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Knowing one’s friends and allies: The politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic
Jun 16, 2020

Knowing one’s friends and allies: The politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic

For most coalitions — and especially so when they involve developing countries — there are usually doomsayers predicting its premature death. The

Kolkata hospital fire raises radiological concerns
Dec 16, 2011

Kolkata hospital fire raises radiological concerns

The recent hospital fire in Kolkata has raised several concerns on the issue of regulation of radiological units. After a review recently, the hospital's accreditation was kept in abeyance following non conformity with respect to its radiotherapy division.

Korea rising
Jul 19, 2013

Korea rising

As New Delhi and Seoul reconnect politically, the planned visit of President Park to India in the next few months provides an occasion to think boldly about the future of the bilateral partnership. If Delhi can look beyond China in its policies towards northeast Asia, it will find that South Korea can help develop very interesting strategic options for India.

Kurdish militants take control of border crossing
Oct 31, 2013

Kurdish militants take control of border crossing

Kurdish militants in Syria seized a border crossing with Iraq from Islamist rebels linked to al-Qaeda which had held the crossing since March, according to activists and an Iraqi official.

Kuwait elections: Will the National Assembly last full term this time?
Jul 30, 2013

Kuwait elections: Will the National Assembly last full term this time?

In the recent Kuwait elections, for the sixth time the National Assembly was re-elected in last seven years. Though the Assembly is supposed to be in term for four years, t it is usually dissolved by the Constitutional Court before the completion of its term.

Kyrgyzstan curse
May 11, 2005

Kyrgyzstan curse

What would be the impact, if any, of the recent crisis in Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia - that resulted in the overthrow of the government of Askar Akayev - on the growth of religious extremism in Central Asia in general and in Kyrgyzstan in particular?

Labor markets during pandemics
Jul 03, 2020

Labor markets during pandemics

A new specter is haunting the world – the specter of unemployment.

Labour’s tightrope on the Israel-Hamas war
Nov 30, 2023

Labour’s tightrope on the Israel-Hamas war

Starmer’s stance on the Israel-Hamas war is posing a serious threat to his leadership and electoral prospects

LAC पर भारत-चीन द्विपक्षीय वार्ताओं का ताज़ा दौर: चीन के नज़रिए की पड़ताल
Mar 27, 2023

LAC पर भारत-चीन द्विपक्षीय वार्ताओं का ताज़ा दौर: चीन के नज़रिए की पड़ताल

LAC पर चीन की भूमिका को तूल न देते हुए चीनी विमर्श ये संकेत द�

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert
Aug 02, 2014

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert

India neither has a well-defined bankruptcy legislation for businesses to close down systematically or special courts to take care of such issues; and, as a result the process becomes slower, says former Revenue Secretary M.R. Sivaraman.

Lack of clarity on legal nature of Paris deal a concern for India
May 21, 2015

Lack of clarity on legal nature of Paris deal a concern for India

Lack of clarity on the legal nature of the Paris deal and the INDCs has been a cause of concern for India. There has been a proposal for a kind of "hybrid agreement", which suggests that Paris deal will not actually be legally binding but have certain legally binding elements.

Lack of discussion on Chinese cyber capabilities
Oct 08, 2015

Lack of discussion on Chinese cyber capabilities

India's top military experts say the lack of clarity and differentiation between conventional and nuclear missiles in the 2nd Artillery Corps of the Chinese army (PLA) is a cause of concern for India. They also point out that there exists a lack of discussion on Chinese cyber capabilities or its command and control structures.

Lacunas in the nuclear liability bill need to be addressed
Jul 13, 2010

Lacunas in the nuclear liability bill need to be addressed

After in-depth discussion at a roundtable on the nuclear liability bill, the participants agreed that the bill in its present form has several lacunas which need to be addressed. And, an effort could be made to make the bill comprehensive in its reach.

Land acquisition: Learn from the States
May 12, 2015

Land acquisition: Learn from the States

The law makers from the government should know that the removal of two contentious provisions from the 2013 Land Act (LARR) would not end all the trouble facing land acquisition. Given land is a State subject, much would depend on how different states create "enabling conditions" for smooth acquisitions.

