the assistant's threat perception nor periodic review of the likely vulnerability.

Grief in the time of COVID-19
Jan 21, 2022

Grief in the time of COVID-19

The incapability of processing grief after the death of loved ones during COVID-19 has showcased the need to address shortcomings in the mental health

Grim reality: India's informal labour force
Oct 06, 2020

Grim reality: India's informal labour force

The country has been grappling with low consumption demand for quite some time and the loss of livelihoods for the migrant workers would undoubtedly aggravate the problem

Groundswell of support for India’s ties with the US and the broader West
Aug 21, 2021

Groundswell of support for India’s ties with the US and the broader West

Beyond noting an overwhelming anti-China sentiment, the ORF Foreign Policy Survey’s findings also reflect the successes of India’s multidimensiona

Group instinct & the white tribals of America
May 21, 2018

Group instinct & the white tribals of America

While the rust belt voted Trump, it wasn’t because of its economic plight. The reasons were born of political tribalism.

Grow up India, time to set an uplifting agenda
Aug 22, 2018

Grow up India, time to set an uplifting agenda

By 2040, the proportion of the population below 34.5 years will fall to 50 per cent from 65 per cent today.

Growing agricultural stress in India
Mar 16, 2015

Growing agricultural stress in India

A lot of thinking should be done about how to reinvigorate agriculture because rural demand is important for reviving manufacturing sector. Agriculture is important also because 52 per cent of the population is still occupied in agriculture and it has a share of 17 per cent in the GDP.

Growing Chinese concerns over Japan-India Air Combat Exercise
Feb 14, 2023

Growing Chinese concerns over Japan-India Air Combat Exercise

For China, the Veer Guardian 2023 exercise comes as an ominous portent for the future

Growing differences on the future of nuclear energy in Japan
Jun 21, 2012

Growing differences on the future of nuclear energy in Japan

As the debate on restarting two nuclear reactors in Oi is hotting up in Japan, the Noda government needs to both give the newly announced nuclear regulatory body time to create the promised new regulations while also ensuring the people and industry do not suffer due to power shortage.

Growing UAE-Israel ties shows political intent to deepen relations between the two countries
Oct 22, 2022

Growing UAE-Israel ties shows political intent to deepen relations between the two countries

The bilateral relationship between Israel and UAE has moved ahead with surprising speed post the Abraham Accords

Growth must benefit all Better poverty-alleviation schemes needed
Dec 21, 2010

Growth must benefit all Better poverty-alleviation schemes needed

ON the economic front, there is much to cheer about with the GDP growing at 8.9 per cent in the second quarter of 2010-2011. There is now hope that the annual growth rate this fiscal year will be 9 per cent which means that India will be catching up with China soon

Growth of fear of crime among women needs to be addressed
Sep 03, 2013

Growth of fear of crime among women needs to be addressed

Everyday fears of violence against women have sharpened in the recent past. However they are increasingly being addressed by new prescriptive do and don't lists of precautionary measures for women. This is happening even while we consistently assert that the onus need not be on the women to keep themselves safe.

Growth too weak in Europe: Pierre Sellal
Jun 28, 2012

Growth too weak in Europe: Pierre Sellal

Growth is too weak in Europe today to support the necessary fiscal consolidation of the Member States. And without growth, there will be no budgetary and fiscal consolidation, says Pierre Sellal underlining the need for a growth pact.

Growth with high inflation - Who bothers about the common man?
Aug 17, 2010

Growth with high inflation - Who bothers about the common man?

While the common man or woman has to save for hard times and cut corners on everything, the same is not happening to the budgets of the Central and state governments.

GSLV Mk III: भारतीय सैन्य और नागरिक उद्यम पर अधिक ध्यान देना बेहद ज़रूरी है
Dec 06, 2022

GSLV Mk III: भारतीय सैन्य और नागरिक उद्यम पर अधिक ध्यान देना बेहद ज़रूरी है

वाणिज्यिक उद्यमों या अन्य सरकारी स्वामित्व वाले उद्यमो�

GSLV success: A major technology boost
Jan 07, 2014

GSLV success: A major technology boost

From a strategic perspective, the successful launch of the GSLV means India is self-reliant in the area of satellite launching, including heavier satellites. This also means that India will not have to depend on foreign agencies to carry their heavier payloads.

GSP Withdrawal: Likely impact on India
Jun 19, 2019

GSP Withdrawal: Likely impact on India

India should follow a path that does not make it overtly reliant on schemes from a developed country. It must instead use such benefits to improve the

GST is a marathon, not a 100-metre dash
Jun 30, 2017

GST is a marathon, not a 100-metre dash

India’s biggest fiscal and federal reform since independence will begin its maiden race at the stroke of midnight on 1 July with implementation of t