Land Boundary Agreement - New catalyst in Bangladesh-India ties
May 16, 2015

Land Boundary Agreement - New catalyst in Bangladesh-India ties

The passage of the Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) Protocol by Parliament not only removes all hurdles for the final settlement of India's longest border with any neighbour, but also paves the way for exchange of Enclaves and merger of Adverse Possessions by re-drawing the International Boundary (IB), also known as the Radcliffe Line.

Land deals in Africa: boon or bane?
Sep 17, 2011

Land deals in Africa: boon or bane?

The recent years have seen a new trend emerging in the African continent. Representatives from Western conglomerates have been shifting their focus to Africa in order to secure rights to the vast, untapped resources of the ecologically rich continent.

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream
Apr 13, 2015

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream

The land amendment bill, brought in by the Modi government, represents a crucial plank of his government's economic agenda to turbocharge Indian growth. The government would find it difficult to execute its Make-in-India policy without improving the legislative framework for land acquisition.

Land-boundary agreement will enhance friendship
Dec 05, 2014

Land-boundary agreement will enhance friendship

The India-Bangladesh relations got a major boost after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee declared to support the land-boundary agreement with the neighbouring nation.

Lanka official delegation visits ORF
Oct 09, 2006

Lanka official delegation visits ORF

An official delegation from Sri Lankan comprising Mr. Sunimal Fernando, Advisor to the President, and Mrs. Shirani Goonatilleke, Secretary of the government's Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP), visited Observer Research Foundation (ORF) on October 9, 2006, and had an interaction with the research faculty.

Lanka pit-stop
Nov 05, 2014

Lanka pit-stop

What Colombo and Beijing are telling Delhi is that Chinese naval presence in Sri Lanka is now routine and India should get used to it. Delhi quite clearly will find it hard to digest. But, if Delhi wants to limit or reverse Colombo's strategic tilt towards China, it should start with a comprehensive review of its policy towards Sri Lanka.

Lankan presidential poll through the global prism
Jan 18, 2010

Lankan presidential poll through the global prism

The comfort levels between the West and the UNP, with shared perceptions of liberal democracy and market capitalism is mutual

Dec 03, 2003


After 9-11, many Americans remember Pakistani dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf¿s speech to Pakistanis in English, in which he explained his U-turn on the Taliban and Al Qaida. Faced with a ¿with us or against us¿ ultimatum from an angry America, Gen.Musharraf told his rich Pakistani elite brethren that Pakistan had to finally ¿shun extremism¿ and join hands with the US.

Lashkar-e-Toiba is New Al Qaida Face
Jun 25, 2003

Lashkar-e-Toiba is New Al Qaida Face

These are clear indications that Lashkare-toiba, Harkat-ul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are poised to regroup and re-emerge in the coming months as part of Al Qaida¿s new plan to extend and consolidate its activities in the Middle East and Asia, especially Saudi Arabia and India.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less
Dec 29, 2020

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less

The pandemic has worsened the problems that Latin America and the Caribbean were already facing. 2021 will surely be challenging in terms of political

Launch of 'Getting India Back on Track: An Action Agenda on Reform'
Jun 11, 2014

Launch of 'Getting India Back on Track: An Action Agenda on Reform'

How the country and its political establishment need to factor in exigencies and work efficiently and cohesively towards rejuvenating the prospects for India, was the focal point of the panel discussion on the occasion of the launch of the book 'Getting India Back on Track: An Action Agenda on Reform'.

Law on food security: Time to focus on farm productivity
Feb 03, 2012

Law on food security: Time to focus on farm productivity

The proposed Food Security Act will cost the government around Rs 100,000 crore a year. Though it is big money, especially when the economy is on downslide, when lots of money were spent on events like the Commonwealth Games and industry given huge tax sops.

Laying new BRICS in Durban
Mar 26, 2013

Laying new BRICS in Durban

China will have to act selflessly if it wants to build alternative institutional arrangements that look at development from the emerging economies prism. The BRICS will also have to be careful about what it regards as its core strength. So far, it has largely been perceived to be pushing for an alternative economic development paradigm.

Leakgate: Govt needs more transparency, not less
Mar 31, 2015

Leakgate: Govt needs more transparency, not less

For a government committed to 'minimum government, maximum governance' it is time that policy making in key economic ministries become far more open and consultative, its acts and actions predictable. In the long run, that is the only way to ensure that policies for the auctions of licenses, processes of tendering and award, and actions to ensure their implementation -- are not subject to capture by select coteries.

Leaks Legitimize Conspiracy Theories
Dec 11, 2010

Leaks Legitimize Conspiracy Theories

Wikileaks has not only knocked open the door on 250,000 secret diplomatic cables, it may also have inaugurated an era when audacious discourse will not be placed under the stifling blanket of that expression - "Conspiracy Theory".

Leapfrog? Just a chimera chase
Apr 16, 2018

Leapfrog? Just a chimera chase

A reworked bid gifts India the prospect of owning 110 medium-role combat aircraft. Nevertheless, the IAF may be down to 15 squadrons by 2032.

Learning from the 'new American'
Jun 21, 2004

Learning from the 'new American'

The successive torture and slaying of individual Americans in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Gulf region has a new message for the civilized world. Whatever be the rationale behind the decision-making at the governmental-level, the average American is ready for a long engagement with terrorism and terrorists.

Learning from the old, preparing for the new: Designing an institutional architecture for India’s development partnerships
Mar 24, 2017

Learning from the old, preparing for the new: Designing an institutional architecture for India’s development partnerships

India’s increasing economic and political clout has prompted a spurt in the volume and complexity of its overseas development assistance. Looking ahead, the largest incremental capital for global development and infrastructure beyond what exists today will also come from India as the value of its economy grows from $2 trillion to roughly $7 trillion by 2030. However, the DPA – India’s development cooperation agency – is yet to assume an a

Learning the lessons of Phailin to prevent the next tragedy
Oct 21, 2013

Learning the lessons of Phailin to prevent the next tragedy

India handled Cyclone Phailin very well. Now, it is better for the system to learn a few lessons and not just prepare for the next big one, but also figure out ways of dealing with the smaller and completely needless tragedies that occur across the country because crowds have not been properly managed at a festival, or buses and ferries.

Learning to live with Pakistan - terrorism and worse?
Mar 12, 2019

Learning to live with Pakistan - terrorism and worse?

The broad arguments for the war-psyche in India just now are based on the incontrovertible belief that Pakistan, whether Deep State or not, is incorri

Leaving no one behind: Transgender inclusion in India's sustainable development
Nov 28, 2023

Leaving no one behind: Transgender inclusion in India's sustainable development

Implementing inclusive policies aligned with SDGs is crucial to counteract discrimination against transgender in India

Leaving the Hotel: West needs to leave its fruitless search for common values and instead negotiate global governance in a realist  ...
Dec 03, 2012

Leaving the Hotel: West needs to leave its fruitless search for common values and instead negotiate global governance in a realist world

Nations will not have common values, because nations themselves are a collection of diverse historical experiences and ambitions. However, there is no need to throw in the towel over global governance, for nations can have a vision for shared prosperity with different approaches to get there.

Lebanon’s economy is in free fall 
May 26, 2020

Lebanon’s economy is in free fall 

While the coronavirus lockdown has certainly exacerbated the economic collapse and the protests that engulfed the country in October caused panic —

Left or Right, the story is the same
Oct 30, 2015

Left or Right, the story is the same

Indian polity is a prisoner of 'Luddism'. Left or right, it needs someone who can act as a change agent. Between the Congress and a confused BJP is the third force, the real Luddite socialists -- a conglomeration of SP, BSP, JD-U, TMC and a sprinkling of others. India unfortunately is caught between these forces, devastating its economic paradigm.

Left out to Center: Why BRICS is important to Brazil
Mar 25, 2013

Left out to Center: Why BRICS is important to Brazil

For Brazil, there are multiple opportunities within BRICS, not limited to the economic sphere. In many ways, the grouping brings Brazil from the left corner of the world map to the center, where the geopolitical theatre is most active; in Asia and the Indo-Pacific.

Left Wing Extremism in India
Dec 18, 2003

Left Wing Extremism in India

Left-wing extremists, popularly known as Maoists worldwide and as Naxalites1 in India--have been gaining in strength and influence since some time. Today, the menace of Left-wing extremism is the single internal security threat that affects the largest number of States in India.

Legally empowering India's intelligence and enforcement structures
Dec 09, 2009

Legally empowering India's intelligence and enforcement structures

A number of legal frameworks and paradigms exist. But whether India's should be brought in from outside or adapted within the country to suit national requirements is a key decision to be made